Bank of America will stop lending to gun makers

Bank of America pissed me off years ago. Bank of China, Bank of Cathay has branches all over.
Will liberals rejoice at this while being aghast at bakeries refusing to make cakes for gay weddings?
Bank of America to stop lending to military-style weapons makers

Let our wallets do the talking. I stopped using these morons when they started giving illegals a chance to get a bank account....ain't been back since and I never will.
Another victory for the Never Again movement.
By making your market of people who will do business with you smaller.....not exactly a smart move.
Will liberals rejoice at this while being aghast at bakeries refusing to make cakes for gay weddings?
Hell no! Libtards don't believe in EQUALITY for EVERYONE they just believe in equality when its something THEY approve of.
Bank of America to stop lending to military-style weapons makers

Let our wallets do the talking. I stopped using these morons when they started giving illegals a chance to get a bank account....ain't been back since and I never will.
Another victory for the Never Again movement.

I thought you were of the opinion that businesses need to accommodate all customers.

Oh of course not, anything goes as long as it serves your holier than thou bat shit crazy leftist agenda.
Bank of America to stop lending to military-style weapons makers

Let our wallets do the talking. I stopped using these morons when they started giving illegals a chance to get a bank account....ain't been back since and I never will.

All they are going to do is make it more difficult and possibly expensive for companies to make these weapons, which in turn will increase the prices.

As such, they will be denying people with less means the ability to buy such weapons. There are apparently 10 million of such weapons in the U.S. This means little other than to piss off a few customers.
BOA is despicable. But not for this. For their practices that harm their customers. I left those assholes a long time ago. Now I use a credit union.

But, given the huge swing against the NRA in specific, and guns in general, not lending money to gun manufacturers may be a reasonable thing to do until they see how things will shake out. A significant change in gun laws could do serious harm to the manufacturers. After all, we have been on a nonstop buying spree for years.
Republicans are giving Bank of America the Laura Ingraham treatment they claim to hate.
BOA is despicable. But not for this. For their practices that harm their customers. I left those assholes a long time ago. Now I use a credit union.

But, given the huge swing against the NRA in specific, and guns in general, not lending money to gun manufacturers may be a reasonable thing to do until they see how things will shake out. A significant change in gun laws could do serious harm to the manufacturers. After all, we have been on a nonstop buying spree for years.

BoA is certainly a company that could use with image enhancement; they've been involved in a number of big scandals in the past couple of decades.

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