Bankocracy must be destroyed

As for the issues of trade and trade turnover, here the first measure is maximum decentralization and minimum intermediation
Nowadays it is technically easier. There is an Internet through which the buyer himself can find the seller. This is a positive trend for the right.
The trading system can be described in 2 words as follows: the more the intermediary receives, the less the manufacturer receives. Hence the mercantile power over the working people. Merchants merge with banks, banks replace the state and we get socialism.
And in general, any mediation in trade can be liquidated at all.
Who claimed full coverage? Where?
Read the history described by the Austrians. The concept of fractional reservation appeared de facto when they were exposed. No one initially said that their tickets were not backed by real gold in full, there was no concept of "partial reserve". They simply guaranteed the gold on demand, but when there was a hype, the scams were opened
Read the history described by the Austrians. The concept of fractional reservation appeared de facto when they were exposed. No one initially said that their tickets were not backed by real gold in full, there was no concept of "partial reserve". They simply guaranteed the gold on demand, but when there was a hype, the scams were opened

You made the claim, post the proof.
Where did the Austrians say that a bank has 100% coverage?
Jerk. It was supposed. When you receive a bilet of bank backed by gold, they do not write to you that you take the risks of bankruptcy in the event of massive gold buybacks
honestly they should have written: we "guarantee" the exchange for gold with a 10% probability. Whether it's a scam or not, I don't care.
You just don't understand finance
The Most Valuable Human Resources Are Wasted Because Unpaid Education Is an Inhuman Incentive

It's the incompetent bankers and the parasites they lend to who cause the problem. Investment is needed to take advantage of resources and market opportunities; no one can save for years to get what he needs to start producing. A reserve is needed when the local banks are fully loaned-out and unable to finance all the available opportunities.

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