Bannon calls Trump team Russia meeting 'treasonous,' according to book

Trumpets are not representative of the republican party. There are still some good repugs out there, I wish they would multiply and be a little more vocal though!

Trump has made a lot of enemies, many, inside the the republican party.

If this all pans out to be true, trump is as good as out the door.
At the cost of 1.5 to 2 trillion-plus in BS Tax Cuts for the 1%.
And the end to the GOP /DOPer 40 years voting partnership to that 35% of sick mental Douche voters.
So, Make America Good Again. Never voter Repugger. As seen by the Great Douche Administration
of 1 % Criminals raping America .
Trumpets are not representative of the republican party. There are still some good repugs out there, I wish they would multiply and be a little more vocal though!

I said 35% are sick. And I will never have any respect for the other Repuggers who voted for the FlimFlam, Grifter, Con Man, Great Douche. They should be reminded of the damage they have done to America. Obama and Dudya were not Anti-America. The Great Douche IS!
Trumpets are not representative of the republican party. There are still some good repugs out there, I wish they would multiply and be a little more vocal though!

Trump has made a lot of enemies, many, inside the the republican party.

The GOP sold out America for the 2016 Tax Cut. As their years of YUGE BS lies are coming to end their collective union of GOP/DOPers. As they are Fully EXPOSED. Many of my know Repuggers will never vote Repuggers again. That's a good 15! And my Conservative views, still make RW Conservatives look like weak Morons. I feel the future will reverse all Great Douche signed laws an EO's. Dems are always the clean crew, taking the hits to do the right thangs. That Make Real Americans PROUD!

btw: This only happens, if we are not in any nuke wars. We can stop others, as done before. America always loses wars now. Just the facts.

YEP! All Repugger own this. And they are...Still connected to their POS DOUCHE FOREVER!


They were labeled right after ALL!
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Trumpets are not representative of the republican party. There are still some good repugs out there, I wish they would multiply and be a little more vocal though!

Trump has made a lot of enemies, many, inside the the republican party.

The GOP sold out America for the 2016 Tax Cut. As their years of YUGE BS lies are coming to end their collective union of GOP/DOPers. As they are Fully EXPOSED. Many of my know Repuggers will never vote Repuggers again. That's a good 15! And my Conservative views still make RW Conservative look like weak Morons. I feel the future will reverse all Great Douche signed laws an EO's. Dems are always the clean crew, taking the hits to do the right thangs. That Make Real Americans PROUD!

btw: This only happens, if we are not in any nuke wars. We can stop others, as done before. America always loses wars now. Just the facts.
I am not saying the party does not have it's problems it does. I do n ot think the contiuation of these issues is a good thing in the long run though. I hope they come back to their senses at some point in time. Many of them are sick, but some are still the same people we used to love and respect.
Good Luck! LOL! They are Sick and there are no cures for them. There is 35% of the GOP voters, Called the 'DOPers' that should
be sent to the Middle East or Afghanistan to live.
As they have few laws and little, too no Gobmint or an IRS THERE! The DOPer DREAM LIFE! Free to be armed with fully Auto machine guns,
bombs, and rockets to kill all in their hoods they don't like.
Trump responded to Bannon.


Let's take a look at Trump's non-judgemental assertions in his statement:
  • "Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency."
    • Perhaps that's factually accurate now; however, that is not an accurate representation of Bannon's role during the campaign or in the early days of the Trump presidency. Bannon was Trump's campaign CEO.
    • Bannon was Trump's chief strategist in the WH.
  • "When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind."
    • Maybe Bannon was fired. Maybe he wasn't. That's not ever been made clear to me, but it is clear he left the WH, and that's about all that matters.
    • As for who's lost their mind, well, this is merely another instance of Trump levying a charge that's often levied at him.
  • "Steve had very little to do with our historic victory."
    • Clearly not true. Bannon was the campaign CEO. Of Bannon, Trump said:
      • "I have known Steve and Kellyanne both for many years. They are extremely capable, highly qualified people who love to win and know how to win."
      • "I believe we're adding some of the best talents in politics, with the experience and expertise needed to defeat Hillary Clinton in November and continue to share my message and vision to Make America Great Again."
      • According to The Atlantic:

        When Bannon was fired, in August, he promised to go to war, but at the time he portrayed this as a war against Trump’s enemies, fought from the outside, and told The Weekly Standard’s Peter Boyer that the president had encouraged him. “I said, ‘Look, I’ll focus on going after the establishment,’” Bannon said. “He said, ‘Good, I need that.’ I said, ‘Look, I’ll always be here covering for you.’”
  • "Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama."
    • That may be true, but Trump endorsed Moore and nobody but Trump made Trump do that. Too, the corollary to Trump's rebuff is that Trump hadn't enough to do with Moore's efforts so as to ensure that Moore won. And, as with Trump's endorsement of Moore, nobody but Trump is culpable for that.
  • "[Bannon] spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media. It is the only thing he does well."
    • Be that as it may, he obviously did so with Trump's approbation.
    • Wow! So which set of Trump's (his Administration's/WH's) lies are we to believe, the old ones or the new ones? Either:
      • Trump's claim here is true, in which case it's a tacit attestation from Trump himself that his WH has actively engaged in disinformation, or
      • Trump's claim here is false, in which case, it's is ineffectual as a basis for one's discounting Bannon's.
You going to call Bannon a lib!Now you have lost all credibility. Look into who bannon is and then try to get rid of previous post!
No you must have misread my post...I said a diversion...if any of you libs think Bannon is not working with Trump you are crazy...

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