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Yeah. I've come to the conclusion that it's true that none of this matters to them, no matter what comes out, no matter what happens regarding the law or trials or sworn testimony or clear evidence.

I've mentioned earlier -- they've essentially suspended regard to laws or ethics or courts or elections or the Constitution. They're at war, and they figure they'll get back to that other stuff when they have "saved America" from "evil."

I think the rest of us need to wake up to that.
Right back at you.
I love this part of the prosecution...

The Justice Department began closing arguments Friday morning with prosecutor Molly Gaston telling jurors, "This is a man who didn’t show up."

"He didn’t want to recognize Congress’ authority or play by the government’s rules," Gaston said. "Our government only works if people show up and play by the rules and are held accountable when they do not."


Steve Bannon found guilty of contempt of Congress for ignoring January 6 hearing subpoena

I love this part of the prosecution...

The Justice Department began closing arguments Friday morning with prosecutor Molly Gaston telling jurors, "This is a man who didn’t show up."

"He didn’t want to recognize Congress’ authority or play by the government’s rules," Gaston said. "Our government only works if people show up and play by the rules and are held accountable when they do not."


Steve Bannon found guilty of contempt of Congress for ignoring January 6 hearing subpoena

Mac will completely ignore the fucking shit out of this question.

Because he's nothing but a fake independent partisan stooge.
Mac will completely ignore the fucking shit out of this question.

Because he's nothing but a fake independent partisan stooge.
You're not telling me anything I don't know.

Did he tell you he was an independent?

He's lying though his teeth.

I'll dig up the post where he comes clean that he is a leftist though and though.

Guys as fake as a wooden nickel.

Him and Golfing Gator...two lyin' peas in the same lyin' pod.
It goes to show how far a crooked administration can get when the media is on board as the propaganda arm. The last time somebody was convicted of contempt of congress was during Watergate.
Anything to avoid talking about the 10% inflation you voted for, right?


When you make $9.50 an hour posting on a message board.
You have bigger concerns.

I'm a teacher for 37 years.
You.....? $9.50 per hour.
I understand why you are so upset.

It's NOT Biden, It's your inability to gather and hold a real job.
If so, what is your OTHER job while you are not posting 8am-4pm M-F?

I'm predicting marvin martian can't answer.

marvin martian ?????

You got a real job besides the 8-4 M-F gig here on USMB?
What is your OTHER job? marvin martian ??????

You post here, 8-4 M-F
Does it ^^^^ support you?
When you make $9.50 an hour posting on a message board.
You have bigger concerns.

I'm a teacher for 37 years.
You.....? $9.50 per hour.
I understand why you are so upset.

It's NOT Biden, It's your inability to gather and hold a real job.
If so, what is your OTHER job while you are not posting 8am-4pm M-F?

I'm predicting marvin martian can't answer.

Oh gawd, that explains a lot.
Speak DIRECTLY to me theHawk
You defend MM for being a troll, but despise ME for serving the PUBLIC.
MM has no useful purpose.
You're not telling me anything I don't know.

Did he tell you he was an independent?

He's lying though his teeth.

I'll dig up the post where he comes clean that he is a leftist though and though.

Guys as fake as a wooden nickel.

Him and Golfing Gator...two lyin' peas in the same lyin' pod.
Golfing Gator is a real independent (libertarian). He just sympathizes with lefties on some liberty issues, as do I.

Mac is a full-blown partisan hack. This thread proves he gives not one single fuck about equal protection or justice.
"The Democrats - more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it - that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. You're gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy. And Trump's gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out, 'You lose. I'm the winner. I'm the king.' And he'll be all over. He'll be going, 'Where's Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack pipe?' I mean, no, he'll be - because then it doesn't matter. Remember. Here's the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's going to fire Wray, the FBI director. He's going to say, 'Fuck you! How about that?' Because he's never going to - he's done his last election. Oh he's going to be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy.

"Also, if Trump - if Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, 'They stole it. I'm directing the Attorney General to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states.' It's gonna be no, he's not going out easy. If Trump - if Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit."

Smoking. Gun.

The game plan for the Big Lie was all laid out before the election.
He sure was loud and confident on his podcast and in front of the cameras.

"This will be the misdemeanor from HELL!" he screamed.

Get them in court, WHERE THEY'RE UNDER OATH, or FACING A JUDGE, and they become quiet little bunnies.

Just how will they punish him?
Speak DIRECTLY to me @theHawk
You defend MM for being a troll, but despise ME for serving the PUBLIC.
MM has no useful purpose.
I don’t see MM being a “troll”.

I despise you for being an idiot. Being a teacher isn’t “serving the public”, give us a break.
Steve Bannon, who offered to testify live on TV convicted. Guy who attempts to MURDER New York Republican candidate release on cashless bail. What a world the leftists have created.

  1. Bannon had no conceivable reason that the Chunky Committee so needed to talk to him about anything; he was just a minor associate of the Trump campaign who left way back in 2017 and had no connection bodily or otherwise with what happened in 2021, so you know this was all just more leftwing political theater designed to keep their cult thinking they've somehow made "progress."
  2. Might doesn't make right. The Left are so busy celebrating this empty victory they haven't stopped yet to consider what they have really accomplished now that in the future, any of THEIR presidential associates close to the president will now similarly be vulnerable to a total loss of privacy and protection as well, thus affecting what and how any of them advise future presidents and how this will affect future administrations functioning.
  3. The whole comedy court show was such a joke that basically the judge told Bannon that he wasn't allowed to defend himself and disallowed all of his defenses! Drumhead justice! What a great tool this will be next year when the entire Bidem administration and dozens within the DNC are put on trial next year and all of their defenses are disallowed!
  4. All they've really accomplished here is that Bannon might get a slap on the wrist and serve a few months community service for nothing while making him both an even more fiercely determined enemy as well as a martyr now for the Right mobilizing yet more opposition against the Left for the Anvil & Tong hammering coming for the Left in just 17 weeks!
  5. When Bannon gets out later this year, I can't wait to see the lawsuits he will be filing! :auiqs.jpg:

Golfing Gator is a real independent (libertarian). He just sympathizes with lefties on some liberty issues, as do I.

Mac is a full-blown partisan hack. This thread proves he gives not one single fuck about equal protection or justice.
I'm not so sure.

He'll say he's opposed to abortion then defend Roe.

He'll say "I follow Jesus" then blast Christians.

I've never seen the fellow defend one libertarian position.

Except opposing gun control...which is also a tenet of Marxism.

"The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff. ... [The aim is] that the bourgeois democratic Government not only immediately loses all backing among the workers, but from the commencement finds itself under the supervision and threats of authorities behind whom stands the entire mass of the working class. ...As soon as the new Government is established they will commence to fight the workers. In order that this party (i.e., the democrats) whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."

- Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850)

He sure was loud and confident on his podcast and in front of the cameras.

"This will be the misdemeanor from HELL!" he screamed.

Get them in court, WHERE THEY'RE UNDER OATH, or FACING A JUDGE, and they become quiet little bunnies.

Judge? Court?
There was no judge and there was no court.
And he said he would testify if they broadcasted it live.

The guy is sleazeball... and an idiot, all he had to do was show up and plead the 5th 40 times in a row.
I don’t see MM being a “troll”.

I despise you for being an idiot. Being a teacher isn’t “serving the public”, give us a break.
Lay it out
you and toobfreak marvin martian

Please detail any problems you have with me as a public school teacher of 37 years.
Don't group me into the "crowd" be it grommets, indoctrinators, communists, etc.

Please, tell me and detail why I'm "whatever"
I'm up to defending myself.

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