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Lay it out
you and toobfreak marvin martian

Please detail any problems you have with me as a public school teacher of 37 years.
Don't group me into the "crowd" be it grommets, indoctrinators, communists, etc.

Please, tell me and detail why I'm "whatever"
I'm up to defending myself.


Your history of posts shows you to be an idiot. Look them up yourself. I don’t document our resident leftwing idiots in order to “prove” my own opinion of them.
Whatever dude.

I want to hear your next question.
What would you like to ask?
Except opposing gun control...which is also a tenet of Marxism.

"The arming of the whole proletariat with rifles, guns, and ammunition should be carried out at once [and] the workers must ... organize themselves into an independent guard, with their own chiefs and general staff. ... [The aim is] that the bourgeois democratic Government not only immediately loses all backing among the workers, but from the commencement finds itself under the supervision and threats of authorities behind whom stands the entire mass of the working class. ...As soon as the new Government is established they will commence to fight the workers. In order that this party (i.e., the democrats) whose betrayal of the workers will begin with the first hour of victory, should be frustrated in its nefarious work, it is necessary to organize and arm the proletariat."​
- Karl Marx, Address to the Communist League (1850)​
Sure, a revolutionary wants everyone to be armed for the revolution.

But once the Soviets took over, they undertook a massive gun seizure. They declared in December 1918 that everyone had to surrender their weapons. Any weapons allowed to remain in the hands of the Soviet people had to be assigned to an individual and logged.

“1. As a means to benefit the entire population, all institutions within civil society, are to hand over all the serviceable and faulty rifles, machine guns and revolvers of all types, including cartridges and ammunition of any pattern;

2. For concealment of weapons, failure to surrender or opposition to the surrender of any guilty persons will result in imprisonment for a period of from one year to ten … ”

Congress is contemptible for lying about Trump one more time for Patriotic Americans accepting a Capitol Cop's invitation for them to walk right in to the Capitol building,, but since Pelosi has all power to continue deceptive and false charges, so Steve Bannon may well be treated harshly for refusing to allow the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch exercise power over confidential matters in the Executive Branch that he worked in and had knowledge of. What I wonder, is why are the communist-pushing Democrats so eager to turn our freedoms into a sinister governing mode that is so assertive it has historically killed off half the people or more in large Communist countries--Communist Chinese leader Mao killed off 100 million of his own citizens during WWII until he had no opposition to anything in his world of power over everybody in his country. The Chinese people paid a staggering price for Mao to have no dissenting voices in his iron-fisted rule. Russia's Stalin followed suit with what some say was also 100 million Russians, but historians who did not wish to be on Stalin's hit list wrote the fantasy that he only killed 20,000,000 to achieve dominance in the landwise largest country in the world, the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic, aka USSR when I was in school. When the Wall was torn down in Berlin on President George HW Bush's presidency years, the USSR changed its name back to the pre-Bolshevik name of Russia. I'm sorry, but Communism's entrance into a country kills off the good and leaves the bad in charge. And right now, the Bad in Russia are killing children and civilian adults in the Ukraine for coveting the country's mineral wealth. And I'm sick of communism in the world. It does nothing but create trouble for everybody else in the world. I hope the entire booby trap the Democrats are setting up for this nation reverses this year, but how can we with no confidence in the polling places any more because of Nancy Pelosi's greed for ill-gotten wealth and unheard of power-grabbing.


Steve Bannon's Trial Is Giving His Podcast a Boost
The podcast, Bannon's War Room, has risen to a monthly high rank of 44 among all U.S. podcasts on Apple podcasts, according to podcast metrics company Chartable. Bannon's War Room is also still in the top 10 news podcasts on Apple's streaming service.
In fact, the relative rank of Bannon's podcast can be directly corralated with the build-up to the trial, as Newsweek's graphic shows.
While the lead-up to the trial has led to an increase in listeners to the podcast, there have also been times recently where The War Room's popularity took a noticeable dip. The podcast's ranking fell after he called for an "army of the awakened" to "shatter" Democrats on June 25.
However, there have been two notable spikes. One is when Bannon took Joe Rogan to task for saying that he wouldn't have Donald Trump on his podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience.
"By the way, I'm not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form," Rogan said on his show. "I've had the opportunity to have him on my show more than once — I've said no, every time. I don't want to help him."
Bannon fired back on his own podcast. "You got Joe Rogan over there, trash-talking Trump. I don't give Trump any platform. No offense. He doesn't need your platform. He doesn't need your low-information voters," he said.
At this point, Bannon's podcast took a leap over a few days from ranking 160th among all podcasts to 61st.

The other major spike has been Bannon's trial, which started this week. The podcast has moved to 44th, the highest in the data available, up from 92nd.
He's definitely a hero in the orange universe, and this will only add to his bona fides. He's a True Believer who wants to bring it all down, and he has said so.

They love him even though he defrauded them. That's how intense this madness is.

Still, these people have to be punished for they have done, and what they're doing. They can't be rewarded for this.
when did you get so stupid you enjoy seeing dozens of threads on the same topic?
Prayers up for Steve Bannon. As I see it, he was right to not further damage the Executive Branch by going with the attempt to destroy the Founder's separation of powers of the three branches of government.
Congress is contemptible for lying about Trump one more time for Patriotic Americans accepting a Capitol Cop's invitation for them to walk right in to the Capitol building,, but since Pelosi has all power to continue deceptive and false charges, so Steve Bannon may well be treated harshly for refusing to allow the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch exercise power over confidential matters in the Executive Branch that he worked in and had knowledge of. What I wonder, is why are the communist-pushing Democrats so eager to turn our freedoms into a sinister governing mode that is so assertive it has historically killed off half the people or more in large Communist countries--Communist Chinese leader Mao killed off 100 million of his own citizens during WWII until he had no opposition to anything in his world of power over everybody in his country. The Chinese people paid a staggering price for Mao to have no dissenting voices in his iron-fisted rule. Russia's Stalin followed suit with what some say was also 100 million Russians, but historians who did not wish to be on Stalin's hit list wrote the fantasy that he only killed 20,000,000 to achieve dominance in the landwise largest country in the world, the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic, aka USSR when I was in school. When the Wall was torn down in Berlin on President George HW Bush's presidency years, the USSR changed its name back to the pre-Bolshevik name of Russia. I'm sorry, but Communism's entrance into a country kills off the good and leaves the bad in charge. And right now, the Bad in Russia are killing children and civilian adults in the Ukraine for coveting the country's mineral wealth. And I'm sick of communism in the world. It does nothing but create trouble for everybody else in the world. I hope the entire booby trap the Democrats are setting up for this nation reverses this year, but how can we with no confidence in the polling places any more because of Nancy Pelosi's greed for ill-gotten wealth and unheard of power-grabbing.

Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress and received no punishment.

Double-standards all over the place.
When you make $9.50 an hour posting on a message board.
You have bigger concerns.

I'm a teacher for 37 years.
You.....? $9.50 per hour.
I understand why you are so upset.

It's NOT Biden, It's your inability to gather and hold a real job.
If so, what is your OTHER job while you are not posting 8am-4pm M-F?

I'm predicting marvin martian can't answer.
Winkiedink still making claims he cannot support. What a surprise. A libtard who lies. It’s as rare as one of the days of the week that end in “day.”
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