Barr and Durham Juggernaut Moving Full Speed Ahead

We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their people out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
You're not looking at this from the right perspective, that being, can we allow the FBI/DOJ to illegally spy on political opponents?
1. The FBI forged evidence to allow FISA warrants to be approved. (On Carter page)
2. The FBI did not verify evidence and then lied to the FISA court that it was accurate (That being the Steele Dossier)
3. The FBI bragged that they could enter the Whitehouse and pull a "Perjury Trap' on General Flynn. (Comey)
4. The FBI started Operation Crossfire Hurricane legally, but then went into illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
5. The Mueller Investigation was illegally started without adequate predicate.
6. The DOJ considered using the 25th Amendment against Trump, including wearing a wire.
7. The democrat House impeached Trump for a "non-crime", which is UnConstitutional.

A. What did Flynn plead guilty to? (Ans: the perjury trap, saying "I don't recall" when Hillary uses that phrase all the time)
B. What crime was the FBI there investigating? Why did they tell Flynn no lawyer was necessary?
C. Were General Flynn's Miranda rights infringed? Fucking right they were.
the fucker plead guilty.. evidently he and his attorney thought there was some problems there. you are watching a protected class form right in front of your eyes and will dismiss it due to parizen politics. you think the dems will not use smilar tactics in the future you have bumped your fucking head. guess what you live in the 22nd century every one is watching every one one as they always have just with a much greater degree of effectiveness. Some times I hope this shit blows up in our face so this whiole civ falls and things get reset. This shit is a joke and you are a punch line. I guess now a days we need a childs advocate in the room for generals to be quetioned. Looking at it wrong like hell. Use to be conservatives would look at a grown assed man and think they were capable of deciding for them selves but I guess if you are a trumpet that shit means nothing.
94% of cases in the US are please. You assume 94% of the people are guilty? LOL

Stupid Leftist.
All I know is I wish I could find your dumb fuck ass on the block. Conning you would like taking candy from a baby. You just cant see past your nose. Again the fucker plead guilty.. Guess what I have been to court. That 94 % does not apply to me. People with money for represntation do not just roll over. Flynn had some of the best representation on the planet. So this is your argument. 94% please. So we just go and start tossing pleas then right. what the fuck are you smoking. Hey i am for ti lets do this thing and empty our prisons. We save 44 thousand dollars per head per year. I am cool with it. Why the fuck not? When I see the DOJ tossing cases at that rate I will beleive that shit is fair till then, you are creating protected class.
Pleas. Auto correct sucks. You complain a lot. Let's see what happens as more data comes out.
more data. the only claim you can have at this point is duress. Sorry I do not see a fucking general with the president backing him as being under undue durress. Duress is the 5 foot 2 chick that had been sold to a crack dealer when she was eleven that has been beaeon, enslaved, and basically no control over her own life from the get go plead guilty and get twenty years for mueling ice. That is real duress not what flynn went through. DOJ comes and throws her court case out I beleive there is some justice. Till then you can take this move and shove it where the sun dont shine.
You are sorry.

FBI: Plead guilty to a lesser charge or we drag you and your family through the mud and bankrupt you.

Tough to go vs the FBI
aint no different for you and me. So you ready to apply this logic across the board? we can walk down to the franklin county courthouse and see fome real duress if ya want. Like I said that story I just gave you happened just last week right here where I live. If there is nothing to it he should ifght it. Mean while he has top representiaon and the pres behind him. Guess what I faced the same thing four years ago. Guess what I did. I took it to the box and exposed the fucking liars as exactly what they were. Wait till my divorse is final and I can bring the world down on that bitches head with out hurtung nyself. justice will be done then zI will use the courts just as she did only I will have the truth behind me. I cry a fucking river for for this flynn bitch. He is either a coward or guilty I have no use for either and certainly no use for either in charge.
Right. Sometimes law enforcement agencies are corrupt. Let's see what happens here. Your posts are incoherent. Grow up.
seems as though you folow them. Grow up, I am not the one trying to say generals need a childs advocate. you want spell check I want a logical argument. I will take my skill over yours. thanks for playing though. You want young men to lay down their lives for an idiot that is afraid of an attorney, Good luck!
Skills? Such as coherent writing?
The criminal conduct of those in the Obama administration will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
I certainly hope so because if they aren't this nation is dead for all practical purposes.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
Obama slammed the dog snot outa Trump and it hurts SO bad. I hope to hear more because he tells it like it is and all the Fatman can do is cry cry cry.
You are delusional
You cry too.
You are the biggest crybaby on this board so there is that.
You robots need reprogramming.
LOL --- you're the one with the programmed reprogramming.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their people out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
You're not looking at this from the right perspective, that being, can we allow the FBI/DOJ to illegally spy on political opponents?
1. The FBI forged evidence to allow FISA warrants to be approved. (On Carter page)
2. The FBI did not verify evidence and then lied to the FISA court that it was accurate (That being the Steele Dossier)
3. The FBI bragged that they could enter the Whitehouse and pull a "Perjury Trap' on General Flynn. (Comey)
4. The FBI started Operation Crossfire Hurricane legally, but then went into illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
5. The Mueller Investigation was illegally started without adequate predicate.
6. The DOJ considered using the 25th Amendment against Trump, including wearing a wire.
7. The democrat House impeached Trump for a "non-crime", which is UnConstitutional.

A. What did Flynn plead guilty to? (Ans: the perjury trap, saying "I don't recall" when Hillary uses that phrase all the time)
B. What crime was the FBI there investigating? Why did they tell Flynn no lawyer was necessary?
C. Were General Flynn's Miranda rights infringed? Fucking right they were.
the fucker plead guilty.. evidently he and his attorney thought there was some problems there. you are watching a protected class form right in front of your eyes and will dismiss it due to parizen politics. you think the dems will not use smilar tactics in the future you have bumped your fucking head. guess what you live in the 22nd century every one is watching every one one as they always have just with a much greater degree of effectiveness. Some times I hope this shit blows up in our face so this whiole civ falls and things get reset. This shit is a joke and you are a punch line. I guess now a days we need a childs advocate in the room for generals to be quetioned. Looking at it wrong like hell. Use to be conservatives would look at a grown assed man and think they were capable of deciding for them selves but I guess if you are a trumpet that shit means nothing.
94% of cases in the US are please. You assume 94% of the people are guilty? LOL

Stupid Leftist.
All I know is I wish I could find your dumb fuck ass on the block. Conning you would like taking candy from a baby. You just cant see past your nose. Again the fucker plead guilty.. Guess what I have been to court. That 94 % does not apply to me. People with money for represntation do not just roll over. Flynn had some of the best representation on the planet. So this is your argument. 94% please. So we just go and start tossing pleas then right. what the fuck are you smoking. Hey i am for ti lets do this thing and empty our prisons. We save 44 thousand dollars per head per year. I am cool with it. Why the fuck not? When I see the DOJ tossing cases at that rate I will beleive that shit is fair till then, you are creating protected class.
Pleas. Auto correct sucks. You complain a lot. Let's see what happens as more data comes out.
more data. the only claim you can have at this point is duress. Sorry I do not see a fucking general with the president backing him as being under undue durress. Duress is the 5 foot 2 chick that had been sold to a crack dealer when she was eleven that has been beaeon, enslaved, and basically no control over her own life from the get go plead guilty and get twenty years for mueling ice. That is real duress not what flynn went through. DOJ comes and throws her court case out I beleive there is some justice. Till then you can take this move and shove it where the sun dont shine.
You are sorry.

FBI: Plead guilty to a lesser charge or we drag you and your family through the mud and bankrupt you.

Tough to go vs the FBI
aint no different for you and me. So you ready to apply this logic across the board? we can walk down to the franklin county courthouse and see fome real duress if ya want. Like I said that story I just gave you happened just last week right here where I live. If there is nothing to it he should ifght it. Mean while he has top representiaon and the pres behind him. Guess what I faced the same thing four years ago. Guess what I did. I took it to the box and exposed the fucking liars as exactly what they were. Wait till my divorse is final and I can bring the world down on that bitches head with out hurtung nyself. justice will be done then zI will use the courts just as she did only I will have the truth behind me. I cry a fucking river for for this flynn bitch. He is either a coward or guilty I have no use for either and certainly no use for either in charge.
Right. Sometimes law enforcement agencies are corrupt. Let's see what happens here. Your posts are incoherent. Grow up.
seems as though you folow them. Grow up, I am not the one trying to say generals need a childs advocate. you want spell check I want a logical argument. I will take my skill over yours. thanks for playing though. You want young men to lay down their lives for an idiot that is afraid of an attorney, Good luck!
Skills? Such as coherent writing?
blah,blahblah, you hurt so much what will I do. I guess I will go buy flynn a pacifier will that make you happy? maybe look up the names of good childrens advocates and give him a do over. Does that tickle your fancy?
The criminal conduct of those in the Obama administration will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
You’re terribly gullible.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
Obama slammed the dog snot outa Trump and it hurts SO bad. I hope to hear more because he tells it like it is and all the Fatman can do is cry cry cry.
Example please. Tell it like it is? By his halfhearted support of Joe Biden?
Trump is a useless Fat SOB who will never match up to even the worst President of all time.
Democrats and their leadership are but mere pustules on the ass of society
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their people out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
You're not looking at this from the right perspective, that being, can we allow the FBI/DOJ to illegally spy on political opponents?
1. The FBI forged evidence to allow FISA warrants to be approved. (On Carter page)
2. The FBI did not verify evidence and then lied to the FISA court that it was accurate (That being the Steele Dossier)
3. The FBI bragged that they could enter the Whitehouse and pull a "Perjury Trap' on General Flynn. (Comey)
4. The FBI started Operation Crossfire Hurricane legally, but then went into illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
5. The Mueller Investigation was illegally started without adequate predicate.
6. The DOJ considered using the 25th Amendment against Trump, including wearing a wire.
7. The democrat House impeached Trump for a "non-crime", which is UnConstitutional.

A. What did Flynn plead guilty to? (Ans: the perjury trap, saying "I don't recall" when Hillary uses that phrase all the time)
B. What crime was the FBI there investigating? Why did they tell Flynn no lawyer was necessary?
C. Were General Flynn's Miranda rights infringed? Fucking right they were.
the fucker plead guilty.. evidently he and his attorney thought there was some problems there. you are watching a protected class form right in front of your eyes and will dismiss it due to parizen politics. you think the dems will not use smilar tactics in the future you have bumped your fucking head. guess what you live in the 22nd century every one is watching every one one as they always have just with a much greater degree of effectiveness. Some times I hope this shit blows up in our face so this whiole civ falls and things get reset. This shit is a joke and you are a punch line. I guess now a days we need a childs advocate in the room for generals to be quetioned. Looking at it wrong like hell. Use to be conservatives would look at a grown assed man and think they were capable of deciding for them selves but I guess if you are a trumpet that shit means nothing.
94% of cases in the US are please. You assume 94% of the people are guilty? LOL

Stupid Leftist.
All I know is I wish I could find your dumb fuck ass on the block. Conning you would like taking candy from a baby. You just cant see past your nose. Again the fucker plead guilty.. Guess what I have been to court. That 94 % does not apply to me. People with money for represntation do not just roll over. Flynn had some of the best representation on the planet. So this is your argument. 94% please. So we just go and start tossing pleas then right. what the fuck are you smoking. Hey i am for ti lets do this thing and empty our prisons. We save 44 thousand dollars per head per year. I am cool with it. Why the fuck not? When I see the DOJ tossing cases at that rate I will beleive that shit is fair till then, you are creating protected class.
Pleas. Auto correct sucks. You complain a lot. Let's see what happens as more data comes out.
more data. the only claim you can have at this point is duress. Sorry I do not see a fucking general with the president backing him as being under undue durress. Duress is the 5 foot 2 chick that had been sold to a crack dealer when she was eleven that has been beaeon, enslaved, and basically no control over her own life from the get go plead guilty and get twenty years for mueling ice. That is real duress not what flynn went through. DOJ comes and throws her court case out I beleive there is some justice. Till then you can take this move and shove it where the sun dont shine.
You are sorry.

FBI: Plead guilty to a lesser charge or we drag you and your family through the mud and bankrupt you.

Tough to go vs the FBI
aint no different for you and me. So you ready to apply this logic across the board? we can walk down to the franklin county courthouse and see fome real duress if ya want. Like I said that story I just gave you happened just last week right here where I live. If there is nothing to it he should ifght it. Mean while he has top representiaon and the pres behind him. Guess what I faced the same thing four years ago. Guess what I did. I took it to the box and exposed the fucking liars as exactly what they were. Wait till my divorse is final and I can bring the world down on that bitches head with out hurtung nyself. justice will be done then zI will use the courts just as she did only I will have the truth behind me. I cry a fucking river for for this flynn bitch. He is either a coward or guilty I have no use for either and certainly no use for either in charge.
Right. Sometimes law enforcement agencies are corrupt. Let's see what happens here. Your posts are incoherent. Grow up.
seems as though you folow them. Grow up, I am not the one trying to say generals need a childs advocate. you want spell check I want a logical argument. I will take my skill over yours. thanks for playing though. You want young men to lay down their lives for an idiot that is afraid of an attorney, Good luck!
Skills? Such as coherent writing?
blah,blahblah, you hurt so much what will I do. I guess I will go buy flynn a pacifier will that make you happy? maybe look up the names of good childrens advocates and give him a do over. Does that tickle your fancy?
Pacifier? I just want to see additional data? Is that a bad thing?
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their people out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
You're not looking at this from the right perspective, that being, can we allow the FBI/DOJ to illegally spy on political opponents?
1. The FBI forged evidence to allow FISA warrants to be approved. (On Carter page)
2. The FBI did not verify evidence and then lied to the FISA court that it was accurate (That being the Steele Dossier)
3. The FBI bragged that they could enter the Whitehouse and pull a "Perjury Trap' on General Flynn. (Comey)
4. The FBI started Operation Crossfire Hurricane legally, but then went into illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
5. The Mueller Investigation was illegally started without adequate predicate.
6. The DOJ considered using the 25th Amendment against Trump, including wearing a wire.
7. The democrat House impeached Trump for a "non-crime", which is UnConstitutional.

A. What did Flynn plead guilty to? (Ans: the perjury trap, saying "I don't recall" when Hillary uses that phrase all the time)
B. What crime was the FBI there investigating? Why did they tell Flynn no lawyer was necessary?
C. Were General Flynn's Miranda rights infringed? Fucking right they were.
the fucker plead guilty.. evidently he and his attorney thought there was some problems there. you are watching a protected class form right in front of your eyes and will dismiss it due to parizen politics. you think the dems will not use smilar tactics in the future you have bumped your fucking head. guess what you live in the 22nd century every one is watching every one one as they always have just with a much greater degree of effectiveness. Some times I hope this shit blows up in our face so this whiole civ falls and things get reset. This shit is a joke and you are a punch line. I guess now a days we need a childs advocate in the room for generals to be quetioned. Looking at it wrong like hell. Use to be conservatives would look at a grown assed man and think they were capable of deciding for them selves but I guess if you are a trumpet that shit means nothing.
94% of cases in the US are please. You assume 94% of the people are guilty? LOL

Stupid Leftist.
All I know is I wish I could find your dumb fuck ass on the block. Conning you would like taking candy from a baby. You just cant see past your nose. Again the fucker plead guilty.. Guess what I have been to court. That 94 % does not apply to me. People with money for represntation do not just roll over. Flynn had some of the best representation on the planet. So this is your argument. 94% please. So we just go and start tossing pleas then right. what the fuck are you smoking. Hey i am for ti lets do this thing and empty our prisons. We save 44 thousand dollars per head per year. I am cool with it. Why the fuck not? When I see the DOJ tossing cases at that rate I will beleive that shit is fair till then, you are creating protected class.
Pleas. Auto correct sucks. You complain a lot. Let's see what happens as more data comes out.
more data. the only claim you can have at this point is duress. Sorry I do not see a fucking general with the president backing him as being under undue durress. Duress is the 5 foot 2 chick that had been sold to a crack dealer when she was eleven that has been beaeon, enslaved, and basically no control over her own life from the get go plead guilty and get twenty years for mueling ice. That is real duress not what flynn went through. DOJ comes and throws her court case out I beleive there is some justice. Till then you can take this move and shove it where the sun dont shine.
You are sorry.

FBI: Plead guilty to a lesser charge or we drag you and your family through the mud and bankrupt you.

Tough to go vs the FBI
aint no different for you and me. So you ready to apply this logic across the board? we can walk down to the franklin county courthouse and see fome real duress if ya want. Like I said that story I just gave you happened just last week right here where I live. If there is nothing to it he should ifght it. Mean while he has top representiaon and the pres behind him. Guess what I faced the same thing four years ago. Guess what I did. I took it to the box and exposed the fucking liars as exactly what they were. Wait till my divorse is final and I can bring the world down on that bitches head with out hurtung nyself. justice will be done then zI will use the courts just as she did only I will have the truth behind me. I cry a fucking river for for this flynn bitch. He is either a coward or guilty I have no use for either and certainly no use for either in charge.
Right. Sometimes law enforcement agencies are corrupt. Let's see what happens here. Your posts are incoherent. Grow up.
seems as though you folow them. Grow up, I am not the one trying to say generals need a childs advocate. you want spell check I want a logical argument. I will take my skill over yours. thanks for playing though. You want young men to lay down their lives for an idiot that is afraid of an attorney, Good luck!
Skills? Such as coherent writing?
blah,blahblah, you hurt so much what will I do. I guess I will go buy flynn a pacifier will that make you happy? maybe look up the names of good childrens advocates and give him a do over. Does that tickle your fancy?
Pacifier? I just want to see additional data? Is that a bad thing?
nope our fearless leaders whom we want in charge of us need a do over. I get it. LOL My sister is a shrink and holds hand of those afraid, maybe flynn could hire her. Then it would be fair right?
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
pled guilty under threat of retaliation ....I don't give a diddly damn about your opinion.The Mocha Monarch tried to bring us down and everybody has swallowed the PC about brain dead stupidity.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
pled guilty under threat of retaliation ....I don't give a diddly damn about your opinion.The Mocha Monarch tried to bring us down and everybody has swallowed the PC about brain dead stupidity.
yep, grown men can not be trusted to plea in their own best interest.LOL you are hillarious. Mean while how many times you all investigate hillary? I guess Hilary should have been the general, she never fell over and plead guilty did she. If it is unfair why did she not plead guilty? She is a bigger bad ass than general mad dog flynn.LOL I ean you know I am rollling on the ground laughing at you right?
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
pled guilty under threat of retaliation ....I don't give a diddly damn about your opinion.The Mocha Monarch tried to bring us down and everybody has swallowed the PC about brain dead stupidity.
yep, grown men can not be trusted to plea in their own best interest.LOL you are hillarious. Mean while how many times you all investigate hillary? I guess Hilary should have been the general, she never fell over and plead guilty did she. If it is unfair why did she not plead guilty? She is a bigger bad ass than general mad dog flynn.LOL I ean you know I am rollling on the ground laughing at you right?
Then ask yourself a question Einstein.....did it ever occur to you why Hillary has gotten away with everything from fraud to lying to Congress to destroying evidence,pay play with her phony CGI ? And go after and destroy people like Flynn,Popadopolus etc? Probably not because it seems you are so willing to swallow the Democrat giz....I'm sitting here wondering what STD has infected your brain.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
Sober up pal.
Trump is going to tap Flynn to head up the FBI.
Better stock up on those Depends.
I'm going to enjoy watching the fucks on CNN/MSNBC stare into the camera with shit eating grins.
The criminal conduct of those in the Obama administration will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Blah blah blah.

Never-ending promises while a number of Obama admin indictments remains at ZERO...except that one lawyer that went to work with Manafort and then lied about it to investigators.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their people out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
You're not looking at this from the right perspective, that being, can we allow the FBI/DOJ to illegally spy on political opponents?
1. The FBI forged evidence to allow FISA warrants to be approved. (On Carter page)
2. The FBI did not verify evidence and then lied to the FISA court that it was accurate (That being the Steele Dossier)
3. The FBI bragged that they could enter the Whitehouse and pull a "Perjury Trap' on General Flynn. (Comey)
4. The FBI started Operation Crossfire Hurricane legally, but then went into illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
5. The Mueller Investigation was illegally started without adequate predicate.
6. The DOJ considered using the 25th Amendment against Trump, including wearing a wire.
7. The democrat House impeached Trump for a "non-crime", which is UnConstitutional.

A. What did Flynn plead guilty to? (Ans: the perjury trap, saying "I don't recall" when Hillary uses that phrase all the time)
B. What crime was the FBI there investigating? Why did they tell Flynn no lawyer was necessary?
C. Were General Flynn's Miranda rights infringed? Fucking right they were.
the fucker plead guilty.. evidently he and his attorney thought there was some problems there. you are watching a protected class form right in front of your eyes and will dismiss it due to parizen politics. you think the dems will not use smilar tactics in the future you have bumped your fucking head. guess what you live in the 22nd century every one is watching every one one as they always have just with a much greater degree of effectiveness. Some times I hope this shit blows up in our face so this whiole civ falls and things get reset. This shit is a joke and you are a punch line. I guess now a days we need a childs advocate in the room for generals to be quetioned. Looking at it wrong like hell. Use to be conservatives would look at a grown assed man and think they were capable of deciding for them selves but I guess if you are a trumpet that shit means nothing.
94% of cases in the US are please. You assume 94% of the people are guilty? LOL

Stupid Leftist.
All I know is I wish I could find your dumb fuck ass on the block. Conning you would like taking candy from a baby. You just cant see past your nose. Again the fucker plead guilty.. Guess what I have been to court. That 94 % does not apply to me. People with money for represntation do not just roll over. Flynn had some of the best representation on the planet. So this is your argument. 94% please. So we just go and start tossing pleas then right. what the fuck are you smoking. Hey i am for ti lets do this thing and empty our prisons. We save 44 thousand dollars per head per year. I am cool with it. Why the fuck not? When I see the DOJ tossing cases at that rate I will beleive that shit is fair till then, you are creating protected class.
Pleas. Auto correct sucks. You complain a lot. Let's see what happens as more data comes out.
more data. the only claim you can have at this point is duress. Sorry I do not see a fucking general with the president backing him as being under undue durress. Duress is the 5 foot 2 chick that had been sold to a crack dealer when she was eleven that has been beaeon, enslaved, and basically no control over her own life from the get go plead guilty and get twenty years for mueling ice. That is real duress not what flynn went through. DOJ comes and throws her court case out I beleive there is some justice. Till then you can take this move and shove it where the sun dont shine.
When is your next parole hearing?
The board is reading all your posts asshole.
Wise up!
BTW Who 'sold' [Durress] to the crack dealer? Her mother?
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
Sober up pal.
Trump is going to tap Flynn to head up the FBI.

Are you on drugs?

Flynn already pleaded guilty and judge Sullivan that took his plea thought that government gave him too good of a deal. You seriously think he now will simply go along DOJ's motion to dismiss?

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We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
pled guilty under threat of retaliation ....I don't give a diddly damn about your opinion.The Mocha Monarch tried to bring us down and everybody has swallowed the PC about brain dead stupidity.
yep, grown men can not be trusted to plea in their own best interest.LOL you are hillarious. Mean while how many times you all investigate hillary? I guess Hilary should have been the general, she never fell over and plead guilty did she. If it is unfair why did she not plead guilty? She is a bigger bad ass than general mad dog flynn.LOL I ean you know I am rollling on the ground laughing at you right?
You have a major drug issue pal. Get some help.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
Sober up pal.
Trump is going to tap Flynn to head up the FBI.

Are you on drugs?

Flynn already pleaded guilty and judge Sullivan that took his plea thought that government gave him too good of a deal. You seriously think he now will simply go along DOJ's motion to dismiss?

The Judge is going to go along with the DOJ. The case will be dismissed on the basis of new evidence.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
Sober up pal.
Trump is going to tap Flynn to head up the FBI.
Better stock up on those Depends.
I'm going to enjoy watching the fucks on CNN/MSNBC stare into the camera with shit eating grins.
Maybe that fat balding Simp Brian Stelter will entertain you by snotting up the place with his crocodile tears again.
We can only hope....Obama was everything we said he was....A communist insurrectionist who promised to fundamentally change America.....yet the stoopids of the left were too worried about electing the first black man to the presidency to worry about finding out who he really was...Thank God for Donald J Trump.
talk about fucking stupid is the right thinking this is a good thing. Mean while we have a guy that plead guilty and a non judge is tossing the case. You dumb fucks do not realize this will be used by both sides dems and republicans to skirt the rule of law. Gunna be funny when the dems use this as precidence and get their peolpe out of trouble with it. The losers here are you and me. Special class not effected by the law. Ya think the DOJ is gunna just drop thier case on you? Not fucking likely. So ya sit and be happy mr. flynn has it so much better than you do.awesome.
pled guilty under threat of retaliation ....I don't give a diddly damn about your opinion.The Mocha Monarch tried to bring us down and everybody has swallowed the PC about brain dead stupidity.
yep, grown men can not be trusted to plea in their own best interest.LOL you are hillarious. Mean while how many times you all investigate hillary? I guess Hilary should have been the general, she never fell over and plead guilty did she. If it is unfair why did she not plead guilty? She is a bigger bad ass than general mad dog flynn.LOL I ean you know I am rollling on the ground laughing at you right?
Then ask yourself a question Einstein.....did it ever occur to you why Hillary has gotten away with everything from fraud to lying to Congress to destroying evidence,pay play with her phony CGI ? And go after and destroy people like Flynn,Popadopolus etc? Probably not because it seems you are so willing to swallow the Democrat giz....I'm sitting here wondering what STD has infected your brain.
ya do exp[ain that please considering the repugs currenty own the court and have for quite a whie. Ao the FBI agents involved were repugs in both cases yet flynn goes down by his own party. This is because he was guilty and there was proof and hillary was either inocent or there wsa no proof. Oh ya and she was not dumb enough to tell on hers elf. You are a fool go fuck your self. Gte a childs advocate in the room with your leaders maybe you will do better!LOL LOL LOL Still on the floor laughing at your dumb asses.

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