Barr Senate Committee Meeting Notes.....

Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Barr cannot do anything that remotely looks like obstruction
"Leahy said Barr was critical of the Russia probe.

"I can't think of anything that will jump out more to this president and his commitment to it," Leahy said.

Barr said, "That's ludicrous. If I was going after the job, then there are other ways to get the president's attention than writing an 18-page memo."

"Not at all, I think the Russians interfered in the election, and we need to get to the bottom of it," Barr said of the Russia investigation."

Of course the Russians interfered in the 2016 election.

Evidence proves Obama learned the Russians were attempting to hack the US power grid, were attempting to (and succeeding in) hack Hillary and other senior Govt officials' servers/e-mails, were using social media to successfully con snowflakes into organizing and marching for them, and were paying WILLING liberal groups to spread racial division and violence but never did anything about it...for the next 2 years.

Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference
Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Yah! Who gives a fuck about 60 million wasted taxpayer dollars long as Mueller gets his paycheck!
$60 Million Buys...

2 years of endless conspiracy, sedition, perjury, obstruction, undermining of the President and US government, and an unending attempted coup against the US President and current government...

2 Years of Mueller ignoring the evidence of proven crimes committed by Democrats - to include Hillary Clinton, US AGs Holder / Lynch, Deputy US AG Rosenstein, NIA Director Clapper, CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, Deputy FBI Director McCabe, FBI Agent Strzok, and even Special Counsel Mueller himself.

2 Years of the democrats accomplishing the Russian objective of dividing America fer more / better than the Russians ever hoped to...

Several 'Scooter Libby' indictments resulting from th investigation itself yet having no bearing / relevance on the Democrats false claims of non-existent illegal collusion involving the President

ZERO evidence that a crime was ever committed by the President warranting an investigation to begin with, let alone worth appointing a Special Counsel...

..and 1 expected final report that will surely make it sound like the President is the 2nd coming of Adolph Hitler without having any evidence to back any of it up...

:clap: Bravo 'threats to our Democracy' (as per Hillary's definition)
Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Yah! Who gives a fuck about 60 million wasted taxpayer dollars long as Mueller gets his paycheck!

BENGHAAAAAZZZiiiiiiiiii :blahblah:

since when is it a WASTE to protect our country from foreign spies?

remember when GOP use to pretend to care about spies reading SoS EMAILZZZzzzz?
BENGHAAAAAZZZiiiiiiiiii :blahblah:
Why do Democrats always bring up 'Benghazi' when they are faced with another investigation revealing / case of proven Democrats crimes?

Benghazi, as they know but ignore in an attempt to lie / deceive, WAS NEVER A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.

Despite their claims that nothing 'wrong' was revealed, the hearing actually exposed the FACTS that despite knowing a middle-east-wide terrorist attack had been called for against US compounds and Embassies on 9/11/12, despite the fact that every other nation pulled their people out, despite the fact that the compound was attacked twice before 9/11/12, despite being asked more than 40 times for additional security, the Democrats refused to pull them out, refused to give them additional security, pulled some of their existing security out making them even more at risk, hired a company that had never provided security in a combat zone and never carried weapons before that job, and KNEW from the start of the terrorist attack it WAS a terrorist attack but lied to the American people.

Again, despite all of these exposed facts Democrats continue to use the word 'Benghazi' as the punch line of some dysfunctional 'joke' in an attempt to claim that Obama and Hillary did nothing wrong, made no mistakes in the handling of Benghazi.

The very fact that Hillary and Obama joined forces with the terrorist group who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 to overthrow and murder s sovereign leader of another country - a leader who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa - and then give control of that nation to Al Qaeda is damning in itself.

The very fact that Hillary and the State Department HIRED AN AL QAEDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to protect Americans in Benghazi FROM AL QAEDA is ridiculously damning by itself.

So to claim in any way that Hillary, the State Department, & Obama did not F* UP, that Obama's foreign policy was not F*ed UP, has to be one of the greatest / biggest lies of / about Obama's entire Presidency!

THAT being pointed out....back to the actual thread topic...
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Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Yah! Who gives a fuck about 60 million wasted taxpayer dollars long as Mueller gets his paycheck!

BENGHAAAAAZZZiiiiiiiiii :blahblah:

since when is is a WASTE to protect our country from foreign spies?

remember wen GOP use to pretend to care about spies reading SoS EMAILZZZzzzz?
Yes! Benghazi! Four Americans died there after begging Hillary for more security and she let them die! More evidence dimoRats do not give a shit about Americans! Thanks for the reminder! And ewe were a stupid Hillary **** supporter.
Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Yah! Who gives a fuck about 60 million wasted taxpayer dollars long as Mueller gets his paycheck!

BENGHAAAAAZZZiiiiiiiiii :blahblah:

since when is is a WASTE to protect our country from foreign spies?

remember wen GOP use to pretend to care about spies reading SoS EMAILZZZzzzz?
Yes! Benghazi! Four Americans died there after begging Hillary for more security and she let them die! More evidence dimoRats do not give a shit about Americans! Thanks for the reminder! And ewe were a stupid Hillary **** supporter.

if you aren't lying, you're dying.. FRAUD. :itsok:

Benghazi committee meant to hurt Hillary Clinton, says GOP congressman
The Benghazi survivors told the true story of Benghazi. Valerie wasn’t there. Neither was the ****!
Prior to Benghazi evidence shows Hillary / Obama knew about a call for a Middle East-wide terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11/01 on 9/11/12. On 9/11/12 22 US Embassies and compounds were attacked throughout the Middle East, 2 were over-run, and only 1 NEEDLESSLY resulted in American deaths - Benghazi, which is why you really only heard about Benghazi and not the other 21 as well. Benghazi was the only one Obama and Hillary claimed were 'protests over a video'.
Your link and snowflake / Democrat assertions / speculations / opinionated claims were / are that the Committee hearing was meant to damage Hillary Clinton instead of finding out how such NEEDLESS PREVENTABLE DEATH could have been allowed to happen.

All of the FACTS I pointed out are undisputed by evidence / actual FACTS. Democrats / Hillary / snowflakes would rather claim this was a 'political hit' than discuss what was actually revealed.

It seems like you and other snowflakes are claiming that in any other job run by any other person that resulted in the complete failure of this magnitude - the needless deaths of 4 Americans, no one else would have been held accountable for their actions. Hillary was singled out politically ....UNFAIRLY for F*ing up so badly as to allow 4 Americans to die without need.

Holy crap!

And from that horrific cluster*, Hillary went on to operate an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server and break laws, to be protected from going to prison to stay in the election, to steal a nomination she could not win, and finally to paying a foreign spy and Russians for their help in trying to win in 2016.
Barr said he would commit to providing Mueller with the resources and time to finish the job, would ensure Mueller would not be terminated without good cause and would notify Congress if he denied a Mueller request during the investigation.

On Tuesday, Barr also said it is "very important that the public and Congress be informed" of Mueller's work. Barr emphasized that he worked with Mueller when he ran the Justice Department during the George H.W. Bush administration and has considered him a friend for 30 years. And he made sure to mention that the committee has unanimously approved his prior nominations to serve the department.

"I will follow the special counsel regulations scrupulously and in good faith, and on my watch, Bob will be allowed to complete his work," says Barr.
Yah! Who gives a fuck about 60 million wasted taxpayer dollars long as Mueller gets his paycheck!
It is an historically important investigation

These charges cannot be overlooked
since when is it a WASTE to protect our country from foreign spies?
Since when is it legal / justifiable for a Presidential candidate to illegally collude with and pay foreign spies and Russians for their assistance in trying to win a Presidential election, as it has been proven Hillary did?

The Democrats and Mueller have been right from the start - there was illegal collusion with the Russians...and the fact that it was / has always been Hillary Clinton doing so has been the biggest case of Democrats / Mueller ignoring revealed Democrat crimes and protecting her while targeting the President to date.

Hillary, not Trump, took $140+ million from the Russians, specifically from THE lead Russian representing the KGB Bank in trying to acquire Uranium One.

Bill, not Trump, accepted half a million dollars from the KGB Bank to give a 1-hr speech.

Bill, not Trump, attempted to meet with Russian nuclear officials and, when he could not, met Directly with Putin, 1 on 1.

It was Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server sitting in some small IT company's bathroom that contained TOP SECREYT data the US IG reported was accessed by the Chinese, Russians, and 4 other foreign entities...NOT Trump's

It was Hillary's campaign manager's company whose Board of Directors that was 1/3rd comprised of prominent Russian Businessmen with direct ties to the Kremlin and to Putin himself...or whose campaign manager received thousands of shares of UNREPORTED Russian stock...Not Trump's....

It was and always has been Hillary Clinton!
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Barr on current drug crisis: Fentanyl is the new crack and it's coming in from China.

"Fentanyl is the new crack and it's coming in from China," Barr said.

Durbin interjected saying the drugs were coming over from the southern border.

"Right," Barr said.

(Pelosi REJECTS their FACTS. :p )
. Smuggled in vehicules through legal ports of entry.

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