Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
You're apparently unfamiliar with the subject. But it's ok. I'm here to help.

The investigation is in part to determine the extent that a FISA judge was given false information as a basis for allowing the Obama administration to spy on the Trump Presidential campaign.

The judge is not equipped or allowed to vet v the validity of the information. being secret, Paige did not have the opportunity to ask that false evidence be removed. (Which makes this a big deal)

Since, unlike Trump/Russia collusion their has been much evidence made public that the Obama administration used a Dossier purchased by the DNC/Hillary campaign that was known at the time to be false, this must be investigated and prosecuted appropriately.

IOW, once again unlike the Russia/Trump collusion hoax, there is real, known, and serious evidence of serious crimes.

I hope this brings you up to speed.
What investigation?

Barr says 'spying' took place on Trump campaign

In later remarks, Barr attempted to clarify his statement, saying he was concerned that “improper surveillance” may have occurred in 2016 and he was "looking into it."

"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That's all," he said.

Barr downplayed recent reports that he had formed a team to investigate the FBI’s actions in the original Russia counterintelligence probe, but said he had in mind bringing “some colleagues” together to review information turned up by the inspector general investigation, as well as Republican-led congressional probes to determine whether there is a need for further investigation at the Justice Department.

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Carter Page FISA Warrant (Spying) is being reviewed and the origins of the counter intelligence investigation, by the Justice Dept's IG, as it should be.

I have no problem with that....
And Barr himself said he has no plans to open a full blown investigation. Sadly for rightards, their hopes and dreams are dashed once again.
he already did much harm by calling it spying, which has a nefarious connotation of being done outside of legal realms, instead or surveillance or intercepts that were gotten through a court order....
Gawd almighty, this guy is a hand picked Trump licker, a damn shame...

he gave trump some talking points again

Barr says 'spying' took place on Trump campaign

In later remarks, Barr attempted to clarify his statement, saying he was concerned that “improper surveillance” may have occurred in 2016 and he was "looking into it."

"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That's all," he said.

Barr downplayed recent reports that he had formed a team to investigate the FBI’s actions in the original Russia counterintelligence probe, but said he had in mind bringing “some colleagues” together to review information turned up by the inspector general investigation, as well as Republican-led congressional probes to determine whether there is a need for further investigation at the Justice Department.

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Carter Page FISA Warrant (Spying) is being reviewed and the origins of the counter intelligence investigation, by the Justice Dept's IG, as it should be.

I have no problem with that....
And Barr himself said he has no plans to open a full blown investigation. Sadly for rightards, their hopes and dreams are dashed once again.
he already did much harm by calling it spying, which has a nefarious connotation of being done outside of legal realms, instead or surveillance or intercepts that were gotten through a court order....
Gawd almighty, this guy is a hand picked Trump licker, a damn shame...
he gave trump some taling points again
iceberg I say no more.
This is too funny:

The crimes committed b these democrats are so massive the can not hide it any more it is ULTRA MASSIVE powerful wait until you SHEEP see what else is coming out bahahha YOUR heroes are fkn rapist, and child molesters Clinton, Obama, bush, your fkrs are all shit stains..


#infowars thanks for the truth


Interesting! Barr’s most telling comment, for someone who tends to be very understated, was his “open question”:

Why wasn’t the Trump campaign advised, as FBI guidelines require, that the campaign was being surveilled?

Especially WHY, when former federal prosecutors Giuliani and Christie, were working for the Trump campaign????

Comey, ya gotta problem. Obama, this happened on your watch
Because the campaign wasn’t surveilled.
and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.
Do you have any proof that they weren't surveilled?
Days of proving yourself innocent are dead and those who helped set it up will be perp walked very soon
Hyperbole is not reality and Barr confirmed nothing. He said he ”thinks” the campaign was spied on. But he offered no evidence to corroborate his suspicions.
Time to raid Obama and Hillary's lawyers office.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
Hyperbole is not reality and Barr confirmed nothing. He said he ”thinks” the campaign was spied on. But he offered no evidence to corroborate his suspicions.
Time to raid Obama and Hillary's lawyers office.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
All that’s required is probable cause.
Because the campaign wasn’t surveilled.
and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.
Do you have any proof that they weren't surveilled?
Fucking moron, the onus is on you to prove a positive. I have no burden to prove a negative.
There's no indictment of the boychinkins meeting with a Russian spy for dirt on Hillary. I'm fine with that so long as the facts are in the open.

I'm also fine with Comey destroying Hillary's career because some NYC FBI agents threatened to leak unless he did … so long as the facts are in the open, and if Barr opens this can of worms they better be in the open.

I suspect McCain and some in the FBI thought Trump presented a clear danger to the Republic. Let's find out.

But I don't recall FBI agents going to jail over Ruby Ridge, Waco and fucking up the Atlanta Olympics bombing.
Hillary Clinton destroyed her own career because she was engaged in Espionage, Influence Peddling, Insider Trading, sharing classified information with her "business partners" and Comey, Lynch and Obama not only kept her ass out of jail, they kept her in The Campaign.

Let me ask you a question you hypocritical lying America Hating Bastard.

When The DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama solicited for and then paid $12 Million Dollars for "Dirt on Trump" from Russian Sources, and in order to conceal their actions, laundered that money first through The Podesta Group, then through COIE Perkins Lawfirm, then on to Fusion GPS, then to British-Russian Double Agent Christopher Steel and Russian-British Double Agent Skirpal, his Partner.....and then the money went out to Propaganda Authors in The KREMLIM itself.......


And no Russian Spy met with anyone from The Trump Campaign unless they were working for Obama and Clinton and approved by Obama personally to be allowed in to this country to do that very thing....attempt to frame the Trump Campaign.

Answer my question or STFU.

Your Russian Collusion is Shoved and Wedged up your ass now, and I'd like to see you try to extricate it.
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Hahaha the Trumpublicans are getting played again, I think!
says the side that believed the left on RUSSIA...

Believed what? That the several high ranking official in Trumpybear's Campaign lied about talking to Russian officials?
what was the charge?
I'm asking the question. What is it that I supposedly believe? That Putin has the Trumpybears peepee tapes? That Russia helped Trumpybear to defeat Hillary?
Time to raid Obama and Hillary's lawyers office.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
All that’s required is probable cause.
Do you think there is probable cause to look into Obama?

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