Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign


Barr says 'spying' took place on Trump campaign

In later remarks, Barr attempted to clarify his statement, saying he was concerned that “improper surveillance” may have occurred in 2016 and he was "looking into it."

"I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I'm saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it. That's all," he said.

Barr downplayed recent reports that he had formed a team to investigate the FBI’s actions in the original Russia counterintelligence probe, but said he had in mind bringing “some colleagues” together to review information turned up by the inspector general investigation, as well as Republican-led congressional probes to determine whether there is a need for further investigation at the Justice Department.

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Carter Page FISA Warrant (Spying) is being reviewed and the origins of the counter intelligence investigation, by the Justice Dept's IG, as it should be.

I have no problem with that....
And Barr himself said he has no plans to open a full blown investigation. Sadly for rightards, their hopes and dreams are dashed once again.
he already did much harm by calling it spying, which has a nefarious connotation of being done outside of legal realms, instead or surveillance or intercepts that were gotten through a court order....
Gawd almighty, this guy is a hand picked Trump licker, a damn shame...

he gave trump some talking points again
Spying is what it was. It was outside legal realms. The FISA warrant was fraudulent.
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and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.
Do you have any proof that they weren't surveilled?
Fucking moron, the onus is on you to prove a positive. I have no burden to prove a negative.
The FISA warrant allowed the FBI to spy on everyone in the campaign, moron. You're trying to tell us that they went through all the trouble of perjuring themselves to get a warrant to spy, and then didn't use it - the people who made it crystal clear that they despised Trump. Really?
and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.
Do you have any proof that they weren't surveilled?
Fucking moron, the onus is on you to prove a positive. I have no burden to prove a negative.
AND how did that work for kavanaugh???
We already know that in 2014 then FBI Director MUELLER was brought before a Secret FISA Court to explain the CONSTANT / NUMEROUS cases of the FBI doing what it has been exposed as having done against Trump - withholding information, falsely presenting information as 'Legitimate Intel' when they KNEW it was not.

These crimes perpetrated by the FBI is one that has been allowed to exist and continue as part of the FBI 'culture'. If Mueller had addressed the problem and stopped the practice back in 2014 then it would not have happened in 2016. The truth is, however, Mueller faced the FISA Court in 2014 over this same problem then turned the FBI over to his protégé, Comey...and Comey did just as his mentor taught him.

The problem was never corrected. The criminal activity continued.

NOW it's finally time to end this shit by burning someone at the judicial stake, making an example out of them so it never happens again. If that is Comey, so be it.
Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.

It's only his dopey opinion. He said he's seen no evidence of spying.
It appears that he said he did see evidence of spying.
Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.

It's only his dopey opinion. He said he's seen no evidence of spying.
It appears that he said he did see evidence of spying.
Illegal warrants obtained and used to spy on Carter Page and others would constitute 'illegal spying'.

This would NOT be the 1st time the Obama administration was caught / exposed as having illegally spied on people! Obama's NSA / CIA / FBI were caught illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and even USSC Justices.

So please forgive me if I laugh in anyone's face who thinks they spied on all of those people / groups illegally but drew the line at doing so against Trump and his team.

Interesting! Barr’s most telling comment, for someone who tends to be very understated, was his “open question”:

Why wasn’t the Trump campaign advised, as FBI guidelines require, that the campaign was being surveilled?

Especially WHY, when former federal prosecutors Giuliani and Christie, were working for the Trump campaign????

Comey, ya gotta problem. Obama, this happened on your watch
Because the campaign wasn’t surveilled.
and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.

Yes, the Right has been hammering.

Hannity, Rush, Levin, all the rest. Non stop. Every day.

You don't need to be so defensive. I'm listening to Rush hammer on it right now.
what is it he's hammering on?

the fact that for two years there's been an investigation to find a crime and that for two years the avoidance to investigate the actual crime that indeed involve russia? the one thing the investigation was supposed to be looking into. and yet, nothing. and he's wrong how?
Semantics. Whatever. We'll see.

Too much caffeine in this country.
facts, but eh, you hate those right?
As I've said multiple times now, we'll see. I don't know. You'll be vindicated if it's all true.

Holy crap.

Seriously, it's okay to drop the fists and just be normal now and then.
why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.

QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 22174012, member: 25197"]Hahaha the Trumpublicans are getting played again, I think!


I think[/QUOTE]

why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.
I think I'll wait until we know the whole story.

The Left told me that the "facts" were "out" about Russia, too. I don't believe any so-called "facts" tossed out by wingers, because obviously (a) they may be distorted, (b) the wingers may be withholding contrary facts for partisan gain, or (c) both.

Wingers have zero credibility. We'll see. You may be right. I don't claim to know.

See, I want to point something out that is going to SINK this whole Leftist narrative, and it is very easy to discover I am telling the TRUTH from your OWN NEWS SOURCES you love!

1. Stephan Halper was a resource for the FBI, and WESTERN INTELLIGENCE. Do we all agree, and can I have an amen! (If not, you are blowing smoke, as even the New York Times has admitted it)

2. Crossfire Hurricane was started on-------------> July the 30th. Don't believe me? Look it up!

3. The FBI, nor CIA, nor NSA, nor any other agency can USE a HUMAN asset on an American citizen, UNTIL an investigation is authorized. IT IS ILLEGAL, against the rules, not allowed, verboten, can't do it, against our laws. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP!

4. When DID STephan Halper meet with Mr Paige? Umm, that would be JULY the 11TH! Now for Leftists out there, is July the 11th BEFORE/AFTER July the 30th when Crossfire Hurricane was officially opened-)

A. Two more things-----------> Has anyone paid attention to see that they are now looking into Halper? Gee, wonder why-)

B. Why is Barr looking into this himself, when he has Horowitz and others also sniffing around the same thing?

ANSWER------------> Because THEY do NOT have supena power, HE DOES! He already KNOWS EXACTLY what happened, or pretty damn close. HOW? Because Nunez and MOST the actual INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS who looked into this, have already given HIM their notes, or weren't you aware of that Leftists, as you had your eyes so set on the collusion/delusion-)

AND, the Ukrainian investigation has 2 of your favorite Leftists by the shorthairs, and Barr wants that info, and he is GONNA GET IT because they WANT to give it to him!

Add to that the fact that Priestep is singing like a canary, and Baker ratted the whole of them out, means YOUR SCREWED! (don't believe me? Look up Bakers testimony that was just released. That isn't Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, or Limbaugh saying that stuff, it is BAKER, and he corroborates what those people have been saying)

You Leftists really need to get your butts away from CNN, or MSNBC, cause they aren't telling you how bad it is looking for your side. Of course, they lied to you for over 2 years, so why should anyone be surprised they are lying through omission now.

And you DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WATCH FOX, even if it was the only network to get it correct. You can look up everything I have just told you on LIBERAL websites. Add it together, and lets how brainwashed you really are. EVERYTHING points to you were 100% wrong, and WE WERE 100% correct, and yet, you people from MEDIA MATTERS on here, (and some of us know who you are) are still going to try and bamboozle your fellow Democrats. Go ahead, it won't last long-) Remember when you people say ANY DAY NOW, and laugh? Well, that day is near, and he who laughs last, laughs best you MEDIA MATTERS phony-baloneys-)
Pawn and the rest of the lefties are already soiling their diapers. Their Russia hoax blew up in their faces and now Barr is turning the tables and investigating THEM. The real suspense will be who tries to throw who under the bus the fastest.
Time to raid Obama and Hillary's lawyers office.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
All that’s required is probable cause.
Which is likely that AG Barr has, or he would not have made the statement.

Barr has probable cause to open an investigation into criminal conduct at the FBI.

It only remains to be seen to see if he has the courage to actually go through with it.
Well, that day is near, and he who laughs last, laughs best you MEDIA MATTERS phony-baloneys-)

I'm not sure who you're talking to here, but I'm not following this nearly as closely as you are.

Once all the facts are out, all of them, and if Barr goes deeper, we'll have a better picture.
During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, made a startling revelation to Australia’s top diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

About three weeks earlier, Mr. Papadopoulos had been told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign.

How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt

The hacking and the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign may have had inside information about it were driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.

Because the campaign wasn’t surveilled.
and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.

what is it he's hammering on?

the fact that for two years there's been an investigation to find a crime and that for two years the avoidance to investigate the actual crime that indeed involve russia? the one thing the investigation was supposed to be looking into. and yet, nothing. and he's wrong how?
Semantics. Whatever. We'll see.

Too much caffeine in this country.
facts, but eh, you hate those right?
As I've said multiple times now, we'll see. I don't know. You'll be vindicated if it's all true.

Holy crap.

Seriously, it's okay to drop the fists and just be normal now and then.
why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.

QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 22174012, member: 25197"]Hahaha the Trumpublicans are getting played again, I think!


I think

why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.
I think I'll wait until we know the whole story.

The Left told me that the "facts" were "out" about Russia, too. I don't believe any so-called "facts" tossed out by wingers, because obviously (a) they may be distorted, (b) the wingers may be withholding contrary facts for partisan gain, or (c) both.

Wingers have zero credibility. We'll see. You may be right. I don't claim to know.

See, I want to point something out that is going to SINK this whole Leftist narrative, and it is very easy to discover I am telling the TRUTH from your OWN NEWS SOURCES you love!

1. Stephan Halper was a resource for the FBI, and WESTERN INTELLIGENCE. Do we all agree, and can I have an amen! (If not, you are blowing smoke, as even the New York Times has admitted it)

2. Crossfire Hurricane was started on-------------> July the 30th. Don't believe me? Look it up!

3. The FBI, nor CIA, nor NSA, nor any other agency can USE a HUMAN asset on an American citizen, UNTIL an investigation is authorized. IT IS ILLEGAL, against the rules, not allowed, verboten, can't do it, against our laws. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP!

4. When DID STephan Halper meet with Mr Paige? Umm, that would be JULY the 11TH! Now for Leftists out there, is July the 11th BEFORE/AFTER July the 30th when Crossfire Hurricane was officially opened-)

A. Two more things-----------> Has anyone paid attention to see that they are now looking into Halper? Gee, wonder why-)

B. Why is Barr looking into this himself, when he has Horowitz and others also sniffing around the same thing?

ANSWER------------> Because THEY do NOT have supena power, HE DOES! He already KNOWS EXACTLY what happened, or pretty damn close. HOW? Because Nunez and MOST the actual INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS who looked into this, have already given HIM their notes, or weren't you aware of that Leftists, as you had your eyes so set on the collusion/delusion-)

AND, the Ukrainian investigation has 2 of your favorite Leftists by the shorthairs, and Barr wants that info, and he is GONNA GET IT because they WANT to give it to him!

Add to that the fact that Priestep is singing like a canary, and Baker ratted the whole of them out, means YOUR SCREWED! (don't believe me? Look up Bakers testimony that was just released. That isn't Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, or Limbaugh saying that stuff, it is BAKER, and he corroborates what those people have been saying)

You Leftists really need to get your butts away from CNN, or MSNBC, cause they aren't telling you how bad it is looking for your side. Of course, they lied to you for over 2 years, so why should anyone be surprised they are lying through omission now.

And you DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WATCH FOX, even if it was the only network to get it correct. You can look up everything I have just told you on LIBERAL websites. Add it together, and lets how brainwashed you really are. EVERYTHING points to you were 100% wrong, and WE WERE 100% correct, and yet, you people from MEDIA MATTERS on here, (and some of us know who you are) are still going to try and bamboozle your fellow Democrats. Go ahead, it won't last long-) Remember when you people say ANY DAY NOW, and laugh? Well, that day is near, and he who laughs last, laughs best you MEDIA MATTERS phony-baloneys-)[/QUOTE]
During a night of heavy drinking at an upscale London bar in May 2016, George Papadopoulos, a young foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, made a startling revelation to Australia’s top diplomat in Britain: Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton.

About three weeks earlier, Mr. Papadopoulos had been told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign.

How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt

The hacking and the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign may have had inside information about it were driving factors that led the F.B.I. to open an investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s attempts to disrupt the election and whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired.

and i know you have the proof of this not happening, huh? :)

your wanting it to be true doesn't make it so. santa should have taught you that at least in the last few years.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.

Semantics. Whatever. We'll see.

Too much caffeine in this country.
facts, but eh, you hate those right?
As I've said multiple times now, we'll see. I don't know. You'll be vindicated if it's all true.

Holy crap.

Seriously, it's okay to drop the fists and just be normal now and then.
why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.

QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 22174012, member: 25197"]Hahaha the Trumpublicans are getting played again, I think!


I think

why do you believe I need to be vindicated? I'm not involved in any of this mess the dems stirred up. The facts are out. What we watch are those who really aren't for equal justice in our country and that's a shame. Fk dude, presidential candidate swalwell wanted to nuke a gun owner. I mean, he really thinks he can win with that threat on his shoulders? They don't fking care about america or its people. call a spade a spade dude.
I think I'll wait until we know the whole story.

The Left told me that the "facts" were "out" about Russia, too. I don't believe any so-called "facts" tossed out by wingers, because obviously (a) they may be distorted, (b) the wingers may be withholding contrary facts for partisan gain, or (c) both.

Wingers have zero credibility. We'll see. You may be right. I don't claim to know.

See, I want to point something out that is going to SINK this whole Leftist narrative, and it is very easy to discover I am telling the TRUTH from your OWN NEWS SOURCES you love!

1. Stephan Halper was a resource for the FBI, and WESTERN INTELLIGENCE. Do we all agree, and can I have an amen! (If not, you are blowing smoke, as even the New York Times has admitted it)

2. Crossfire Hurricane was started on-------------> July the 30th. Don't believe me? Look it up!

3. The FBI, nor CIA, nor NSA, nor any other agency can USE a HUMAN asset on an American citizen, UNTIL an investigation is authorized. IT IS ILLEGAL, against the rules, not allowed, verboten, can't do it, against our laws. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP!

4. When DID STephan Halper meet with Mr Paige? Umm, that would be JULY the 11TH! Now for Leftists out there, is July the 11th BEFORE/AFTER July the 30th when Crossfire Hurricane was officially opened-)

A. Two more things-----------> Has anyone paid attention to see that they are now looking into Halper? Gee, wonder why-)

B. Why is Barr looking into this himself, when he has Horowitz and others also sniffing around the same thing?

ANSWER------------> Because THEY do NOT have supena power, HE DOES! He already KNOWS EXACTLY what happened, or pretty damn close. HOW? Because Nunez and MOST the actual INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS who looked into this, have already given HIM their notes, or weren't you aware of that Leftists, as you had your eyes so set on the collusion/delusion-)

AND, the Ukrainian investigation has 2 of your favorite Leftists by the shorthairs, and Barr wants that info, and he is GONNA GET IT because they WANT to give it to him!

Add to that the fact that Priestep is singing like a canary, and Baker ratted the whole of them out, means YOUR SCREWED! (don't believe me? Look up Bakers testimony that was just released. That isn't Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, or Limbaugh saying that stuff, it is BAKER, and he corroborates what those people have been saying)

You Leftists really need to get your butts away from CNN, or MSNBC, cause they aren't telling you how bad it is looking for your side. Of course, they lied to you for over 2 years, so why should anyone be surprised they are lying through omission now.

And you DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WATCH FOX, even if it was the only network to get it correct. You can look up everything I have just told you on LIBERAL websites. Add it together, and lets how brainwashed you really are. EVERYTHING points to you were 100% wrong, and WE WERE 100% correct, and yet, you people from MEDIA MATTERS on here, (and some of us know who you are) are still going to try and bamboozle your fellow Democrats. Go ahead, it won't last long-) Remember when you people say ANY DAY NOW, and laugh? Well, that day is near, and he who laughs last, laughs best you MEDIA MATTERS phony-baloneys-)

WAKE UP! They had Halper talk to Paige on JULY 11th, 19 days BEFORE the investigation was LEGALLY OPENED!

And your news has already been refuted. By who? ALEXANDER DOWNER who said--------> NOTHING about Hillary e-mails was even discussed! I didn't say that, HE DID!

And, even if he HAD said that, they could NOT LEGALLY send Halper to talk to Paige until AFTER July the 30th!

There is only 2 explanations for this--------->

1. They ALL broke the law of our country, or

2. Crossfire Hurricane was NOT the 1st LEGAL investigation into the Trump campaign. (now they insist it is)

You are going to find out, you have been misled, and it was on purpose. And, it wasn't by us!
Hyperbole is not reality and Barr confirmed nothing. He said he ”thinks” the campaign was spied on. But he offered no evidence to corroborate his suspicions.
Time to raid Obama and Hillary's lawyers office.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Well the same could be said of Obama and hillary.
This is old news. Manafort and Page were surveilled when they weren’t with the campaign.

ya got me there.

lord some people got extra helpings of stupid at birth.

Your hysterics are noted, laughed at and discarded. Again, neither Manafort nor Page were surveilled while they were with the trump campaign. I know how much pesky reality pisses you off; but that only results in the entertainment of watching you pound your fists and stomp your feet.
Do you have any proof that they weren't surveilled?
Fucking moron, the onus is on you to prove a positive. I have no burden to prove a negative.
The FISA warrant allowed the FBI to spy on everyone in the campaign, moron. You're trying to tell us that they went through all the trouble of perjuring themselves to get a warrant to spy, and then didn't use it - the people who made it crystal clear that they despised Trump. Really?
Fucking moron, the FISA warrant was on Page. And Page was no longer with the campaign.
Pawn and the rest of the lefties are already soiling their diapers. Their Russia hoax blew up in their faces and now Barr is turning the tables and investigating THEM. The real suspense will be who tries to throw who under the bus the fastest.

Oh? Barr said he's not going to investigate.
Oh? Based on what?
If only you democrats asked those questions when it came to raiding Trumps people.
Those questions were asked and answered in the form of presenting probable cause to a judge and securing a search warrant on trump’s lawyer.

So upon what do we base raiding the lawyers of Obama and Hillary?
Im not a democrat, so i believe you should have real evidence before spying on people and raiding their offices.
All that’s required is probable cause.
Which is likely that AG Barr has, or he would not have made the statement.

Barr has probable cause to open an investigation into criminal conduct at the FBI.

It only remains to be seen to see if he has the courage to actually go through with it.

He said there's no evidence of wrong doing and that he's not going to open an investigation. You rightards live in your own alternate universe.
Lol.....OUR TURN!!:113::113:

Yuk....yuk.....this is fucking great! What's most the end, not only will we know the progressive bozo's were faked out for two years on Russia, but also that the mofu's engineered the whole hoax.

I thought nothing could beat the Kavanaugh facial but this Barr probe.....I may shit my shorts from laughing so hard! You know what they say....he who laughs last laughs the hardest!:flirtysmile4::flirtysmile4:

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