Barr Won't Be Showing Up Tomorrow

Fuck you, Nadler.

Barr presents a fine example for all.

Barr won't testify before House panel Thursday

Nadler needs to start contempt charges, what is he so scared of. Oh I know , people that are smarter than him.
Fuck you, Nadler.

Barr presents a fine example for all.

Barr won't testify before House panel Thursday

He's not going to walk into a perjury Trap.
Really? They're using a hired gun to question him? There's only one reason for that.
In any case they have the unredacted report Available to them .... Only two Republicans have bothered to look at it.


Funny. Republicans used "hired guns" to question Christine Blasey Ford in an effort to get Kavanaugh on SCOTUS.

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