Barr Won't Be Showing Up Tomorrow

I dont think you understand the job of the attorney general.
If you think it's to be the president's personal defense attorney then it's you who doesn't understand.

No. He is the legal representative of the executive branch. He enforces the law. You guys are literally calling for him to be impeached because he is honest and doing his job.

That's just sad

So is he legal representative of the executive branch OR does he enforce the law?
He's supposed to enforce the law. The white white counsel is the legal representative of the executive branch.

What law is he not enforcing? Be specific.

OH COME ON! Everyone knows there's a
Law that says the AG must obey Mazie Hirono. Hell that law is the 28 th e
amendment damnit! It's been in the Constitution since 1966!

Obama's spies are running scared

Bill Barr's testimony flashed the light on the cockroaches, who are scurrying for cover now. Obama's attempted coup could send some of his henchmen or his henchmen's henchmen to prison.

Others also want to cover certain parts of their anatomy, which is why the New York Times ran on Thursday, "F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016."

By investigator, they mean spy.

The story began, "The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, posing as a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?

"The woman had set up the meeting to discuss foreign policy issues." But she was actually a government spy posing as a research assistant. Comey sent her to London to spy on the Trump campaign.

The American government, American law enforcement and intelligence officials spied on Trump's campaign to undermine his electoral chances. Last year, he called it Spygate.

Ms. Turk went to London to spy on the Trump Campaign alongside another longtime Spy, the Cambridge professor Stefan A. Halper. The FBI wanted a trained Spy to gather information.

The London Spying operation yielded no fruitful information, but F.B.I. officials are now under scrutiny as part of an investigation by Michael E. Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general. He could make the results public in May or June, Attorney General William P. Barr has said. Some of the findings are likely to be classified."

The target of this attempt to infiltrate and cripple a political opponent's campaign, George Papadopoulos, tweeted, "I agree with everything in this superb article except Azra Turk clearly was not FBI. She was CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel. She could hardly speak English and was tasked to meet me about my work in the energy sector offshore Israel/Cyprus which Turkey was competing with."

The story is an indictment of both the direction of American Spying operation against Trump under Obama and the quality of its work.

Obama turned our international spying around to spy on Americans. Instead of checking to see what the Iranians, Red Chinese, or North Koreans were up to, Obama spied on Donald Trump and other private American citizens.

And his spies were inept.

Papadopoulos was not fooled. He did not bite on the bait.

The New York Times has known about this for a long time. Obama gave the newspaper access to transcripts of unconstitutional spying on Americans, and we have known that since January 20, 2017, when the Times did a front-page story about it.


The press markets itself falsely as some sort of constitutional check and balance on the president (it is not; that is the job of Congress) and actively participated in Obama's massive abuse of power, but participated in it.

Obama and his corrupt cronies would have been safe if they had just left the White House peacefully,

He had to try to ruin President Donald John Trump with Obama's Russian Dossier. Obama was so clever that he triggered an investigation of The Donald.

But that backfired when they could not find an iota of misdeed by President Trump. Instead, we have learned that Obama hired henchmen to pee on the Constitution.

And that is why today there are those in Washington who are sweating bullets because they may land in prison for carrying out unlawful orders. They are only mid-level creeps. But at least there will be some justice.

Mollie Hemingway wrote, "So long as anti-Trump operatives controlled the FBI and DOJ, this type of leaking and concealing of information worked well. Most major media outlets have chosen to ignore the spying scandal in favor of non-stop anti-Trump advocacy. That left actual fact-finding and truth-seeking to a small group of media outlets and a handful of elected lawmakers tasked with oversight of the nation’s spy agencies.

"When William Barr took over as attorney general, it was the first time in years the agency had any real political accountability. Trump’s first attorney general recused himself from overseeing anything related to the 2016 campaign, and his deputy who took over is alleged to have been involved in a conspiracy to oust the president.

"While Barr was adamant that Mueller’s special counsel probe be unimpeded and his report fully published, he scared the anti-Trump forces in and out of government when he said spying on opposing political campaigns is inappropriate. His public vow to examine whether the widespread spying operation against Trump and his affiliates was lawful and appropriate sent shockwaves through an organized anti-Trump political operation that had completely controlled the narrative until recently."​
If you think it's to be the president's personal defense attorney then it's you who doesn't understand.

No. He is the legal representative of the executive branch. He enforces the law. You guys are literally calling for him to be impeached because he is honest and doing his job.

That's just sad

So is he legal representative of the executive branch OR does he enforce the law?
He's supposed to enforce the law. The white white counsel is the legal representative of the executive branch.

What law is he not enforcing? Be specific.
A. I have yet to see him enforce any laws.

B. You're moving the goalposts because I never mentioned anything about that.
Tokyo Rose has morphed into Honolulu Maize. Super sized!
Justice should start confiscating passports.
Will Mueller on Wednesday?? Or is the Coward in our WH going to try and stop him

Won't be a problem. I heard that Mueller took offense at Pelosi's claim that Barr lied, and called Nadler, saying that he wanted to testify ASAP to set the record straight.
Oh I'm sure he'd set the record straight That's why the POS trump doesn't want him in front of congress And on another note , the AG Barr is a scumbag too,cut in the mold of trump
Libbies-each time that you lose you Do Not Get To Demand that hearings be held and the person that delivered the emotionally unsoothing results be run out of office

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