Bathroom etiquete

Mexicans need to start flushing their fucking toilet paper.

Look, one problem at a time. First we solve hambeasts and their mobility issues and then we get to work on Mexican Shitpaper.

Rome wasn't built in a day you know.
I was kicked out of a Walmart once for standing at the sink masturbating. Like that little girl has never seen a man's penis before...
1. ALWAYS perform a courtesy flush, even if you are alone.
2. How big does the toilet need to be to keep the walls dry?
3. Is flushing that complicated? How do you even drive?
4. You are not a poet, give it up.
5. Or an artist.
6. Washing hands, if you don't you really are a walking biohazard and should be quarantined.
My wife rides with me on Sunday's and yesterday a funny thing happened.

We stopped by a rest area in Virginia, and went to use the facilities. This is the story she told me, when she came out.

I happened to notice 2 boys around 8-10 years old walking out with their mom, their mom was pissed. I asked what was that all about, she said the mother took her 2 boys in the bathroom, and there was an oversized woman changing her maxi pad, outside of the stall, as the stall wouldn't fit her. The mother threw a fit.

Now, my wife said, when she went in she had no idea there were boys in there, so she went into the stall to do her business, and when she came out, the boys came out about the same time, with the oversized woman having her underwear down about her knees while she changed her pad and cleaned herself up. One of the boys made a comment about seeing the woman's butt, and the mother promptly came out of her stall. Cussing and fussing about the woman changing her pad in the women's bathroom.

By this time, my wife was dying, laughing, she just stood there and laughed at the mother and the boys, and the whole ridiculousness of the situation. Then the woman started cussing her for laughing. Saying things like, my boys may be scarred for life, and crap, of coarse this made here laugh even harder.

By the time she came out, she was shaking, and really red faced. the mother followed her out, not very happy, and shooed her boys toward their vehicle.

I asked what happened, and this was the story I was told.

I wonder if that mother will re-think taking her boys into the ladies room from now on? Who knows, that whole incident may have made them turn gay, cause I seen the oversized woman, and seeing that naked, might be enough for me to turn gay, or at least celibate.

Anyway, it made my day, cause people are funny.
People don't "turn" gay; they are born the way they are.
Mexicans need to start flushing their fucking toilet paper.

Look, one problem at a time. First we solve hambeasts and their mobility issues and then we get to work on Mexican Shitpaper.

Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

Mexicans not flushing shitpaper is an old problem.
If you lived where toilets were a luxury, you would to...

They don't flush shitpaper in public restrooms, in America.
Mexicans need to start flushing their fucking toilet paper.

Look, one problem at a time. First we solve hambeasts and their mobility issues and then we get to work on Mexican Shitpaper.

Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

Mexicans not flushing shitpaper is an old problem.
If you lived where toilets were a luxury, you would to...

They don't flush shitpaper in public restrooms, in America.
Neither did white teens when I did rest. management..nor did they seem to know what a toilet was for..
Mexicans need to start flushing their fucking toilet paper.

Look, one problem at a time. First we solve hambeasts and their mobility issues and then we get to work on Mexican Shitpaper.

Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

Mexicans not flushing shitpaper is an old problem.
If you lived where toilets were a luxury, you would to...

They don't flush shitpaper in public restrooms, in America.
Neither did white teens when I did rest. management..nor did they seem to know what a toilet was for..

Go to South Texas sometime and you'll be singing a different tune.
Look, one problem at a time. First we solve hambeasts and their mobility issues and then we get to work on Mexican Shitpaper.

Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

Mexicans not flushing shitpaper is an old problem.
If you lived where toilets were a luxury, you would to...

They don't flush shitpaper in public restrooms, in America.
Neither did white teens when I did rest. management..nor did they seem to know what a toilet was for..

Go to South Texas sometime and you'll be singing a different tune.
Once I left Texass, I swore never to go back, I may run into an ex wife....just ask them why....and get back with us...
My wife rides with me on Sunday's and yesterday a funny thing happened.

We stopped by a rest area in Virginia, and went to use the facilities. This is the story she told me, when she came out.

I happened to notice 2 boys around 8-10 years old walking out with their mom, their mom was pissed. I asked what was that all about, she said the mother took her 2 boys in the bathroom, and there was an oversized woman changing her maxi pad, outside of the stall, as the stall wouldn't fit her. The mother threw a fit.

Now, my wife said, when she went in she had no idea there were boys in there, so she went into the stall to do her business, and when she came out, the boys came out about the same time, with the oversized woman having her underwear down about her knees while she changed her pad and cleaned herself up. One of the boys made a comment about seeing the woman's butt, and the mother promptly came out of her stall. Cussing and fussing about the woman changing her pad in the women's bathroom.

By this time, my wife was dying, laughing, she just stood there and laughed at the mother and the boys, and the whole ridiculousness of the situation. Then the woman started cussing her for laughing. Saying things like, my boys may be scarred for life, and crap, of coarse this made here laugh even harder.

By the time she came out, she was shaking, and really red faced. the mother followed her out, not very happy, and shooed her boys toward their vehicle.

I asked what happened, and this was the story I was told.

I wonder if that mother will re-think taking her boys into the ladies room from now on? Who knows, that whole incident may have made them turn gay, cause I seen the oversized woman, and seeing that naked, might be enough for me to turn gay, or at least celibate.

Anyway, it made my day, cause people are funny.
People don't "turn" gay; they are born the way they are.
Does that include all sexuality or is somehow homosexuality unique? Are people born bi? Are they born to enjoy large objects up their asses? Bondage? Instead of presenting your beliefs as scientific fact can you support anything?
Teens and young adults have stated that since childhood they felt "different" than others of their same sex and that they identified more with those of the opposite sex. A Swedish study via PET scans have found that the brains of homosexuals are similar to those of the opposite sex.
There are ample cases of Hermaphrodites being born (having both male and female sex organs). When such occurs, the physician presents the situation to the parents and they decide which sex organs to keep (depending upon which genders genitalia is predominant). This unfortunately doesn't mean they made the right choice for the child (as they don't know the child's mental makeup).
As for brains, brains too are an organ and that brain can be either female or male. Just because you were born with male genitalia, doesn't mean that the brain is also going to be male; the chance is obviously high that it will be, but it's not a guarantee.
So, do your own in-depth research into the matter.
My wife rides with me on Sunday's and yesterday a funny thing happened.

We stopped by a rest area in Virginia, and went to use the facilities. This is the story she told me, when she came out.

I happened to notice 2 boys around 8-10 years old walking out with their mom, their mom was pissed. I asked what was that all about, she said the mother took her 2 boys in the bathroom, and there was an oversized woman changing her maxi pad, outside of the stall, as the stall wouldn't fit her. The mother threw a fit.

Now, my wife said, when she went in she had no idea there were boys in there, so she went into the stall to do her business, and when she came out, the boys came out about the same time, with the oversized woman having her underwear down about her knees while she changed her pad and cleaned herself up. One of the boys made a comment about seeing the woman's butt, and the mother promptly came out of her stall. Cussing and fussing about the woman changing her pad in the women's bathroom.

By this time, my wife was dying, laughing, she just stood there and laughed at the mother and the boys, and the whole ridiculousness of the situation. Then the woman started cussing her for laughing. Saying things like, my boys may be scarred for life, and crap, of coarse this made here laugh even harder.

By the time she came out, she was shaking, and really red faced. the mother followed her out, not very happy, and shooed her boys toward their vehicle.

I asked what happened, and this was the story I was told.

I wonder if that mother will re-think taking her boys into the ladies room from now on? Who knows, that whole incident may have made them turn gay, cause I seen the oversized woman, and seeing that naked, might be enough for me to turn gay, or at least celibate.

Anyway, it made my day, cause people are funny.

Isn't it proper etiquette to offer to help?
Teenagers have experience a lot of environmental experience. Many gays come from dysfunctional families. Someone posted the female brain in a male body study before and it was BS. If you have evidence, post it up. Hormones are what determine gender, how do genitals get more testosterone and the brain gets more estrogen? Doesn't add up.
Those stalls are anywhere from 3 to 4 foot wide. How damn big do those Virginia girls get?
I am a big man, and I can't use the regular stalls in the men's room, if the big stall is occupied, I get to wait, they aint made for men, they made for midgets. And this woman was much bigger than me, and I'm 425. This woman was easily 500.
My wife rides with me on Sunday's and yesterday a funny thing happened.

We stopped by a rest area in Virginia, and went to use the facilities. This is the story she told me, when she came out.

I happened to notice 2 boys around 8-10 years old walking out with their mom, their mom was pissed. I asked what was that all about, she said the mother took her 2 boys in the bathroom, and there was an oversized woman changing her maxi pad, outside of the stall, as the stall wouldn't fit her. The mother threw a fit.

Now, my wife said, when she went in she had no idea there were boys in there, so she went into the stall to do her business, and when she came out, the boys came out about the same time, with the oversized woman having her underwear down about her knees while she changed her pad and cleaned herself up. One of the boys made a comment about seeing the woman's butt, and the mother promptly came out of her stall. Cussing and fussing about the woman changing her pad in the women's bathroom.

By this time, my wife was dying, laughing, she just stood there and laughed at the mother and the boys, and the whole ridiculousness of the situation. Then the woman started cussing her for laughing. Saying things like, my boys may be scarred for life, and crap, of coarse this made here laugh even harder.

By the time she came out, she was shaking, and really red faced. the mother followed her out, not very happy, and shooed her boys toward their vehicle.

I asked what happened, and this was the story I was told.

I wonder if that mother will re-think taking her boys into the ladies room from now on? Who knows, that whole incident may have made them turn gay, cause I seen the oversized woman, and seeing that naked, might be enough for me to turn gay, or at least celibate.

Anyway, it made my day, cause people are funny.
People don't "turn" gay; they are born the way they are.
If you had to have sex with only this woman, then you would turn whatever way you could to get the hell out of it.

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