Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Hemorrhagic fever viruses in Ukraine link to the University of Florida and U. of Tennessee. We mentioned Black & Veatch in post #172.

Aug 2021 Ukraine Hantaviruses
'Conflict of Interest Statement: I.K. and O.N. were employed by Black & Veatch.
....Lviv Oblast....we show that for people living in western Ukraine, there is a high potential for HFRS caused by PUUV....reservoir of the virus is not known in some cases....Microtus arvalis....Sorex minutus.'

So for the Prospect Hill Virus (Orthohantavirus) @ Prospect Hill, Frederick County, Maryland, the vector is Microtus pennsylvanicus, and for the Rockport Virus (Orthohantavirus) @ Rockport, Texas (UTMB Galveston for the Menachery-Baric UNC link) the vector is Scalopus aquaticus.

For the DOE connection @ Los Alamos, a short walk to Jemez Springs, New Mexico, for the Jemez Springs Virus (Orthohantavirus) and its vector, the Dusky Shrew, Sorex monticolus. The Ash River Hantavirus, northern Minnesota, vector is Masked Shrew, Sorex cinereus.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus is Orthonairovirus, vectored by ticks.
Includes Bakhmut front; 6 Mar maps, cursor over the map enlarges it without clicking.
That's hyperbole based on social media. Supposedly a comment from a Russian commander to a mobik or something like that. The doc in the field hospital in Bakhmut said they were getting 50-60 wounded a day. They are fighting more than shovels.
The msm really sucks, but you believe them.
It isn’t only the left supporting this dumb horrific war. Many on the right do too.

The corporate media keeps citing stories that make it appear Russia is losing. So Americans dumb enough to still consume that shit are totally unaware. Maybe this is a good thing.
The war propaganda we are hit with night and day!! I can't see the point, unless Biden plans to send in our troops.

What a fraud.
It isn’t only the left supporting this dumb horrific war. Many on the right do too.

The corporate media keeps citing stories that make it appear Russia is losing. So Americans dumb enough to still consume that shit are totally unaware. Maybe this is a good thing.
I don't think it is a good thing. Because we are constantly insulted by TV ads with mutilated soldiers missing limbs, in wheel chairs, and we're supposed to say, "Thank you for your service"???? What service would that be? What possible advantage or protection to America can getting themselves bombed with IEDs in Afghanistan or Iraq POSSIBLY do for us? Nothing at all. So these young men who believe all the nonsense fed them about "patriotism" and such crap join up and go off to get themselves crippled for life for no reason that makes any sense at all.
The war propaganda we are hit with night and day!! I can't see the point, unless Biden plans to send in our troops.

What a fraud.
ABC News tonight reported that one Uke soldier taken prisoner was executed by Russians. I don’t doubt the report but they would never report atrocities committed by Ukes, which the independent media has reported on multiple times since the war began.
I don't think it is a good thing. Because we are constantly insulted by TV ads with mutilated soldiers missing limbs, in wheel chairs, and we're supposed to say, "Thank you for your service"???? What service would that be? What possible advantage or protection to America can getting themselves bombed with IEDs in Afghanistan or Iraq POSSIBLY do for us? Nothing at all. So these young men who believe all the nonsense fed them about "patriotism" and such crap join up and go off to get themselves crippled for life for no reason that makes any sense at all.
When I stated a good thing, I meant only that since Americans are clueless about the war so our leaders might not escalate it into a world war. It’s a stretch I know.
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The Ukranian troops should surrender now....otherwise they will be gone.

It's not worth giving your life for a corrupt puppet like Zelensky!

Battle for Ukraine's Bakhmut 'utter hell'​

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I'm not going to bother to correct your numbers, ...
Neither am I - since there were hundreds of Ukrainian tanks - captured by Russian forces in their initial attack of the first 2-3 weeks- mostly if not all destroyed since they were not able to take those tanks and vehicles back during their retreat.

You always compare the Ukrainian numbers with what Russia deployed towards Ukraine - and simply ignore what they actually had and still have in total in Russia.

Yes, it is known that the Ukrainian training standard was/is superior to those of Russia. However as I pointed out to you more then a 100% of the initial UAF manpower was destroyed in the past 12 month. (there goes the experience) There are enough reports from NATO and the UAF themselves - that document e.g. " after having received a basic training crash course of two weeks near Kiev, I was send to Bakhmut".
There are serious disagreements between Ukraine's military leadership and their politicians in the past 4 month right up to mostly involving Zelinsky. Due to huge losses in manpower and hardware - which can't be compensated in time with "better trained" UAF newcomers and hardware.

You are also contradicting yourself in regards to your numbers - If things would be as you state - then why isn't this war over yet? or at least significant, strategic territorial gains documented by the UAF?
Because obsolete and demotivated, Russian soldiers with spades, can hold back better trained and equally in strength (manpower/hardware) equipped Ukrainian forces?
So far in almost every instance during the past 4 month - it's Russian forces gaining inches or miles towards Ukraine's heavily dug in and fortified positions - maned with supposedly far better trained and equipped UAF soldiers. NATO as well as the UAF have been propagating their major offensive now already for 5 month.

IMO this major offensive will never happen or succeed, because the UAF simply doesn't have the manpower and hardware to do so. What ever they supposedly receive in the next 9 month will at most replace their daily losses, if at all. There is a distinctive reason/issue as to why they want/need aircraft. HIMARS alone can't handle that issue.

Already in April last year I stated that taking a 70% readiness status into account - the UAF will need at minimum 150 aircraft.
Whatever NATO/USA has send so far and might be sending, is just to compensate losses - in order to keep this senseless slaughter going on, without achieving a derisive strategic advantage towards this deadlock situation.

Russia will take at-least another 12-16 month to convert/adjust their forces towards new warfare doctrines. (not assault groups but so-called Sets, and core units based on Brigade doctrines) NATO's and the Russian adopted version of the BTG battalion doctrine has proven to be totally inadequate/unsuitable for the warfare conducted in Ukraine.
Till then Ukraine and Russia will continue to just slaughter each other without achieving anything of strategic value.

I still maintain, without NATO boots on the ground - Ukraine can't win.

Nothing of note will occur in this year - it's 2024 that will resolve this situation. Unless a UN resolution towards a ceasefire will come into existence.
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Bakhmud belongs to Russia now or very soon.... just a matter of waiting ....

Those poor 16 years old Ukranians or 60 years old.... that have been recruited by force from the streets by the puppet Zelensky..... they should surrender now!

It's not worth fighting for a stupid corrupt comedian puppet like Zelensky, or for Globlalist Nato, or for a demented stolen President like Biden anymore.
Neither am I - since there were hundreds of Ukrainian tanks - captured by Russian forces in their initial attack of the first 2-3 weeks- mostly if not all destroyed since they were not able to take those tanks and vehicles back during their retreat.

You always compare the Ukrainian numbers with what Russia deployed towards Ukraine - and simply ignore what they actually had and still have in total in Russia.

Yes, it is known that the Ukrainian training standard was/is superior to those of Russia. However as I pointed out to you more then a 100% of the initial UAF manpower was destroyed in the past 12 month. (there goes the experience) There are enough reports from NATO and the UAF themselves - that document e.g. " after having received a basic training crash course of two weeks near Kiev, I was send to Bakhmut".
There are serious disagreements between Ukraine's military leadership and their politicians in the past 4 month right up to mostly involving Zelinsky. Due to huge losses in manpower and hardware - which can't be compensated in time with "better trained" UAF newcomers and hardware.

You are also contradicting yourself in regards to your numbers - If things would be as you state - then why isn't this war over yet? or at least significant, strategic territorial gains documented by the UAF?
Because obsolete and demotivated, Russian soldiers with spades, can hold back better trained and equally in strength (manpower/hardware) equipped Ukrainian forces?
So far in almost every instance during the past 4 month - it's Russian forces gaining inches or miles towards Ukraine's heavily dug in and fortified positions - maned with supposedly far better trained and equipped UAF soldiers. NATO as well as the UAF have been propagating their major offensive now already for 5 month.

IMO this major offensive will never happen or succeed, because the UAF simply doesn't have the manpower and hardware to do so. What ever they supposedly receive in the next 9 month will at most replace their daily losses, if at all. There is a distinctive reason/issue as to why they want/need aircraft. HIMARS alone can't handle that issue.

Already in April last year I stated that taking a 70% readiness status into account - the UAF will need at minimum 150 aircraft.
Whatever NATO/USA has send so far and might be sending, is just to compensate losses - in order to keep this senseless slaughter going on, without achieving a derisive strategic advantage towards this deadlock situation.

Russia will take at-least another 12-16 month to convert/adjust their forces towards new warfare doctrines. (not assault groups but so-called Sets, and core units based on Brigade doctrines) NATO's and the Russian adopted version of the BTG battalion doctrine has proven to be totally inadequate/unsuitable for the warfare conducted in Ukraine.
Till then Ukraine and Russia will continue to just slaughter each other without achieving anything of strategic value.

I still maintain, without NATO boots on the ground - Ukraine can't win.

Nothing of note will occur in this year - it's 2024 that will resolve this situation. Unless a UN resolution towards a ceasefire will come into existence.
Your numbers are all wrong. At the start of the war, Ukraine had 265,000 soldiers including activated reserves and Russia invaded with only 120,000 soldiers, and by May, the AFU had 700,000 soldiers under arms, so the Ukrainian force always outnumbered the Russian force, but the Russians had more tanks and artillery pieces and more fighter planes.

No doubt both sides have suffered horrendous casualties but even so Ukraine is likely to have about 500,000 soldiers and Russia a similar number, but the main difference is the Russians have been attacking fortified positions for months and that has required them to commit nearly their entire invasion force to the fighting in and around Bakhmut, while the Ukrainians have been defending fortified positions so they have been able to function with fewer soldiers. When the spring offensive begins, Ukraine will have sufficient soldiers to attack other locations while keeping nearly the entire Russian force pinned down in and around Bakhmut.
Your numbers are all wrong. At the start of the war, Ukraine had 265,000 soldiers including activated reserves and Russia invaded with only 120,000 soldiers, and by May, the AFU had 700,000 soldiers under arms, so the Ukrainian force always outnumbered the Russian force, but the Russians had more tanks and artillery pieces and more fighter planes.

No doubt both sides have suffered horrendous casualties but even so Ukraine is likely to have about 500,000 soldiers and Russia a similar number, but the main difference is the Russians have been attacking fortified positions for months and that has required them to commit nearly their entire invasion force to the fighting in and around Bakhmut, while the Ukrainians have been defending fortified positions so they have been able to function with fewer soldiers. When the spring offensive begins, Ukraine will have sufficient soldiers to attack other locations while keeping nearly the entire Russian force pinned down in and around Bakhmut.
Come on you got your opinion and figures, I got mine. let's leave it at that.
2022 IISS Military Balance. Ukraine active Duty: 209,000. Reserves: 900,000. Russia active duty: 900,000 Reserves: 2,000,000

About 400K of the Ukrainian reserves were veterans of the Donbas- meaning men with recent combat experience. Russia's reserves were anyone who had spent 6 months active duty in the prior 6 years.

The Russian Navy, Air Force, and Strategic Missile forces aren't really in the fight. There are a few ships in the B.S.F. that are used to launch cruise missiles into Ukraine, and a few MiG-31's and Tu-22's that do the same from Russian and Belarusian airspace. There is no air war in Ukraine, and no naval war.

So ground forces. Ukraine at the outset had about 145,000-150,000 of the 209K in the ground forces, that does not include Special Forces. Russia's ground forces was 280,000 according to IISS.

Right after the invasion, Ukrainians queued up at recruiting centers to join the army or TDF's. Ukraine mobilized and began conscription. There were over 100,000 volunteers by the first week of March and Ukraine had to turn people away because they couldn't equip them.

Today Ukraine's active duty is about 688K, and reserves about 1 million. Russia active duty is said to be 1.15 mil, but that is hard to verify.

Ukraine suspended conscription back in November- they have enough people, they just need more equipment.

This page has a good infographic of the initial balance of power, the only thing I disagree with is the "combat aircraft" number for Russia. The actual number of usable tactical aircraft for Russia was closer to 350, not including ground pounders like SU-24/25.

But other than that, it's pretty good.

2022 IISS Military Balance. Ukraine active Duty: 209,000. Reserves: 900,000. Russia active duty: 900,000 Reserves: 2,000,000

About 400K of the Ukrainian reserves were veterans of the Donbas- meaning men with recent combat experience. Russia's reserves were anyone who had spent 6 months active duty in the prior 6 years.

The Russian Navy, Air Force, and Strategic Missile forces aren't really in the fight. There are a few ships in the B.S.F. that are used to launch cruise missiles into Ukraine, and a few MiG-31's and Tu-22's that do the same from Russian and Belarusian airspace. There is no air war in Ukraine, and no naval war.

So ground forces. Ukraine at the outset had about 145,000-150,000 of the 209K in the ground forces, that does not include Special Forces. Russia's ground forces was 280,000 according to IISS.

Right after the invasion, Ukrainians queued up at recruiting centers to join the army or TDF's. Ukraine mobilized and began conscription. There were over 100,000 volunteers by the first week of March and Ukraine had to turn people away because they couldn't equip them.

Today Ukraine's active duty is about 688K, and reserves about 1 million. Russia active duty is said to be 1.15 mil, but that is hard to verify.

Ukraine suspended conscription back in November- they have enough people, they just need more equipment.

This page has a good infographic of the initial balance of power, the only thing I disagree with is the "combat aircraft" number for Russia. The actual number of usable tactical aircraft for Russia was closer to 350, not including ground pounders like SU-24/25.

But other than that, it's pretty good.

Some so called experts claim there are 300,000 or so Uke Army personnel in hospital as casualties of war. Do you have any info on this?
Some so called experts claim there are 300,000 or so Uke Army personnel in hospital as casualties of war. Do you have any info on this?
One can play numbers all day . I believe 300k is low and possibly substantially .
Probably more useful are combatant reports -- see Kyiv Independent for example .

The fact that the Nazis are now recruiting youngsters down to the age of 16 tells you a great deal .
Let alone Zelenskyy's begging bowl hysteria tours .

And the Russians have between 300k and even 500k ready to come in from southern Russia ,Donbas and even Belarus .
Kyiv's cupboard is bare and they are now dependent on re-registered NATO forces acting as mercenaries plus others flown in by the US from the ME mainly.
On present dynamics there is zero chance of Kyiv "winning "
Some so called experts claim there are 300,000 or so Uke Army personnel in hospital as casualties of war. Do you have any info on this?
I have contradictory info, lol. Ukraine doesn't have near that many hospital beds, and we would know if there were large numbers of Ukrainian casualties in hospitals outside of Ukraine.

I don't have good estimates. The Norwegian Defense Minister recently said 180K casualties on the Russian side and 100K on the Ukrainian side plus 30K civilians. That sounds in the ball park to me.

Anecdotal evidence says Ukraine's WIA/KIA is better than Russia's- better battlefield medicine, and better evacuation of the wounded.

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