Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

so I Guess this is Actually True..
and the Russians ARE NOT LOSING this war.
as I have Heard Over and OVER in the MSM :)

Absolutelly true!

You can say that again! :up:
so I Guess this is Actually True..
and the Russians ARE NOT LOSING this war.
as I have Heard Over and OVER in the MSM :)
Many Americans still believe the corporate media. I don’t know how this is possible after all the decades of lies. It will surprise them when Ukraine falls. Will they learn from their mistakes?
This applies not only for Bakhmud but for all of corrupt Ukraine.

Col. Douglas McGregor is a hero! :clap2:I don't miss any of his interviews!

This interview from 2 days ago, you don't want to miss this!

Douglas Macgregor: UKRAINE IS DONE If This HAPPENS​

Many Americans still believe the corporate media. I don’t know how this is possible after all the decades of lies. It will surprise them when Ukraine falls. Will they learn from their mistakes?
not likely rabbit... :)
and it is Really Pathetic..
Let's Just Legalize More Drugs to Dumb Down the population even More!
After seven months of trying to take Bakhmut, Russian forces are proud to report they are still trying.
Russia's new strategy: Advance so slowly that the enemy isn't sure if you're really even doing an offensive...


"The likely imminent culmination of Russia's offensive around Bakhmut before or after its fall, the already culminated Russian offensive near Vuhledar, & the stalling Russian offensive in Luhansk are likely setting robust conditions for a future Ukrainian counteroffensive."
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These are two different scenarios. Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, an entity that doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for over 30 years. If the Soviet Union still existed, then maybe the Russians would have the right to be pissed. But it doesn't, so they have no claim to Ukraine.
No they are not different at all if you play the same scenario towards the same timeline occurrences with the USA.

E.g. Bush senior - acquitted towards Texas, New-Mexico and Alaska (Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia) to become sovereign states in 1991. Therefore the USA,Texas and NM signed of a memorandum (Commonwealth of Independent American states) in 1991, that clearly states - no actions that endanger the national security interests of all parties are to be taken. See Almata deceleration 1991.

In 1994 Texas refuses to oblige towards the 1991 nuclear-arms deal conditions. they want to keep the USA federation nuclear arms and try to strike a bargain.
China and Russia have been waiting for 3 years for just that to happen - invite themselves to the talks and are signatories to an accord that clarifies the return of nuclear arms to the USA federation and it's destruction/decommissioning to be done in Texas. Furthermore China and Russia declare to provide security assurance for Texas in the event of an attack onto the Sovereignty of Texas.

China and Russia celebrate the by far largest party ever held since 1945 - laughing their heads off and immediately go on to ensure that all new independent former USA states become SG and BRICS members, -whilst The President of the USA Federation, Bill Clinton decides to continue drinking by himself, and telling his stories about having taken pot, womanizing issues, and how he demonstrated against the Vietnam war.

China, Russia and the SG however become increasingly uncomfortable, when since 2000 a guy called Trump, became the president of the USA Federation. Always talks about USA Federation being no 1. make USA Federation strong again, openly rejects the idea of a sovereign Texas. and doesn't give a shit about diplomatic norms.

In 2008 - Texas declares that it want's to join the China/Russia led military alliance (SG) and in 2010 defy NAFTA membership by applying to become a BRICS member.
From 2010 onward Chinese, Russian and SG military equipment and advisors are brought increasingly into Texas.

Trump starts to get really pissed off in 2014 since the SG in 1991 made clear statements as to not to further expand their military alliance. However Canada, and Mexico have already become SG members in 2004 and Alaska has now also forwarded its desire to become a BRICS and SG member. Only New-Mexico still stands as a firm supporter to the USA Federation, especially after an attempt by China, Russia and the SD failed to overthrow the NM government in 2020, raising memories of the Texas unrest's in 2014.

Due to the Texas unrest's in 2014, USA Federation troops occupy Puerto-Rico since they can proof that John F. Kennedy had no rights to award it to Texas. Aside from that Puerto-Rico is the only Naval base for the USA federation to enter the Atlantic and Caribbean sea, the only other naval bases they have is in Oregon and Hawaii.

A peoples referendum clearly indicating that the majority of Puerto-Rica's population is in favor of reuniting with the USA federation - is simply brushed aside by China, Russia the SG and BRICS - claiming that the polls are manipulated. The UN does not send in a peace-keeping mission to guarantee the peoples right towards self-determination on Puerto-Rico, but simply decides to refute Washington's claims.

Also In 2014 separatist moments start to arise in Huston and Austin declaring to be Yankees and not Texans. The USA federation supports the Yankees. Whilst the Texan army is trying to crush the Yankee separatists. Despite an armistice the peace doesn't hold between the Texan army and Yankee separatists with Yankee troops from the USA federation being involved. Again an UN Peace-keeping mission is not even discussed. After-all China, Russia, SG and BRICS control the UN.

From 2017 onward China, Russia, SG and BRICS intensify their accusation of the USA federation having Monroe-Doctrine aspirations - and it's president Trump is a dictator and ruthless madman. Sanctions towards the USA federation by China, Russia and BRICs have been enacted due to the Puerto-Rico issue. But no UN Peacekeeping mandate exists.

In 2019 China and Russia manage to implement a former Texan comedian as president of Texas. Who say's he hates Yankees and what they stand for. And asks/begs China and Russia to speed up his application towards becoming an SG and BRICK member. His ambassador in Canada in 2021 states: either we are a SG member or we will arm ourselves with nuclear weapons. China and Russia promise to speed up the application process and bring in further large weapon supplies - the number of ATGM missiles of the Texan Armed Forces already exceeds those of the USA federation tank forces by 2:1. Urban warfare in Austin and Huston intensifies.

In 2021 the Texas comedian publicly declares that Texas goal is to get Puerto-Rico back and drive out the USA federation Yankee troops from Austin and Huston. Pro-Yankee media and parties are being prohibited, so is the use of Yankee slang. China and Russia again supply large weapon caches to Texas. ATGM's and man-pad missiles outnumber the USA federation's tank-forces now by 4:1 and 3:1 in regards to aircraft. In mid 2021 Trump orders the movement of a large USA federation force towards the Texan border. - he send his proposal to China, Russia and the SG, demanding the neutrality of Texas and a clear solution towards Puerto-Rico, Austin and Huston. China, Russia and the SG prefer to ignore it and speed up arm-deliveries.

On Feb. 2022 Trump decides to attack Texas - since he is convinced of an existential threat towards the USA federation incited by Texas, China, Russia and the SG.
Trump is known for his impulsiveness and historic views onto Texas. China, Russia and the SG members call for arms support towards Texas - declare Trump to be a Monroe-Doctrine apologist and warn the UK not to support the USA Federation.

You can bet your ass, that the USA would never accept a Texas situation as described above.
P.S. don't take my previous line personal.
No they are not different at all if you play the same scenario towards the same timeline occurrences with the USA.

E.g. Bush senior - acquitted towards Texas, New-Mexico and Alaska (Ukraine, Belarus and Moldavia) to become sovereign states in 1991. Therefore the USA,Texas and NM signed of a memorandum (Commonwealth of Independent American states) in 1991, that clearly states - no actions that endanger the national security interests of all parties are to be taken. See Almata deceleration 1991.

In 1994 Texas refuses to oblige towards the 1991 nuclear-arms deal conditions. they want to keep the USA federation nuclear arms and try to strike a bargain.
China and Russia have been waiting for 3 years for just that to happen - invite themselves to the talks and are signatories to an accord that clarifies the return of nuclear arms to the USA federation and it's destruction/decommissioning to be done in Texas. Furthermore China and Russia declare to provide security assurance for Texas in the event of an attack onto the Sovereignty of Texas.

China and Russia celebrate the by far largest party ever held since 1945 - laughing their heads off and immediately go on to ensure that all new independent former USA states become SG and BRICS members, -whilst The President of the USA Federation, Bill Clinton decides to continue drinking by himself, and telling his stories about having taken pot, womanizing issues, and how he demonstrated against the Vietnam war.

China, Russia and the SG however become increasingly uncomfortable, when since 2000 a guy called Trump, became the president of the USA Federation. Always talks about USA Federation being no 1. make USA Federation strong again, openly rejects the idea of a sovereign Texas. and doesn't give a shit about diplomatic norms.

In 2008 - Texas declares that it want's to join the China/Russia led military alliance (SG) and in 2010 defy NAFTA membership by applying to become a BRICS member.
From 2010 onward Chinese, Russian and SG military equipment and advisors are brought increasingly into Texas.

Trump starts to get really pissed off in 2014 since the SG in 1991 made clear statements as to not to further expand their military alliance. However Canada, and Mexico have already become SG members in 2004 and Alaska has now also forwarded its desire to become a BRICS and SG member. Only New-Mexico still stands as a firm supporter to the USA Federation, especially after an attempt by China, Russia and the SD failed to overthrow the NM government in 2020, raising memories of the Texas unrest's in 2014.

Due to the Texas unrest's in 2014, USA Federation troops occupy Puerto-Rico since they can proof that John F. Kennedy had no rights to award it to Texas. Aside from that Puerto-Rico is the only Naval base for the USA federation to enter the Atlantic and Caribbean sea, the only other naval bases they have is in Oregon and Hawaii.

A peoples referendum clearly indicating that the majority of Puerto-Rica's population is in favor of reuniting with the USA federation - is simply brushed aside by China, Russia the SG and BRICS - claiming that the polls are manipulated. The UN does not send in a peace-keeping mission to guarantee the peoples right towards self-determination on Puerto-Rico, but simply decides to refute Washington's claims.

Also In 2014 separatist moments start to arise in Huston and Austin declaring to be Yankees and not Texans. The USA federation supports the Yankees. Whilst the Texan army is trying to crush the Yankee separatists. Despite an armistice the peace doesn't hold between the Texan army and Yankee separatists with Yankee troops from the USA federation being involved. Again an UN Peace-keeping mission is not even discussed. After-all China, Russia, SG and BRICS control the UN.

From 2017 onward China, Russia, SG and BRICS intensify their accusation of the USA federation having Monroe-Doctrine aspirations - and it's president Trump is a dictator and ruthless madman. Sanctions towards the USA federation by China, Russia and BRICs have been enacted due to the Puerto-Rico issue. But no UN Peacekeeping mandate exists.

In 2019 China and Russia manage to implement a former Texan comedian as president of Texas. Who say's he hates Yankees and what they stand for. And asks/begs China and Russia to speed up his application towards becoming an SG and BRICK member. His ambassador in Canada in 2021 states: either we are a SG member or we will arm ourselves with nuclear weapons. China and Russia promise to speed up the application process and bring in further large weapon supplies - the number of ATGM missiles of the Texan Armed Forces already exceeds those of the USA federation tank forces by 2:1. Urban warfare in Austin and Huston intensifies.

In 2021 the Texas comedian publicly declares that Texas goal is to get Puerto-Rico back and drive out the USA federation Yankee troops from Austin and Huston. Pro-Yankee media and parties are being prohibited, so is the use of Yankee slang. China and Russia again supply large weapon caches to Texas. ATGM's and man-pad missiles outnumber the USA federation's tank-forces now by 4:1 and 3:1 in regards to aircraft. In mid 2021 Trump orders the movement of a large USA federation force towards the Texan border. - he send his proposal to China, Russia and the SG, demanding the neutrality of Texas and a clear solution towards Puerto-Rico, Austin and Huston. China, Russia and the SG prefer to ignore it and speed up arm-deliveries.

On Feb. 2022 Trump decides to attack Texas - since he is convinced of an existential threat towards the USA federation incited by Texas, China, Russia and the SG.
Trump is known for his impulsiveness and historic views onto Texas. China, Russia and the SG members call for arms support towards Texas - declare Trump to be a Monroe-Doctrine apologist and warn the UK not to support the USA Federation.

You can bet your ass, that the USA would never accept a Texas situation as described above.
P.S. don't take my previous line personal.

I'm not sure in what warped retarded way you see that and Ukraine as the same situation, but whatever. Ukraine voted to leave the Soviet Union. They left. Soviet Union crumbled. It doesn't exist. Hasn't for over 30 years. Ukraine has been independent for 30 years. Russia has no right to it since there is no more Soviet Union.

There, dumbed it down for ya.
You must be citing Scott Ritter or one of the other Putin apologists. I have not seen any western (Pentagon or NATO) source make that claim.

NATO estimate is 200K Russians, killed or wounded seriously enough to be not returnable to combat duties. That estimate is more than the total Russian invasion force of ~180K (all-inclusive).

While Russia still outnumbers Ukraine, the Russian army was at it's strongest, and the AFU was at it's weakest, just about exactly one year ago. Russia has lost 2/3 of it's fleet of modernized tanks (meaning post-2010, T-72 and T-80 series).

The AFU has gone from 27 bde's to over 60 today.

It took the Russian army 3 months to take Mariupol, a city of 425,000 people. It took 8 months to take Bakhmut, a town of 70,000. And that was really Wagner PMC, not the Russian army.

The Russian losses at Bakhmut are unreal. If you follow the telegram channels, you'll get it unfiltered.
You don't get the point.

The UAF manpower in Feb. 2022 was at around 120,000 in total - plus around 50,000 national guards reservists that were never send to the front - excluding navy and air-force.
The RFAF manpower in Feb. 2022 was at around 850,000 in total - excluding navy, air-force and strategic forces, border guard forces and Putin's praetorian guard.

Western estimates claim 200-250 dead and disabled RF soldiers - so that would be as I had stated on earlier around 25-30% of their total forces.
Western estimates claim 120-150 dead and disabled UAF soldiers - so that would be more then their entire forces totaled on Feb. 2022

Ukraine has a population presently of around 30 million to draw upon reservists and cannon fodder.
Since Feb. 2022 till today Ukraine has activated/drawn additionally up around 500,000 men
Russia has a population presently of around 145 million to draw upon reservists and cannon fodder.
Since Feb. 2022 till today Russia has activated/drawn up additionally around 500,000 men

Therefore Russia can draw upon almost 5 times the number of call-ups then Ukraine. And don't worry their hardware still outnumbers that of the Ukraine by far.
Just because they send antiquated 1960's crab into Ukraine, doesn't imply that they ran out of 1990-2020 hardware.

It's pure unfounded NATO propaganda to claim - they got nothing left aside from 1960's stuff. that the Russians lost heavily in regards to tanks and APC/AFV is clear.
Ukraine lost around 80% of it's tanks and APC/AFV they had in 2022. How many do you believe they had? aorund 1/5th of the Russian numbers.

So far Ukraine has only received around 250 ex Soviet tanks and around 350 APC/AFV from ex Soviet made - supplied by e.g. Poland, Greece, Czech, etc.
Besides M-113's around 150 and 4 wheel stuff from NATO around 300 vehicles - they received nothing that could equalize their losses.

Anything else they might receive is not going to be there before Summer/Autumn this year. let's see how much Russia can produce till then.
I'm not sure in what warped retarded way you see that and Ukraine as the same situation, but whatever. Ukraine voted to leave the Soviet Union. They left. Soviet Union crumbled. It doesn't exist. Hasn't for over 30 years. Ukraine has been independent for 30 years. Russia has no right to it since there is no more Soviet Union.

There, dumbed it down for ya.
Because you can't admit toward facts regarding Ukraine and Russia. Your demo/lib view doesn't change those facts. just makes you feel righteous and comfortable.
There dumbed it down even shorter for you.
It's not a liberal view, it's a common sense view... USSR Doesn't exist anymore, and Russia has no right to Ukraine. Period.
Your cited common sense has nothing to do with international law - aside demo/libs harping around Russia's attack, towards a sovereign nation.
Russia attacked first, that's all, it doesn't impede international right towards safeguarding it's own national security. The UN Charter does not state by which means. Period.
Your cited common sense has nothing to do with international law - aside demo/libs harping around Russia's attack, towards a sovereign nation.
Russia attacked first, that's all, it doesn't impede international right towards safeguarding it's own national security. The UN Charter does not state by which means. Period.

How does invading Ukraine improve national security? If anything, it has gotten them closer to getting drop kicked by NATO. The only way Russia would have to defend he own security, is if NATO attacks them. Then yes, they have evey right to go apeshit. But this was unprovoked. Their excuses are bullshit anti-american lies.
Your cited common sense has nothing to do with international law - aside demo/libs harping around Russia's attack, towards a sovereign nation.
Russia attacked first, that's all, it doesn't impede international right towards safeguarding it's own national security. The UN Charter does not state by which means. Period.
International law allows for a preemptive attack in the face of an imminent threat but not a preventive attack against a possible future attack, so clearly Russia is in violation of international law in attacking Ukraine. This is not just a throw away point. Russia has violated every relevant international law and every relevant treaty in this invasion of Ukraine, and this means there is no rational basis for thinking any negotiation with Russia would lead to peace if Russia believed there was some advantage in violating it.

This means the war must continue until Russia recognizes it cannot prevail on the battlefield and cannot save its economy unless it withdraws to its internationally recognized borders, acknowledges the sovereignty of Ukraine and drops all objections to Ukraine joining the EU and NATO. With the Russian Ministry of Finance reporting the Russian economy is already in a tailspin, Russia's only alternative is to deal with the sanctions by modeling itself after the North Korea model.
This applies not only for Bakhmud but for all of corrupt Ukraine.

Col. Douglas McGregor is a hero! :clap2:I don't miss any of his interviews!

This interview from 2 days ago, you don't want to miss this!

Douglas Macgregor: UKRAINE IS DONE If This HAPPENS​

I've watched him quite often. As well as this guy.

not likely rabbit... :)
and it is Really Pathetic..
Let's Just Legalize More Drugs to Dumb Down the population even More!
It’s a fallacy that legalized drugs will “dumb down the population.” Stop falling for right wing lies.

Our population is rather dumbed down now thanks to the establishment.

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