Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

The map hasn’t changed significantly in days.

Seen an article about how Wagner mercs aren't getting the munitions they requested where Russia has them...they just aren't getting Shipped for some reason.

Maybe someone is being dishonest inside of Russia....oh say it isn't so!
A photo of the Kharkiv lab has already been posted to USMB. The idea of preemptive attack gets trumped by the bird flu lab at Kharkiv, 215 km from Bakhmut. On the north-south axis, as we've said before, temperature is a factor.

In post #133 we mentioned Lira who is in Kharkiv. Lira may not know about the bird flu lab or CCHFV experiments that would be going on there. The CCHFV vector's northernmost limit is @ Kharkiv.

So Jordan Trishton Walker and Project Veritas links to CCHFV at Galveston because Walker is UT Dallas whereas Menachery, Baric's (UNC) co-author is UTMB Galveston.

Mar 2022 UTMB Galveston / CCHFV
'The key unanswered question is: Why are humans uniquely susceptible to clinical disease upon infection?....An often-overlooked factor in modeling vector-borne pathogens is the role of the vector in disease outcome.'

There is a furin cleavage site in SARS2.

May 2015 Atlanta CDC / CCHFV Furin Cleavage Site
'Our data demonstrate that nairoviruses can be produced by reverse genetics, and the utility of our system uncovered a function for furin cleavage.

We've already posted that Wuhan bat lady Zheng-Li Shi went to Mozambique and the furin cleavage sites linked to that country, mentioning the African civet, Civettictis civetta.

South Africa CCHFV
'....Detailed information regarding viral proteins and their functions in geographically distinct isolates will be the comparison of gene products and other protein functions of other viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola and Lassa a furin cleavage site motif, RSKR, which was conserved among all South African isolates at either amino acid residues 244-247 or 249-252.'

Experiments with temperature-sensitive mutants at Kharkiv would correlate with these scientific facts because the vector tick's range stops at Kharkiv.
Sharri Markson (What Really Happened in Wuhan) documents Wuhan bat lady going to Mozambique. If Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang, first to sequence SARS2, would have gone to the Mozambique conference, that would have "let the cat out of the bag."

The UTMB Galveston report (post #162) states:
'....DEVD motif that is cleaved by host caspase 3....Although ticks of the genus Hyalomma are considered principal reservoir, others such as Rhipicephalus may serve as reservoirs, an often-overlooked factor in modeling vector-borne pathogens is the role of the vector in disease outcome.'

Yong-Zhen Zhang's connection to the genus Haemaphysalis (Asian Longhorn tick, H. longicornis) would have been too close for Beijing CDC's comfort:

African Civet Cat / Rhipicephalus

DRC / African Civet Cat / Haemaphysalis punctaleachi / Pangolin
Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae (post #163) include Rickettsia raoulti, named after Didier Raoult, who along with Vladimir Zelenko, pioneered early treatment of SARS2 with HCQ and azithromycin in France and New York state, respectively.

53 miles from EcoHealth Alliance on Long Island, furin cleavage sites in the American dog tick, Dermacentor in 2013. CCHFV in Dermacentor marginatus, D. silvarum, and Haemaphysalis parva is documented.
AFAIK no such thing in the UN Charter - sources/link please to that statement. Which chapter and article? - thanks.
You should be embarrassed to even ask such a stupid question. If you shoot some one because he is pulling a gun on you, that is self defense but if you shoot someone because you think he might pull a gun on you at some future time, that is murder. Similarly, a preemptive war is self defense, but a preventive is aggression and aggression against another nation is universally condemned. Here is an article that explains some of the discussions of this issue over the last century or so.

However, this issue is not relevant to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, since France and Germany made clear over and over again that Ukraine would not be allowed to join NATO specifically to avoid any perception of a threat to Russia. Russia's 2014 invasion of Ukraine was about Ukraine trying to join the EU, not NATO, and is an act of naked aggression in support of Russia's neo colonial attitude toward Ukraine and Russia's other neighbors.
You don't get the point.

The UAF manpower in Feb. 2022 was at around 120,000 in total - plus around 50,000 national guards reservists that were never send to the front - excluding navy and air-force.
The RFAF manpower in Feb. 2022 was at around 850,000 in total - excluding navy, air-force and strategic forces, border guard forces and Putin's praetorian guard.

Western estimates claim 200-250 dead and disabled RF soldiers - so that would be as I had stated on earlier around 25-30% of their total forces.
Western estimates claim 120-150 dead and disabled UAF soldiers - so that would be more then their entire forces totaled on Feb. 2022

Ukraine has a population presently of around 30 million to draw upon reservists and cannon fodder.
Since Feb. 2022 till today Ukraine has activated/drawn additionally up around 500,000 men
Russia has a population presently of around 145 million to draw upon reservists and cannon fodder.
Since Feb. 2022 till today Russia has activated/drawn up additionally around 500,000 men

Therefore Russia can draw upon almost 5 times the number of call-ups then Ukraine. And don't worry their hardware still outnumbers that of the Ukraine by far.
Just because they send antiquated 1960's crab into Ukraine, doesn't imply that they ran out of 1990-2020 hardware.

It's pure unfounded NATO propaganda to claim - they got nothing left aside from 1960's stuff. that the Russians lost heavily in regards to tanks and APC/AFV is clear.
Ukraine lost around 80% of it's tanks and APC/AFV they had in 2022. How many do you believe they had? aorund 1/5th of the Russian numbers.

So far Ukraine has only received around 250 ex Soviet tanks and around 350 APC/AFV from ex Soviet made - supplied by e.g. Poland, Greece, Czech, etc.
Besides M-113's around 150 and 4 wheel stuff from NATO around 300 vehicles - they received nothing that could equalize their losses.

Anything else they might receive is not going to be there before Summer/Autumn this year. let's see how much Russia can produce till then.
I'm not going to bother to correct your numbers, I've posted them before, and also the actual number of combat-capable tanks on each side at the beginning of 2022. Russia began with about a 3:1 advantage in tanks, roughly 2800 for Russia and about 850 for Ukraine. Again, post 2010 modernized tanks, ignoring the rusted obsolete hulks in storage on each side.

Since then, Ukraine has captured more tanks (542 documented) from Russia than they have lost in combat (470) That alone equalizes AFU losses in tanks. Add to that ~460 T-72's received from her neighbors, and about 240 additional Western tanks that will be coming in the next few months.

The largest supplier of arms to Ukraine is the Russian Federation...

I don't want to go in depth about the disparities in training between the two sides. Russia's mobilization was 316,000, most of them are now in Ukraine, though some are still in bases in Russia or Belarus.

The level of training they receive is pathetic. A few days on the rifle range if they are lucky. They have to buy their own kit.

The USSR maintained an active-duty cadre of reserve training officers. Putin disbanded this back in the 2000's to save money, so there weren't even any trainers available for the conscripts- most of those officers had already been called up and sent to Ukraine before the mobilization began.

AFU training is done in NATO countries, battalion-sized classes that get basic plus specialized training over several weeks, and are properly kitted out with new rifles, medkits, and body armor. There is a big qualitative difference in the new recruits.

One more thing- Wagner PMC can get away with taking conscripts from prisons and using them in bonzai suicide attacks. Not even the Russian army can get away with that- the outcry from the Russian population will not permit it.

One of these days I will post about the restructuring of the Russian ground forces away from BTG's and into the new "Assault Groups". This new OOB is a reflection of the absence of functional command and control and the decline in available armor.
Seen an article about how Wagner mercs aren't getting the munitions they requested where Russia has them...they just aren't getting Shipped for some reason.
The Russian army units accuse Wagner of intercepting the ammunition and diverting it for their own use, and the withholding was just Wagner getting the same as everyone else. There is some documentation posted on the telegram pages, but I can't translate text in images so I don't know what it actually says...
Obama-Lugar trip to Russia, and the Lugar Research Center link to ethnic differences in susceptibility to Leishmania. So the video to watch is the military-linked experiments at that Tbilisi lab (USMB search: Gaytandzhieva.)

Dilyana is Bulgarian, so Bulgaria expels the Russian diplomat as the Pentagon's black marionette moves into Sophia for a visit. Simultaneously, Putin's first Kinzhal hits Lviv, a CIA stronghold.
So a vector-reservoir of SARS1, the raccoon dog Nyctereutes, slowly increases its movements and numbers westward into Europe, as well as the Republic of Georgia, setting the stage for a SARS outbreak which Lugar Center would be convenient for vaccines and experiments.

The ethnic Leishmania susceptibility is precisely Russian and precisely Leishmania at Tbilisi (L. donovani, L. infantum). duh
Front line comments made by fighters today , reported by Kyiv Independent
The soldiers lack about everything that would support their defense:They say that Russian artillery, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers are often allowed to strike Ukrainian positions for hours or days without being shut down by Ukrainian heavy weapons. Some complained of poor coordination and situational awareness, allowing this to happen or making it even worse.Mortarmen spoke of extreme ammunition scarcity and having to use weapons dating back to World War II. Drones that are supposed to provide critical reconnaissance information are also scarce and are being lost at very high rates in some parts of the battlefield.All this leads to terrifying casualties of both dead and wounded. "The battalion came in in the middle of December… between all the different platoons, there were 500 of us," says Borys, a combat medic from Odesa Oblast fighting around Bakhmut. "A month ago, there were literally 150 of us."“When you go out to the position, it’s not even a 50/50 chance that you’ll come out of there (alive),” says the older Serhiy. “It’s more like 30/70.”
Lugar and the Arab Son go to Russia

We've pointed to the right virus: CCHFV.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
'....Lugar Center....Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.'

Working with Pathogens @ Kharkiv
'....Permit for working with pathogens will be obtained after signing TOC and MoU....Black & Veatch*....'

*The Missouri Hyperloop project.
Note that the Kharkiv document date is 5 May 2012. This is a bit over (one week [italics]) after The Elf (aka Anthony Fauci) testifies to the U.S. Senate on "Dual Use" on 26 Ap 2012. On 25 Ap 2012, the first sick miner from the Mojiang copper mine goes into hospital. Viruses from this mine will later be shown to have been unpublished and kept secret by Zheng-Li Shi and WIV.

Already mentioned, the furin cleavage site links to copper binding in major prion proteins, including the brain-eating cannibalism of kuru. Just as importantly, the furin cleavage site of Sooty Mangabey major prion protein also has a copper-binding region. This Mangabey, Cercocebus torquatus atys, is the link to HIV-2, considered an older virus than HIV-1.
I'm not going to bother to correct your numbers, I've posted them before, and also the actual number of combat-capable tanks on each side at the beginning of 2022. Russia began with about a 3:1 advantage in tanks, roughly 2800 for Russia and about 850 for Ukraine. Again, post 2010 modernized tanks, ignoring the rusted obsolete hulks in storage on each side.

Since then, Ukraine has captured more tanks (542 documented) from Russia than they have lost in combat (470) That alone equalizes AFU losses in tanks. Add to that ~460 T-72's received from her neighbors, and about 240 additional Western tanks that will be coming in the next few months.

The largest supplier of arms to Ukraine is the Russian Federation...

I don't want to go in depth about the disparities in training between the two sides. Russia's mobilization was 316,000, most of them are now in Ukraine, though some are still in bases in Russia or Belarus.

The level of training they receive is pathetic. A few days on the rifle range if they are lucky. They have to buy their own kit.

The USSR maintained an active-duty cadre of reserve training officers. Putin disbanded this back in the 2000's to save money, so there weren't even any trainers available for the conscripts- most of those officers had already been called up and sent to Ukraine before the mobilization began.

AFU training is done in NATO countries, battalion-sized classes that get basic plus specialized training over several weeks, and are properly kitted out with new rifles, medkits, and body armor. There is a big qualitative difference in the new recruits.

One more thing- Wagner PMC can get away with taking conscripts from prisons and using them in bonzai suicide attacks. Not even the Russian army can get away with that- the outcry from the Russian population will not permit it.

One of these days I will post about the restructuring of the Russian ground forces away from BTG's and into the new "Assault Groups". This new OOB is a reflection of the absence of functional command and control and the decline in available armor.
Probably all true, yet the western media is reporting stories like the following.
Russian troops 'forced to fight with shovels' due to ammo shortage

I suppose the Left wants to shut everyone up who can see that Russia is winning so that they can rev up the population in favor of yet another stupid losing war in which we send troops to fight for Ukrainians so they can pay their bills to Hunter Biden and "the big guy." And then Biden can get re-elected as a wartime president, like Bush did while he was drastically losing in Iraq.

Let's don't do any of that. Let Russia win if it can: nothing we've tried so far has worked at all. Sanctions, heavy weapons, nothing. We haven't won any of -- how many now? -- worthless wars since WWII, and we wouldn't win Over There, either. Just kill lots of Americans and get Biden re-elected, that's the whole purpose, IMO.
I suppose the Left wants to shut everyone up who can see that Russia is winning so that they can rev up the population in favor of yet another stupid losing war in which we send troops to fight for Ukrainians so they can pay their bills to Hunter Biden and "the big guy." And then Biden can get re-elected as a wartime president, like Bush did while he was drastically losing in Iraq.

Let's don't do any of that. Let Russia win if it can: nothing we've tried so far has worked at all. Sanctions, heavy weapons, nothing. We haven't won any of -- how many now? -- worthless wars since WWII, and we wouldn't win Over There, either. Just kill lots of Americans and get Biden re-elected, that's the whole purpose, IMO.
It isn’t only the left supporting this dumb horrific war. Many on the right do too.

The corporate media keeps citing stories that make it appear Russia is losing. So Americans dumb enough to still consume that shit are totally unaware. Maybe this is a good thing.
"After several months of grinding, attritional conflict, the longest and bloodiest battle of the Russian war in Ukraine appears to be reaching an apex. In the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, Russian forces are advancing in their effort to completely surround the largely destroyed city, while Ukrainian forces appear to be conducting what the Institute for the Study of War think tank described on Sunday as a limited fighting withdrawal in the eastern part of the city"

The writing is on the wall for puppet Zelensky :dunno:

"After several months of grinding, attritional conflict, the longest and bloodiest battle of the Russian war in Ukraine appears to be reaching an apex. In the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, Russian forces are advancing in their effort to completely surround the largely destroyed city, while Ukrainian forces appear to be conducting what the Institute for the Study of War think tank described on Sunday as a limited fighting withdrawal in the eastern part of the city"

The writing is on the wall for puppet Zelensky :dunno:

Yes, and it says, "Ivan go home."

While the ISW does see a possible fightin withdrawal by the AFU, Prigozhin warns that the Russian ammunition shortage is so severe that the entire Russian frontline is in danger of collapsing and Russia is in danger of losing the war.

It isn’t only the left supporting this dumb horrific war. Many on the right do too.

The corporate media keeps citing stories that make it appear Russia is losing. So Americans dumb enough to still consume that shit are totally unaware. Maybe this is a good thing.

That's very true.....sadly.

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