Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

The wealthy elites wanted it. Even so, some U.S. puppets had to be removed, some even by physical assassination. All the more so for those politicians and parties that did not want to become American puppets.
The peoples of the world had a different desire then, "Yankee, go home!"

Yankee freed them from the Nazis, and then held off your idol Stalin from enslaving Europe. Yankee go home, is a phrase used by collaborators.
That American conservatives defend, excuse, or ignore Putin’s senseless war of aggression and the murder of civilians comes as no surprise.
Dumb lefties who use to demand peace now demand war and ridicule Trumpers as dumb and unpatriotic, yet that’s exactly what they are.
Russian artillery pounded the last routes out of Bakhmut on Friday, aiming to complete the encirclement of the besieged Ukrainian city and bring Moscow closer to its first major victory in half a year after the bloodiest battle of the war.

And that's that! :dunno:

March 3 (Reuters) -
so I Guess this is Actually True..
and the Russians ARE NOT LOSING this war.
as I have Heard Over and OVER in the MSM :)
Lol, ya can smell that potato vodka from your breath and the rot of your crotch from being banged out by ex KGB here Natasha. I WAS Sitting in a bar in DC drinking long Island Ice Teas when the wall came down laughing at your whole idiot country and having a good time. Where were you? Lol I will bet you were going to the bathhouse !
She might be wrong, but it damn sure ain't all that, Bubba. :nono:

Bakhmut, Strategic Or Not, Is Falling​

'Western' media can not decide if Bakhmut is a strategic city or has little strategic value. They claim both is the case.

Bakhmut is of course of strategic value. It is covering the crossing of three major train lines and four major roads (M-03, M-32, T-13-02, T-05-13). As such it is the linchpin of the whole Donbas region. Besides that it also has some valuable mineral mines.


That is why the Ukrainian government has send ten thousands of its troops to fight and die for that city.

People who claim otherwise are simply coping.
The Ukrainians in Bakhmut and elsewhere are outgunned 10 to 1:

The Ukraine war has become a ferocious battle dominated by artillery and Ukrainian forces are operating at a huge disadvantage: Russia has numerical superiority of 10 heavy guns to every one at the disposal of Kyiv. Furthermore, Ukraine is running low on ammunition and requires urgent supplies of shells, Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s government has warned.
According to data from the European Commission to which EL PAÍS has had access, Russia fires between 40,000 and 50,000 artillery shells per day, compared to 5,000-6,000 Ukrainian forces expend. The Estonian government, which has been one of largest contributors to Kyiv’s war effort, puts the average use of artillery at between 20,000 and 60,000 Russian shells per day, and 2,000 to 7,000 Ukrainian rounds, according to a document sent to EU Member States by Tallinn, to which this newspaper has had access. These numbers equate to between 600,000 and 1.8 million Russian shells fired per month, compared to between 60,000 and 210,000 by Ukrainian artillery.
Over the last six weeks the Russian counter-battery campaign destroyed some additional 500 Ukrainian howitzers and multiple rocket launchers. The Russian Lancet suicide drones (videos) have done a lot of that work. Russia has thereby increased its own artillery advantage even more.

As artillery is the major killer in any modern war this also means that casualties on both sides will follow a similar ratio as the number of guns and rounds fired by each side.

For the last several weeks the daily 'clobber report' by the Russian Defense Ministry reported some 350-400 Ukrainian soldiers killed per day along the whole frontline. On Thursday that number increased to 640, stayed at 640 in Friday's report and increased to 880 in today's report. 490 of those were reported in the Bakhmut area.

BBC cooperates with other organization to count every announcement of a dead soldier in the Russian local media. Since the start of the war it has identified a total of 16,000:

Throughout 2022, Russian sources typically reported about 250–300 deaths each week,
Russian source report death per week at a lower rate than Ukrainian death per day. The ratio is again about 10 Ukrainians for 1 Russian. That number of Russian dead has doubled in January and further increased in February says the BBC. But the 10 to 1 ratio between Ukrainian and Russian dead will still have been the same.
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Dumb lefties who use to demand peace now demand war and ridicule Trumpers as dumb and unpatriotic, yet that’s exactly what they are.
The American right’s support of Putin’s senseless war of aggression and the murder of civilians is predicated on three factors:

Partisan politics – Russian military success will be spun by the right as a foreign policy ‘failure’ for President Biden.

The right’s unwarranted resentment toward President Zelenskyy the consequence of Trump’s failed attempt to conspire with Zelenskyy to interfere in the 2020 election, resulting in Trump’s first impeachment.

And the illiberal, neo-fascist right’s inherent admiration of, and support for, despots, dictators, and strongmen.
Happy to report that Lira is back on Twitter. Lira's in Karkhiv where the bird flu/CCHFV lab was, and CCHFV will be (the [italics]) link to the DOE @ Los Alamos and the Beijing CDC's Yong-Zhen Zhang, first to sequence SARS2, and the furin cleavage site on the SARS2 spike, as we will show.

Bakhmut Maps
Because taking the western media reported losses as true, Ukraine has lost more then 100% of it's original force of 2022 - Russia would have lost around 25-30% of its original force of 2022.
You must be citing Scott Ritter or one of the other Putin apologists. I have not seen any western (Pentagon or NATO) source make that claim.

NATO estimate is 200K Russians, killed or wounded seriously enough to be not returnable to combat duties. That estimate is more than the total Russian invasion force of ~180K (all-inclusive).

While Russia still outnumbers Ukraine, the Russian army was at it's strongest, and the AFU was at it's weakest, just about exactly one year ago. Russia has lost 2/3 of it's fleet of modernized tanks (meaning post-2010, T-72 and T-80 series).

The AFU has gone from 27 bde's to over 60 today.

It took the Russian army 3 months to take Mariupol, a city of 425,000 people. It took 8 months to take Bakhmut, a town of 70,000. And that was really Wagner PMC, not the Russian army.

The Russian losses at Bakhmut are unreal. If you follow the telegram channels, you'll get it unfiltered.
Bakhmut is of course of strategic value. It is covering the crossing of three major train lines
Um, no. Bakhmut sits on the north-south rail that runs from Kharkiv to the Donets Basin- that is a double line, electrified. That's a major trunk line.

There is a non-electrified single spur line that runs east to the salt mines at Soledar. That line used to go on to Popasna, but that section was closed and abandoned in 1991.

There is a second spur line, also a single non-electrified line, that runs west to Chasiv Yar and on to Kramatorsk.

That is the sum total of the Bakhmut rail network...
Really? "Confederate Soldier" writes me about slavery? Hypocritical cretin.

Don't side step. Stalins slavery was different from the rich plantation owner kind of slavery. A kind of slavery where men were slave to the state. They had to all think alike, look alike, be alike. They all worked in unsafe conditions, for little momney, and any complaints against the state were silenced.

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