Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Zelensky had 2 choices when he became President
1. Do what he ran on, promote Peace and honor the signed agreement with Russia
2. Listen to the U.S, ignore the agreement, keep shelling the Russians in the Donbass and not worry about war because NATO had his back
He chose wrong
Russian artillery pounded the last routes out of Bakhmut on Friday, aiming to complete the encirclement of the besieged Ukrainian city and bring Moscow closer to its first major victory in half a year after the bloodiest battle of the war.
They actually have not lost any battle since the start when you look at the facts and not the MSM 's deliberate rubbish scribbling .
Desperate to avoid humiliation at being out thought by Russians with dear Uncle P just doing his job .

The "funniest" episode was the reporting of the Kyiv feint last year when Moscow completely embarrassed the Pentagon who forgot to notice that when they veered east they trapped the whole of the Kyiv and US Nazi front line between two Russian lines--- front and back. rofl . .
An utter disaster that lost the Ukeys tens of thousands in a very short time.
You are young, go over, pick up a AK laying around and pitch in.....If you only kill one Org and then get snuffed your life was worth it....Am I right?

Yeah, I thought so.

No, we send slavic wastes, to go kill slavic wastes, so American sons and daughters don't have to go over there.

That's a pathetic argument you got there. You obviously disagree with what I say, but best you can come up with is "WhY DoN'T YoU Go OvEr ThErE AnD FiGhT!!!!"Pathetic really.
Tell us, what does that tell you basement dweller, school us with your vast combat experience, tell us how shitty Russian armed forces are based upon your expert testimony??? :auiqs.jpg:

I'm sure you, as a balding fat man in his forties living in Wisconsin, know much more about armies and how they work than I do. But whatever.

What I saw with the Bahkmut situation, was trench warfare, not seen since the likes of WWI. The Russian war machine was totally bogged down in the Ukrainian mud, and was being systematically slaughtered. Tens of thousands of men, tanks, vehicles, drones, etc. were lost. The only reason they took Bahkmut was because of sheer numbers.

It's almost exactly the way it was during WWII. The Russians took MASSIVE casualties, and lost thousands of tanks, millions of men... They only won the day because of numbers. The question is, will it be different today since the human stomach for war has no taste for the death of millions in the 21st century?
Russian artillery pounded the last routes out of Bakhmut on Friday, aiming to complete the encirclement of the besieged Ukrainian city and bring Moscow closer to its first major victory in half a year after the bloodiest battle of the war.

And that's that! :dunno:

March 3 (Reuters) -

There are hundred of other bakhmuts in Ukraine, Putin needs 300 years to take all of them
I would hardly call Krasna Hora or Klischiivka major victories. Soledar, maybe.
Neither would I, since I had stated decisive victories. The UAF advance 6 month ago penetrating and retaking the territory East, South-East of Kharkov was a decisive victory on that part of the front.
It wasn't a major victory - since they did not manage to entrap larger Russian formations or destroy them and continue to advance.

Even if the Russian will take Bakmuth, it will also just be a decisive victory on that part of the front. If they would be able to entrap all the UAF forces, destroy them and upon such a scenario would be able to further achieve a 50-100km deep and 100km wide breakthrough - then the battle for Bakmuth - could be termed a major victory.

The way things are running in the past 8 month - I don't believe that either side is ever going to achieve a major victory. But a lot of decisive victories likely on the Russian side. Why?

Because Ukraine minus the refugees has a present population of around 30 million and Russia has 145 million.
Because taking the western media reported losses as true, Ukraine has lost more then 100% of it's original force of 2022 - Russia would have lost around 25-30% of its original force of 2022.
What has Bakhmud cost Russia?

They threw human waves at the city, Ukraine complained they were running out of bullets killing them.
They expended tanks and munitions they can’t replace
Even if they eventually take the city, can they keep it?

Ukraine will continue attacks, partisans will continue to pick off occupiers, supplies will run short.
Bakhmut is not really much of a victory....
They still haven't taken the city despite sending 20,000 artillery shells into it each day. EACH DAY!
The town is nothing but rubble at this point.
There is no infrastructure roofs to keep out the weather and only pieces of walls of any buildings.

It's called scorched earth. Sure they got the town but at this moment there's nothing there to distinguish it from a concrete dump. It's a pyrhic victory at best....but there likely are some troops left....and these remaining troops will give Russian soldiers trouble in an ongoing basis.
Not to mention the Ukranians can send in HIMARS with impunity and hit worthy targets every time.
Will USA not take Texas back if it decides to leave?

These are two different scenarios. Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, an entity that doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for over 30 years. If the Soviet Union still existed, then maybe the Russians would have the right to be pissed. But it doesn't, so they have no claim to Ukraine.
I'm sure you, as a balding fat man in his forties living in Wisconsin, know much more about armies and how they work than I do. But whatever.

What I saw with the Bahkmut situation, was trench warfare, not seen since the likes of WWI. The Russian war machine was totally bogged down in the Ukrainian mud, and was being systematically slaughtered. Tens of thousands of men, tanks, vehicles, drones, etc. were lost. The only reason they took Bahkmut was because of sheer numbers.

It's almost exactly the way it was during WWII. The Russians took MASSIVE casualties, and lost thousands of tanks, millions of men... They only won the day because of numbers. The question is, will it be different today since the human stomach for war has no taste for the death of millions in the 21st century?
Please stop posting. You’re NOT smarter than a fifth grader.
These are two different scenarios. Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union, an entity that doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for over 30 years.
So it's all about the fact that Ukraine is now a separate state? Then how do we explain the numerous U.S. interventions in the affairs of independent states? Including armed ones. Why are there 800 U.S. military bases on the territory of independent states? The only explanation is that - we are hypocrites and we don't care about anything.
So it's all about the fact that Ukraine is now a separate state? Then how do we explain the numerous U.S. interventions in the affairs of independent states? Including armed ones. Why are there 800 U.S. military bases on the territory of independent states? The only explanation is that - we are hypocrites and we don't care about anything.

A lot of those bases have been there since WWII and the Cold War, when the Soviet threat was very real. Those nations were glad to have us there. When the cold war ended, we just never left, often because we were joint training with soldiers from other nations. Besides, as a NATO partner, we provide security for Europe and the Middle East, something that those nations really want.
Those nations were glad to have us there.
The wealthy elites wanted it. Even so, some U.S. puppets had to be removed, some even by physical assassination. All the more so for those politicians and parties that did not want to become American puppets.
The peoples of the world had a different desire then, "Yankee, go home!"

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