Be careful what you wish for.

The left tried talk radio. They failed. Not many on the left listen to politics during the day. Right-wing radio has a large audience because we on the right do listen to talk radio. In fact it's often been said Rush Limbaugh saved AM radio as they were considering ending the frequency years ago.

And you think it is a good thing that you all spend your days being told what to think by talk radio.

Thus the problem.
We disagree. <again>
I used to love to watch "Crossfire" with Buchanan and Kinsley.
Their debates got to the distilled crux of the topics of the day.

If "news" programs are biased, then we need a debate program like Crossfire to see both sides of the argument.

Crossfire went away because people quit watching it. The news sites/channels are giving the people what the want.
And you think it is a good thing that you all spend your days being told what to think by talk radio.

Thus the problem.

Nobody tells me to do anything. I listen to the news and points of views on it, and then decide if I agree with it or not.

People on the left march in lockstep. People on the right think for themselves. Trump aided in getting us a vaccine for covid in record time. And who was it that objected the most to taking the vax? That's right, Republicans.
We disagree. <again>
I used to love to watch "Crossfire" with Buchanan and Kinsley.
Their debates got to the distilled crux of the topics of the day.

If "news" programs are biased, then we need a debate program like Crossfire to see both sides of the argument.

Here are the top watched shows on FoxNews (and all of cable TV).

Not a single one is news or unbiased.

Nobody tells me to do anything. I listen to the news and points of views on it, and then decide if I agree with it or not.

People on the left march in lockstep. People on the right think for themselves. Trump aided in getting us a vaccine for covid in record time. And who was it that objected the most to taking the vax? That's right, Republicans.

Talk radio tells you waht the think, that is why it exist. That is why you will hear the same story on 6 different shows during the day, all telling you the same thing.

Oh boy, one example out of 10,000,000 where you all disagreed with your master.
Exactly. Its always better to have a live debate between two opposing sides than a partisan monologue.
Hannity and Ingraham generally put up a video of democrats lying their partisan asses off, and then skewer them in absentia.
Or, they skewer some topic of the day.
"The View" is always easy pickings, like when Joy Behar said that "East Palestine got what they deserved" in the train wreck for voting for Trump.
CNN, Don Lemon's comment that Nikki Haley is "past her prime" got him skewered too.

So that may be the new paradigm, the commie networks can lie and their viewers love it, and FNC can skewer them and win the ratings war.

Your comment strikes a humor bone in me. My father was a conservative until he got older, and the left scared him into believing Republicans wanted to take his SS and Medicare away. My father often tells me to listen to other network news than Fox. I told him I don't have to. If you turn on any of the big three (Tucker, Hannity, Laura) you don't need to tune into anybody else because they constantly play clips from those other news stations.
Talk radio tells you waht the think, that is why it exist. That is why you will hear the same story on 6 different shows during the day, all telling you the same thing.

Oh boy, one example out of 10,000,000 where you all disagreed with your master.

You don't know how wrong you are.

Years ago while discussing politics with my father, my then brother-in-law came into the dining room helping my sister to serve dinner and chuckling. He said "You must be a big Limbaugh fan!" Limbaugh? WTF is that? I heard the name before, but that's about it.

About a year went by and the Democrats did something that pissed me off; I forget what now. But anyway, I remembered what my brother-in-law said to me that one afternoon, so I found this Limbaugh guy and decided to listen. It was like my thoughts were being amplified over the radio. This guy was telling people what I've always thought.

That's what right-wing radio is all about; hosts that amplify what we believe.
So, why throw it out there as an excuse to left wing media in our country? Or was that just supposed to deflect?

There was no excuse. When you sheep attack the left wing media you always pretend there is no a right wing version out there.

None are unbiased, yet you only care about the left wing ones, you want the rightwing ones to be biased
There was no excuse. When you sheep attack the left wing media you always pretend there is no a right wing version out there.

None are unbiased, yet you only care about the left wing ones, you want the rightwing ones to be biased
One is not an excuse for the other....That is a childish approach...."Look, Johnny does it too".... Type of thing....That didn't fly in the 2nd grade, and shouldn't fly as an adult...
One is not an excuse for the other....That is a childish approach...."Look, Johnny does it too".... Type of thing....That didn't fly in the 2nd grade, and shouldn't fly as an adult...

I agree that one is not an excuse for the other. It is you that attacks one side for doing it and worships the other side for doing the exact same thing.

Our news sources are biased because of people like you, they are giving you what you want.

Then you turn around and whine about like that 2nd grader you mentioned.
I agree that one is not an excuse for the other. It is you that attacks one side for doing it and worships the other side for doing the exact same thing.

Our news sources are biased because of people like you, they are giving you what you want.

Then you turn around and whine about like that 2nd grader you mentioned.
Wow, for a guy who thinks so highly of his own opinions, you sure are one arrogant narcissist....
Here are the top watched shows on FoxNews (and all of cable TV).
Not a single one is news or unbiased.

View attachment 760335
1. The Five ALWAYS has a democrat on the panel, such as Jessica Tarlov, or Geraldo. BOTH SIDES are always presented.
2. Bret Baier is a straight up unbiased news program.
3. Outnumbered also always has a democrat on the panel.

The others are OPINION shows, so just like the MSM does, they beat the democrats like baby seals.
1. The Five ALWAYS has a democrat on the panel, such as Jessica Tarlov, or Geraldo. BOTH SIDES are always presented.
2. Bret Baier is a straight up unbiased news program.
3. Outnumbered also always has a democrat on the panel.

The others are OPINION shows, so just like the MSM does, they beat the democrats like baby seals.

All 3 of those are opinion shows. The "Dem" they have on them is always someone that is barely a Dem and the split is never even.

But yes, the Fox opinion shows get far more people tuning in to be told what to think than the MSM shows do.

The truly sad part is you think this is something to brag about
All 3 of those are opinion shows. The "Dem" they have on them is always someone that is barely a Dem and the split is never even.

But yes, the Fox opinion shows get far more people tuning in to be told what to think than the MSM shows do.

The truly sad part is you think this is something to brag about

Pay attention. Look at the discussions here. If anybody is repeating what they seen on their news broadcasts it's the left, not the right.
1. Suing and winning are two different things, huh? We'll see who wins.
2. Point being "whose shows are less biased"? IMHO CNN & MSDNC are the most biased because they don't allow any Republican opinions.
Fox News led cable news on Wednesday night with 4 shows raking in more than 3 million total viewers, while
CNN never came close to cracking the million viewer mark.
Tucker Carlson led the ratings with 3.72 million total viewers, beating out
The Five — which regularly lands atop the charts.
Jesse Watters came in third place with 3.16 million total viewers, while
Sean Hannity came in fourth with 3.08 million total viewers.
MSNBC’s top-rated show was All in with Chris Hayes which brought in 1.66 million total viewers.
1. Suing and winning are two different things, huh? We'll see who wins.
I'm not talking about winning a lawsuit. This is a non sequitur if not an outright red herring. I'm talking about the fact that dominion used information gotten from both testimony of Fox people as well as documents obtained through discovery that clearly state that Fox was willing to outright lie to their viewers to preserve their ratings. Whether or not they'll get away with it is completely irrelevant to those things. Unless of course you are willing to state dominion is lying in court filings? Something that would both be easily uncovered and probably would result in early dismissal.
2. Point being "whose shows are less biased"? IMHO CNN & MSDNC are the most biased because they don't allow any Republican opinions.
I've seen plenty of shows on any of those networks that show Republicans. In fact, The View has a Republican host. Bias is not determined by having a person representing the other side. It is determined by how seriously you take what the other side is saying. None of the networks you are mentioning seems to be very good at that.
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All 3 of those are opinion shows. The "Dem" they have on them is always someone that is barely a Dem and the split is never even.
But yes, the Fox opinion shows get far more people tuning in to be told what to think than the MSM shows do.
The truly sad part is you think this is something to brag about
1. Bret Baier's show is unbiased news.
2. The dem always has the last word. Compare that to the MSM propaganda networks who NEVER have a Republican on.
3. The FNC opinion shows are better because they present BOTH sides, unlike the DNC one-sided propaganda network shows
4. I can brag about ratings and fairness. You can't brag about anything.

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