Be careful what you wish for.

This is me yesterday. Conceding I was wrong. Doing so gracefully. And thanking the person for setting me straight.

I'll await any instance were you have done anything remotely similar on this board.
I don't see any grace from you admitting YOUR political bias that clouds or otherwise destroys any sense of critical thinking that you accuse of others.
Rocks, glass-houses and all......
I don't see any grace from you admitting YOUR political bias that clouds or otherwise destroys any sense of critical thinking that you accuse of others.
Rocks, glass-houses and all......
Oh? So you don't think that it shows critical thinking when I post something that is rebutted and me taking in that information to correct myself.

Oh, Seamajor you don't realize how much you are reafirming post 12.

So this is a new stunt by Desantis. Drinking liberal tears being a good way to rile up your base. Having said that, I doubt that any of his supporters have really thought it true. Or actually care beyond the tears I was talking about. So I thought it would be interesting to do so.

First, let me say it's probably unconstitutional. The reason the actual malice standard exists is because without it, the press wouldn't be able to do their job. If any mistake in reporting even inadvertent onces, would make the press liable, reporting anything that you are not absolutely certain about is an unacceptable risk. In theory this is fine I have my doubts it wouldn't kill all reporting in practice though.

Practically speaking though it would be hilarious. I won't claim that the dreaded MSM wouldn't be affected.They sometimes make mistakes. But for those on the right the effects would be nothing less than devestating. Fox, OAN, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, all will have a choice. Fact check or be sued into oblivion.

So my inner demons would say bring it on Desantis. Let's see who's the "fake news" when giving fake news has actual consequences.
What journalists are you trying to protect? They almost all seem to just be cheerleaders for a political party that they lie for. They arent journalists if thats how they operate. :dunno:
The "free" press needs to be held to account for their obvious and provable bias and "fake news".
As for elections, 2024 is coming fast, we'll soon see how voters decide.
That's what the MAGAs always say when their crimes are exposed.
Think about it….When, as an example, NBCs Meet the Press has a supremely biased host in Chuck Todd, and his panel consists of 2 other NBC hacks, a WaPo hack, and a Lincoln Project hack, you think it’s balanced?
No it is not balanced. Nobody ever claimed it is balanced. It's like Mac said. Both sides are filling a demand. The demand that people have to simply reaffirm their beliefs.

You though assert that it's only something on the left. Something that's demonstrably false.
What journalists are you trying to protect? They almost all seem to just be cheerleaders for a political party that they lie for. They arent journalists if thats how they operate. :dunno:
I'm not "protecting" anyone. That's why I wrote my last paragraph.

My objections to it are firstly constitutional, and secondly because I feel it would damage investigative reporting to the point it will be eradicated. Something that in my view is a part of the checks and balances within the society.

I'm all for responsible reporting. This though will not achieve it,or if it does at a price that is to high.
No it is not balanced. Nobody ever claimed it is balanced. It's like Mac said. Both sides are filling a demand. The demand that people have to simply reaffirm their beliefs.

You though assert that it's only something on the left. Something that's demonstrably false.
It depends if your comparing apples to apples….Sure FNC reports from a right leaning perspective, but they are ONE outlet….Stacked against two left leaning cable outlets and three other standard left outlets….

If what you’re arguing is for news outlets to ban political perspective from broadcast, good luck.

So this is a new stunt by Desantis. Drinking liberal tears being a good way to rile up your base. Having said that, I doubt that any of his supporters have really thought it true. Or actually care beyond the tears I was talking about. So I thought it would be interesting to do so.

First, let me say it's probably unconstitutional. The reason the actual malice standard exists is because without it, the press wouldn't be able to do their job. If any mistake in reporting even inadvertent onces, would make the press liable, reporting anything that you are not absolutely certain about is an unacceptable risk. In theory this is fine I have my doubts it wouldn't kill all reporting in practice though.

Practically speaking though it would be hilarious. I won't claim that the dreaded MSM wouldn't be affected.They sometimes make mistakes. But for those on the right the effects would be nothing less than devestating. Fox, OAN, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, all will have a choice. Fact check or be sued into oblivion.

So my inner demons would say bring it on Desantis. Let's see who's the "fake news" when giving fake news has actual consequences.
This is a pre-emptive strike. Just like his war on "woke". Putting this forward now tells me that he is NOT going to run in 2024. Because if he did, they are going to crawl through his life and political dealings with a fine tooth comb. And he won't like it. But weaken the protections for journalists. Make it less likely that people who would be whistleblowers will go to journalists to tell their stories, and what do you know....built in state protections. :auiqs.jpg:And I don't think these new proposals will be aimed at alt-right media. Just the media that can do real damage to DeSantis.

He's concerned. That's a good thing. That means he really does have things to hide.
It depends if your comparing apples to apples….Sure FNC reports from a right leaning perspective, but they are ONE outlet….Stacked against two left leaning cable outlets and three other standard left outlets….

It is always cute how you all pretend that Talk Radio is not 90% far right leaning.
It depends if your comparing apples to apples….Sure FNC reports from a right leaning perspective, but they are ONE outlet….Stacked against two left leaning cable outlets and three other standard left outlets….

If what you’re arguing is for news outlets to ban political perspective from broadcast, good luck.
My only relevant argument to what you are saying is that what Desantis is doing would destroy the right wing media more than the left.

I brought up the Maddow defamation suit. What she is saying is that you can't expect my " political perspective" to be well considered. I think think it's a spurious argument but it has some legal grounding.

What is shown by the Dominion lawsuit is that Fox is willing to outright lie even if they did their due diligence. An entirely different thing.

I get my information from primary sources when I can. The media is there to inform me what I should look for. Not saying it isn't biased because I'm not as aware of what right wing media is saying so it is a bit slanted.

Over time I have I have grown a certain awareness of what media I can trust to do honest reporting. And I have to say most are left leaning although not all of them. And the overwhelming majority of right wing media is simply false or manipulative.

I have litteral hundreds of posts hell even video provided by people here from those right wing outlets that are simply false when you look at the entire thing or scrutinize the claims. This happens less on the left.

Feel free to dissuade me if you can
And the MAGA press does as well, to the same degree.

Yes. It is all propaganda. You get to pick the propaganda you like and I get to pick mine. Neither of us knows the truth.

Real Journalism is dead in our nation.
This is a pre-emptive strike. Just like his war on "woke". Putting this forward now tells me that he is NOT going to run in 2024. Because if he did, they are going to crawl through his life and political dealings with a fine tooth comb. And he won't like it. But weaken the protections for journalists. Make it less likely that people who would be whistleblowers will go to journalists to tell their stories, and what do you know....built in state protections. :auiqs.jpg:And I don't think these new proposals will be aimed at alt-right media. Just the media that can do real damage to DeSantis.

He's concerned. That's a good thing. That means he really does have things to hide.
I don't think it's all that convoluted. I think it's a signaling to the base thing. "Look I'm going after the media" a winning message among the Republican base.
I brought up the Maddow defamation suit. What she is saying is that you can't expect my " political perspective" to be well considered. I think think it's a spurious argument but it has some legal grounding.

It is the same argument Tucker used to win his lawsuit.
There appears to be little demand for honest, accurate, comprehensive journalism.

That says far more about us than it says about journalism.

As the old Kinks song goes "Give the people what the want"

It is the same argument Tucker used to win his lawsuit.
I understand that. That doesn't make it convincing, and more importantly it should be noted by those who accept what they are saying as true. If somebody says in court they aren't doing their due diligence I will have a problem believing them after.

So this is a new stunt by Desantis. Drinking liberal tears being a good way to rile up your base. Having said that, I doubt that any of his supporters have really thought it true. Or actually care beyond the tears I was talking about. So I thought it would be interesting to do so.

First, let me say it's probably unconstitutional. The reason the actual malice standard exists is because without it, the press wouldn't be able to do their job. If any mistake in reporting even inadvertent onces, would make the press liable, reporting anything that you are not absolutely certain about is an unacceptable risk. In theory this is fine I have my doubts it wouldn't kill all reporting in practice though.

Practically speaking though it would be hilarious. I won't claim that the dreaded MSM wouldn't be affected.They sometimes make mistakes. But for those on the right the effects would be nothing less than devestating. Fox, OAN, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, all will have a choice. Fact check or be sued into oblivion.

So my inner demons would say bring it on Desantis. Let's see who's the "fake news" when giving fake news has actual consequences.

Probably unconstitutional to tell news media they can't lie? Not even close. Because that's what this is about is going after news media that lies. He didn't talk about them not being able to say what they want, he talked about people being able to sue and hold them responsible for defamation.

Kind of like how they called kyle rittenhouse a white supremacist and so on. Or when CNN technical director was caught on camera saying CNN was creating propaganda against Donald trump to get him out of office.

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