Be careful what you wish for.

Probably unconstitutional to tell news media they can't lie? Not even close. Because that's what this is about is going after news media that lies. He didn't talk about them not being able to say what they want, he talked about people being able to sue and hold them responsible for defamation.

Kind of like how they called kyle rittenhouse a white supremacist and so on. Or when CNN technical director was caught on camera saying CNN was creating propaganda against Donald trump to get him out of office.
You can tell the news they can't lie. Just ask Dominion. What you can't do is tell the news that because of that they lied they now have to pay you. You actually have to be able to show they knew they were lying at the time and that that lie damaged you.

It's an important distinction.

I for one as I stated in my OP wouldn't mind it at a certain level. I don't think you would though.
And the MAGA press does as well, to the same degree.
Not sure what you mean by MAGA press.

FNC was proven the least biased by Harvard.
No, that's what the courts are for.
Then again, there needs to be some metric other than the singing "Truth Czar Lady" to say what the truth is.

Is there a legal requirement for media outlets to provide unbiased news or even to be truthful?

Seems the consumer is the rightful place to hold them accountable, but in all honesty they are just giving people what they want.
Not sure what you mean by MAGA press.

FNC was proven the least biased by Harvard.
View attachment 760053
Important distinction. From your link

The broadcast portion of the study accounts for reporting on CNN’s The Situation Room, CBS Evening News, Fox’s Special Report, and NBC Nightly News, but does not represent talk show coverage.

Who was getting the Jan 6th tapes again.

People don't form their opinion listening to Fox's special report. They form it by watching Carlson or Hannity. I wish it were different but it's simply true.
Is there a legal requirement for media outlets to provide unbiased news or even to be truthful?

Seems the consumer is the rightful place to hold them accountable, but in all honesty they are just giving people what they want.

Why would they report truth when they can pump out the propaganda and the masses will lap it up like sweet nectarine.
The "free" press needs to be held to account for their obvious and provable bias and "fake news".
As for elections, 2024 is coming fast, we'll soon see how voters decide.

The founders envisioned a free press that would speak truth to power and hold all sides accountable.
They did not foresee the Press and one of the major parties becoming one.
Is there a legal requirement for media outlets to provide unbiased news or even to be truthful?
Seems the consumer is the rightful place to hold them accountable, but in all honesty they are just giving people what they want.
The "free press" is supposed to be truthful and unbiased.
Maybe a new tax system based new "metrics" for "unbiased truth" would be better than the current system of the Owner says which way the bias is supposed to lean?
Tax penalties for "fake news" and "politically biased statements" for NEWS shows as opposed to "opinion" shows.
If the word "news" describes the program it has to be unbiased or the SEC or ??agency?? invokes a stiff penalty.
The "free press" is supposed to be truthful and unbiased.

Morally I agree with you. Legally not so much.

Maybe a new tax system based new "metrics" for "unbiased truth" would be better than the current system of the Owner says which way the bias is supposed to lean?
Tax penalties for "fake news" and "politically biased statements" for NEWS shows as opposed to "opinion" shows.
If the word "news" describes the program it has to be unbiased or the SEC or ??agency?? invokes a stiff penalty.

Who gets to decide what is biased and what is not?

Is that really something you want the Fed Govt doing?
The founders envisioned a free press that would speak truth to power and hold all sides accountable.
They did not foresee the Press and one of the major parties becoming one.
Exactly. Yet IMHO they knew that the press would be biased, but hopefully thought that the MSM would have several differing viewpoints instead of the DNC propaganda outlets we now have. Journalism is dead. Today you "toe the party line" or find a new line of work.

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