Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon

oh and thanks for proving you have reading comprehension problems.either that or you only see what you WANT to see.
oh and thanks for proving you have reading comprehension problems.either that or you only see what you WANT to see.
The problem here rests with you, and you alone, as my staement is true - no matter what.

no the problem rests with You,that just like johnson,he was a mass murderer who murdered 58,000 americans not ending the war in 69 when he could have.:cuckoo: again as always,you have reading comprehension problems which you have proven in spades since your very first post. on this thread.:cuckoo: johnson murdered 38,000 of them.Nixon 28,000,a FACT you cant deal with or comprehend.:cuckoo:

I just end up repeating myself over and over talking to a brick wall that keeps playing dodgeball so you want to keep coming back for more ass beatings,you'll have to get it from someone done talking to the latest brickwall.

oh and hate to break your heart and depress you,but DICK Nixon did not end the war,the american people did as this link so well says.any serious reseacher knows this.:cuckoo: you obviously have reading comprehension problems so posting this below will be a complete waste of time but here goes anyways.have fun trolling,its been fun handing your ass to you on a platter.
Had Nixon has his way,just like the link says,he would have let it go on forever if not for the american people.
The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War of 1964-1975: Although history puts America's war in Vietnam in the "lose" column, the United States actually won every major conflict including the infamous Tet offensive. The demise of the United State's presence and power in Vietnam was not due to losses on the battlefields but to the loss of support of the American public. The North Vietnamese were unified in their determination to win and America was not. For America it was a limited war and for the Vietnamese it was all out war in defending their homeland against American aggression. The Americans underestimated the resolve of the Vietnamese who had for hundreds of years already had been fighting off the Chinese, then the French and now the Americans. They were not about to give up. President Johnson could not put everything into the war because of the fear that the Chinese, which had also got involved with the Korean war would get involved, or even Russia. So it was a half way effort doomed to failure.
In Vietnam it is called the American war. It was an immoral war that the intellectuals and newly enlightened young people of America just could not accept. The duped older generation that remembered the glory days of U.S action in WWII just could not accept the truth of what was really happening there. Calling the war a "police action" was just another lie to hide the fact that it was an illegal war as well as immoral. President Johnson escalated the conflict to a murderous campaign of American aggression with intense bombing of neighboring countries.

Most people think that Richard Nixon got us out of Vietnam. The fact is that it was Nixon that got us into the war while Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower and it was the American people that got us out. If it was up to Nixon, he would have carried out his campaign of terror in Vietnam until he stepped out of office.
they nailed it.:udaman::up::clap::clap::clap:

here it is again for you DUMMIES STYLE,since you obviously have reading comprehension problems.:D AS ALWAYS,YOU GET TAKEN TO SCHOOL AND GET YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU ON A PLATTER.:D:lol::lol:

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back for more ass beatings as always I see.thanks for proving that you are a huge fan of mass murderers who murder women and children.

the fact that you replied so quickly tells me I am indeed correct,that you only see what you WANT to see and read only PARTS of posts.

you are a brainwashed government stooge sent here to troll obviously because you are a fan of someone who sabotogoes peace talks and murders thousands of innocent women and children.have fun talking to yourself have proven you are just woner you reply to popsts by idiot trolls like dont taz me and ignore what a mopron he is.You are one as well.

you cant change FACTS that Nixon and Johnson were mass murderers and the AMERICAN people ended the war troll.grow up and deal with it. here below is the man you worship as your idol.

Nixon and the My Lai massacre coverup | New York Post

all you are capable of doing is coming back with childish pathetic one liners when you are cornered,you clearly dont know how to debate.

oh and here is more stuff on your hero and mass murderer dick nixon.a man who bombed NEAUTRAL cambodia murdering many innocent women and children,its great to know we have people like you in america who are fans of mass murderers of women and children.No wonder america is a facist state now.we got people with your mindset running the country who love to watch people murder other people.

U.S. B-52 bombers are diverted from their targets in South Vietnam to attack suspected communist base camps and supply areas in Cambodia for the first time in the war. President Nixon approved the mission--formally designated Operation Breakfast--at a meeting of the National Security Council on March 15. This mission and subsequent B-52 strikes inside Cambodia became known as the "Menu" bombings. A total of 3,630 flights over Cambodia dropped 110,000 tons of bombs during a 14-month period through April 1970. This bombing of Cambodia and all follow up "Menu" operations were kept secret from the American public and the U.S. Congress because Cambodia was ostensibly neutral. To keep the secret, an intricate reporting system was established at the Pentagon to prevent disclosure of the bombing. Although the New York Times broke the story of the secret bombing campaign in May 1969, there was little adverse public reaction

since you have reading comprehension problems,it says DICK NIXON bombed a NEAUTRAL cambodia that had dont NOTHING to americans.:cuckoo:

and never mind the mai lai massacre he covered up as well where we murdered women and childen of villages.:cuckoo:
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JFK, the great Kennedy, the President that sent troops to Vietnam, escalating a conflict into war.

Kennedy obviously thought Soviet Socialism was a threat to be fought with the Military.
JFK, the great Kennedy, the President that sent troops to Vietnam, escalating a conflict into war.

Kennedy obviously thought Soviet Socialism was a threat to be fought with the Military.

good god,here we go really should read through ALL the posts on here BEFORE coming on here posting what you THINK you know.:cuckoo: because obviously you missed this post earlier.:cuckoo:

JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.

You moron, it was Eisenhower that got us into Vietnam. JFK assassinated because he was going to end the Vietnam war.
JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

Nixon was also going to Nuke Vietnam and Laos. Nixon was as stupid as you are.

you ALSO missed my facts earlier that JFK only sent in ADVISORS.the whole entire time while JFK was president,only 102 us casultys happened under his watch.COMBAT troops were never introduced until 1964 under Johnson. 58,000 casultys happened under Johnson and Nixons watch,yet your trying to tell us all here that JFK esculated the war instead of Johnson.yeah riiiggghhhhttttt. and Im the kind of england.:cuckoo:
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back for more ass beatings as always I see... blah blah blah
Fact: Nixon got us out of Vietnam
Fact: This is true no matter how much you hate it.

FACT -YOU are a troll seeking attention who ignores facts that he was a mass murderer of thousands of women and children.
FACT-he could have completely withdrawn all military personal in 1969 sparing many american lives,he did not,he murdered thousands more americans delaying the war another four more years.
FACT-he sabotoged LBJ's paris peace talks to end the war and campained promising a quick end to the war only to drag it on another four more years murdering thousands more of americans.

FACT-if not for the american people protesting the war,Nixon would have continued it.

FACT this is true no matter how much you hate it.:cuckoo:

have fun talking to yourself are about to meet my ignore button.
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someone farted in here.:9: the kid that likes to fantasize about what it would have been like in vietnam just did.:D
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someone farted in here.:9: the kid that likes to fantasize about what it would have been like in vietnam just did.:D

KID?? im 67 years old and can still slam your fuckin' head thru a wall pussy

that mke ya fart??? should make ya shit your pants cheese dick

tell us cheese dick. what's a DD214 ???

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again it was the kid who likes to fantasize about what it would have been like in vietnam.

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