Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon

again it was the kid who likes to fantasize about what it would have been like in vietnam.

again. what's a DD214 kid girl ??? I just farted in your face. and your smelling it cause your a pretty smart feller HAHAHAHAHAHA..............
meet 911 blow job


ain't she cute ??? :D:D:D:D:D
now thats TWO farts in a row from you wanna be namvet.:D:9::9::dance:
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meet 911 blow job


ain't she cute ??? :D:D:D:D:D

This is a child.....:cuckoo: this is neither funny or amusing Idiot.......

911 is a child. i want your opinion asswipe ill give it to you

What does this have to do with 9/ an arsewipe I shall give you my opinion when and where I think it's, thin skinned namvet,take that silver spoon out of your arse and shove it in your mouth....:badgrin: got IT
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Interesting read.

gld that you are one of the posters to come on here and actually read EVERY word in the OP instead of just reading what the thread title says and posting what you think you know.Im glad you did not do that like some others do.appreciate it that you actually took the time to read and understand it.
meet 911 blow job


ain't she cute ??? :D:D:D:D:D

This is a child.....:cuckoo: this is neither funny or amusing Idiot.......

Its probably a picture of himself that he wants to advertise to everyone.:D

never figured out what a DD214 was huh stupid??? its a military resume i have one. proof i served. did you?? ah no they peeked under your dress. your a fuckin' coward anyway. men have to fight. little pussy's like you stay home and hide under momma's dress. just as well. you wouldn't last a day. "momma, momma i wanna come home"


time for mom to change those shitty diapers. pussy
9/11 inside job said:
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.
I think its sad THEY GOT RID OF HIM just because he wouldnt play thier evil games!! (But thats to be expected of scum trash)

God bless JFK!

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