Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon

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We've got a lot to be thankful for.

great stuff there.stands up and gives standing ovation.


I hope you posted that over on the Reagan thread as well? thats where it really needs to be posted. The only thing that needs to be corrected about the post is it should say REPUBLICRATS.Its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected. Thats why when Obama got elected,he is seen in his inagural address speech giving Bush a hug. they are suppose to be two different parties with different ideads yet Obama has contiuned all of Bushs policys?:cuckoo:

He shouldnt have gone anywhere near Bush and if he had any humanity,he would ahev given him the middle finger and prosecuted him for his crimes.Instead he is continuing Bushs crimes he started.
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

9/11 Many thanks for your interesting post,not being American.............I find it somewhat impossible to think but for a SWEATY TV interview Nixon could have become President at that Crucial moment in American and World for that matter History.

It is this type of Gun-Ho attitude of Nixon and some of the Military,you clearly elucidated..... that other people in the world find disturbing moreover have distrust of America and it's thought process and decision making.

Nixon was an earlier exponent..but bigger idiots followed,the two Bushes and their Possies' mainly........Unfounded WARS on a foundation of the disaster in Vietnam....You bombed and blasted as much as you could but STILL FAILED COMPLETELY.

The world then mock you unfortunately as you are Great People and a Great Nation but you are let down(and YES let yourselves down) by believing the lies and Bullshit told you.

These "Leaders" seem always to be Conservative Right Wing Republicans,who some how think incredibly :cuckoo:that GOD is on their side,as they are about to decend a rein of terror on the innocent.But MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY FAIL,FAIL,FAIL.

We in Australia regard ourselves as a Ally of America on the whole....but insist we never fight near them in combat for obvious reasons friendly fire being but one,Australia since WW1 have always had their own CIC.

9/11 Thanks for your insightful observations on a period of American History that needed a steady hand....Whatever people think,President Kennedy was the right man for the job,and how well he did..Just a shame someone/s wanted to blow his head to peices....makes later Presidents look like the BUMBLING FOOLS THEY ARE but that's just my opinion of course.

9/11 Keep up the good work,I notice one poster critisized sic.your spelling and grammar,don't let anyone put you down,it's the content and context of your post that COUNTS.

Anyhow my Grammar and spelling ain't that hot but who wants to FCUKING spell check all the time..:D...9/11 take care..and you are right "Thank God we got JFK".steve

Yeah thats what trolls do around here when they cant refute facts,they like to put you down about grammar and childish attacks like that since the truth scares them and they dont want to hear it. thanks for the kind words.

Handover gave that fool and others who attacked me for this post an ass beating. Its sad that our corrupt school systeme here in america never teach the truth that it wasnt the vietcong or the NVA that murdered those 58,000 americans,it was Johnson and Nixon.

Johnson reversed Kennedys policy on vietnam for a complete witdrawal by 1965 and esculated the war that Eisenhower got us into and then Nixon lied to the american public that he would end the war immediately after taking office which he could have done in 1969 but instead he let the war drag on for four more years murdering many more americans.He campianed to end the war while secretly he sabotoged Johnsons paris peace talks to end the war since he was there to serve the bankers.
Wrongo, mate...we (military advisors) were already there before JFK took office.

The first COMBAT TROOPS entered Vietnam in 1965.

Kennedy, obviously, had nothing to do with that.

thats what i said earlier.some people just arent aware of the facts that Johnson was the one who got the war started sending in combat troops.

The advisors like you said,we ALREADY there before Jfk took office.The only thing kennedy ever increased under Eisenhower was the advisors.He never sent in combat troops.Lbj did.

There were only 82 casultys in sept 1963.thats a far cry from the 58,000 plus that happened under Johnson and Nixons watch.:lol::lol::lol:

What I would like to know whilst we are on the subject of Government and why Americans have not been given the truth about 9/11,not just Americans but the rest of us too.

If your government think that we couldn't work out that an aircraft going off its flight path would not be picked up within seconds......then they are treating the World like Court Jesters,regrettably they have treated Americans like Village Idiots.

Of course they knew moreover the passengers would have contacted family on their mobile(cell phones),etc,.

After 9/11 many of your freedoms were curtailed or removed..!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY.

9/11 keep the pressure on......I'm enjoying your input on this interesting thread and plebs and hangovers:D....steve

thanks and yeah,those are world known facts around the world about 9/11.Matter of fact other countries from around the world are trying to prosecute Bush and Obama for his role in the coverup letting Bush roam free instead of prosecuting him for it like he should.Bush and cheney already cant fly to like 3 countries around thwe world,forget which they are,because if he does,the authoritys well arrest him them if they try and enter.I wish the citizens here in america on our police force would get the guts to arrest them.Guess they are afraid to try and arrest a president around here,even a former one.:cuckoo:
Other presidents -




We've got a lot to be thankful for.

great stuff there.stands up and gives standing ovation.


I hope you posted that over on the Reagan thread as well? thats where it really needs to be posted. The only thing that needs to be corrected about the post is it should say REPUBLICRATS.Its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected. Thats why when Obama got elected,he is seen in his inagural address speech giving Bush a hug. they are suppose to be two different parties with different ideads yet Obama has contiuned all of Bushs policys?:cuckoo:

He shouldnt have gone anywhere near Bush and if he had any humanity,he would ahev given him the middle finger and prosecuted him for his crimes.Instead he is continuing Bushs crimes he started.

world peace is something that Kennedy unlike Obomination and Bushwacker,actually had an interest in which is why he was eliminated.

Thanks for showing those facts of reagan gives me a chance to post some more things on reagan here,dont want to post them on the reagan thread cause the trolls will try and derail those facts and gchange the subject talking about obama.

THE RONALD REAGAN MYTH . . . The Progressive Review
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9/11 Many thanks for your interesting post,not being American.............I find it somewhat impossible to think but for a SWEATY TV interview Nixon could have become President at that Crucial moment in American and World for that matter History.

It is this type of Gun-Ho attitude of Nixon and some of the Military,you clearly elucidated..... that other people in the world find disturbing moreover have distrust of America and it's thought process and decision making.

Nixon was an earlier exponent..but bigger idiots followed,the two Bushes and their Possies' mainly........Unfounded WARS on a foundation of the disaster in Vietnam....You bombed and blasted as much as you could but STILL FAILED COMPLETELY.

The world then mock you unfortunately as you are Great People and a Great Nation but you are let down(and YES let yourselves down) by believing the lies and Bullshit told you.

These "Leaders" seem always to be Conservative Right Wing Republicans,who some how think incredibly :cuckoo:that GOD is on their side,as they are about to decend a rein of terror on the innocent.But MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY FAIL,FAIL,FAIL.

We in Australia regard ourselves as a Ally of America on the whole....but insist we never fight near them in combat for obvious reasons friendly fire being but one,Australia since WW1 have always had their own CIC.

9/11 Thanks for your insightful observations on a period of American History that needed a steady hand....Whatever people think,President Kennedy was the right man for the job,and how well he did..Just a shame someone/s wanted to blow his head to peices....makes later Presidents look like the BUMBLING FOOLS THEY ARE but that's just my opinion of course.

9/11 Keep up the good work,I notice one poster critisized sic.your spelling and grammar,don't let anyone put you down,it's the content and context of your post that COUNTS.

Anyhow my Grammar and spelling ain't that hot but who wants to FCUKING spell check all the time..:D...9/11 take care..and you are right "Thank God we got JFK".steve

I don't know where you get your information on Kennedy and the advice he got from the CIA, but only a fool would not realize that NOT having air superiority in any battle means eventual defeat. The invading force at the bay of pigs were CUBANS and the small contingent of B-25's that were supposed to bomb Castro's aircraft were WWII vintage and I believe they had Venezuela markings in case one of them crashed. Without air superiority the Cuban AF sunk the main supply ship and slaughtered the invaders on the beach. I call that criminal and Kennedy, a WWII veteran, should have been held responsible for the death of thousands of Cuban-Americans. I do not believe for one second that the USSR would have attacked the US over the loss of Cuba.

Kennedy increased the number of US military 'advisors' in Vietnam from around 400 to 16,000 during his three years as President. Lyndon Johnson increased it too as many as 550,000 combat troops in country at one time. Nixon ended the war, albeit several years later than he should have.

I would say Kennedy and Johnson were the BUMBLING FOOLS for engaging the US in an unwinnable war in southeast Asia. But that's just my opinion.

Sorry I disagree completely..but that is my opinion only.So Bush wasn't a BUMBLING FOOL then,sorry I disagree completely and that's the opinion agreed by most people....but there you go.steve

Most people can't possible think that the retaliation on Afghanistan for their part in 911 and the invasion of Iraq for many valid reasons make Bush a fool. Increasing the number of so-called military advisers by Kennedy from 400 to 16,000 is, if nothing else, a gross provocation.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and we will agree to disagree. Perhaps you should put me on ignore like the other pissant did.
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I don't know where you get your information on Kennedy and the advice he got from the CIA, but only a fool would not realize that NOT having air superiority in any battle means eventual defeat. The invading force at the bay of pigs were CUBANS and the small contingent of B-25's that were supposed to bomb Castro's aircraft were WWII vintage and I believe they had Venezuela markings in case one of them crashed. Without air superiority the Cuban AF sunk the main supply ship and slaughtered the invaders on the beach. I call that criminal and Kennedy, a WWII veteran, should have been held responsible for the death of thousands of Cuban-Americans. I do not believe for one second that the USSR would have attacked the US over the loss of Cuba.

Kennedy increased the number of US military 'advisors' in Vietnam from around 400 to 16,000 during his three years as President. Lyndon Johnson increased it too as many as 550,000 combat troops in country at one time. Nixon ended the war, albeit several years later than he should have.

I would say Kennedy and Johnson were the BUMBLING FOOLS for engaging the US in an unwinnable war in southeast Asia. But that's just my opinion.

Sorry I disagree completely..but that is my opinion only.So Bush wasn't a BUMBLING FOOL then,sorry I disagree completely and that's the opinion agreed by most people....but there you go.steve

Most people can't possible think that the retaliation on Afghanistan for their part in 911 and the invasion of Iraq for many valid reasons make Bush a fool. Increasing the number of so-called military advisers by Kennedy from 400 to 16,000 is, if nothing else, a gross provocation.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and we will agree to disagree. Perhaps you should put me on ignore like the other pissant did.

Well I wouldn't put it like that personally but you are real suckers for US Government Bullshit,starting with a Bullshit premise to start with,you still continue to munch the stuff,have you not an open mind or do you really believe what you spew...SAD very SAD indeed.

Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Krushchev was removed from power in 1964. hardly a win.
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Krushchev was removed from power in 1964. hardly a win.

well said.Not much of a victory for him since the establishment removed him from power two years later.:cuckoo: Two men who were seeking to reform their governments both got removed from the powers that be.Krushchev at least got to leave office by being forced out by them instead of buying the farm with a bullet.
Sorry I disagree completely..but that is my opinion only.So Bush wasn't a BUMBLING FOOL then,sorry I disagree completely and that's the opinion agreed by most people....but there you go.steve

Most people can't possible think that the retaliation on Afghanistan for their part in 911 and the invasion of Iraq for many valid reasons make Bush a fool. Increasing the number of so-called military advisers by Kennedy from 400 to 16,000 is, if nothing else, a gross provocation.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and we will agree to disagree. Perhaps you should put me on ignore like the other pissant did.

Well I wouldn't put it like that personally but you are real suckers for US Government Bullshit,starting with a Bullshit premise to start with,you still continue to munch the stuff,have you not an open mind or do you really believe what you spew...SAD very SAD indeed.


I have tried to explain to Too Stupid here many times before that thats all he did was increase ADVISORS whos only duties there were to train the south vietnamese to defend themselves and the only time they ever engaged in combat was if they were fired upon to defend themselves. It just goes through one ear and out the other though,some sheople just cant accept facts.:cuckoo:

the facts prove that they were only sent in there as advisors and that COMBAT troops were never deployed until 1964 under Johnson. He blatantly ignores this fact that proves all that to be true which i have posted here HUNDREDS of times and he acts like i never posted it:cuckoo:

which is that when kennedy was being interviewed by walter kronkite in sept 1963 two months before his assassination and in that footage,you can see at the bottom left hand corner US CASUALTYS,82.

By the time of his assassination it was only up to 20 or so more being 102 or so.Lets see,Jfk was in office for a little under 3 years,in that timeframe,we had just a little over a hundred casualtys,when the war ended,we had 58,000 casultys with 38,000 or so happening under johnson,Nixon the other 20,000. Sounds like the president in that timespan from kennedy to Nixon,that the first president that you can blame for a gross provocation is Johnson.:cuckoo: I have said this HUNDREDS of times to him before to him but it just goes through one ear and out the other.

I guess Too Stupid has a counting problem.Last time i checked a 102 casultys is a far cry from the 58,000 that occured under Johnson and Dick Nixon.:cuckoo::D:lol::rofl:

Too stupid needs to bone up on his arithmetic as well as take some reading comprehension classes.:lol::lol::lol::lol::rofl:
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John F. Kennedy sent thousands to Vietnam.

Nixon opposed Kennedy in the 1960 election.

Both facts, speculation otherwise seems like a foolish waste of one's time unless the goal of the discussion is simply to divide the people of the USA.

Those who divide us will conquer us.
JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
And... Nixon got us out.

Yes, after he escalated the war, illegally invaded Cambodia and overthrew it's legitimate government, bombed the snot out of the NOrth for no good reason, he finally agreed to throw our allies under the bus, knowing they wouldn't last a year after we left.
JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
And... Nixon got us out.

yeah but the fucking evil bastard COULD have gotten us out in 1969 had he wanted to yet he sabotoged LBJ's paris peace talks to try and end the war and delayed it for another four more tears therefore LBJ and Nixon are mass murderers of 58,000 americans.Do try and keep up.

JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
Wrongo, mate...we (military advisors) were already there before JFK took office.

The first COMBAT TROOPS entered Vietnam in 1965.

Kennedy, obviously, had nothing to do with that.


Yes, after he escalated the war, illegally invaded Cambodia and overthrew it's legitimate government, bombed the snot out of the NOrth for no good reason, he finally agreed to throw our allies under the bus, knowing they wouldn't last a year after we left.
well done.:udaman::beer::clap::clap::clap::clap:

yeah exactly.well said, and like i said,AFTER he delayed it sabotoging LBJ'S paris peace talks delieberatly letting the war go on for another four more bloody years joining his pal LBJ in murdering many more american lives.
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John F. Kennedy sent thousands to Vietnam.

Nixon opposed Kennedy in the 1960 election.

Both facts, speculation otherwise seems like a foolish waste of one's time unless the goal of the discussion is simply to divide the people of the USA.

Those who divide us will conquer us.

oh brother,here we go again.why is it people come here to these forums and only read the thread title instead of actually reading the opening post?:cuckoo:

You might actually read the opening post on this thread to see WHY americans should be grateful JFK got elected instead of Dick Nixon.:rolleyes: the people that have,understand WHY americans should be grateful he got the nomination.

Its NOT speculation that Kennedy was going to completely withdraw us from vietnam in 1965.used to be till the mid 90's,not anymore though.Read the very first post at the top of page 8 and the link he posted.:lol: The facts prove he was going to completely pull us out of vietnam by 1965 and that johnson two days after his assassination,reversed his policy, esculating the war.

and its NOT speculation that there were only 82 US casualtys in september 1963 two months before his I just said,walter kronkite interviewed JFK that month and at the bottom left hand corner in the screen,those figures appear. about 20 more occured after there were only 102 us casualtys or so at the time of assassination.fact

fact as well is that 58,00 casultys accoured under LBJ AND NIXON.LBJ murdered around 38,000 of those americans,Nixon the other 20,000. clear cut proof that LBJ and Nixons policys were nothing like JFK's policy on vietnam for withdrawal.

face it,LBJ and Nixon murdered 58,000 americans by sending in COMBAT troops.something the establishment tried to get JFK to do but he resisted till the very end only sending in ADVISORS whose role was just ot train the south vietnamese and defend themselves..those advisors never engaged in combat,they lost their lives being fired upon by snipers and stepping on bombs.thats why they assassinated JFK cause he wanted no more casultys..they knew LBJ would give them the war they wanted that JFK did not.
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And... Nixon got us out.
yeah but the fucking evil bastard COULD have gotten us out in 1969...
US troop strength peaked in April 1969; drawdown began in September 1969.
"yeah, but..." only means I'm right and you'd rather not discuss it.

Dont know where you get these false conclusions.I enjoy showing how many american sheople such as yourself are ignorant about the events of vietnam.

YOU only want to discuss what you have been taught by our corrupt school system,you dont want to look at and address the facts myself and others have mentioned how dick niixon betrayed americans.:cuckoo:

.Nice game of dodgeball you played ignoring the fact he sabotoged Johnsons paris peace talks to end the war and extended it another four more years.:cuckoo:

You ignored that he could have called for a complete withdrawal by the end of 69 sparing thousands of more lives,but the bastard let it drag on for another four more years murdering thousands of more american lives needlessly.:rolleyes:

as well as ignoring all these facts below others have mentioned.:rolleyes:

JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.

You moron, it was Eisenhower that got us into Vietnam. JFK assassinated because he was going to end the Vietnam war.
JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

Nixon was also going to Nuke Vietnam and Laos. Nixon was as stupid as you are.

that poster DONT TAZ ME just like hangover said,is indeed a moron.your going to continue being progammed if you listen to THAT idiot.:cuckoo: That idiot is such a dumbfuck he blames the 58,000 american lives lost on JFK when like Hangover said,he inherited the vietnam war from Eisenhower who got us into it.:cuckoo:

this idiot that you listenend to is not aware of the FACTS that in JFK's near three years in office,there were only a hundred or so casultys as i just proved earlier and that he was going to pull out of vietnam as hangover proved earlier as well,that Johnson reversed his policy for withdrawal and esculated the war with the phony gulf of tonkin incident.yet somehow JFK is responsible for those 58,000 american lives that Johnson and Nixon both murdered.yeah right.:cuckoo:

that moron troll dont taz me is ready for the nuthouse as is anybody who listens to that dipshit.:lol::lol::lol:
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yeah but the fucking evil bastard COULD have gotten us out in 1969...
US troop strength peaked in April 1969; drawdown began in September 1969.
"yeah, but..." only means I'm right and you'd rather not discuss it.
Dont know where you get these false conclusions...
I know you do not like the fact that Nixon got us out of Vietnam, but it is, indeed, a fact.
The problem here rests with you, and you alone.
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US troop strength peaked in April 1969; drawdown began in September 1969.
"yeah, but..." only means I'm right and you'd rather not discuss it.
Dont know where you get these false conclusions...
I know you do not like the fact that Nixon got us out of Vietnam, but it is, indeed, a fact.
The problem here rests with you, and you alone.

dodgeball game from you as always.:lol::lol::lol: I know you hate admitting you love a mass murderer.:cuckoo:

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