Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon

Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.


say what you will about Nixon, but he was, first and foremost, a sharp and crafty diplomat who stepped carefully...
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.


say what you will about Nixon, but he was, first and foremost, a sharp and crafty diplomat who stepped carefully...

Like too stupid,you clearly have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and only go by what our corrupt school textbooks taught us in american history classes:cuckoo:
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

I was a young Marine on the USS Boxer during that time off the coast of Cuba, and I can tell you today that Kennedy had saved us from war...His Naval Blockade was brilliant and the Soviets blinked...In my estimation Tricky Dickey, did not have the brains or the honesty to make the right decisions...Take a re-look at the 1960 debates, sweating profusely because he was debating a much smarter man which created stress which was clearly obvious on the tube.

Being in the bulls-eye of the fray, History has proved Kennedy right as Communism has collapsed of its own weight and the cold war no longer threatens humanity.
The Bay of Pigs fiasco was planned and in place long before JFK took office.

His mistake (one he recongized as the event took place) was TRUSTING THOSE GD SKULL AND BONES YALIES.

Elis run the CIA or did back then.

That mess was their HUBRIS acting up again.

Would Nixxon have given the Cuba terrorists air support?


Cuba would have still crushed the invasion, tho.

The "invaders" counted on support from Cubans.

Support that never came because why?

Because the Cuban people still remembers what PIGS the BATISTAN REGIME was.
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JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
You moron, it was Eisenhower that got us into Vietnam. JFK assassinated because he was going to end the Vietnam war.
JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

Nixon was also going to Nuke Vietnam and Laos. Nixon was as stupid as you are.

I see you see the truth as well that Dont Taz Me Bro along with Too Stupid err Too Tall,iis indeed stupid about the true events of vietnam.

you hit the nail right on the head,Nixon was every bit as stupid as Dont Taz me Bro and Too Stupid err Too Tall are.

those two posters are resident trolls who are complete retards about american history.
JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
You moron, it was Eisenhower that got us into Vietnam. JFK assassinated because he was going to end the Vietnam war.
JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

Nixon was also going to Nuke Vietnam and Laos. Nixon was as stupid as you are.

I see you see the truth as well that Dont Taz Me Bro along with Too Stupid err Too Tall,iis indeed stupid about the true events of vietnam.

you hit the nail right on the head,Nixon was every bit as stupid as Dont Taz me Bro and Too Stupid err Too Tall are.

those two posters are resident trolls who are complete retards about american history.

got to tell you what a great post again.
Nice OP......Nixon was a from a different mentality and seemed always to be trying to prove himself. Perhaps he would have placed the US in war. I do not know about a nuclear conflict, though
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

9/11 Many thanks for your interesting post,not being American.............I find it somewhat impossible to think but for a SWEATY TV interview Nixon could have become President at that Crucial moment in American and World for that matter History.

It is this type of Gun-Ho attitude of Nixon and some of the Military,you clearly elucidated..... that other people in the world find disturbing moreover have distrust of America and it's thought process and decision making.

Nixon was an earlier exponent..but bigger idiots followed,the two Bushes and their Possies' mainly........Unfounded WARS on a foundation of the disaster in Vietnam....You bombed and blasted as much as you could but STILL FAILED COMPLETELY.

The world then mock you unfortunately as you are Great People and a Great Nation but you are let down(and YES let yourselves down) by believing the lies and Bullshit told you.

These "Leaders" seem always to be Conservative Right Wing Republicans,who some how think incredibly :cuckoo:that GOD is on their side,as they are about to decend a rein of terror on the innocent.But MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY FAIL,FAIL,FAIL.

We in Australia regard ourselves as a Ally of America on the whole....but insist we never fight near them in combat for obvious reasons friendly fire being but one,Australia since WW1 have always had their own CIC.

9/11 Thanks for your insightful observations on a period of American History that needed a steady hand....Whatever people think,President Kennedy was the right man for the job,and how well he did..Just a shame someone/s wanted to blow his head to peices....makes later Presidents look like the BUMBLING FOOLS THEY ARE but that's just my opinion of course.

9/11 Keep up the good work,I notice one poster critisized sic.your spelling and grammar,don't let anyone put you down,it's the content and context of your post that COUNTS.

Anyhow my Grammar and spelling ain't that hot but who wants to FCUKING spell check all the time..:D...9/11 take care..and you are right "Thank God we got JFK".steve
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JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.

Wrongo, mate...we (military advisors) were already there before JFK took office.

The first COMBAT TROOPS entered Vietnam in 1965.

Kennedy, obviously, had nothing to do with that.

thats what i said earlier.some people just arent aware of the facts that Johnson was the one who got the war started sending in combat troops.

The advisors like you said,we ALREADY there before Jfk took office.The only thing kennedy ever increased under Eisenhower was the advisors.He never sent in combat troops.Lbj did.

There were only 82 casultys in sept 1963.thats a far cry from the 58,000 plus that happened under Johnson and Nixons watch.:lol::lol::lol:

What I would like to know whilst we are on the subject of Government and why Americans have not been given the truth about 9/11,not just Americans but the rest of us too.

If your government think that we couldn't work out that an aircraft going off its flight path would not be picked up within seconds......then they are treating the World like Court Jesters,regrettably they have treated Americans like Village Idiots.

Of course they knew moreover the passengers would have contacted family on their mobile(cell phones),etc,.

After 9/11 many of your freedoms were curtailed or removed..!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY.

9/11 keep the pressure on......I'm enjoying your input on this interesting thread and plebs and hangovers:D....steve
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Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

9/11 Many thanks for your interesting post,not being American.............I find it somewhat impossible to think but for a SWEATY TV interview Nixon could have become President at that Crucial moment in American and World for that matter History.

It is this type of Gun-Ho attitude of Nixon and some of the Military,you clearly elucidated..... that other people in the world find disturbing moreover have distrust of America and it's thought process and decision making.

Nixon was an earlier exponent..but bigger idiots followed,the two Bushes and their Possies' mainly........Unfounded WARS on a foundation of the disaster in Vietnam....You bombed and blasted as much as you could but STILL FAILED COMPLETELY.

The world then mock you unfortunately as you are Great People and a Great Nation but you are let down(and YES let yourselves down) by believing the lies and Bullshit told you.

These "Leaders" seem always to be Conservative Right Wing Republicans,who some how think incredibly :cuckoo:that GOD is on their side,as they are about to decend a rein of terror on the innocent.But MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY FAIL,FAIL,FAIL.

We in Australia regard ourselves as a Ally of America on the whole....but insist we never fight near them in combat for obvious reasons friendly fire being but one,Australia since WW1 have always had their own CIC.

9/11 Thanks for your insightful observations on a period of American History that needed a steady hand....Whatever people think,President Kennedy was the right man for the job,and how well he did..Just a shame someone/s wanted to blow his head to peices....makes later Presidents look like the BUMBLING FOOLS THEY ARE but that's just my opinion of course.

9/11 Keep up the good work,I notice one poster critisized sic.your spelling and grammar,don't let anyone put you down,it's the content and context of your post that COUNTS.

Anyhow my Grammar and spelling ain't that hot but who wants to FCUKING spell check all the time..:D...9/11 take care..and you are right "Thank God we got JFK".steve

I don't know where you get your information on Kennedy and the advice he got from the CIA, but only a fool would not realize that NOT having air superiority in any battle means eventual defeat. The invading force at the bay of pigs were CUBANS and the small contingent of B-25's that were supposed to bomb Castro's aircraft were WWII vintage and I believe they had Venezuela markings in case one of them crashed. Without air superiority the Cuban AF sunk the main supply ship and slaughtered the invaders on the beach. I call that criminal and Kennedy, a WWII veteran, should have been held responsible for the death of thousands of Cuban-Americans. I do not believe for one second that the USSR would have attacked the US over the loss of Cuba.

Kennedy increased the number of US military 'advisors' in Vietnam from around 400 to 16,000 during his three years as President. Lyndon Johnson increased it too as many as 550,000 combat troops in country at one time. Nixon ended the war, albeit several years later than he should have.

I would say Kennedy and Johnson were the BUMBLING FOOLS for engaging the US in an unwinnable war in southeast Asia. But that's just my opinion.
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Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Khruschev got what he wanted in that we pledged not to invade cuba, but I don't think it was Kabuki Theatre. Rather, imo the US military was quite pissed they didn't get a chance to strike preemtively and remove Castro.


You have definetely done your homework I see.

they would have gotten there wish though had Dick Nixon been elected back then.By the time he became president,thankfully by then,he had matured enough to not do what he tried to get Ike to do in Laos which i said bomb, but Nixon is actually on record in those meetings telling Ike that we need to NUKE the communists in Laos which Eisenhower being wise in wisdom in years,thankfully did not listen to Dick Nixon and did follow his advise.

In 68 by the time he had become president,he had become more mature enough at that time not to follow through with his earlier advise to Ike and thankfully did not nuke them.

However in the early 60's? Whitehouse staffers who worked in the Eisenhower administration said they thought he was the most immature idiot of a politician they ever met so seeing as how he was so immature back then under Eisenhower ,you can count on it that in the early 60's,unlike Jfk, he would have done what the bass in the military wanted Jfk to do with Cuba and gone ahead and bombed them and gotten us into world war three.

I see some posters completely dodged that important fact.:cuckoo:

Some posters know the difference between fact and fiction based on biased opinion.
I just did,you ignored it and are obviously in denial that they would have gone to war.they wouldnt just stand by and watch america bomb cuba.:lol:

I am wasting my time arguing with a fool, but the US was only going to bomb the bases where Cuban MIGs were based. That is not the same as bombing Cuba.

And I repeat, there is no way IMO that the USSR would have gone to war with the US over Cuba.
since the lig posted,someone farted in my thread three times in a row.:9::9::9::D

for your information TOO STUPID,thats my way of telling you i have you on my ignore list since you blatantly ignore facts from me about kennedy that prove you obviously have an obsession with me since all you ever do is read and quote MY posts ignoring what others have said that have shown what an idiot troll you are who is in denial as well.:cuckoo:

you ignore facts that prove you wrong,so i will ignore you as well since all you ever do is post lies.
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JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
You moron, it was Eisenhower that got us into Vietnam. JFK assassinated because he was going to end the Vietnam war.
JFK?s Vietnam Withdrawal Plan Is a Fact, Not Speculation | The Nation

Nixon was also going to Nuke Vietnam and Laos. Nixon was as stupid as you are.

Here is positive proof you indeed have an obsession with me Too Stupid proving you only read my posts and wont read anybody elses who back me up that prove i am right because of the fact you only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

Hangover proved what a dumbfuck idiot dont taz me is in this post,a dumbfuck troll that you ignorantly thanked for his stupidity in his post.:cuckoo:

you TOO STUPID and dont taz me troll,have not done what many independent researchers HAVE done,go down to the archives in washington DC and looked at the documents and tapes that were suppressed for so many decades just like that article in that link says,when the JFK act was signed,the ARRB gathered documents from the Eisenhower,Johnson,and Kennedy administrations and found documentation and tapes from his talks his with his aides that he indeed was going to pull out of vietnam completely by the end of 1965.

as always,you keep coming back here to make a fool out of yourself and humilate yourself at the same time coming back for these constant ass beatings you get from me,with the help from others like hangover of course.

you cant stand to hear these facts that prove you wrong so your so scared of the truth that liek a child you put your hands over your ears and close your eyes just like dont taz me troll did.

you're so much in denial you keep coming back here rambling trying to convice yourself your right just liek a childi would do but to no avail failing miserably flat on your face.all the time talking to yourself actually beliving i read your lies and ramblings anymore showing you indeed need to chage your user name to TOO STUPID since you are the ONLY one here still reading your lies and bullshit you keep posting in your defeat.
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Other presidents -




We've got a lot to be thankful for.
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

9/11 Many thanks for your interesting post,not being American.............I find it somewhat impossible to think but for a SWEATY TV interview Nixon could have become President at that Crucial moment in American and World for that matter History.

It is this type of Gun-Ho attitude of Nixon and some of the Military,you clearly elucidated..... that other people in the world find disturbing moreover have distrust of America and it's thought process and decision making.

Nixon was an earlier exponent..but bigger idiots followed,the two Bushes and their Possies' mainly........Unfounded WARS on a foundation of the disaster in Vietnam....You bombed and blasted as much as you could but STILL FAILED COMPLETELY.

The world then mock you unfortunately as you are Great People and a Great Nation but you are let down(and YES let yourselves down) by believing the lies and Bullshit told you.

These "Leaders" seem always to be Conservative Right Wing Republicans,who some how think incredibly :cuckoo:that GOD is on their side,as they are about to decend a rein of terror on the innocent.But MORE IMPORTANTLY THEY FAIL,FAIL,FAIL.

We in Australia regard ourselves as a Ally of America on the whole....but insist we never fight near them in combat for obvious reasons friendly fire being but one,Australia since WW1 have always had their own CIC.

9/11 Thanks for your insightful observations on a period of American History that needed a steady hand....Whatever people think,President Kennedy was the right man for the job,and how well he did..Just a shame someone/s wanted to blow his head to peices....makes later Presidents look like the BUMBLING FOOLS THEY ARE but that's just my opinion of course.

9/11 Keep up the good work,I notice one poster critisized sic.your spelling and grammar,don't let anyone put you down,it's the content and context of your post that COUNTS.

Anyhow my Grammar and spelling ain't that hot but who wants to FCUKING spell check all the time..:D...9/11 take care..and you are right "Thank God we got JFK".steve

I don't know where you get your information on Kennedy and the advice he got from the CIA, but only a fool would not realize that NOT having air superiority in any battle means eventual defeat. The invading force at the bay of pigs were CUBANS and the small contingent of B-25's that were supposed to bomb Castro's aircraft were WWII vintage and I believe they had Venezuela markings in case one of them crashed. Without air superiority the Cuban AF sunk the main supply ship and slaughtered the invaders on the beach. I call that criminal and Kennedy, a WWII veteran, should have been held responsible for the death of thousands of Cuban-Americans. I do not believe for one second that the USSR would have attacked the US over the loss of Cuba.

Kennedy increased the number of US military 'advisors' in Vietnam from around 400 to 16,000 during his three years as President. Lyndon Johnson increased it too as many as 550,000 combat troops in country at one time. Nixon ended the war, albeit several years later than he should have.

I would say Kennedy and Johnson were the BUMBLING FOOLS for engaging the US in an unwinnable war in southeast Asia. But that's just my opinion.

Sorry I disagree completely..but that is my opinion only.So Bush wasn't a BUMBLING FOOL then,sorry I disagree completely and that's the opinion agreed by most people....but there you go.steve

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