Be honest...

Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?

He might have exploited some tax loopholes like every businessman in the country, dunno. Billionaire NY real estate developer...should be easy to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing and associations with organized crime especially with such a high profile as Trump has. So far though, all the dirt they've managed to dig up is that he's got a big mouth. He might be the most honest person in NY!
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?

Honestly don't care.
So Nixon was wrong? The people need to know whether their president is a crook.

Forty five years after the fact, the people just don't care.

Speak for yourself.

If you're upset by the concept that a dishonest person would be in politics ... you're about 250 years too late to do anything about it.

Just remember to relax, breath, and remind yourself it just doesn't matter.
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?
Well ewe thought Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey, Strozk, McCabe, Clinton, Lerner, Biden were honest which proves ewe wouldn’t know honesty if it bit ewe in yer ass!
That does not answer the question.
Does! It shows you’re a hypocrite in even asking the question.
Of course he is dishonest.
Of course he is not loyal.
Do you think that is somehow different from other presidents?
Whats your point of this?
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?

No, I don't believe that Trump is an entirely honest person, but I believe that he is a GREAT president.
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?
You are asking an awful lot. Honesty is kind of a foreign concept to tRumpkins.
Barry Hussein didn't have much of a life as a businessman. His partnership with a former domestic terrorist bomber in a lucrative endowment fund administration allegedly dedicated to improving the education of Chicago kids (how did that work out?) was never even considered by the media. His wife's disbarment from practicing law and the credible allegations that as a student, Obama filed as a (legal) alien born in Indonesia to get a better deal in tuition didn't seem important to the media at the time. The point is that anybody who questioned Obama's past business dealings would have been labeled a racist before they even got started but President Trump who met a payroll and actually created jobs has become a target for left wing criticism because he was successful. It remains to be seen whether the top draft pick for the democrats (who never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer dollars) was involved in illegal dealings with the Chinese government while he was V.P. but nobody in the media seems interested yet. .
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Barry Hussein didn't have much of a life as a businessman. His partnership with a former domestic terrorist bomber in a lucrative endowment fund administration allegedly dedicated to improving the education of Chicago kids (how did that work out?) was never even considered by the media. His wife's disbarment from practicing law and the credible allegations that as a student, Obama filed as a (legal) alien born in Indonesia to get a better deal in tuition didn't seem important to the media at the time. The point is that anybody who questioned Obama's past business dealings would have been labeled a racist before they even got started but President Trump who met a payroll and actually created jobs has become a target for left wing criticism because he was successful. It remains to be seen whether the top draft pick for the democrats (who never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer dollars) was involved in illegal dealings with the Chinese government while he was V.P. but nobody in the media seems interested yet. .

Ah, the old red herring fallacy – hallmark of the cowardly right.

Absent the courage to address the fact that Trump is dishonest and unfit to be president, conservatives resort to failed attempts to deflect.

Too funny.
Barry Hussein didn't have much of a life as a businessman. His partnership with a former domestic terrorist bomber in a lucrative endowment fund administration allegedly dedicated to improving the education of Chicago kids (how did that work out?) was never even considered by the media. His wife's disbarment from practicing law and the credible allegations that as a student, Obama filed as a (legal) alien born in Indonesia to get a better deal in tuition didn't seem important to the media at the time. The point is that anybody who questioned Obama's past business dealings would have been labeled a racist before they even got started but President Trump who met a payroll and actually created jobs has become a target for left wing criticism because he was successful. It remains to be seen whether the top draft pick for the democrats (who never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer dollars) was involved in illegal dealings with the Chinese government while he was V.P. but nobody in the media seems interested yet. .

Ah, the old red herring fallacy – hallmark of the cowardly right.

Absent the courage to address the fact that Trump is dishonest and unfit to be president, conservatives resort to failed attempts to deflect.

Too funny.
Defend it for God's sake. Did you get through school by calling something "too funny" and a "red herring" when you disagreed with it? Sadly I think so.
Barry Hussein didn't have much of a life as a businessman. His partnership with a former domestic terrorist bomber in a lucrative endowment fund administration allegedly dedicated to improving the education of Chicago kids (how did that work out?) was never even considered by the media. His wife's disbarment from practicing law and the credible allegations that as a student, Obama filed as a (legal) alien born in Indonesia to get a better deal in tuition didn't seem important to the media at the time. The point is that anybody who questioned Obama's past business dealings would have been labeled a racist before they even got started but President Trump who met a payroll and actually created jobs has become a target for left wing criticism because he was successful. It remains to be seen whether the top draft pick for the democrats (who never had a real job that wasn't paid by confiscated taxpayer dollars) was involved in illegal dealings with the Chinese government while he was V.P. but nobody in the media seems interested yet. .

Ah, the old red herring fallacy – hallmark of the cowardly right.

Absent the courage to address the fact that Trump is dishonest and unfit to be president, conservatives resort to failed attempts to deflect.

Too funny.
Defend it for God's sake. Did you get through school by calling something "too funny" and a "red herring" when you disagreed with it? Sadly I think so.
“Be honest...”

Impossible for Trump supporters and most on the right – all of whom are as dishonest as Trump.

All you’ll get from rightwing cowards are lies and deflection.
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?
He is a very successful president, That's what the country needs after 20 years of idiots.
Did he arrive at his success honestly?
He arrived at success in the same way politicians a rich people do the world over. BTW, I don't care who he's boinking any more than I care who's boinking you.

For the sake of the country, God's speed Mr. President.
A simple question: Was Trump an honest businessman? Is he an honest president.

Odd that so many dodges,qualifiers and "whataboutisms" need to be employed to divine an answer.
So what if he hasn’t been honest? Would it be any different than Barry or the Hidebeast’s or Bubba Clinton’s many dishonesties? Is your level of angst and butthurt chafing over those three assholes’ dishonesties higher, lower, or about the same?
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?
He is a very successful president, That's what the country needs after 20 years of idiots.
Did he arrive at his success honestly?
He arrived at success in the same way politicians a rich people do the world over. BTW, I don't care who he's boinking any more than I care who's boinking you.

For the sake of the country, God's speed Mr. President.
A simple question: Was Trump an honest businessman? Is he an honest president.

Odd that so many dodges,qualifiers and "whataboutisms" need to be employed to divine an answer.
So what if he hasn’t been honest? Would it be any different than Barry or the Hidebeast’s or Bubba Clinton’s many dishonesties? Is your level of angst and butthurt chafing over those three assholes’ dishonesties higher, lower, or about the same?
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? Is he an honest president?
He’s as honest as most businesses men.. I think he is very honest about his sex life lol
As honest as most business men. Would you call that a ringing endorsement? Are most businessmen honest?

Pelousy and most members of Congress made their millions from sucking off the public teat. I would say that Trump is 100 times more honorable than most in Congress. The Hildebeast? She is a total fucking crook.....
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump was an honest business man? I don't know, I never did business with him

Do you believe that he has been honest as a husband? that's none of my (or yours, or anyone's) business.....unless you were his wife.

Is he an honest president? Probably about as honest a President as any others we've had, or will have or have ever run for office

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