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Be Strong In The LORD

Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.
Moving forward with the message of Being strong in the LORD this song is a very encouraging beautiful piece of music. Very lovely worship music.
Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

Trust me, nothings going to happen. There is no lord. You are so far brainwashed you can't even think clearly. What are you worried that the lord is going to strike Guno or me down or curse our lives? That could only happen to someone who believes in god and feels guilty about something. It's all in your head. You had a lustful thought and then got a flat tire? That wasn't god. Someone you know got cancer? That wasn't god. I curse your god and nothing will happen.

Or if you curse or deny or make fun of the Muslim god who for all you know could be the real deal? Nothings going to happen because you know that god doesn't exist. Right? The only thing you don't realize is yours is made up too.

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts
Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

So Jesus and Moses are discussing their greatest miracles, and they decide to go down to the Red Sea to recreate them.

Moses goes up first and he parts the Red Sea. Jesus is really impressed and Moses says, "Okay, let's see you walk on water.

Jesus gets out about 10 feet and he sinks.

Then he tries again, gets out about 15 feet and he sinks again.

He gets back to the shore and Moses says, "I figured it out. It's those HOLES in your feet!"
'Fleecing the Flock'.

Make a thread about it. Stop disrespecting this thread. You do not want to incur the wrath of God by provoking the LORD to anger. Seriously. Stop now.


Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

So Jesus and Moses are discussing their greatest miracles, and they decide to go down to the Red Sea to recreate them.

Moses goes up first and he parts the Red Sea. Jesus is really impressed and Moses says, "Okay, let's see you walk on water.

Jesus gets out about 10 feet and he sinks.

Then he tries again, gets out about 15 feet and he sinks again.

He gets back to the shore and Moses says, "I figured it out. It's those HOLES in your feet!"

'Fleecing the Flock'.

Make a thread about it. Stop disrespecting this thread. You do not want to incur the wrath of God by provoking the LORD to anger. Seriously. Stop now.


Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

So Jesus and Moses are discussing their greatest miracles, and they decide to go down to the Red Sea to recreate them.

Moses goes up first and he parts the Red Sea. Jesus is really impressed and Moses says, "Okay, let's see you walk on water.

Jesus gets out about 10 feet and he sinks.

Then he tries again, gets out about 15 feet and he sinks again.

He gets back to the shore and Moses says, "I figured it out. It's those HOLES in your feet!"


This guy on NPR last night was explaining how for god knows how long, the universe we know was nothing. Billions and billions and trillions of years. Then one day the big bang and for billions of years it was just gasses. Then each gas turned into a sun and planets. Billions of them all over the universe. No life. Then a few billion years ago planets formed but no life for billions of years. Then single cell organisms, then multi cell, then dionosaurs for millions of years, then only in the last 200,000 years man has taken over the planet. A blink of an eye as far as the history of our universe.

What the fuck was God waiting for all that time? Were Dionosaurs his first mistake? Did they sin and that's why he kicked them off the planet?

Religion is a very primitive thought. Please people, start evolving at a faster pace.
'Fleecing the Flock'.

a) Learn the official “Anointed” Christian buzzwords. You can begin with repeating the word “anointed” in your conversations, making sure that people recognize that you have this special anointing. (See Rule 3 for a more complete list of buzzwords.) Setting up people in the audience to be “healed” is a good way of gaining the flock’s confidence. However, make certain the affliction they are healed of is something that is not visible or something that can be medically verified. Headaches and other aches and pains are good to capitalize on. Make certain that you choose the people beforehand so they will not give away what is happening.

Persuading people that you are giving them a secret, hidden knowledge that others do not have will draw them in like flies to honey. This will encourage them to have an awe of your knowledge. Once people recognize you have this anointing, then you can begin to claim apostleship or establish yourself as a prophet of God. Remember to keep them from discovering that you “anointed” yourself. This is vital. If they see that you started out as the only one who said you were anointed, you will never get a flock going and will miss out on all the fun and profit there is when you start fleecing your flock.

b) Establish yourself as a prophet from God by making a few predictions. It does not matter if they don’t come to pass because you can always claim it was their lack of faith as to why it did not come to pass. The secret to being successful is always to shift the blame back onto them when in a tight spot. Whatever you do, never ever accept responsibility for the lack of failed prophesies as this will taint your image and hinder the pursuit of fleecing the flock for fun and profit.

c) If anyone challenges you as a prophet of God, remind them of the verse that says “touch not the anointed of God” and of the consequences of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Never mind that neither of these passages have anything to do with you or the situation. It will sound very spiritual if you say it to them with a very stern look on your face and a loud voice. It is essential that you use fear as often as possible to make sure the flock maintains its fear of you. Fear is a great tool to use that will enable you to continue to fleece the flock.

d) Don’t forget to inject a verse here and there so they will be convinced that this is from God. Choose obscure verses so the flock doesn’t realize that they have nothing to do with what you are saying. Always use the King James Version because most people nowadays don’t understand it and you can use it to make verses say whatever you want them to. If challenged, invoke “divine revelation knowledge” . You can make a good profit on writing your own study Bible with your own notes in the margins. The leather versions can sell for more than $200 each and can give you a good source of income for many years.

e) Emotionalism is essential for a flock-fleecing ministry. Mimic the most successful fleecers and practice this often until you have it down pat. Aggressively prance back and forth across the stage while waving your arms wildly and be sure to talk fast and loud. For added emphasis, whisper at times to make them strain to hear you and then scream to make them jump out of their seats.

Tears and a lot of mopping of sweat from the forehead and mouth while preaching happens a lot while under the “anointing” and this assures the flock that they are receiving an “anointed” message. Dance a lot and say “Whoooeeee, I feel the anointing comin’ upon me, ….GLORY.” Be certain to make odd noises at times and call them speaking in tongues from the Spirit. This is highly impressive and will ensure the flock’s awe of you.
Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

So Jesus and Moses are discussing their greatest miracles, and they decide to go down to the Red Sea to recreate them.

Moses goes up first and he parts the Red Sea. Jesus is really impressed and Moses says, "Okay, let's see you walk on water.

Jesus gets out about 10 feet and he sinks.

Then he tries again, gets out about 15 feet and he sinks again.

He gets back to the shore and Moses says, "I figured it out. It's those HOLES in your feet!"
What did Jesus ever do to you to cause you to be so disrespectful to him, Joe? He had nothing to do with the nun. You need to rethink what you are doing. imo.
Do not disrespect the LORD like this on this thread, Guno. It is a dangerous thing to provoke the LORD to anger. You do not want to do it. I'm asking you to heed the warnings in the Torah and the Tanach and do not provoke the LORD to anger. Please listen and do not do it.

Oh don't be silly.

Your god is busy killing innocent children and adults.
Well the Jesus the Roman Church you attended was a false Jesus - not the one in my bible - the Jesus in a wafer never existed - true - the Jesus Christ I serve is God and He most definitely does exist. Find a non denominational church, a holiness church, one that preaches from the real bible ( Not the RCC WAY Book ) and learn about Jesus, Joe. That is my advice to you. Good night.
Well the Jesus the Roman Church you attended was a false Jesus - not the one in my bible - the Jesus in a wafer never existed - true - the Jesus Christ I serve is God and He most definitely does exist. Find a non denominational church, a holiness church, one that preaches from the real bible ( Not the RCC WAY Book ) and learn about Jesus, Joe. That is my advice to you. Good night.

Okay, honest answer time.

If you want to talk about the philosophy of Jesus- Treat people the way you'd want to be treated, turn the other cheek, give to the poor, and so on - I have no problem with that philosophy. He probably didn't come up with it, it was probably the mixture of Judean Essenes mixed with Greek philosophy with a touch of Zoroastrianism mixed into the broth.

But the mumbo-jumbo about him being his own father and born of a virgin and coming back from the dead. That just a lot of stuff lifted from other mythologies.
I believe we already went over that material many months ago, Joe. (Jesus is NOT a philospher!)

You can look up the thread here - if I can correctly recall it it was the Book of Romans - I typed out the entire book on the USMB and many were into an uproar over it - including you. We discussed it all including the nun back then. Please read the Romans thread and refresh your memory on the subject. Thank you. We can move forward today with this bible study on the subject of what is it to be strong in the LORD.

To be Strong in the LORD is all that has been covered thus far in the scriptures posted - the music - the OP - putting on the whole armor of God as written in Ephesians 6: 10-20 is a command and all Christians should daily put on the whole Armour of God - pray in the Holy Spirit and with understanding and magnify the LORD. DAILY. We should open the day with prayer and close the day with prayer and through the night if the LORD would wake you up - pray in the Holy Spirit - get with the Holy Spirit and see who He would have you pray for - what He wants to speak to you about, and so forth.

Speaking the Word of God out loud is a building up of your faith. You can take the Word of God and type it out on a forum on internet and speak it as you are writing it - speak it out loud as you write and declare the Word of God into the atmosphere. You are exercising and building your faith. The Word of God is living and powerful. This is going to do several things but we will only focus on a couple. First, it is building up your spirit - your faith - your bringing you body into subjection to your spirit- you are submitting yourself to God - resisting Satan and he must go. You are increasing your faith powerfully as you continue reading aloud the Word of God - you are hearing the Word of God as you read it and speak it - what does the bible say about hearing the Word of God...? Look it up.

Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God. What is happening to those reading our threads and hearing the Music based on scripture, Video preaching that is by scripture, sermons with scripture? They are gaining faith in God - without faith it is impossible to please God - you are increasing your ability to please God as well as the ability of others to "believe God" - it is a win - win situation.

If you have been through a battle where your armour has taken a beating and you are feeling under enemy attack... what should you do? Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over yourself, ask the LORD to reveal to you if there is any sin in your life, if the hedge of protection around you has be broken by your own actions - where is it? In word, thought or in deed or all three? Repent - Get your Sword out ( the Word of God is your Sword) and begin to speak the Word of God into the atmosphere where you are - take some anointing oil - or ask the LORD to bless any oil you have in the house -olive oil is fine - and pray over it - take authority over the spirit realm - you've been given the authority - read Luke 10: 19 and then declare,
I bind you Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, get out of my home and take your evil spirits with you. In Jesus name. I command everything that is not of God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit to leave now in Jesus name. I dedicate my home to the Lord Jesus Christ, in this house we serve the Jesus Christ. Jesus is LORD over this house. Anoint your windows top and sides with a touch of oil and all of your doors - every opening to your house - your fireplace included - above and sides - the air vent above your stove top and sides, cleanse your home of any material that is demonic - that happened to be brought into the house - throw it out - burn it - ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything in your home that should not be there. Then get rid of it.

Finally - read the Word of God into the atmosphere and if you've been feeling weak in your spiritual life - it would be good to read the 66 chapters of Isaiah - for a real refreshing of your spirit. Isaiah is such an awesome book - be led by the Spirit - God may have you read something else but as for the Book of Isaiah. The last time I read it through was starting at about 11:30 p.m. and I finished reading it about 6:30 a.m. or so - its 66 chapters so with breaks for prayer and intercession about 7 hours will bring you through it. When you complete that you should feel very refreshed in the spirit and strong - because the Word of God invigorates the spirit, mind and body. It is has such a wonderful effect that my recommendation would be do not start with reading 15 minutes and think that is going to help you - when you are feeling extreme lows you need to take the extreme measures to get back on track and reading the Word out loud for extended periods of time - hours - is a marvelous cure - be led by the Spirit of God - you may feel led to put on Worship music and worship the LORD and sing praises unto Him if you are feeling a "heaviness"... true Worship will lift that spirit of heaviness and drive it right out of your house. God inhabits the praises of His people. If you are worshipping the LORD guess who cannot stay around? The enemy. Are you baptized in the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues? If not, ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Praying in tongues is another thing we must do to be Strong in the LORD - praying in tongues is something that should be done every day. I believe the apostle Paul prayed in tongues more than he spoke in English. I believe that is a very good balance. In fact he told the church he prayed in the Spirit more than they all did. I believe it because Paul's faith was not wavering. He was standing strong and it was through his following and obeying the Word of God -preaching the Word of God - teaching the Word of God - by his obedience to God and being led by the Spirit that he stood.
We can review something from one of the old timers on the subject of standing on the Rock of Ages because all else is sinking sand. We must be standing on the Rock. Our Rock Foundation is Jesus Christ. Amen? Amen.
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There is a close companionship between you and Jesus that nobody knows about, where every day you have to choose or refuse.

- Smith Wigglesworth
From Nelson Bible KJV - devotional - Our Rock Foundation - Smith Wigglesworth -

We find that the fundamental truths of all the ages were planted right in the life of Peter.
We see evidences of the spiritual power to which he had attained, and we see also the natural power working, Jesus saw that He must suffer if He would reach the spiritual life that God intended Him to reach.
So Jesus said, I must go forward. Your words, Peter, are an offense to Me.
If you seek to save yourself, it is an offense to God. God has been impressing on me more and more that if at any time I were to seek man's favor or earthly power, I would lose favor with God and could not have faith. Jesus, asked, How can you believe [if you] receive honor from one another? (John 5:44)
God is speaking to us, every one of us and trying to get us to leave the shoreline.
There is only one place where we can get the mind and will of God. If we look to anybody else, we cannot get it. If we seek to save ourselves, we will never reach the place where we will be able to bind and loose. There is a close companionship between you and Jesus that nobody knows about. where every day you have to choose or refuse.

With Jesus' last words on earth, He gave the disciples a commission. (See Mark 16:15-18) The discipleship never ceased. The churches are weak today because Christ the Rock is not abiding in them in the manifestations of the power of God.

This is not because it is a special gift to bind and loose - but it is contingent on whether you have the rock of foundation in you. In the name of Jesus, you will loose, and in the name of Jesus, you will bind. If He is in you, you ought to bring forth evidence of that power.

-Smith Wigglesworth - excerpt from Devotional in Nelson Bible - title Our Rock Foundation.
Leonard Ravenhill put it this way - to be perfectly rejected by man is to be completely accepted by God. It is that way. So we are not to seek the approval of man - nor are we to be moved one way or the other by the approval or disapproval of man. This does not mean that if someone defends something you have spoken or done that you cannot be polite and say thank you but most certainly we must never seek the praises of men. Our praise is from God who is our Heavenly Father and rewards our work. It is the LORD that we serve. Not man made institutions, doctrines of man - false agenda's that have no part in the Kingdom of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ - we must serve the LORD only.
Another short excerpt from Smith Wigglesworth - a devotional from Nelson Bible KJV

Peter has been in the fishing business all his life, but he had never caught a fish with silver in its mouth. However, the Master does not want us to reason things out, for carnal reasoning will always land us in a bog of unbelief, He wants us simply to obey.

This is a hard job, Peter must have said as he put the bait on his hook, but since you told me to do it, I'll try. And he cast his line into the sea, but every fish had to stand aside and leave that bait alone and let the fish who had the piece of money in its mouth come up and take it.

Do you not see that the words of the Master are the instruction of faith? It is impossible for anything that Jesus says to miss. All His words are spirit and life. ( John 6:63 ) If you will only have faith in Him, you will find that every word that God gives is life! You cannot be in close contact with Him and receive His Word in simple faith without feeling the effect of it in your body, as well as in your spirit and soul.

- Smith Wigglesworth - excerpt from Simple Faith - devotional from KJV Neslon Bible based on the scriptures from Matthew 17: 25-27
Pay attention to what has been said here. Read it over and over until it gets into your spirit. Think about this and receive it as the truth. Because it is the truth. Do not put limitations on God. Stop putting limitations on the ability of God. With God all things are possible. Not some. ALL. There is nothing God cannot do. Abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Make John 15: 8 your faith abiding in Jesus and His Words abiding in you and then ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. You have not because you ask not - you need to increase your faith in the One who is Able - Jesus Christ. As Smith said in the last line - You cannot be in close contact with Him and receive His Word in simple faith (faith like a child - believe like a child - stop trying to reason in your mind! You cannot "reason in your mind" spiritual things! How can you reason the fact that a prophet made an axe head float to the top of the water? You cannot! It defied the laws of gravity yet with God there are no restrictions to such laws! We must come into the realm of Faith where God is and believe Jesus Christ and His Word. Literally. We must take God at His Word and stop trying to "figure things out" with our finite minds! )

So Smith has said a very powerful truth. That we cannot be in close contact with Jesus and receive His Word in simple faith without feeling the effect of it on our body, our spirit and our soul (seat of mind, will emotions) How glorious is that. We have the freedom to be as close to Jesus Christ as we desire to be. There is nothing stopping us. We have the freedom to believe - to have faith in God.

What is faith? Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will. Obey the LORD in every area of your life, be an obedient child of God - when the LORD gives you something to do - obey immediately. It is not sacrifices of money, time, good works that draw you into close contact with Jesus Christ - it is OBEDIENCE to Him - Obedience is better than sacrifice. If the LORD tells you to give of your time, money, work - do it immediately - but Obey God in all things. Be led by the Spirit. Do not serve God according to your own "good ideas" but rather offer unto God what He is asking for. We are to be like Abel. NOT CAIN.
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Oh! I just found this! How glorious! It is confirming the Word of God today again! I love confirmation! How more so from one of the old saints that has gone on to glory? On the subject of where men are lacking...........

Smith Wigglesworth said........

All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's Word. You need it every day. How can you enter into a life of faith? Feed on the living Christ of whom this Word is full. As you are taken up with the glorious fact and presence of the living Christ, the faith of God will spring up within you. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing of the Word of God. - Romans 10:17.
Quote from Smith Wigglesworth

How divine is it to know that the Word of God is available to you - to build your faith. Have you read the Gospel of John yet? I'll post the link here for you and you can read it today. Read it all - it is not that long - we are presently entering Chapter 9 of the Gospel of John. Please save the link and read along - it will be food for your spirit - you need to feed your faith and starve your doubt, beloved. Amen? Amen!
Sing this song and memorize the words, sing it all the day long because if you are abiding in Jesus Christ and His words are abiding in you?

Victory is yours! Today, Tomorrow, Every Day! Glory to God!


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