Been 4 Weeks Now.Biden Runs.And Still,Has Barely Spoke&Taken Questions From Reporters/Hosts/Press.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:
Dumbo suffers from Beast disease. The more he talks the more he is hated. Rambling on and on about 1950s' unions or " we must never ever give up" That crap was old in 1970. Especially Coming from another bozo who has never made legit money in his entire pathetic life.
Dumbo suffers from Beast disease. The more he talks the more he is hated. Rambling on and on about 1950s' unions or " we must never ever give up" That crap was old in 1970. Especially Coming from another bozo who has never made legit money in his entire pathetic life.
with all of his scandals, he will also just take questions from children in grade/middle school. {like Hillary did}
He is taking a play out of Hillary's play book, don't speak and hope he can ride on coat tails to victory

Dumbo suffers from Beast disease. The more he talks the more he is hated. Rambling on and on about 1950s' unions or " we must never ever give up" That crap was old in 1970. Especially Coming from another bozo who has never made legit money in his entire pathetic life.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:

Sorry, but Trump has given less access to the press than any President in modern history...

2018 was the year the White House press briefing died

Now we know they do that because they lie so much when they do have them...

Why does Trumpets always accuse people of things they are guilty of...
No matter who the nominee is, I will vote for , because they will be 100X's better than tramp.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:

Sorry, but Trump has given less access to the press than any President in modern history...

2018 was the year the White House press briefing died

Now we know they do that because they lie so much when they do have them...

Why does Trumpets always accuse people of things they are guilty of...

Uhm can you tell us the real reason, come on it's not to hard to add one plus one
Biden hits Trump where it hurts

Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
Such complaint about a politician not being forthcoming 17 months before the election gives me thought that it's almost June and my wife hasn't started preparing Thanksgiving dinner yet either.
Can anyone name some legislation Biden authored that actually helped the average citizen? He's been in Washington DC quite a while and made a pretty good living. What's he done?
Can anyone name some legislation Biden authored that actually helped the average citizen? He's been in Washington DC quite a while and made a pretty good living. What's he done?

Not exactly to your point but it did make me wonder how Biden voted in 2002 when it came to approving GW Bush's plan calling for the invasion of Iraq. I now hope more than ever he doesn't end up being the Democratic nominee.
Exclusive poll: Biden's Iraq War vote already a liability in 2020 campaign
Can anyone name some legislation Biden authored that actually helped the average citizen? He's been in Washington DC quite a while and made a pretty good living. What's he done?

Not exactly to your point but it did make me wonder how Biden voted in 2002 when it came to approving GW Bush's plan calling for the invasion of Iraq. I now hope more than ever he doesn't end up being the Democratic nominee.
Exclusive poll: Biden's Iraq War vote already a liability in 2020 campaign
Hillary and Kerry aldo voted for invading iraq, then tried to double talk. Spineless bureaucrats.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:
Yes u kids can start commenting on that as soon as regular white house press briefing start.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:

He won't take any hard or direct questions because he will screw it up. Biden is the guy. He is the chosen one. The Bernie crowed will most likely look for another baseball game to shoot up, but Bernie is finished. Notice too that none of the other candidates get any press? Biden is the guy.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:
Yes u kids can start commenting on that as soon as regular white house press briefing start.

True dat. We ain't had a real one since 2008 due to Putins house negro being scared of the press.
Can anyone name some legislation Biden authored that actually helped the average citizen? He's been in Washington DC quite a while and made a pretty good living. What's he done?

He led the extortion on $3bil out of BP oil for that gulf leak they fixed ASAP.

He went and bought some ObamaCare votes?

He kicked RINO Ryan stammering rear end in a VP debate. Thats' all there is.
Notice the media isn't pushing him. They know he has problems. The MSM will protect him as long as they can.
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:
Yes u kids can start commenting on that as soon as regular white house press briefing start.

True dat. We ain't had a real one since 2008 due to Putins house negro being scared of the press.
Kid, if you're gonna lie shouldn't you at least try to make it believable?
Didn't take long to beat up on Trump from the moment he announced his run in Pittsburgh/then Philly. But it seems as if he's been hiding from being asked "Unscripted Questions" especially on live TV. Big deal he goes on "The View", anyone think that a host there will ask him questions regarding his wandering fingers videos or his record during the 8 year recession he gave us and did nothing to stop it.
But keep in mind, once Trump came on the scene in 2016, he made his announcement and just went from one interview to the next, going on all the cable news networks. He took questions from anyone, even if it was on live TV.
So like Hillary when she ran, does anyone see the similarities between him and Hillary? And remember when Hillary had to sneak into a place in Iowa with those dark sunglasses, and later on only wanted to take questions from 12 year old girls?
Biden is the perfect example of a "Coward Running For President".
:1peleas: :iagree: :lalala:
Yes u kids can start commenting on that as soon as regular white house press briefing start.

Why would anyone expose themselves to Acosta or MSLSD? They are not "reporters"? They are DNC commeee shills. Shout the truth but dont engage the question. Press briefing can be an online weekly upload.

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