'Been There, Seen That, Done That, Don't Want Any Part Of That' - Cuban Immigrant Warns Americans

Just like you can’t find one that says they are for overturning the 2nd amendment or that they are for open borders, you can’t find one of them bold enough(yet) to come out and say that. They simply pass policies that inch closer and closer to those goals. Bernie was bold enough to call himself a Democratic Socialist and he still didn’t scare off many Democrats. Don’t be so naive.

I'm all for the Second Amendment.

I think well-regulated militias are wonderful. I was a member of one for years. (The Illinois National Guard). It's how I paid for college.

Most Americans are for common sense gun control. While I personally would like to see all privately owned guns confiscated, because there's no good reason why a civilian should have a gun, I'm enough of a realist to know that's not going to happen. Making it really hard for crazy people to buy assault weapons.... um, yeah, that's doable and I'm not sure how any sane person could argue against that.

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Not a well-regulated militia!!!

If Bernie could call himself Socialist and get a large percentage of the vote, that's just an indictment of how bad the current system is.

Of course, if you guys were really, really against "Socialism", you should come out for abolishing the TWO TRILLION we spend every year on Middle Class Entitlements like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.
Dam you actually admitted you would like to see all guns confiscated. Government benefits, safety nets, is not socialism dumb fuck. And unemployment insurance is purchased in the private marketplace.
Dam you actually admitted you would like to see all guns confiscated. Government benefits, safety nets, is not socialism dumb fuck. And unemployment insurance is purchased in the private marketplace.

Safety nets aren't socialism? Really?

I would say I can't think of a better example of collectivism than a safety net.

Unemployment insurance isn't "purchased". It's paid for by a tax on employers, and when you have a massive spike, the government has to kick in and make up the difference. That's about as "Socialist" as you get.

In fact, the whole reason why we have unemployment is because if we didn't, every recession, they would wipe out middle class wages as workers raced to the bottom trying to scoop up lower paying jobs.
Dam you actually admitted you would like to see all guns confiscated. Government benefits, safety nets, is not socialism dumb fuck. And unemployment insurance is purchased in the private marketplace.

Safety nets aren't socialism? Really?

I would say I can't think of a better example of collectivism than a safety net.

Unemployment insurance isn't "purchased". It's paid for by a tax on employers, and when you have a massive spike, the government has to kick in and make up the difference. That's about as "Socialist" as you get.

In fact, the whole reason why we have unemployment is because if we didn't, every recession, they would wipe out middle class wages as workers raced to the bottom trying to scoop up lower paying jobs.
Safety nets, government social programs is not socialism. When government regulates private business to the point where they limit competition, and when they totally take over entire industries and confiscate companies (see Cuba and Venezuela) that is socialism. Setting aside taxes collected from employers to fund unemployment compensation isn't socialism either. Are you aware that one can purchase unemployment insurance and can receive that on top of government unemployment compensation?
No one wants communism here. Or anything near it.

Trumpsters really need to get a fucking grip.
You will never be believed again. Your reputation precedes you. No one condemns half the population in an endless full court press that has ratcheted up the last dozen years or more and does not have designs on a new form of government. Our nation is being dismantled and a good part of it packed up and sent to other nations overseas while we accept endless immigrants in it with mot of them collecting government benefits as a gift from taxpayers.
You didn't address my point.

Fail. You will never be believed again :laugh:
He didn't fail he schooled you like a child.

Yeah. Who wants communism? Please provide proof, not paranoia.


The government will conquer you're every problem for you.

GO FUCK YOURSELF MAC. You USED TO BE A REASONABLE person. Now you're just a TDS afflicted tard

You have no cogent commentary. Perhaps 4 years of brainwashing does a number on a fella... Your frustration at coming up with anything rational is of much amusement.
Safety nets, government social programs is not socialism. When government regulates private business to the point where they limit competition, and when they totally take over entire industries and confiscate companies (see Cuba and Venezuela) that is socialism. Setting aside taxes collected from employers to fund unemployment compensation isn't socialism either. Are you aware that one can purchase unemployment insurance and can receive that on top of government unemployment compensation?

Okay, I guess you can... but it still sounds like collectivism to me.

It seems you want to define socialism up. Western Europe is mostly socialist, they still have private companies.

Why do you act like there are only two choices on the menu?

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.

Y&ou are the fucking moron. You are always wrong.
Of course, you can never demonstrate that I'm wrong

No one is pushing commumism. Even the communist party is not pushing communism. You can't prove you are right.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.

Y&ou are the fucking moron. You are always wrong.
The truth hurts, eh?

Something you have no conception of.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.

Y&ou are the fucking moron. You are always wrong.
The truth hurts, eh?

Something you have no conception of.
ROFL! The serial liar speaks!
Do you remember Maximo Alvarez?
No, never heard of him. I like these sort of threads where I can dip into something new.

Maximo Alvarez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1948, the son of Spanish immigrants. In 1961 at the age of 13, he came to America as part of Operation “Pedro Pan".
Maximo Alvarez - Director at Florida State University | The Org

What in the heck was Operation "Pedro Pan"?
But one story that is not often told is that of the thousands of unaccompanied children who were sent from Cuba to Miami in the early 1960s, as part of a U.S. government program called Operation Pedro Pan.
Pedro Pan: A Children’s Exodus from Cuba | Smithsonian Insider

Okay, back to Maximo's biography.... hey I like this guy.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.

Y&ou are the fucking moron. You are always wrong.
The truth hurts, eh?

Something you have no conception of.
ROFL! The serial liar speaks!

You and the truth are strangers.
Good warning. Maybe that's why the Latino community is ignored while the African American community is the center of attention with the media, Latinos have more experience with communist style dictatorships than blacks here in the States.

After Alvarez recounted how quickly rights evaporated for Cubans under Fidel Castro when he was a child, Boothe referenced Alvarez’s speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) last summer when she asked him if he believes Americans have “swallowed the communist poison pill.”

“Not only have they swallowed it, they digested it,” Alvarez responded. “Listen to the media. They’re no longer objective. You can tell how much they hate this country.”
What communist govt. have they gotten that experience from, don't say Cuba because it was not a communist nation..They did co-opt the name communism yet it was not real communism.
They got it from the CUban government whhich is communist.

I say it because you are wrong and ignorant like most who try to dodge the truth.

Communist nations are not strictly defined as a nation where the workers own the means of production nor a statekless society.

So lonmg as government controls the means of production in the name of the peiople it IS BY DEFINITION communist. So lonmg as a nation works toward the final stateless society ( without ever reaching the finish line ) it is a communist nation.

The Castro regime is the dictatorship of the proletariate straight out of the play book.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

Gee, maybe we need to not repeat the mistakes of Cuba's elite.

Let's not forget WHY they were driven out of the country. Because 75% of the usable land in Cuba was owned by outside interests. Because poverty in Cuba under Batista was grinding, which is why so many joined Castro's Army.

Cuba happened because when you have too much wealth concentrated in too few hands, no one has a real investment in the status quo...

Frankly, I'm terrified that populist demagogues like Sanders and Trump have gained so much traction in recent years. But I can't say I'm surprised.
Poverty under communism is worse than itr ever was under Batista.

Cuba happened because a few fell for the insanely evil and idiotic teachings of MArx which never work and always end up in cotastrophe.

Democrats prove they have not learned from history and the failure of those who have gone down this road before.

This guy needs to learn what the United States is all about. He has no clue. he does not get to define what communism is. It is Republicans who are closer to communists, fascists and every other dictatorial thug you can think of. They change the rules of voting to keep themselves in power.
You are a fucking moron. I've never seen anyone be so wrong.

Y&ou are the fucking moron. You are always wrong.
The truth hurts, eh?

Something you have no conception of.
ROFL! The serial liar speaks!

You and the truth are strangers.
Prove it, asshole.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

Poverty under communism is worse than itr ever was under Batista.

Cuba happened because a few fell for the insanely evil and idiotic teachings of MArx which never work and always end up in cotastrophe.

Actually, if anything, Russia had it's greatest prosperity under the Commies. It was poor and miserable under the Tsars (which is why they revolted in the first place) and it's kind of miserable now, where Russia is giving the Philippines a run in the industry of "Women willing to become mail order brides" category.

As for Cuba, the reality is, we've been punishing them for 60 years now for picking a form of government we don't like, and if anything, it's made them more dedicated to it. Then again, Trumpster keep supporting their guy no matter how badly he fucks things up.
Poverty under communism is worse than itr ever was under Batista.

Cuba happened because a few fell for the insanely evil and idiotic teachings of MArx which never work and always end up in cotastrophe.

Actually, if anything, Russia had it's greatest prosperity under the Commies. It was poor and miserable under the Tsars (which is why they revolted in the first place) and it's kind of miserable now, where Russia is giving the Philippines a run in the industry of "Women willing to become mail order brides" category.

As for Cuba, the reality is, we've been punishing them for 60 years now for picking a form of government we don't like, and if anything, it's made them more dedicated to it. Then again, Trumpster keep supporting their guy no matter how badly he fucks things up.

The russians had far greater prosperity before and after communism.

There is no dedication to communism in Cuba which is why as many as possible risk their lives tpo leave.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

I never said they were. Bernie Sanders and AOC do however
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

I never said they were. Bernie Sanders and AOC do however
Great. Show me where Sanders and AOC advocate for government taking over all production and distribution, and for the elimination of private property.

Because THAT'S what communism ACTUALLY is.

You claim to know more about this than me. I'm sure this will be easy. Knock it out of the park.
How can Trumpsters, supposedly adults, not even fucking know what communism is?
Because they do and you do NOT.

The flaw in every argument put forth by apologists for communism is the insane hubris of thinking that ONLY they know what it is.

You are not better informed on the subject.
Great. Then list out Democrat officials who are advocating for communism.

I'm sure this will be easy, and that the list will be long.

I never said they were. Bernie Sanders and AOC do however
Great. Show me where Sanders and AOC advocate for government taking over all production and distribution, and for the elimination of private property.

Because THAT'S what communism ACTUALLY is.

You claim to know more about this than me. I'm sure this will be easy. Knock it out of the park.
No that is not what communism really is.

Communism is a process and all of that is only one small part.

Knocked out asnd you have been schooled

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