Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

No one is stopping you from moving to a country where they allow gay marriage.

Actually, it is allowed in several states in my UNION, but what the hell does that have to do with me or this thread?

Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage. Your prescription for people who aren't happy with the status quo is to get the hell out of the country.

So when are you and all the homosexuals leaving?
No one is stopping you from moving to a country where they allow gay marriage.

Actually, it is allowed in several states in my UNION, but what the hell does that have to do with me or this thread?

Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage. Your prescription for people who aren't happy with the status quo is to get the hell out of the country.

So when are you and all the homosexuals leaving?

No need to. Things are "progressing" quite nicely, thank you. Happy to help YOU pack. :D
The CSA as a WHOLE PEOPLE decided to secede. The citizens of the states voted and elected the men who voted to secede from the union therefore the people as a whole decided to leave.

East Tennessee was so opposed to secession that the Confederacy ended up having to put troops in the region to control the population. Speaking of tyranny.
Actually, it is allowed in several states in my UNION, but what the hell does that have to do with me or this thread?

Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage. Your prescription for people who aren't happy with the status quo is to get the hell out of the country.

So when are you and all the homosexuals leaving?

No need to. Things are "progressing" quite nicely, thank you. Happy to help YOU pack. :D

It's only a matter of time until the mules pulling the wagon wake up and throw off their chains. When that happens, a serious discussion of the secession issue will get underway.
This is for all you servile turds who believe the Constitution outlaws secession:

"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed."

~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10

The first several generations of Americans understood that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate states’ rights document. The citizens of the states would delegate certain powers to a central government in their Constitution, and these powers (mostly for national defense and foreign policy purposes) would hopefully be exercised for the benefit of the citizens of the "free and independent" states, as they are called in the Declaration.

The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit. If the day ever came that the national government became the sole arbiter of the limits of its own powers, then Americans would live under a tyranny as bad or worse than the one the colonists fought a revolution against. As the above quotation denotes, the ultimate natural law principle behind this thinking was Jefferson’s famous dictum in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever that consent is withdrawn the people of the free and independent states, as sovereigns, have a duty to abolish that government and replace it with a new one if they wish.

This was the fundamental understanding of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – that it was a Declaration of Secession from the British empire – of the first several generations of Americans. As the 1, 107-page book, Northern Editorials on Secession shows, this view was held just as widely in the Northern states as in the Southern states in 1860-1861. Among the lone dissenters was Abe Lincoln, a corporate lawyer/lobbyist/politician with less than a year of formal education who probably never even read The Federalist Papers.

What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

After 1865 it is now not legal. GET OVER IT.

No wonder the Goober States are goofed on by everyone else.

They bring it on themselves with their antiquated ideas, racism, accent, phony religiosity, Paula Deen and Honey Boo Boo fatso-ness.
Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage.

When have I ever said anything remotely like that? Have you been reduced to flat-out lying now? Have you decided to throw any honor or character you might have imagined you possessed right out the window? I hope you find a nice, comfortable rock to crawl under you lying scum.
Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage. Your prescription for people who aren't happy with the status quo is to get the hell out of the country.

So when are you and all the homosexuals leaving?

No need to. Things are "progressing" quite nicely, thank you. Happy to help YOU pack. :D

It's only a matter of time until the mules pulling the wagon wake up and throw off their chains. When that happens, a serious discussion of the secession issue will get underway.

When? When do you pick up your musket, big mouth?
Most Americans have been educated to think of Lincoln as a saint rather than a flawed politician. Lincoln failed at the most crucial issue in history to face an administration. He failed to reason with the Southern delegation and he failed to keep the Union together. Lincoln's failure of leadership led to the shocking secession of States. Lincoln's awkward leaderless administration led to Civil War. Kind historians credit Lincoln for holding the Union together but it is a flawed and dishonest portrayal that we live with today.
So another "patriotic" right wing kook wants to disolve the union because someone he didnt like won an election. Give it a rest already chump. You lost, get over it.

Gallup told me this week that the South is the region most proud to be American. Not sure how to reconcile that with the fact that it also seems to be the region most apt to romanticize treason.
Show me treason....I bet you morons would call the founding fathers treasonous. What a bunch of scum.
Are you really that ignorant of the Constitution?

He had the power to squash insurrection.

You wanna consider that mass murder? It's war.


He left out "freed the slaves"....I guess we'll hear next that there were no slaves; just employees who didn't know how to negotiate.
Who brought the slaves here? What flag did those ships fly under? go ahead answer me...

Southern Plantation owners when they were part of the Union.
Turds like you are always whining about how evil America is because it voted against gay marriage. Your prescription for people who aren't happy with the status quo is to get the hell out of the country.

So when are you and all the homosexuals leaving?

No need to. Things are "progressing" quite nicely, thank you. Happy to help YOU pack. :D

It's only a matter of time until the mules pulling the wagon wake up and throw off their chains. When that happens, a serious discussion of the secession issue will get underway.

It would be lighter if the poverty stricken states in the South would get off the wagon you fucking idiot.
Gallup told me this week that the South is the region most proud to be American. Not sure how to reconcile that with the fact that it also seems to be the region most apt to romanticize treason.
Show me treason....I bet you morons would call the founding fathers treasonous. What a bunch of scum.
He left out "freed the slaves"....I guess we'll hear next that there were no slaves; just employees who didn't know how to negotiate.
Who brought the slaves here? What flag did those ships fly under? go ahead answer me...

Southern Plantation owners when they were part of the Union.

Well at least you make a habit out of being wrong.
Who Brought The Slaves To America?

Oh and NO SHIP EVER flew under the stars and bars when bringing slaves here because the CSA never did..the USA did.
Show me treason....I bet you morons would call the founding fathers treasonous. What a bunch of scum.

Who brought the slaves here? What flag did those ships fly under? go ahead answer me...

Southern Plantation owners when they were part of the Union.

Well at least you make a habit out of being wrong.
Who Brought The Slaves To America?

Oh and NO SHIP EVER flew under the stars and bars when bringing slaves here because the CSA never did..the USA did.


The Stars and Bars were the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.... Perhaps you should seek credible sources and have an adult read them to you.
Yes they were point being? No flag of the CSA ever flew over a slave ship..the stars and stripes did...typical idiot hates the sources so throws baby out with the bath water.
No need to. Things are "progressing" quite nicely, thank you. Happy to help YOU pack. :D

It's only a matter of time until the mules pulling the wagon wake up and throw off their chains. When that happens, a serious discussion of the secession issue will get underway.

It would be lighter if the poverty stricken states in the South would get off the wagon you fucking idiot.

They tried to get off the wagon once, moron.

If you don't like it, get the fuck out of my country. That's your solution, isn't it?
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Yes they were point being? No flag of the CSA ever flew over a slave ship..the stars and stripes did...typical idiot hates the sources so throws baby out with the bath water.

Typically those ships had New England owners and crews. A bunch of damn Yankees purchased the slaves in Africa, crammed them into the filthy holds of their slave ships and then carted them to Charleston or Baltimore where they were sold.

However, that's all academic, since according to the moral code of the Lincoln cult might makes right and those slaves got just what they deserved, right Sallow?
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Most Americans have been educated to think of Lincoln as a saint rather than a flawed politician. Lincoln failed at the most crucial issue in history to face an administration. He failed to reason with the Southern delegation and he failed to keep the Union together. Lincoln's failure of leadership led to the shocking secession of States. Lincoln's awkward leaderless administration led to Civil War. Kind historians credit Lincoln for holding the Union together but it is a flawed and dishonest portrayal that we live with today.

LOL there was no Southern delegation. Before Lincoln was even seated the South began to leave the Union. There was ZERO attempt by the South or any Southern State to compromise or even talk to Lincoln. Talk about revisionist history. Or perhaps you care to link and quote these supposed delegations and their meetings with Lincoln? or explain how the Out going President did nothing while the Southern States seized federal armories and forts?

You do realize that in 1861 the President was not seated until March, Right? Remind us again about those delegations?
Yes they were point being? No flag of the CSA ever flew over a slave ship..the stars and stripes did...typical idiot hates the sources so throws baby out with the bath water.

Typically those ships had New England owners and crews. A bunch of damn Yankees purchased the slaves in Africa, crammed them into the filthy holds of their slave ships and then carted them to Charleston or Baltimore where they were sold.

However, that's all academic, since according to the moral code of the Lincoln cult might makes right and those slaves got just what they deserved, right Sallow?

Lack of knowledge again There had been no active legal slave trade from Africa in YEARS. Further Lincoln had no intention of doing anything about slavery, He knew he lacked the votes in Congress to accomplish anything. Further he did not do ANYTHING about Slavery until 2 years into the war. And then only to those States still revolting.
Yes they were point being? No flag of the CSA ever flew over a slave ship..the stars and stripes did...typical idiot hates the sources so throws baby out with the bath water.

Typically those ships had New England owners and crews. A bunch of damn Yankees purchased the slaves in Africa, crammed them into the filthy holds of their slave ships and then carted them to Charleston or Baltimore where they were sold.

However, that's all academic, since according to the moral code of the Lincoln cult might makes right and those slaves got just what they deserved, right Sallow?

Lack of knowledge again There had been no active legal slave trade from Africa in YEARS. Further Lincoln had no intention of doing anything about slavery, He knew he lacked the votes in Congress to accomplish anything. Further he did not do ANYTHING about Slavery until 2 years into the war. And then only to those States still revolting.

Aside from the deluded members of the Lincoln cult, who ever claimed he actually wanted to free the slaves? Whether the slave trade was active or not, it's still a fact that it originated in New England, and all the profits when to New England. Northerners made all the money off the slave trade, yet the sanctimoniously call anyone who defends the confederate states racists who defend slavery.

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