Before 1860 secession was considered to be constitutional

Confederates attacked Sumter an act of war because Lincoln would not allow slavery in the new territories... .

He didn't even have to (or would have had the authority to) go that far to set off the nihilistic insanity of the rebels. Merely allowing territories to decide the matter for themselves upon becoming new states brought the long simmering stew of regional, representative, and yes moral conflict to a boil. It turns out that boiling pot got poured over the heads of the foolhardy rebels through no one's fault but their own.

The screeching nut here who wishes it had been otherwise cannot change that.

All you're proving is that you're an ignorant moron. No one in this thread has yet offered a single valid fact or argument supporting Lincoln's invasion of the Southern states.
If Southerners were traitors, then why weren't any of them tried for treason after the war?

There were more than a few calls to do so.

Very generous forbearance for the sake of fellow AMERICANS. Forbearance an ungrateful revisionist like you would surely have not deserved. Congratulations on being born far too late to worry about it. Condolences on being born far too late to do anything about it but make an ass of yourself online like this.

I dont think he realizes the people just wanted the war over and trails of treason would have done nothing to help that....Besides it was also one of the concessions of Lees surrender.

They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.
There were more than a few calls to do so.

Very generous forbearance for the sake of fellow AMERICANS. Forbearance an ungrateful revisionist like you would surely have not deserved. Congratulations on being born far too late to worry about it. Condolences on being born far too late to do anything about it but make an ass of yourself online like this.

I dont think he realizes the people just wanted the war over and trails of treason would have done nothing to help that....Besides it was also one of the concessions of Lees surrender.

They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.

Actually reconstruction was a democrat... IE southern strategy to punish the black people over their ass whooping.
You're right.

I am intolerant of Confederate Traitors who sought to enslave human beings.

You are.

Hence the rift.

now I'm a slave owner :cuckoo:

Notice that the members of the Lincoln cult can't produce a single fact to defend him. All they can do is dish out personal attacks.

We produced just refuse to acknowledge it cause the truth paints a different picture of your confederate heroes then you already have.
I dont think he realizes the people just wanted the war over and trails of treason would have done nothing to help that....Besides it was also one of the concessions of Lees surrender.

They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.

Actually reconstruction was a democrat... IE southern strategy to punish the black people over their ass whooping.

wow, the ignorance is palpable ^
They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.

Actually reconstruction was a democrat... IE southern strategy to punish the black people over their ass whooping.

wow, the ignorance is palpable ^

Really? you sure about that?

Seems you were right :) Thats what I get for mixing up to separate historical things. I was thinking Jim Crow laws.
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I dont think he realizes the people just wanted the war over and trails of treason would have done nothing to help that....Besides it was also one of the concessions of Lees surrender.

They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.

Actually reconstruction was a democrat... IE southern strategy to punish the black people over their ass whooping.

Now I've heard everything. So you think Democrats controlled Congress after the Civil War? Apparently you don't know what Reconstruction was. You obviously know very little about the Civil War. Yet, you feel qualified to pontificate on the subject.
Apparently drugs that cause brain damage are being served where you eat lunch.

That might make it easier to tolerate reading your hysterical and absurdly futile attempts are re-'fighting' a war long over. The outcome is the same.

I'm sure you find the facts distressing. The blinders turds like you wear are impenetrable.

It is very clear that it is YOU who finds the actual, unalterable facts of history so distressing, Johnny Reb. It's over. The Confederacy was wrong and they lost. There is nothing you can type - no matter how hard you hit the keys - that will change that.
They just wanted the war over, but they didn't fail to impose draconian conditions on the Southern states which forced them into dire poverty for decades.

Actually reconstruction was a democrat... IE southern strategy to punish the black people over their ass whooping.

Now I've heard everything. So you think Democrats controlled Congress after the Civil War? Apparently you don't know what Reconstruction was. You obviously know very little about the Civil War. Yet, you feel qualified to pontificate on the subject.

But that's not what I meant. I was thinking of Crow laws.
Reconstruction - Overview of the Reconstruction Period in American History

Yet like all things if you let hate rule you it fucks thigs up. they should have followed Lincolns plan.

Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan

Abraham Lincoln had created a plan for reconstruction that was opposed by Congress. His plan was based on the idea that the states never really seceded from the Union, and therefore they should not necessarily be "punished." It included two major provisions:

Pardons of Southerners who participated in the war if they took an oath of allegiance to the United States.
Readmission of a state if 10% of white voters in that state took the oath of allegiance to the United States, and it created a new government that guaranteed the end of slavery.
You don't see him lamenting over Indians, Africans or basically anyone that had to submit to the heel of America.

But Confederates?

"Don't cry for me Argentina!"


According to you and your ilk the American military determined the justness of our treatment of those groups. "Might makes right," eh retard?

It kinda does, "retard".

You don't win wars by being weak.

He's living proof you dont win arguments that way either...hence he is batting zero
If Southerners were traitors, then why weren't any of them tried for treason after the war?

There were more than a few calls to do so.

Very generous forbearance for the sake of fellow AMERICANS. Forbearance an ungrateful revisionist like you would surely have not deserved. Congratulations on being born far too late to worry about it. Condolences on being born far too late to do anything about it but make an ass of yourself online like this.

"Generous" my ass. that's not the reason. They knew if they had trials then the whole issue of the legality of the war would get dragged through the courts. The union thugs would lose that battle. Furthermore, that might open the issue of union war crimes. Half of the Union government deserved to be hanged on that account.

Now you're just fantasizing. Get over it. All the emoting in the world won't change a thing. If you personally are this incensed over the preservation of our beloved UNION, no one is stopping you from moving to some other country, if you can find one that would have you.
This is for all you servile turds who believe the Constitution outlaws secession:

"During the weeks following the [1860] election, [Northern newspaper] editors of all parties assumed that secession as a constitutional right was not in question . . . . On the contrary, the southern claim to a right of peaceable withdrawal was countenanced out of reverence for the natural law principle of government by consent of the governed."

~ Howard Cecil Perkins, editor, Northern Editorials on Secession, p. 10

The first several generations of Americans understood that the Declaration of Independence was the ultimate states’ rights document. The citizens of the states would delegate certain powers to a central government in their Constitution, and these powers (mostly for national defense and foreign policy purposes) would hopefully be exercised for the benefit of the citizens of the "free and independent" states, as they are called in the Declaration.

The understanding was that if American citizens were in fact to be the masters rather than the servants of government, they themselves would have to police the national government that was created by them for their mutual benefit. If the day ever came that the national government became the sole arbiter of the limits of its own powers, then Americans would live under a tyranny as bad or worse than the one the colonists fought a revolution against. As the above quotation denotes, the ultimate natural law principle behind this thinking was Jefferson’s famous dictum in the Declaration of Independence that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that whenever that consent is withdrawn the people of the free and independent states, as sovereigns, have a duty to abolish that government and replace it with a new one if they wish.

This was the fundamental understanding of the meaning of the Declaration of Independence – that it was a Declaration of Secession from the British empire – of the first several generations of Americans. As the 1, 107-page book, Northern Editorials on Secession shows, this view was held just as widely in the Northern states as in the Southern states in 1860-1861. Among the lone dissenters was Abe Lincoln, a corporate lawyer/lobbyist/politician with less than a year of formal education who probably never even read The Federalist Papers.

What Americans Used To Know About the Declaration of Independence by Thomas DiLorenzo

Then the confederate states shouldn't have started the civil war.

Lincoln started the war. He invaded the South.

You're just a boot-licking Lincoln worshiping moron.

Lincoln didn't invade anything.

The "South" was US territory.
Furthermore, the Constitution existed prior to the Civil War, numb nuts.

When did I say otherwise? Try reading more carefully.

I personally would love to see where it says in the constitution that government cannot stop states from seceding.

I personally would love to see some evidence that he had the slightest idea what I was talking about when I referenced the Articles of Confederation.
Then the confederate states shouldn't have started the civil war.

Lincoln started the war. He invaded the South.

You're just a boot-licking Lincoln worshiping moron.

Lincoln didn't invade anything.

The "South" was US territory.

If that's the case, then Lincoln committed mass murder. He ordered Federal troops to slaughter thousands of Americans. He burned their property, raped their women, slaughtered their cattle and pigs.

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