Being FORCED to stock up on essentials...

As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

Send us a picture of your supply of cleaning products with a newspaper showing today's date in the photo.
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
When times are as good as they are now people love a good crises so they can panic...the media needs something to attract viewers and when the economy is good and American men and women aren't dying in the filthy middle east they have to hype something so a flu comes along and it turns into a new plague that will kill us all.....I haven't watched the news or read a news link or paper in 5 days and I'm more relaxed and calm than I've been in yourself a favor turn off the scare tactics daily will feel better too...
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol
I have a neighbor who has a couple a hundred acres of spuds
His cellars holds 50000 sacks.
His attitude is He doesn't own the food anyway so he would do what it takes to feed the neighborhood.
quite a statement to make
quite stupid because those who don't have food find out you have food you'll have to kill to defend what you have so you can live
Furthermore, he'll no longer have what he has if he doesn't fight to keep it and will starve
If you get a chance watch the movie American blackout
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As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

Send us a picture of your supply of cleaning products with a newspaper showing today's date in the photo.
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think I have and don't have
You're so fucked in the head you hounded me for proof of my law enforcement experience and now like a puyssy want to deny you never asked for it. FUCK YOU
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

Send us a picture of your supply of cleaning products with a newspaper showing today's date in the photo.
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think I have and don't have
You're so fucked in the head you hounded me for proof of my law enforcement experience and now like a puyssy want to deny you never asked for it. FUCK YOU
View attachment 312810

I don't believe that I hounded you for that. I think you are confused.
As I watch the public scrambling looking for cleaning products, toilet paper, water, face mask, latex gloves, medical supplies. I laugh at them it's easy to do when you have been stocking up on items like this among other things. lol
Just imagine when something really bad happens when the food supply line breaks down. Hell it could happen right now because of the big bad coronavirus scare lol

Send us a picture of your supply of cleaning products with a newspaper showing today's date in the photo.
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think I have and don't have
You're so fucked in the head you hounded me for proof of my law enforcement experience and now like a puyssy want to deny you never asked for it. FUCK YOU
View attachment 312810

I don't believe that I hounded you for that. I think you are confused.
Send us a picture of your supply of cleaning products with a newspaper showing today's date in the photo.
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think I have and don't have
You're so fucked in the head you hounded me for proof of my law enforcement experience and now like a puyssy want to deny you never asked for it. FUCK YOU
View attachment 312810

I don't believe that I hounded you for that. I think you are confused.

Show me what you are referring to, please.
I'm glad you feel like a big man and can laugh at the anxiety of those who did not prepare.
Point being smart people prepare
So hell yes I'm laughing
I was in Lowes home improvement today getting some dirt for a spot I needed in the yard walked through its household supply area bunch of people looking for cleaning supplies. I told them if you had stuff like this stored away you wouldn't be looking for this stuff now
Truly smart people dont feel smug about being smart. Only those that were teased as a child are so insecure that they delight in misfortunes of others.
whatever at least I'm not looking for what others don't have
I'm willing to bet you laughed at preppers
Turn around sucks for those who aren't prepared
Why would I laugh at preppers when I'm one myself?
One can be anything on the internet.
No shortage...just panic buying.

Next will be bread...I suggest you stock up on crackers as a substitute.

Crackers, pasta, and bisquick.

Or just learn to bake bread. Not usually a shortage of flour, because most people today don't cook from scratch very well.

A can of beer and some self rising flour is all you need. Easy.

I tried to wipe my ass with ammo but it's really didn't do anything other than get me shitty ammo. Anyone care to trade TP for a few cases of shitty ammo?
Why? other than that go fuck yourself
I don't have a fucking thing to prove to a piece of shit like you.
oh and remember that time you want proof that I had been a certified law enforcement officer I showed it and you back down as if you didn't want proof? lol

You don't have shit.

And I have no idea what you are talking about regarding LEO status. How big are your biceps?
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think I have and don't have
You're so fucked in the head you hounded me for proof of my law enforcement experience and now like a puyssy want to deny you never asked for it. FUCK YOU
View attachment 312810

I don't believe that I hounded you for that. I think you are confused.

Show me what you are referring to, please.
no troll I'm not playing that game it was a few years ago I also recall you said your son was in law enforcement or something of that nature.
Again you asked for proof I had to locate my old paperwork and when I posted my certificate you claimed you never asked for any proof so I'm not playing that game anymore
As a matter of fact I have stated a few times I was a prepper long before 2020
Fry's TP shelves are empty...same story at Wally World.....Walgreens? forget it...even Amazon has been looted!
Who are we, Venezuela? Pretty soon folks will be asking for change for a Five just to wipe their's the end of the world as we know it, I tells ya! What would you do for roll?



100 rolls doesnt take up that much room and you are guaranteed to use it at some point,,,

It isn't the only thing that a person needs though. In the words of country Keith Urban, "I just want a little bit of everything."

God bless you and him always!!!

Not necessarily. Carrying a firearm doesn't mean that anyone can see it. I've carried one every day for the last 9 years.

I have carried one everyday EVERYDAY concealed, legally, 44 years. Only people ever saw it only saw the muzzle (45) shit themselves and ran. Cept one, too stupid to run. Told him "run away now or I'll put a hole in your fuking head big enough to park a canoe in" Not kidding , he finally went. Trying to force his was in my home with wife and stepdemon there at 1am Called sheriff, picked up 10 min later trying to break in a disabled childrens home 1/4 mile down the road.

Events like this prob make a good thread if people were honest about it and not scared to talk. I was about to be attacked in East la, 3 latinos with swithcblades. "hey gringo want something to remember East la" "no thanks and pulled my vest aside, 1911 in waist band 2 extra mags,

At temped car jack in Patriot country just outside Boston 3 am, 2 linebackers that was leaving a rest stop. One steps in front of me, pushed my truck to the ground, next at my window. Showed some steel. If I'd a shot them bullet never would have reached them they were running so fast.

I put myself in a bad area? East La, probably but I didn't know I was there, I thought I was in Tustin going to visit friends, Toomany lanes, too many signs. Saw "Tustin and 4th av" looked like one sign. No, it was 4th and Soto! BAD PLACE
If Trump would come out and say that there is a plan in place to make sure the shelves do not go empty (and actually be able to point to an actual plan), that would be a large help.

Don't you think maybe has more on his plate than assuring you you'll have TP? A plan? Prob is dempanic, fake media, a virus that in total has killed only half what gets killed in Chicago every weekend. Less than 4000 infected out of 3.5 million? Go hide, take your 4700 bottles hand cleaner and 1200 rolls tp with you.

Oh forgot, everything is Trumps fault and responsibility
Fry's TP shelves are empty...same story at Wally World.....Walgreens? forget it...even Amazon has been looted!
Who are we, Venezuela? Pretty soon folks will be asking for change for a Five just to wipe their's the end of the world as we know it, I tells ya! What would you do for roll?

My luck, the change I got for a five would be in pennies.
Fry's TP shelves are empty...same story at Wally World.....Walgreens? forget it...even Amazon has been looted!
Who are we, Venezuela? Pretty soon folks will be asking for change for a Five just to wipe their's the end of the world as we know it, I tells ya! What would you do for roll?



100 rolls doesnt take up that much room and you are guaranteed to use it at some point,,,

It isn't the only thing that a person needs though. In the words of country Keith Urban, "I just want a little bit of everything."

God bless you and him always!!!


of course you need more,,
but this is a great example of you dont know what you need until you need it,,,

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