Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

You side with a teacher slapping the shit out of a child?

The video does not show him 'slapping the shit' out of the kid. The fall was a prat-fall. You can see the kid bending his right knee to soften the fall. That would not have happened if he was actually knocked out. He would have fallen like a sack of potatoes probably on his face or on his butt and not with his legs under him.
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The video does not show him 'slapping the shit' out of the kid. The fall was a prat-fall. You can see the kid bending his right knee to soften the fall. That would not have happened if he was actually knocked out. He would have fallen like a sack of potatoes probably on his face or on his butt and not with his legs under him.

from: Indiana teacher slaps student: What we know about Jimtown High School, Mike Hosinski incident
"In court documents filed Friday, officials describe their investigation of the incident, say the boy told an officer the impact caused him "throbbing" pain in his head along with a bloody nose and lip. The officer, according to records, observed an abrasion and lump on the student's head, as well as an abrasion in his mouth."

The police officer observed an abrasion, a lump on the head and an abrasion in his mouth. That is a pretty solid slap.
A spanking is NOT a physical assault. You are the dumbshit here, not me.

THe classrooms today, WITHOUT spankings, are far less civilized than they were in my day, WITH SPANKINGS.

Imbecile, physically "disciplining" someone else's child iwithout parental consent is assault & battery.
A spanking is NOT a physical assault. You are the dumbshit here, not me.

THe classrooms today, WITHOUT spankings, are far less civilized than they were in my day, WITH SPANKINGS.

A spanking is a far cry from slapping a kid hard enough to bounce his head off the wall. Bloody nose, bloody mouth, and a lump on his head is not a spanking. It is assault.
Your stupid hypothetical bears no relation to this situation. But if I answer according to your parameters, you will extrapolate to this situation. So that's why I don't play your silly game. This was not just "mouthing off". It was a threat of violence. It wasn't 'any adult'. It was an esteemed teacher.
You're just 'mouthing off' yourself. You don't have the stones to defend the crappy views you support. You're a stinking hypocrite, and everybody sees it.
No you didn't. Or you would have defended it from the beginning. You didn't.

And that is not a link. It is merely something typed. I could do the exact same thing with a claim the student said "Please don't hit me again". I have Googled the event several times and read at least a dozen links. I have never seen the claim. Not from the teacher. Not from the parents defending him. Not from the school officials. And not from the police.

The news is not reporting any such thing occurred.
No you didn't. Or you would have defended it from the beginning. You didn't.

And that is not a link. It is merely something typed. I could do the exact same thing with a claim the student said "Please don't hit me again". I have Googled the event several times and read at least a dozen links. I have never seen the claim. Not from the teacher. Not from the parents defending him. Not from the school officials. And not from the police.
Of course it's a link. It's someone reporting what a student said. Same as all other media reports which are also second-hand, and no less reliable. You got busted. At least be honorable like Golfing Gator and admit it.
Of course it's a link. It's someone reporting what a student said. Same as all other media reports which are also second-hand, and no less reliable. You got busted. At least be honorable like Golfing Gator and admit it.

Reddit? And the Reddit poster didn't even claim they heard it. But claimed they heard someone else heard it. It does not even qualify as heresay.

It is a rumor posted on an anonymous board.
LMAO! No, you posted something unverifiable and without any basis or proof.

Odd that not one single news source has mentioned it. Not even the parents and students defending the teacher.
All student statements are unverifiable. What makes you think news outlets interviewed all the students in the room? Outlets that don't support the teacher wouldn't be interested in this student's comments.

You said this was never said. You have no evidence of it. Instead, you said I lied. I proved I didn't lie. Now it's on you to apologize.
Now we will see that their whining was just bullshit.

Also, that long lag between slap and collapse, barring medical reports saying it was a serious injury, is really making me think it was milking it.

Standard punk behavior.
Ever had a concussion? He got hit, hit his head on the wall. The teacher was propping him up until his legs completely buckled.

·1 mo. ago
Don’t know how true the incident is but from what I’ve read. The student had threatened to rape his daughter as he was walking out the classroom. That’s when the teacher went after him. I only read that on one story.

There ya go. I await your apology. I expect one also from Winter and Asher, since they openly said the claim was never made. Again, it took me all of 30 seconds to relocate this link since the time I used it in forming my OP.

Reddit? A line on reddit? That's your credible proof?

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