Ben Carson Cuts His Own Throat

...Reading CNN, a bit from Hamlet occurs. ;)

Ben Carson on questions about his past: 'Bunch of lies' -

"Washington (CNN)Ben Carson slammed CNN's reporting into his past as a "bunch of lies" in a combative interview on Friday, strengthening his defense of his violent past that the media have thus far been unable to corroborate.

"This is a bunch of lies, that is what it is," Carson said on CNN's "New Day" when Alisyn Camerota asked about the report by Scott Glover and Maeve Reston in which they spoke to people Carson grew up with. "This is a bunch of lies attempting to say I'm lying about my history, I think it's pathetic, and basically what the media does is they try to get you distracted."

Camerota pushed back on Carson's argument that the reporters on the story did not talk to people who knew him earlier than high school, but Carson rejected that and launched into an aggressive attack on the media. He also accused the media of not doing the same with Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

"The vetting that you all did with President Obama doesn't even come close, doesn't even come close to what you guys are trying to do in my case, and you're just going to keep going back, 'He said this 12 years ago' -- it is just garbage," Carson said. "Give me a break."

The two journalists repeatedly approached the Carson campaign during their reporting and again before publication of the story. But the campaign staff declined to comment or to assist them in locating classmate or victims of violence who could provide insights about Carson's past."
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
"He also told reporters late Thursday that the names "Bob" and "Jerry" used in his book to detail the victims of the incidents were fictitious.

"I don't like to generally bring them in, the names I used for instance are fictitious names because I don't want to bring people into something like this because I know what you guys do to their lives‎," Carson told reporters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Carson maintained Bob is a real person on Friday, saying he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

"That's not the real name, but yes he's a very real person. I talked to him yesterday," Carson said. "He was a family member, and you know, I really don't want to expose him further. I talked to him, he would prefer to stay off of the media, and I think I want to respect that.""

Not unreasonable or unusual up until the point the media's casting doubt on your honesty. Then your reveal their names.
...Reading CNN, a bit from Hamlet occurs. ;)

Ben Carson on questions about his past: 'Bunch of lies' -

"Washington (CNN)Ben Carson slammed CNN's reporting into his past as a "bunch of lies" in a combative interview on Friday, strengthening his defense of his violent past that the media have thus far been unable to corroborate.

"This is a bunch of lies, that is what it is," Carson said on CNN's "New Day" when Alisyn Camerota asked about the report by Scott Glover and Maeve Reston in which they spoke to people Carson grew up with. "This is a bunch of lies attempting to say I'm lying about my history, I think it's pathetic, and basically what the media does is they try to get you distracted."

Camerota pushed back on Carson's argument that the reporters on the story did not talk to people who knew him earlier than high school, but Carson rejected that and launched into an aggressive attack on the media. He also accused the media of not doing the same with Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

"The vetting that you all did with President Obama doesn't even come close, doesn't even come close to what you guys are trying to do in my case, and you're just going to keep going back, 'He said this 12 years ago' -- it is just garbage," Carson said. "Give me a break."

The two journalists repeatedly approached the Carson campaign during their reporting and again before publication of the story. But the campaign staff declined to comment or to assist them in locating classmate or victims of violence who could provide insights about Carson's past."
So CNN is tooting their own horn? Lame.

Did they ever treat Obama this way? No.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
You are positively liberal.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
Clinton has been vetted. She's a lying piece of shit. For example, she was never dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She clearly lies her ass off to the American people and her supporters take her shit. They suck it straight out her asshole.

They're pathetic.
Jesus Fucking Christ. If you actually watched that video and came to the conclusion that "Carson cut his own throat," you are so far removed from reality that you MUST be a straight-ticket Democrat.

The reporting that underlay her questions was on the order of, "Well, we spoke to people you went to school with and you didn't attack any of THEM! What do you say to that?????"

You are a fucking idiot.
"He also told reporters late Thursday that the names "Bob" and "Jerry" used in his book to detail the victims of the incidents were fictitious.

"I don't like to generally bring them in, the names I used for instance are fictitious names because I don't want to bring people into something like this because I know what you guys do to their lives‎," Carson told reporters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Carson maintained Bob is a real person on Friday, saying he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

"That's not the real name, but yes he's a very real person. I talked to him yesterday," Carson said. "He was a family member, and you know, I really don't want to expose him further. I talked to him, he would prefer to stay off of the media, and I think I want to respect that.""

Not unreasonable or unusual up until the point the media's casting doubt on your honesty. Then your reveal their names.
So...Obama made up a woman comprised of several women In his book.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
Clinton has been vetted. She's a lying piece of shit. For example, she was never dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She clearly lies her ass off to the American people and her supporters take her shit. They suck it straight out her asshole.

They're pathetic.
I knew when I made that post that someone would mention the Bosnia thing.

That's why it's hilarious whenever someone like Carson or the rubes on this forum say Hillary or Barack haven't been vetted.

There isn't a single day of either of their lives since birth which has not been held up to ridicule. There isn't any lie or other bullshit which has not been manufactured about them.

Anyone who claims neither were "vetted" should have to wear a clown nose for 30 days.
Carson is basically saying "HEY, I stabbed someone, I am so stabby call me Stabby Von Gut Sticker!" "I have blood on my knife, I could get a job as a butcher right now, this story is 'slice of life, literally, at parties I love to have the little hors d'ouvres because they've been stuck with those little toothpicks, I thank god for stainless steel!!!"

You can tell, the more he is cornered and forced to actually answer questions rather than keep his phoney 'calm' demeanor going, he will implode with his own creepiness.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
You are positively liberal.
It amuses me you tards think busting lies and telling the truth is a liberal thing. You don't even realize how you are hurting yourselves when you do that. :lol:

"He told the truth! He must be liberal!"
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
You are positively liberal.
It amuses me you tards think busting lies and telling the truth is a liberal thing. You don't even realize how you are hurting yourselves when you do that. :lol:

"He told the truth! He must be liberal!"
You didn't bust shit dumbfuck, you offered YOUR opinion. Your opinions=/=facts asswipe

And you are labeled a lib because you defend them 95% of the time.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
You are positively liberal.
It amuses me you tards think busting lies and telling the truth is a liberal thing. You don't even realize how you are hurting yourselves when you do that. :lol:

"He told the truth! He must be liberal!"
You didn't bust shit dumbfuck, you offered YOUR opinion. Your opinions=/=facts asswipe

And you are labeled a lib because you defend them 95% of the time.
I defend the truth. It is precisely because 95 percent of the crap that comes from the Right these days is bullshit that I have to spend so much time debunking it.

If you tards would stop drinking so much fucking piss, I wouldn't be so busy.

As a conservative, I hate right wing lies way more than I hate left wing lies. You assholes are destroying the brand.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
Clinton has been vetted. She's a lying piece of shit. For example, she was never dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She clearly lies her ass off to the American people and her supporters take her shit. They suck it straight out her asshole.

They're pathetic.
I knew when I made that post that someone would mention the Bosnia thing.

That's why it's hilarious whenever someone like Carson or the rubes on this forum say Hillary or Barack haven't been vetted.

There isn't a single day of either of their lives since birth which has not been held up to ridicule. There isn't any lie or other bullshit which has not been manufactured about them.

Anyone who claims neither were "vetted" should have to wear a clown nose for 30 days.
She was vetted by the Obama campaign, not MSM.

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