Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

LOL, I am flaming liberal retard in one thread and a right winger in this thread!

At any rate, I did not refer to him as an Uncle Tom.
I simply stated that in the end, that is going to be the liberal argument against Dr. Carson.

I do not know a lot about Dr. Carson, in time his high points and low points will surely be pointed out. I do, however, believe that his race has become a liberal issue and talking point. Why else would you scrutinize comments he made half a decade ago this early in the game? If he decides to make a Presidential run, he will be thoroughly vetted.

I am in no way calling you or anyone else a racist. If I thought so, I would call you a pussy. But, I do think that Democrats are flawed in their ideology when it comes to race. I won't call it racism...but it is demeaning to blacks.

The liberal argument against Ben Carson will be same sort of argument made against Mitt Romney, or Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Mike Huckabee, or Sarah Palin, and on and on.

If you don't like the race card, don't use it yourself. Every time you accuse liberals of playing the race card, you are playing the race card.

If Dr. Ben Carson was a liberal, the support and praise and love of him from liberals would be just as loud and unquestioning and blind as it is for Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Kermit Gosnell.

If Sarah Palin was a black woman with liberal leanings (pardon the redundancy) and an abortion, rather than a child born, she would be hailed by the Left as a heroine, especially if she herself had aborted her child and her daughter had aborted hers.

If Herman Cain was a liberal and CEO of a fried chicken and water melon company, he would be a liberal hero, too.

So you've discovered that liberals support liberalism and oppose conservatism?

Give yourself a Eureka! Captain Obvious.
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"

Of course you dear leaders view can evolve but if someone else's does they are suddenly a hack, depending on their political affiliation. You're the hypocrite here for not holding your party to the same standard.

You missed the point. Carson's original position is much better.

You mean you agree with it, better is subjective. However the comment on the OP's hypocrisy stands, he refuses to hold his folks to the same standards.
So I guess photoshopping Dr. Carson's head into this picture would be totally racist:

Of course you dear leaders view can evolve but if someone else's does they are suddenly a hack, depending on their political affiliation. You're the hypocrite here for not holding your party to the same standard.

You missed the point. Carson's original position is much better.

You mean you agree with it, better is subjective. However the comment on the OP's hypocrisy stands, he refuses to hold his folks to the same standards.

I suppose if attacking the poster instead of the post is all you have, that's your right.
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"

Of course you dear leaders view can evolve but if someone else's does they are suddenly a hack, depending on their political affiliation. You're the hypocrite here for not holding your party to the same standard.

You cannot compare Dr. Carson's expert opinion in 2009 while still practicing his craft with President Obama voicing a personal opinion.
Looking over this thread, it's conservatives who are the only ones injecting race and playing the race card.

I'm shocked! :lol:
The left has learned how to trash Jesus, so why not Ben Carson.

Who has been trashing Jesus?

Not that I think Jesus was a real person, but most of the stuff attributed to him is kind of okay.

It's how you guys use Jesus to rationalize your homophobia and misogyny and ironically enough, even war and greed, that is kind of distressing.

Now, for Ben Carson, I go back to my earlier statement. He was kind of a thoughtful guy on the issue of health care reform back in the mid-oughts.

Then he became the Flying Monkey Right's favorite House Negro, and he just says stupid shit that validates their viewpoints.

You ask who has been trashing Jesus......then immediately trash him.....

Well played Joseph.....

please point out where I "trash" Jesus.


Sorry, questioning a story is not "trashing" someone. The fact that our accounts of the man come from 4 gospels that contradict each other on key points does bring up some serious doubts.

I do think that Jesus' philosophy is a good one. So good, I can see why Saul or Tarses had to make someone up to expouse it.

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