Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

The left has learned how to trash Jesus, so why not Ben Carson.

Who has been trashing Jesus?

Not that I think Jesus was a real person, but most of the stuff attributed to him is kind of okay.

It's how you guys use Jesus to rationalize your homophobia and misogyny and ironically enough, even war and greed, that is kind of distressing.

Now, for Ben Carson, I go back to my earlier statement. He was kind of a thoughtful guy on the issue of health care reform back in the mid-oughts.

Then he became the Flying Monkey Right's favorite House Negro, and he just says stupid shit that validates their viewpoints.

You ask who has been trashing Jesus......then immediately trash him.....

Well played Joseph.....
I think a better question is can synth ever make a honest post about anything?

Rational people see things from a vastly different perspective than democrats do.

When you or I evaluate a statement, we think "do the facts support this?" "Are there valid citations from reputable sources that explain the context?"

But not so for Synthia;

The only question is "does this serve the party?"
so the thread devolved into a race baiting thread in order to deflect from the fact of what Carson advocated in 2009.


Kind of frustrating trying to communicate with people who just toss out the race card and deflect by calling you racist, instead of choosing to honestly discuss an important issue, isn't it?

So now you know what it feels like. Multiply that by a few thousand and you'll understand.

That won't change your tactics, of course, but now you can't claim that you don't know.



thats neat.....does nothing for this conversation though. Sad nobody wants to actually talk about the link in the OP and what Carson is advocating here.
they are so hard up they went all the back to 2009 to hate on this black man?

its like going back when he wrote a book or something.....Or a church...

Nobody takes you seriously twit. Everything you comment on is something the right has done. Meh im wasting my time.
when you go through school to become a DR. of anything, let us know... until then look in a mirror to see a people are so small minded and your intolerance of others shine bright every day

worthless and nothing but hate

hey look Steph added nothing to the conversation again..
Just said people are hateful for the 1000th time....

Oh look PEEBEE just did what he accused steph of.

not really....I tried to engage you people, but you all rather troll and race bait.
Dr. Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I would bet he is smarter than every libtard bitching about him in this thread.

neat....doesnt change his ideas about the medical industry and what he said.
Dr. Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I would bet he is smarter than every libtard bitching about him in this thread.

A professor? When did the right stop hating academia?
LOL, I am flaming liberal retard in one thread and a right winger in this thread!

At any rate, I did not refer to him as an Uncle Tom.
I simply stated that in the end, that is going to be the liberal argument against Dr. Carson.

I do not know a lot about Dr. Carson, in time his high points and low points will surely be pointed out. I do, however, believe that his race has become a liberal issue and talking point. Why else would you scrutinize comments he made half a decade ago this early in the game? If he decides to make a Presidential run, he will be thoroughly vetted.

I am in no way calling you or anyone else a racist. If I thought so, I would call you a pussy. But, I do think that Democrats are flawed in their ideology when it comes to race. I won't call it racism...but it is demeaning to blacks.

The liberal argument against Ben Carson will be same sort of argument made against Mitt Romney, or Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Mike Huckabee, or Sarah Palin, and on and on.

If you don't like the race card, don't use it yourself. Every time you accuse liberals of playing the race card, you are playing the race card.

Yes of course. It's someone else's fault you play the race card. Typical Progressive

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nobody played the race card in this thread. Some rightwing nuts started attacking imaginary liberals here for playing an imaginary race card.
So far you and the rightwinger Nutz are the only ones in this thread referring to Carson as an uncle Tom.


Ben Carson once said he thought Obamacare was the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery.

I guess I'm supposed to pretend that is not the most insanely stupid thing I've ever heard said about Obamacare,

lest I be labeled a racist.

LOL, I am flaming liberal retard in one thread and a right winger in this thread!

At any rate, I did not refer to him as an Uncle Tom.
I simply stated that in the end, that is going to be the liberal argument against Dr. Carson.

I do not know a lot about Dr. Carson, in time his high points and low points will surely be pointed out. I do, however, believe that his race has become a liberal issue and talking point. Why else would you scrutinize comments he made half a decade ago this early in the game? If he decides to make a Presidential run, he will be thoroughly vetted.

I am in no way calling you or anyone else a racist. If I thought so, I would call you a pussy. But, I do think that Democrats are flawed in their ideology when it comes to race. I won't call it racism...but it is demeaning to blacks.

The liberal argument against Ben Carson will be same sort of argument made against Mitt Romney, or Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Mike Huckabee, or Sarah Palin, and on and on.

If you don't like the race card, don't use it yourself. Every time you accuse liberals of playing the race card, you are playing the race card.

If Dr. Ben Carson was a liberal, the support and praise and love of him from liberals would be just as loud and unquestioning and blind as it is for Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and Kermit Gosnell.

If Sarah Palin was a black woman with liberal leanings (pardon the redundancy) and an abortion, rather than a child born, she would be hailed by the Left as a heroine, especially if she herself had aborted her child and her daughter had aborted hers.

If Herman Cain was a liberal and CEO of a fried chicken and water melon company, he would be a liberal hero, too.
Thanks TK this makes sense.

I have heard from other opponents of ACA that emergency systems should be in place for just the catastrophic issues, but the other systems would cover and prevent more cases from leading to that.

All this talk of "getting rid of excess profit by insurance companies not invested in providing services" can be done by free market forces, and not necessarily by govt regulations.

I would agree with investing directly into creating more sustainable medical education, facilities/campuses, and training/service internships. Some hospital districts are buying out insurance companies so that they do handle their own insurance billing as part of their own programs. This can be done by free market and not by govt.

There are a number of insurance companies that have excellent records for investing profits back into the services and clients WITHOUT govt regulations.

USAA was one that testified before Congress and was found to already provide services at the top rated levels WITHOUT needing govt regulation to force this.

Amica and Medi-Shares are also nonprofit insurance companies that I have had friends recommend.

I think the liberals tend to use Federal Government and the Media to defend and push their agenda, to counteract the conservative and Christian use of Churches and Religion (Constitutionalism/Christianity) to push that message.

They are using Government as a substitute for Church outreach
and the liberal Media as a substitute for preaching the Gospel.

Since they don't consider their political beliefs to be a religion (which I think should be publicly recognized to address and resolve these conflicts), they don't consider this
a violation of "separation of church and state" as they argue when Constitutionalists and Christians push their positions.

Instead of equal inclusion we have equal intrusion.
Until both sides are recognized as equal political beliefs and religions, and both major Parties agree to a TRUCE to respect, protect, and include all such views equally and separately WITHOUT depending on pushing them by majority rule, coercion and exclusion through politics and govt, then the fight to dominate and bully will continue.

We can't even hear each other's objections if the point is to INSULT and exclude the other side as less than equal and invalidate them as a political strategy. That isn't equal inclusion or protection of the law but EQUAL DISCRIMINATION committed by both sides doing that.

If both sides are discriminating on the basis of creed, how can they fault the other for it?
THAT pattern in politics needs to be addressed first, and maybe we can work the rest out.

Moreover, he was commenting on what needed to be done to streamline the U.S. Healthcare system and make it more efficient. He suggested making the government responsible for catastrophic care, not all other forms of care as the Affordable Care Act purports to do. That's it. He knows, he's been in the medical field for decades. This actually shows he cares more about the patients than he does about the bureaucracy surrounding healthcare.

Dr. B.C. The first thing that we have to recognize is that in the US we spend twice as much per capita for health care as the next closest nation. Again, like in the education system, it is not a question of not putting enough money into it. Obviously, there is an inefficiency issue which is going on here. What do you need for good health? You need a patient and a health care provider. Along came a middle man to facilitate the relationship. Now, the middle has become the principal entity with the patient and the health care provider at its beck and call. The entire thing is completely out of control. The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. “I deny that you need care and I will make more money”. This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care. The fact that a fraction of the American population has no health care insurance creates a situation in which some end up in emergency rooms, which results in even greater expenses for the US. If insurance companies are responsible only for routine health care, you are able to predict how much money they are going to need, which facilitates regulations. For instance, if we didn’t regulate utilities nobody could afford electricity or water. You can’t depend on the goodness of people’s hearts, particularly when you’re dealing with something which is essential. The other point is billings and collections, which constitute a huge portion of the cost. This could easily be done electronically.
So liberals are supposed to agree with a rightwing nut if he's black? That sounds stupid AND racist.

Got anything else? Want to go for a hat trick?
It isn't that, is the way liberals attack black conservatives. They use the race issue because they cannot believe that a black person would agree with the liberal ideal of the GOP being racist. Without a doubt, the liberal, in the end will call a black conservative an Uncle Tom or worst. They attack black conservatives not for their ideals but for the color of the skin.

Regretfully, this nation is so polarized and has so much vitriol to spew, no one actually wants to listen to the other side...they just take the preconceived notion and run with it or the easy argument out and end it.

No we don't. Ridiculous comments.

The idea that liberals fail to support black conservatives because they are black is possibly the finest example of failed logic that exists on these pages.

Here is where it attention.

Conservatives....who would readily accept Barack Obama if he were a conservative.......decided to throw away their integrity when campaigning against him. They decided to allow the loud, racist voices within their ranks to get in front of the mic and did not slap them down when they threw red meat and blew dog whistles to the least among them.

That is why they must now wear the racist label as a part of their wardrobe. CONSERVATIVES WHO MAY NOT BE DIRTY RACISTS LET IT HAPPEN IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO WIN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Now....reduced to butthurt losers.....they are trying to hand that shit over to liberals. Sorry.....we ain't having it. We don't have that racist element in our ranks.

Want to stop being known as racist on the right? Expel the racists from your team. For realz, yo!

Hmmm. I was sort of looking forward to the reply to this post......
Dr. Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I would bet he is smarter than every libtard bitching about him in this thread.

neat....doesnt change his ideas about the medical industry and what he said.

No, but if we care MORE about America and about African American leaders uniting instead of fighting,

we can start with what Carson and what Obama are saying about the problems and solutions with medical and health care access and management,

and work out some solutions that RESOLVE these issues, and ANSWER the objections, and CORRECT the conflicts we see.

We don't have to judge and reject people for what is said in the PROCESS of working these ideas and issues out.

If we judged people in math and science for all the changes and errors made in the process of proving and perfecting things, we'd never make any progress. We would have given up and ostracized someone for LIFE at the first misstep or misstated theory.

WHY NOT support our African American leaders in getting past the old habit of dividing by class, by who is a poor field slave and who is a rich house slave.

WHY NOT ask, encourage and REWARD leaders for uniting across party lines and
work together on sustainable solutions we AGREE really solve the problems the best way?

What do we want more: to win as a team, or kick people out of the game so we all lose?
HOW can we make the most of the BEST ideas while correcting the oversights.
Obama has always wanted to pursue investment in education and microlending.

How can we incorporate and develop THOSE ideas in health care reforms
so we end the poverty cycle of prisons and welfare and build a sustainable system?
Wouldn't this be a unifying focus for both free market and public inclusion advocates?
You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.

"...we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care...." is not advocating for socialized medicine?


Okay, so tell me the difference between covering catastrophic care and all care in general. That's what universal healthcare is supposed to do. Socialized medicine means all forms of healthcare are regulated. Ben Carson suggested making insurance companies responsible for "routine care."

Newsflash, genius, that isn't socialized medicine.

Yes it is, if you are wanting the government to pay all the most expensive health care costs.

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