Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

Ben carson must be an uncle tom hack since he isnt some victimized plantation beggar....

So far you and the rightwinger Nutz are the only ones in this thread referring to Carson as an uncle Tom.


Ben Carson once said he thought Obamacare was the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery.

I guess I'm supposed to pretend that is not the most insanely stupid thing I've ever heard said about Obamacare,

lest I be labeled a racist.

LOL, I am flaming liberal retard in one thread and a right winger in this thread!

At any rate, I did not refer to him as an Uncle Tom.
I simply stated that in the end, that is going to be the liberal argument against Dr. Carson.

I do not know a lot about Dr. Carson, in time his high points and low points will surely be pointed out. I do, however, believe that his race has become a liberal issue and talking point. Why else would you scrutinize comments he made half a decade ago this early in the game? If he decides to make a Presidential run, he will be thoroughly vetted.

I am in no way calling you or anyone else a racist. If I thought so, I would call you a pussy. But, I do think that Democrats are flawed in their ideology when it comes to race. I won't call it racism...but it is demeaning to blacks.

The liberal argument against Ben Carson will be same sort of argument made against Mitt Romney, or Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Mike Huckabee, or Sarah Palin, and on and on.

If you don't like the race card, don't use it yourself. Every time you accuse liberals of playing the race card, you are playing the race card.
Dr. Carson is also African American. The radical left has always had a (racist?) bigoted problem with successful Black Americans who aren't subservient democrats.

And that is supposed to be what? In contrast with conservatives who have no problem with a successful black liberal,

such as the one who is currently president? You're trying to insulate Carson from criticism by labeling that criticism racist.

That is the race card. That is why the term was invented, to describe what you just did.
I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

Well, I changed my views in the last couple of years. But that was after an insurance company insisted my employer fire me after I made claims.

I do think that Carson is like Sarah Palin, someone who has found an audience with the knuckledraggers and is enjoying every minute of it.
[I do think that Carson is like Sarah Palin, someone who has found an audience with the knuckledraggers and is enjoying every minute of it.

Dang, I was going to say exactly that yesterday. You nailed it. Sarah Palin was a moderate pragmatic reach across the aisle Republican until the rightwingers got ahold of her. Conservatism in this country is as much an entertainment industry as it is a political movement, but you have to know your lines by heart if you want to be a conservative celebrity.
So far you and the rightwinger Nutz are the only ones in this thread referring to Carson as an uncle Tom.


Ben Carson once said he thought Obamacare was the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery.

I guess I'm supposed to pretend that is not the most insanely stupid thing I've ever heard said about Obamacare,

lest I be labeled a racist.

LOL, I am flaming liberal retard in one thread and a right winger in this thread!

At any rate, I did not refer to him as an Uncle Tom.
I simply stated that in the end, that is going to be the liberal argument against Dr. Carson.

I do not know a lot about Dr. Carson, in time his high points and low points will surely be pointed out. I do, however, believe that his race has become a liberal issue and talking point. Why else would you scrutinize comments he made half a decade ago this early in the game? If he decides to make a Presidential run, he will be thoroughly vetted.

I am in no way calling you or anyone else a racist. If I thought so, I would call you a pussy. But, I do think that Democrats are flawed in their ideology when it comes to race. I won't call it racism...but it is demeaning to blacks.

The liberal argument against Ben Carson will be same sort of argument made against Mitt Romney, or Michelle Bachmann, or Herman Cain, or Newt Gingrich, or Mike Huckabee, or Sarah Palin, and on and on.

If you don't like the race card, don't use it yourself. Every time you accuse liberals of playing the race card, you are playing the race card.

Yes of course. It's someone else's fault you play the race card. Typical Progressive

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

a political personality, nothing more or less
Dr. Carson is not the "right" kind of black man.
He doesn't toe the plantation line.

So liberals are supposed to agree with a rightwing nut if he's black? That sounds stupid AND racist.

Got anything else? Want to go for a hat trick?
It isn't that, is the way liberals attack black conservatives. They use the race issue because they cannot believe that a black person would agree with the liberal ideal of the GOP being racist. Without a doubt, the liberal, in the end will call a black conservative an Uncle Tom or worst. They attack black conservatives not for their ideals but for the color of the skin.

Regretfully, this nation is so polarized and has so much vitriol to spew, no one actually wants to listen to the other side...they just take the preconceived notion and run with it or the easy argument out and end it.

No we don't. Ridiculous comments.

The idea that liberals fail to support black conservatives because they are black is possibly the finest example of failed logic that exists on these pages.

Here is where it attention.

Conservatives....who would readily accept Barack Obama if he were a conservative.......decided to throw away their integrity when campaigning against him. They decided to allow the loud, racist voices within their ranks to get in front of the mic and did not slap them down when they threw red meat and blew dog whistles to the least among them.

That is why they must now wear the racist label as a part of their wardrobe. CONSERVATIVES WHO MAY NOT BE DIRTY RACISTS LET IT HAPPEN IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO WIN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Now....reduced to butthurt losers.....they are trying to hand that shit over to liberals. Sorry.....we ain't having it. We don't have that racist element in our ranks.

Want to stop being known as racist on the right? Expel the racists from your team. For realz, yo!
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so the thread devolved into a race baiting thread in order to deflect from the fact of what Carson advocated in 2009.


Kind of frustrating trying to communicate with people who just toss out the race card and deflect by calling you racist, instead of choosing to honestly discuss an important issue, isn't it?

So now you know what it feels like. Multiply that by a few thousand and you'll understand.

That won't change your tactics, of course, but now you can't claim that you don't know.


they are so hard up they went all the back to 2009 to hate on this black man?
I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

Well, I changed my views in the last couple of years. But that was after an insurance company insisted my employer fire me after I made claims.

I do think that Carson is like Sarah Palin, someone who has found an audience with the knuckledraggers and is enjoying every minute of it.

This post puts to rest once and for all that Josef B Stalin is a liar and probably not even in America
so the thread devolved into a race baiting thread in order to deflect from the fact of what Carson advocated in 2009.


Kind of frustrating trying to communicate with people who just toss out the race card and deflect by calling you racist, instead of choosing to honestly discuss an important issue, isn't it?

So now you know what it feels like. Multiply that by a few thousand and you'll understand.

That won't change your tactics, of course, but now you can't claim that you don't know.



Yeah. That would be bullshit.

This post puts to rest once and for all that Josef B Stalin is a liar and probably not even in America

I know it's hard for you to get your tiny little mind around.

But what I figured out was that the GOP is about protecting the privilages of the 1% against the rest of us.

And all the whinging about abortion and gays and guns and school prayer are just to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

The 1%ers shit their pants for that week that Mike Huckabee was the front runner for a week in 2008. They don't really believe in that shit.
The left has learned how to trash Jesus, so why not Ben Carson.

Who has been trashing Jesus?

Not that I think Jesus was a real person, but most of the stuff attributed to him is kind of okay.

It's how you guys use Jesus to rationalize your homophobia and misogyny and ironically enough, even war and greed, that is kind of distressing.

Now, for Ben Carson, I go back to my earlier statement. He was kind of a thoughtful guy on the issue of health care reform back in the mid-oughts.

Then he became the Flying Monkey Right's favorite House Negro, and he just says stupid shit that validates their viewpoints.

This post puts to rest once and for all that Josef B Stalin is a liar and probably not even in America

I know it's hard for you to get your tiny little mind around.

But what I figured out was that the GOP is about protecting the privilages of the 1% against the rest of us.

And all the whinging about abortion and gays and guns and school prayer are just to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

The 1%ers shit their pants for that week that Mike Huckabee was the front runner for a week in 2008. They don't really believe in that shit.

Guess what, Obama had a party at the White House for billionaire teens the other day. Kids that are heirs to billions in some of the richest families in the country.


Including the Young and the Rich
White House Hosts ‘Next Generation’ Young and Rich


On a crisp morning in late March, an elite group of 100 young philanthropists and heirs to billionaire family fortunes filed into a cozy auditorium at the White House.

Their name tags read like a catalog of the country’s wealthiest and most influential clans: Rockefeller, Pritzker, Marriott. They were there for a discreet, invitation-only summit hosted by the Obama administration to find common ground between the public sector and the so-called next-generation philanthropists, many of whom stand to inherit billions in private wealth.

“Moon shots!” one administration official said, kicking off the day on an inspirational note to embrace the White House as a partner and catalyst for putting their personal idealism into practice.

The well-heeled group seemed receptive. “I think it’s fantastic,” said Patrick Gage, a 19-year-old heir to the multibillion-dollar Carlson hotel and hospitality fortune. “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Mr. Gage, physically boyish with naturally swooping Bieber bangs, wore a conservative pinstripe suit and a white oxford shirt. His family’s Carlson company, which owns Radisson hotels, Country Inns and Suites, T.G.I. Friday’s and other brands, is an industry leader in enforcing measures to combat trafficking and involuntary prostitution.


A freshman at Georgetown University, Mr. Gage was among the presenters at a breakout session, titled “Combating Human Trafficking,” that attracted a notable group of his peers. “The person two seats away from me was a Marriott,“ he said. “And when I told her about trafficking, right away she was like, ‘Uh, yeah, I want to do that.’ ”

Justin McAuliffe, a 24-year-old heir to the Hilton hotel fortune, was similarly impressed by the crowd. “Hilton, Marriott and Carlson,” he said. “That is cool.”

The daylong conference was organized by Thomas Kalil, a deputy director for technology and innovation in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, with the help of Nexus, a youth organization based in Washington that seeks to “catalyze” the next generation of billionaire philanthropists and other stakeholders.

Mr. Kalil moved nimbly among the affluent participants and through the ornate halls of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where the summit was held. “A lot of this is not just, you know, collaborations between the administration and philanthropists,” he said, “but philanthropists finding each other, finding other philanthropists with shared interests.”

(Disclosure: Although the event was closed to the media, I was invited by the founders of Nexus, Jonah Wittkamper and Rachel Cohen Gerrol, to report on the conference as a member of the family that started the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical company.)

Policy experts and donors recognize that there’s no better time than now to empower young philanthropists. Professionals in the field, citing an Accenture report from 2012, estimate that more than $30 trillion in wealth will pass from baby boomers to younger generations by around 2050. At the same time, the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy (no relation to this reporter) and the nonprofit consulting group 21/64 have concluded in a recent study on philanthropic giving that heirs are becoming involved in family foundations at an earlier age — specifically in their 20s and 30s — and imprinting them with the social values of their generation.

A case in point is Zac Russell, an eloquent 26-year-old whose grandfather made a fortune with the asset management firm Russell Investments and who officially joined the board of the Russell Family Foundation last year. While not an ardent supporter of the Obama administration, he decided to attend the conference to consult, he said, with White House experts on climate change and to discuss grass-roots efforts to improve water quality in Puget Sound, where the foundation is based.
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This post puts to rest once and for all that Josef B Stalin is a liar and probably not even in America

I know it's hard for you to get your tiny little mind around.

But what I figured out was that the GOP is about protecting the privilages of the 1% against the rest of us.

And all the whinging about abortion and gays and guns and school prayer are just to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

The 1%ers shit their pants for that week that Mike Huckabee was the front runner for a week in 2008. They don't really believe in that shit.

Joe, it's OK. I know you're a liar and a bad one at that. Keep up the good work man, you're doing wonders for your side
when you go through school to become a DR. of anything, let us know... until then look in a mirror to see a people are so small minded and your intolerance of others shine bright every day

worthless and nothing but hate

hey look Steph added nothing to the conversation again..
Just said people are hateful for the 1000th time....

Oh look PEEBEE just did what he accused steph of.
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Dr. Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. I would bet he is smarter than every libtard bitching about him in this thread.

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