Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.
well yeah he is.....

That's not an answer, or an argument.

i've already posted quotes, you are ignoring it to continue on as if you are right....Last time and then i will just move on and ignore your stupidity in this thread.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.

"...we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care...." is not advocating for socialized medicine?


Okay, so tell me the difference between covering catastrophic care and all care in general. That's what universal healthcare is supposed to do. Socialized medicine means all forms of healthcare are regulated. Ben Carson suggested making insurance companies responsible for "routine care."

Newsflash, genius, that isn't socialized medicine.
You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.

"...we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care...." is not advocating for socialized medicine?


Okay, so tell me the difference between covering catastrophic care and all care in general. That's what universal healthcare is supposed to do. Socialized medicine means all forms of healthcare are regulated. Ben Carson suggested making insurance companies responsible for "routine care."

Newsflash, genius, that isn't socialized medicine.

uh no....god you are ignorant
That's not an answer, or an argument.

i've already posted quotes, you are ignoring it to continue on as if you are right....Last time and then i will just move on and ignore your stupidity in this thread.

You copy pasted, randomly. Now you're playing hall monitor. Please.

randomly? They are quotes from the article the OP linked too.
You have nothing as per usual...You have nothing. They are direct full quotes in context of the questions he was asked.

He advocated for a welfare type system to use at clinics, while moving the billing system to an electronic one to save money. That Private insurance should not be for profit either.

You are being blatantly dishonest as usual.
Plasma, it really isn't that big of an issue. Why don't you send him an email and ask for clarification. If you don't like his answer, spout it off and I will listen.
Dr. Carson is also African American. The radical left has always had a (racist?) bigoted problem with successful Black Americans who aren't subservient democrats.
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"
Project much? Your freebies in danger? GOOD.

Liar? Hack?

Wow, what a racist.

Why do you hate black people?


Isn't it nice that they tell us who they really are, and no need to project on us any longer? They're getting bold...the mask is coming off.

Dr. Carson is also African American. The radical left has always had a (racist?) bigoted problem with successful Black Americans who aren't subservient democrats.

its all you people have....I mean i know you are just doing it to troll, but seriously its just sad.
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"
Project much? Your freebies in danger? GOOD.

another non-answer.
when you go through school to become a DR. of anything, let us know... until then look in a mirror to see a people are so small minded and your intolerance of others shine bright every day

worthless and nothing but hate

hey look Steph added nothing to the conversation again..

Just said people are hateful for the 1000th time....

And what exactly are you doing? Being a troll, for the 10 billionth time.

Dr. Carson is also African American. The radical left has always had a (racist?) bigoted problem with successful Black Americans who aren't subservient democrats.
They aren't on the Plantation, and it pisses them off because they're doing well in life without government that tells the rest of the slaves they're nothing without government.
Don't blame Synth, he's a lying piece of shit hack who hates everyone who thinks differently than him.
Synthaholic sniping at Dr. Carson reminds me of the part of the old movie "Samson and Delilah" when, having his hair shorn, having lost his strength, and captured, Samson is paraded through some Biblical city, with deformed midgets snapping jaw bones of jackasses at him.

Synthaholic is one of those midgets, an undeniably small, mental midget.

The jawbone of an ass he is snapping at Dr. Carson are his own.
Dr. Carson is not the "right" kind of black man.
He doesn't toe the plantation line.

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