Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.

you didnt read the link did you. There is no hit piece you moron.

P.T. The health field in the US represents 1/7 of the economy in this country. 21% of health costs go to paperwork (at least 294.3 billion $ per year). It has been like that for years and we are not even talking about treating people. In 1996, you wrote an article about health care reform in the Harvard Journal of Minority Public Health. As a physician, what do you think needs to be corrected to make the health care system more efficient in the US?

Dr. B.C. The first thing that we have to recognise is that in the US we spend twice as much per capita for health care as the next closest nation. Again, like in the education system, it is not a question of not putting enough money into it. Obviously, there is an inefficiency issue which is going on here. What do you need for good health? You need a patient and a health care provider. Along came a middle man to facilitate the relationship. Now, the middle has become the principal entity with the patient and the health care provider at its beck and call. The entire thing is completely out of control. The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. “I deny that you need care and I will make more money”. This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care. The fact that a fraction of the American population has no health care insurance creates a situation in which some end up in emergency rooms, which results in even greater expenses for the US. If insurance companies are responsible only for routine health care, you are able to predict how much money they are going to need, which facilitates regulations. For instance, if we didn’t regulate utilities nobody could afford electricity or water. You can’t depend on the goodness of people’s hearts, particularly when you’re dealing with something which is essential. The other point is billings and collections, which constitute a huge portion of the cost. This could easily be done electronically.

damn he barely avoided that question! How dare he answer a reasonable question with a reasonable answer.

Instead you give a video that is well stupid.

So uh, how is he advocating socialized medicine again? And I did read the link. Why would I be citing quotes from it? You idiot.
when you go through school to become a DR. of anything, let us know... until then look in a mirror to see a people are so small minded and your intolerance of others shine bright every day

worthless and nothing but hate

hey look Steph added nothing to the conversation again..

Just said people are hateful for the 1000th time....

And what exactly are you doing? Being a troll, for the 10 billionth time.
I think a better question is can synth ever make a honest post about anything?

he did, read the link...The doc in a sense is advocating for a French style system, but with Clinics, and Medical foodstamps system....Per say....

Reading means being educated. try it
I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.

you didnt read the link did you. There is no hit piece you moron.

P.T. The health field in the US represents 1/7 of the economy in this country. 21% of health costs go to paperwork (at least 294.3 billion $ per year). It has been like that for years and we are not even talking about treating people. In 1996, you wrote an article about health care reform in the Harvard Journal of Minority Public Health. As a physician, what do you think needs to be corrected to make the health care system more efficient in the US?

Dr. B.C. The first thing that we have to recognise is that in the US we spend twice as much per capita for health care as the next closest nation. Again, like in the education system, it is not a question of not putting enough money into it. Obviously, there is an inefficiency issue which is going on here. What do you need for good health? You need a patient and a health care provider. Along came a middle man to facilitate the relationship. Now, the middle has become the principal entity with the patient and the health care provider at its beck and call. The entire thing is completely out of control. The entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense. “I deny that you need care and I will make more money”. This is totally ridiculous. The first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies. We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care. The fact that a fraction of the American population has no health care insurance creates a situation in which some end up in emergency rooms, which results in even greater expenses for the US. If insurance companies are responsible only for routine health care, you are able to predict how much money they are going to need, which facilitates regulations. For instance, if we didn’t regulate utilities nobody could afford electricity or water. You can’t depend on the goodness of people’s hearts, particularly when you’re dealing with something which is essential. The other point is billings and collections, which constitute a huge portion of the cost. This could easily be done electronically.

damn he barely avoided that question! How dare he answer a reasonable question with a reasonable answer.

Instead you give a video that is well stupid.

So uh, how is he advocating socialized medicine again? And I did read the link. Why would I be citing quotes from it? You idiot.

Next post retard
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"

You think one is the other ?

You are the hack.
Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

Neither...Just a Black conservative!
OMG! Let's see what he said in 2009...then 2012, take his comments out of context, and try to lynch him.

LOL. ;)
when you go through school to become a DR. of anything, let us know... until then look in a mirror to see a people are so small minded and your intolerance of others shine bright every day

worthless and nothing but hate

hey look Steph added nothing to the conversation again..

Just said people are hateful for the 1000th time....

And what exactly are you doing? Being a troll, for the 10 billionth time.

get a job yet mooch?

Or you want to respond to the Idea the doc had about using a welfare system ala Foodstamps to give people to use at clinics?
That Private insurance should be used for smaller check-ups.

Go on i can wait
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"

You think one is the other ?

You are the hack.

Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

Neither...Just a Black conservative!
OMG! Let's see what he said in 2009...then 2012, take his comments out of context, and try to lynch him.

LOL. ;)

so you went the race baiting angle...Guess your out
I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.

"...we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care...." is not advocating for socialized medicine?

I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.
well yeah he is.....
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.

"...we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care...." is not advocating for socialized medicine?


Who wants to volunteer to show NYcarbineer the difference between a "catastrophic" injury and a "boo-boo" on his finger? :eek:
In a 2009 interview with Mega Diversities, Carson said "the entire concept of for profits for the insurance companies makes absolutely no sense," going on to argue that "the first thing we need to do is get rid of for profit insurance companies."

Carson added, "We have a lack of policies and we need to make the government responsible for catastrophic health care. We have to make the insurance companies responsible only for routine health care."

But in 2012:

"socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state"

You think one is the other ?

You are the hack.

welcher wants in

Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

Neither...Just a Black conservative!
OMG! Let's see what he said in 2009...then 2012, take his comments out of context, and try to lynch him.

LOL. ;)

so you went the race baiting angle...Guess your out

Why dont you just shut the fuck up. You've posted nothing anymore contributing than those you're bitching about.
You think one is the other ?

You are the hack.

welcher wants in

Ben Carson: Liar? Or just a Hack?

Neither...Just a Black conservative!
OMG! Let's see what he said in 2009...then 2012, take his comments out of context, and try to lynch him.

LOL. ;)

so you went the race baiting angle...Guess your out

Why dont you just shut the fuck up. You've posted nothing anymore contributing than those you're bitching about.

so you are just going to lie?hey whatever you need to do so you dont have to be talking about the actual topic.
I say hitpiece.

And I bet you pulled that very last quote out of context.
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

anything right of marx is extreme fringe to you. I love how you try to appear reasonable, yet i never see you support anything on the right or criticise anything on the left. Again your low information democrats may be fooled by it, but most of us here are not

as for his remarks, id get rid of insurance altogether and have people treat it like any other commodity insurance is just a middleman that causes price to remain artificially high. And no the govt shouldnt be jnvolved regr0ardless. We should at min have health insurance compete like other service and go directly to people and not through employers
Here's the whole thing:

CARSON: It's not terribly surprising. Because if you read Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals, it talks about the need to ridicule. It also talks about never having a real conversation with your adversary because that humanizes them, and your job is the demonize them. And therefore we see people coming out and saying about those who oppose Obamacare, for instance, that they want older people to die, that they want kids to be deprived of food. You know, all these things are just straight out of the text. And what's really interesting is, you know, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said socialized medicine is the keystone of the arch to the socialist state. In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation because it gives you control of the people. Once you have control of them, you can do what you want.

What is not in context?

I still vote Hack.
He obviously believes in a not for profit insurance system. The man is old enough that he didn't change his beliefs in just the last couple of years.

He's shillin' for the extreme fringe - and that makes him unacceptable as a leader.

You're kidding right? He was warning against socialized medicine! Why are you twisting his words, Synth? How dishonest can you be? He is not advocating socialized medicine. Moreover, he's using Saul Alinsky as an example of how Democrats are/were pushing Obamacare. Stop cherrypicking.
well yeah he is.....

That's not an answer, or an argument.
Why dont you just shut the fuck up. You've posted nothing anymore contributing than those you're bitching about.

so you are just going to lie?hey whatever you need to do so you dont have to be talking about the actual topic.

You are not a mod so stop telling others how to post. Your constant moaning reminds me of my grandmother

great its dumbass gramps. I didnt tell him to stop. I just said he is out.
My administration will be the most transparent in history. What was obama thinking? After obama liberals cannot criticize anything a republican says or does. I mean liberals still support that hack.

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