Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

"Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech."

FYI - 'the government' did not fire donald stern or the duck dude... it's called the FREE market!
You have to laugh sometimes about how dopey Republicans really are. They have no idea what freedom of speech actually means.
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?
It's a shame. There are some things I like about Carson.
"Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech."

FYI - 'the government' did not fire donald stern or the duck dude... it's called the FREE market!

Political Correctness is not a Government Law.
It still chips away or freedom of speech.
You have to walk on eggs now in fear of saying something offence and you might be fired over it . It causes paranoia.
When society becomes paranoid enough it eventually turns into chaos, you then have to have a totalitarian type of Government.
We don't have a basic right of stopping offensive
In a free society people say offensive things all of the time, people should never get upset over it and try to stomp it out.This is the exact opposite of freedom.
It has gotten so bad that you can't hardly say anything for fear of being offensive.
Fox news is the communications wing of the GOP - this is bad news for Carson.

He was talking about the commitment to a cause as opposed to no commitment and no cause. Carson was very clear to point out the ISIS cause is flat wrong. It's a pretty dishonest criticism from Fox. I know, it should surprise no one that a dishonest criticism should come from Fox - but what is a little surprising is that it indicates that Carson is sliding out of favor with the GOP. How come?
Fox news is the communications wing of the GOP - this is bad news for Carson.

He was talking about the commitment to a cause as opposed to no commitment and no cause. Carson was very clear to point out the ISIS cause is flat wrong. It's a pretty dishonest criticism from Fox. I know, it should surprise no one that a dishonest criticism should come from Fox - but what is a little surprising is that it indicates that Carson is sliding out of favor with the GOP. How come?

As like Cruz, Lee, and Gohmert, he can't be BOUGHT! People of principle are few on the Republican side, and non-existent on the DemocRAT side! As an example...

Carson was explaining the inevitable victory of jihad. They are willing to die for their beliefs. The west has fully adopted "Imagine". Nothing to kill or die for. Unless we find something to fight for, we will be subjected to islamic rule.
Carson was explaining the inevitable victory of jihad. They are willing to die for their beliefs. The west has fully adopted "Imagine". Nothing to kill or die for. Unless we find something to fight for, we will be subjected to islamic rule.
Seems many Americans would rather be beheaded than branded "racist" for wanting to fight Islamic terror.

Europeans historically lash out from time to time, wouldn't be the first time Muslims were expelled, if it were to come to pass.

Most anything can happen in Europe, and already has.
"he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause."

Wow. Republican officials applauded him for comparing ISIS to our revolution?

apparently the invisible 'PC' beast is just way too terrifying for the GOP...

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness,"
I guess. I wonder if the Republicans are signalling their support for ISIS or signalling that they will die to rid the world of PCism.

Many Americans have lost what it means to be an American which is our very basic belief's and values (our principals).
What are our principals?
The main purpose of our Government is to secure our rights.
Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech.
Rights are natural and negative
There cannot be a natural right to health care. Making health care a right requires infringing upon your rights and the rights of others. Aches and pains are natural but there is no natural right that someone must tend to your every ache or pain. To take resources (money, labor or goods) from one to give to another violates our natural right to our own property. For the government to force you to buy something that is not for the purpose of protecting the rights of another.
PC is not a law. It hasn't taken away anyone's rights. You, just like everyone else, is allowed to spout whatever idiotic nonsense you wish to spout.

I never said it was a law but yes it has taken away people's rights.
Saying Merry Christmas is now offensive and we need to call it Happy Holidays. That takes away the whole meaning of Celebrating Christ's Birth and takes away the rights of Christians because it's offensive to unbelievers and Muslims.
Carson was explaining the inevitable victory of jihad. They are willing to die for their beliefs. The west has fully adopted "Imagine". Nothing to kill or die for. Unless we find something to fight for, we will be subjected to islamic rule.

A small nuke set off around 1600 in DC would both be a reason to act, and a reason to put over 500 NEW patriots into seats of power.... Fuck PC, do what is necessary, and stop the slow suicide!
Carson was explaining the inevitable victory of jihad. They are willing to die for their beliefs. The west has fully adopted "Imagine". Nothing to kill or die for. Unless we find something to fight for, we will be subjected to islamic rule.

A small nuke set off around 1600 in DC would both be a reason to act, and a reason to put over 500 NEW patriots into seats of power.... Fuck PC, do what is necessary, and stop the slow suicide!
Always with the nukes with you....
He's not saying that conservatives are violent, religious extremists (some are), he's talking about strength of convictions.

Sorry, Lakhota. As a liberal, I'm calling you out for this partisan tripe; it makes us look bad.

OP fail.

Yeah, I can read. Go with the flow...
"Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech."

FYI - 'the government' did not fire donald stern or the duck dude... it's called the FREE market!

Political Correctness is not a Government Law.
It still chips away or freedom of speech.
You have to walk on eggs now in fear of saying something offence and you might be fired over it . It causes paranoia.
When society becomes paranoid enough it eventually turns into chaos, you then have to have a totalitarian type of Government.
We don't have a basic right of stopping offensive
In a free society people say offensive things all of the time, people should never get upset over it and try to stomp it out.This is the exact opposite of freedom.
It has gotten so bad that you can't hardly say anything for fear of being offensive.
Yet it has been going on in this nation for many, many years....
"he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause."

Wow. Republican officials applauded him for comparing ISIS to our revolution?

apparently the invisible 'PC' beast is just way too terrifying for the GOP...

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness,"
I guess. I wonder if the Republicans are signalling their support for ISIS or signalling that they will die to rid the world of PCism.

Many Americans have lost what it means to be an American which is our very basic belief's and values (our principals).
What are our principals?
The main purpose of our Government is to secure our rights.
Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech.
Rights are natural and negative
There cannot be a natural right to health care. Making health care a right requires infringing upon your rights and the rights of others. Aches and pains are natural but there is no natural right that someone must tend to your every ache or pain. To take resources (money, labor or goods) from one to give to another violates our natural right to our own property. For the government to force you to buy something that is not for the purpose of protecting the rights of another.
PC is not a law. It hasn't taken away anyone's rights. You, just like everyone else, is allowed to spout whatever idiotic nonsense you wish to spout.

I never said it was a law but yes it has taken away people's rights.
Saying Merry Christmas is now offensive and we need to call it Happy Holidays. That takes away the whole meaning of Celebrating Christ's Birth and takes away the rights of Christians because it's offensive to unbelievers and Muslims.
Then do not wish them a Merry Christmas.....
Carson was explaining the inevitable victory of jihad. They are willing to die for their beliefs. The west has fully adopted "Imagine". Nothing to kill or die for. Unless we find something to fight for, we will be subjected to islamic rule.

A small nuke set off around 1600 in DC would both be a reason to act, and a reason to put over 500 NEW patriots into seats of power.... Fuck PC, do what is necessary, and stop the slow suicide!
Always with the nukes with you....

Fox news is the communications wing of the GOP - this is bad news for Carson.

He was talking about the commitment to a cause as opposed to no commitment and no cause. Carson was very clear to point out the ISIS cause is flat wrong. It's a pretty dishonest criticism from Fox. I know, it should surprise no one that a dishonest criticism should come from Fox - but what is a little surprising is that it indicates that Carson is sliding out of favor with the GOP. How come?

As like Cruz, Lee, and Gohmert, he can't be BOUGHT! People of principle are few on the Republican side, and non-existent on the DemocRAT side! As an example...


Or maybe some GOP henchmen were doing some research and found an old statutory rape charge or something and decided to burn him before THAT got out. Who knows?

We could both speculate until we are blue in the face about why the GOP establishment is going after him - but until either of us can come up with some evidence to support our speculation, it is not very useful.
Fox news is the communications wing of the GOP - this is bad news for Carson.

He was talking about the commitment to a cause as opposed to no commitment and no cause. Carson was very clear to point out the ISIS cause is flat wrong. It's a pretty dishonest criticism from Fox. I know, it should surprise no one that a dishonest criticism should come from Fox - but what is a little surprising is that it indicates that Carson is sliding out of favor with the GOP. How come?
He has a nice tan....

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