Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

"right wing white male" is a loose and vague phrase.
Same as "blacks can not play quarterback because they can not make quick decisions".

"right wing white male" is a loose and vague phrase.
Same as "blacks can not play quarterback because they can not make quick decisions".

White males are the driving force behind right wing politics. Black males have now excelled as quarterbacks. There is no comparison there!To underline that point,note that 60% of white male voters cast their ballots for John Mc Cain in 2008. That statistic supported suspicions I had on the issue
by talking to coworkers and associates. My personal encounters , without exception, indicated a 100% rate for white males who identified as "conservative" and thus "right wing."

The official statistic, not my personal one, gave hope to the Romney campaign. They were certain the Obama victory was a fluke and that two strong white males would move more white males and white women to put an X by the Republican candidates in 2012. Golly, with Chuck Norris and John Voight pulling for Romney and Sarah Palin cheerleading with the "Let's take our country back" theme, Obama wouldn't have a chance. How wrong they were. About 63% of the white male vote was projected in a poll to go to Romney as did a sizable portion of the white woman's vote. However, that neo Conservative Right WIng tribalism failed due to changing demographics. The Right Wing White male is real and he is determined to regain total control over everything and everybody!

And 90% of black males voted for Obama.
So what is your point?
Right wing white male is a vague and loose a term as blacks can not play quarterback WAS

This thread is not about Black males it is about the existence or non existence of a White male RIght WIng consortium. I have shown that the majority of White males voted republican in the last two presidential elections. Therefore, I have supported my premise while debunking yours.
Unions are for folks that do not have the skill and educational level to negotiate for themselves individually.
Where is the IT union?
Or the nurses union?

not really...

Here is the difference between a Union and non-Union. Ill use my current job.
Guy was one minute late. One minute, This wasnt a recurring issue either. Sent home.

Guy comes in one minute late under the union....Nothing..maybe a hey you where late is asked.

Another reason why Unions matter. Last job i was at. They could work you 16 hours in a day with no breaks. Zero, per state law.

Union- Fights for at least a 30 minute break for 8 hours of work.

A union has a purpose if used correctly. Remember Unions dont ruin work places the people do. Just like a gun doesnt kill people, people kill people.

"if used correctly"
What state do you live in?
Where do I get a 30 minute break in my business as the boss?
Unions are for those that have to use a mob to negotiate for them and the net result is their pay is the medium wage of the performance level of the mob.
Unions ruined American manufacturing.
Look at Detroit.
So, back to the OP:

Ben Carson is an interesting figure. And an intelligent man. His ideology is not my thing in some ways, but he is indeed an interesting figure.

Were he to declare his candidacy, I think the following things would happen:

1.) he would declare
2.) he would have to run a primary campaign
3.) he would need to win enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination
4.) were he to be nominated by the GOP in 2016, he would then need to run a GE campaign and
5.) win at least 270 EV in the "electoral college", as we like to call it.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Since I'm not a Republican, none of this would affect me until no. 5


I say, let the dude run and see how many Republicans will vote for him.

Run, Ben, run. Rah, rah.
So, back to the OP:

Ben Carson is an interesting figure. And an intelligent man. His ideology is not my thing in some ways, but he is indeed an interesting figure.

Were he to declare his candidacy, I think the following things would happen:

1.) he would declare
2.) he would have to run a primary campaign
3.) he would need to win enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination
4.) were he to be nominated by the GOP in 2016, he would then need to run a GE campaign and
5.) win at least 270 EV in the "electoral college", as we like to call it.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Since I'm not a Republican, none of this would affect me until no. 5


I say, let the dude run and see how many Republicans will vote for him.

Run, Ben, run. Rah, rah.

I find it funny when some of these folks want to claim that "Liberals are afraid of Ben Carson." . I think it's utter bullshit; the guy wont make it past the republican primaries! I know some of these bigots predicted that "Obama ruined the chance for having another Black President.".
J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, and Tim Scott are much better candidates in my opinion. They tend not to engage in the "Blacks on the democrat plantation" rhetoric and would have a much broader appeal. They are also ACTIVELY trying to do positive things. I wish them the best and I think that they are sincere. As for the other "plantation" hucksters...................... they can go fuck themselves.
So, back to the OP:

Ben Carson is an interesting figure. And an intelligent man. His ideology is not my thing in some ways, but he is indeed an interesting figure.

Were he to declare his candidacy, I think the following things would happen:

1.) he would declare
2.) he would have to run a primary campaign
3.) he would need to win enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination
4.) were he to be nominated by the GOP in 2016, he would then need to run a GE campaign and
5.) win at least 270 EV in the "electoral college", as we like to call it.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Since I'm not a Republican, none of this would affect me until no. 5


I say, let the dude run and see how many Republicans will vote for him.

Run, Ben, run. Rah, rah.

I find it funny when some of these folks want to claim that "Liberals are afraid of Ben Carson." . I think it's utter bullshit; the guy wont make it past the republican primaries! I know some of these bigots predicted that "Obama ruined the chance for having another Black President.".
J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, and Tim Scott are much better candidates in my opinion. They tend not to engage in the "Blacks on the democrat plantation" rhetoric and would have a much broader appeal. They are also ACTIVELY trying to do positive things. I wish them the best and I think that they are sincere. As for the other "plantation" hucksters...................... they can go fuck themselves.

Colin Powell would be a FORMIDABLE candidate. I would probably vote Republican if Colin Powell were on the ballot against a weak Democratic candidate.
So, back to the OP:

Ben Carson is an interesting figure. And an intelligent man. His ideology is not my thing in some ways, but he is indeed an interesting figure.

Were he to declare his candidacy, I think the following things would happen:

1.) he would declare
2.) he would have to run a primary campaign
3.) he would need to win enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination
4.) were he to be nominated by the GOP in 2016, he would then need to run a GE campaign and
5.) win at least 270 EV in the "electoral college", as we like to call it.

Seems pretty simple to me.

Since I'm not a Republican, none of this would affect me until no. 5


I say, let the dude run and see how many Republicans will vote for him.

Run, Ben, run. Rah, rah.

I find it funny when some of these folks want to claim that "Liberals are afraid of Ben Carson." . I think it's utter bullshit; the guy wont make it past the republican primaries! I know some of these bigots predicted that "Obama ruined the chance for having another Black President.".
J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, and Tim Scott are much better candidates in my opinion. They tend not to engage in the "Blacks on the democrat plantation" rhetoric and would have a much broader appeal. They are also ACTIVELY trying to do positive things. I wish them the best and I think that they are sincere. As for the other "plantation" hucksters...................... they can go fuck themselves.

Colin Powell would be a FORMIDABLE candidate. I would probably vote Republican if Colin Powell were on the ballot against a weak Democratic candidate.

No doubt! I have tremendous respect and admiration for Colin Powell. I think that J.C. Watts, Michael Steele , and Tim Scott are 'younger blood' and they are working on positive bipartisan solutions. I find it 'funny' that with the exception of Tim Scott, these other guys (Michael Steele & Colin Powell) are either ostracized by conservative republicans or simply pretty much ignored by them, in favor of the likes of west, cain, and carson, who have all engaged in ignorant blanket generalizations regarding "the Blacks".

Why would they seemingly favor the guys who make those ignorant and inaccurate blanket generalizations about 'the Blacks", over the other guys who pretty much don't engage in that activity? :)

"if used correctly"
What state do you live in?
Where do I get a 30 minute break in my business as the boss?
Unions are for those that have to use a mob to negotiate for them and the net result is their pay is the medium wage of the performance level of the mob.
Unions ruined American manufacturing.
Look at Detroit.

Oooh, the poor bosses, they have it so hard.

Poor babies.

I also get really tired of hearing how the Unions "ruined" Auto Manufacturing?


Tell me, who did the Big Three lose to? Right to Work, Free Trade, Ayn Randian idealists?

NOpe, they lost to Toyota and Volkswagen and Nissan and Mitsubishi-

Auto makers that are not only unionized, but have socialized medicine AND workers councils that have a voice in saying who the boss is.

The only reason why these companies have auto plants in Jesus-Land is because back in the 1980s, Ronnie Reagan threatened protectionism and quotas on imports.
It would be fantastic if he ran. Really. :eusa_angel:

He might even be the first to make it to the God told me to run list. There should be quite a few. Then when it's election time, we can find out who God likes and who he doesn't.
AND as a benny we can make comparisons between serial killers that have been commanded by God and the run of the mill sociopathic politicians.
Unions are for folks that do not have the skill and educational level to negotiate for themselves individually.
Where is the IT union?
Or the nurses union?

There are plenty of SCABS who benefit from unions without joining one. They don't negotiate on their own either but they reap the rewards just as their dues paying union buddies do.
Skill level and education has nothing to do with it. Collective Bargaining keeps management honest and protects the worker's health and welfare as well.

I have held a detective license since 1979 in Georgia. Many years ago I worked strike lines as we were the consultants to management and put the hidden cameras on telephone poles and such. I can show you the union guys beating a 48 year old 110 pound woman with a baseball bat on her head and back because she wanted to feed her kids and work.
Please tell us how she benefits from collective bargaining.
You spout all this nonsense about keeping management honest and everyone but you knows that unions are about as dishonest and crooked a bunch of mobsters around.
I have dozens of other similar examples. Going to houses of men that have to work a job and union men cutting brake lines of their cars, harassing the children of men that want to work when they get off the school bus.
You name it. No one has a right to a job and to terrorize others to keep a job.
That is mob rule and that is what unions stand for.
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

It is a matter of choice. Most of the poverty in black families is derived from out of wedlock motherhood. 70% of them have no husband to take care of them while they take care of their children. So of course they need government assistance.

Quickest way to end all of your dreams is to get pregnant. Even the left understands this. That's one of the reasons they support abortion so vehemently. And if they choose not to abort their children Uncle Sugar will help pay for them. And maybe all of this "kindness" will be rewarded with votes.

Course, if you don't opt for government assistance, and go it alone, you may be able to drag yourself out of poverty and make something of yourself. But the government won't make you well-off. You'll always remain poor as long as you look for a handout from Uncle Sam.
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From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

It is a matter of choice. Most of the poverty in black families is derived from out of wedlock motherhood. 70% of them have no husband to take care of them while they take care of their children. So of course they need government assistance.

Quickest way to end all of your dreams is to get pregnant. Even the left understands this. That's one of the reasons they support abortion so vehemently. And if they choose not to abort their children Uncle Sugar will help pay for them. And maybe all of this "kindness" will be rewarded with votes.

Course, if you don't opt for government assistance, and go it alone, you may be able to drag yourself out of poverty and make something of yourself. But the government won't make you well-off. You'll always remain poor as long as you look for a handout from Uncle Sam.

I agree with the out of wedlock argument 100%.
I am a strong fiscal conservative on all fiscal issues.
I oppose abortion but strongly oppose putting government in charge to police it.
All that does is allow wealthy women to get all the abortions they want to "legally" and force poor women to have more kids they do not want and in most cases have no clue how to raise.
If anything under your argument liberals would want abortion banned, not legal. Under your argument that would grow government with more children.
Unions are for folks that do not have the skill and educational level to negotiate for themselves individually.
Where is the IT union?
Or the nurses union?

There are plenty of SCABS who benefit from unions without joining one. They don't negotiate on their own either but they reap the rewards just as their dues paying union buddies do.
Skill level and education has nothing to do with it. Collective Bargaining keeps management honest and protects the worker's health and welfare as well.

I have held a detective license since 1979 in Georgia. Many years ago I worked strike lines as we were the consultants to management and put the hidden cameras on telephone poles and such. I can show you the union guys beating a 48 year old 110 pound woman with a baseball bat on her head and back because she wanted to feed her kids and work. Please tell us how she benefits from collective bargaining.
You spout all this nonsense about keeping management honest and everyone but you knows that unions are about as dishonest and crooked a bunch of mobsters around.
I have dozens of other similar examples. Going to houses of men that have to work a job and union men cutting brake lines of their cars, harassing the children of men that want to work when they get off the school bus.
You name it. No one has a right to a job and to terrorize others to keep a job.
That is mob rule and that is what unions stand for.


Link it.
There are plenty of SCABS who benefit from unions without joining one. They don't negotiate on their own either but they reap the rewards just as their dues paying union buddies do.
Skill level and education has nothing to do with it. Collective Bargaining keeps management honest and protects the worker's health and welfare as well.

I have held a detective license since 1979 in Georgia. Many years ago I worked strike lines as we were the consultants to management and put the hidden cameras on telephone poles and such. I can show you the union guys beating a 48 year old 110 pound woman with a baseball bat on her head and back because she wanted to feed her kids and work. Please tell us how she benefits from collective bargaining.
You spout all this nonsense about keeping management honest and everyone but you knows that unions are about as dishonest and crooked a bunch of mobsters around.
I have dozens of other similar examples. Going to houses of men that have to work a job and union men cutting brake lines of their cars, harassing the children of men that want to work when they get off the school bus.
You name it. No one has a right to a job and to terrorize others to keep a job.
That is mob rule and that is what unions stand for.


Link it.

LOL, link what??
That was 1984 in Kentucky. The district attorney has the file there. State versus Lamar Pope.
10 years to serve 5 on assault with a deadly weapon.
Show us a link that union bosses do not bribe public officials, beat up old ladies and steal union funds.
I have 47 links that Elvis is alive and doing undercover work for the CIA.
It has to be true, I have the links.
It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

It is a matter of choice. Most of the poverty in black families is derived from out of wedlock motherhood. 70% of them have no husband to take care of them while they take care of their children. So of course they need government assistance.

Quickest way to end all of your dreams is to get pregnant. Even the left understands this. That's one of the reasons they support abortion so vehemently. And if they choose not to abort their children Uncle Sugar will help pay for them. And maybe all of this "kindness" will be rewarded with votes.

Course, if you don't opt for government assistance, and go it alone, you may be able to drag yourself out of poverty and make something of yourself. But the government won't make you well-off. You'll always remain poor as long as you look for a handout from Uncle Sam.

I agree with the out of wedlock argument 100%.
I am a strong fiscal conservative on all fiscal issues.
I oppose abortion but strongly oppose putting government in charge to police it.
All that does is allow wealthy women to get all the abortions they want to "legally" and force poor women to have more kids they do not want and in most cases have no clue how to raise.
If anything under your argument liberals would want abortion banned, not legal. Under your argument that would grow government with more children.

It's not a black and white issue.

Democrats want to appear compassionate at the same time they're misleading you. They don't care that their compassion causes some to be lazy. As a matter of fact, they count on it.
It is a matter of choice. Most of the poverty in black families is derived from out of wedlock motherhood. 70% of them have no husband to take care of them while they take care of their children. So of course they need government assistance.

Quickest way to end all of your dreams is to get pregnant. Even the left understands this. That's one of the reasons they support abortion so vehemently. And if they choose not to abort their children Uncle Sugar will help pay for them. And maybe all of this "kindness" will be rewarded with votes.

Course, if you don't opt for government assistance, and go it alone, you may be able to drag yourself out of poverty and make something of yourself. But the government won't make you well-off. You'll always remain poor as long as you look for a handout from Uncle Sam.

I agree with the out of wedlock argument 100%.
I am a strong fiscal conservative on all fiscal issues.
I oppose abortion but strongly oppose putting government in charge to police it.
All that does is allow wealthy women to get all the abortions they want to "legally" and force poor women to have more kids they do not want and in most cases have no clue how to raise.
If anything under your argument liberals would want abortion banned, not legal. Under your argument that would grow government with more children.

It's not a black and white issue.

Democrats want to appear compassionate at the same time they're misleading you. They don't care that their compassion causes some to be lazy. As a matter of fact, they count on it.

Lazy I am not, I carry a gun for a living and have to be on it.
Most people support keeping government out of the lives of people.
Abortion included. Most people oppose abortion for their own family and believe it is none of their business what the health decisions are in other families.
I agree with the out of wedlock argument 100%.
I am a strong fiscal conservative on all fiscal issues.
I oppose abortion but strongly oppose putting government in charge to police it.
All that does is allow wealthy women to get all the abortions they want to "legally" and force poor women to have more kids they do not want and in most cases have no clue how to raise.
If anything under your argument liberals would want abortion banned, not legal. Under your argument that would grow government with more children.

It's not a black and white issue.

Democrats want to appear compassionate at the same time they're misleading you. They don't care that their compassion causes some to be lazy. As a matter of fact, they count on it.

Lazy I am not, I carry a gun for a living and have to be on it.
Most people support keeping government out of the lives of people.
Abortion included. Most people oppose abortion for their own family and believe it is none of their business what the health decisions are in other families.

Yet we have a White House that wants to tell us what we an eat, what kind of car we should drive, how much money we should make, what we should believe in, whether or not we should own a gun, etc.....
It's not a black and white issue.

Democrats want to appear compassionate at the same time they're misleading you. They don't care that their compassion causes some to be lazy. As a matter of fact, they count on it.

Lazy I am not, I carry a gun for a living and have to be on it.
Most people support keeping government out of the lives of people.
Abortion included. Most people oppose abortion for their own family and believe it is none of their business what the health decisions are in other families.

Yet we have a White House that wants to tell us what we an eat, what kind of car we should drive, how much money we should make, what we should believe in, whether or not we should own a gun, etc.....

Talk is cheap!
I own many weapons, cars, eat what I want to, make a lot of money and am healthy.
Their words do not bother me. Laws bother me and I work on keeping government away from me on that.

I have held a detective license since 1979 in Georgia. Many years ago I worked strike lines as we were the consultants to management and put the hidden cameras on telephone poles and such. I can show you the union guys beating a 48 year old 110 pound woman with a baseball bat on her head and back because she wanted to feed her kids and work.
Please tell us how she benefits from collective bargaining.
You spout all this nonsense about keeping management honest and everyone but you knows that unions are about as dishonest and crooked a bunch of mobsters around.
I have dozens of other similar examples. Going to houses of men that have to work a job and union men cutting brake lines of their cars, harassing the children of men that want to work when they get off the school bus.
You name it. No one has a right to a job and to terrorize others to keep a job.
That is mob rule and that is what unions stand for.

So they don't have money to pay people decent wages, but they do have money to spend on private investigators to film their employees being beaten up when they cross a clearly marked picket line.

Please tell me again how there isn't a war on the working class...

Sorry, it's a picket line. you don't cross it. Period.
Lazy I am not, I carry a gun for a living and have to be on it.
Most people support keeping government out of the lives of people.
Abortion included. Most people oppose abortion for their own family and believe it is none of their business what the health decisions are in other families.

Yet we have a White House that wants to tell us what we an eat, what kind of car we should drive, how much money we should make, what we should believe in, whether or not we should own a gun, etc.....

Talk is cheap!
I own many weapons, cars, eat what I want to, make a lot of money and am healthy.
Their words do not bother me. Laws bother me and I work on keeping government away from me on that.
It's getting to be harder and harder to avoid an ever more intrusive government in our lives.

The White House controls of by several means.

They use political correctness to decide who is right and who is wrong.
They tell us when they feel we've made enough money.
They demonize anyone who owns a gun.
They force car manufacturers to build cars that they lose money by selling.
They decide what is racist and what isn't racist.
They slam us with hundreds of thousands of new regulations designed to confuse us and jack up the costs of production.
They put smoking off limits not only in government buildings but in businesses.
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