Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

Good post Joe, I always seem to get you back to reality.
What did Cain do that Clinton did not do 100 times more?
Where was Hilary?

I didn't see an impeachment trial for Cain. Just some awkward questions

Clinton was not impeached because of a blow job.
He lied under oath numerous times about many things in depositions.
And many women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment and such before he was President.
They lynched Cain before he had a chance.

Lynched? How was he lynched?
He was asked questions that he very awkwardly answered. That is not lynching
I agree somewhat.
I am a fiscal conservative.
I support gay rights, believe in climate change, oppose government picking and choosing who gets an abortion and who doesn't, oppose the wars, oppose the stupid war on drugs and support indigent defense programs for the accused.
Many label me a liberal, many label me a T Partier.
I am neither, I think for myself.
But if we do not get the victim mentality and class warfare against the producers in check and end it this country is doomed.
The takers are out numbering us producers. That has to end and it is the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL, not government, to stop it.

It appears that you are indeed an average American voter who, like me, has no real allegiance to any Party or ideological dogma. That is refreshing. While our choices are limited in a system dominated by two political parties, I do my research on all candidates for public office and, come voting time, I am able to cast my educated vote for any I deem the lesser of two evils.

I do not agree with your allusion to a "victim mentality" and "class warfare" against the producers. Right Wing pundits such as Limbaugh and Hannity started that unsubstantiated BS; the target audience being "middle of the road" voters such as your self in an attempt to convert you to their cause.

Obama started it with the "millionaires and billionaires" nonsense and "everyone needs to pay their fair share" pandering.
And the left keeps repeating it along with the anti corporation crap.
Along with the "you did not build that".
Obama started it all.

I am familiar with all of the above statements made by Obama except one:"millionaires and billionaires" nonsense. What was that all about?

Secondly, I want to know what exactly any of your above observations have to do with "victim mentality" or "class warfare." Please fill me in!

Uh, yes they did.
News outlets paid out the ass for private investigators to the tune of over a million bucks just on the National Restaurant Association time.
And a pant load more.
Democrats are always the best clients for undercover slime work. Why? Nervous because they know their shit is worse.

The News Outlets aren't the Federal Government. In Clinton's case, you had a prosecutor threatening Monica with PRISON, harassing her friends and family, dragging her name though the mud every day.

The Media just asked questions. No coercion, no force, no threat to ruin anyone's life if they didn't break bad on Herman.

Clinton was not impeached because of a blow job.
He lied under oath numerous times about many things in depositions.
And many women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment and such before he was President.
They lynched Cain before he had a chance.

If it wasn't about the "blow job", then why did Starr spend months bullying Lewinsky to get her to testify? If he had him dead to rights on other things, go with that.

Now, that said, I think Clinton had a serious issue. He lacks the impulse control most men have when hormones kick in. BUt you know what, most of those women enjoyed his attention... so I'm not seeing the problem.

Clinton lied about a blow job. Bush lied about a war.
I didn't see an impeachment trial for Cain. Just some awkward questions

Clinton was not impeached because of a blow job.
He lied under oath numerous times about many things in depositions.
And many women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment and such before he was President.
They lynched Cain before he had a chance.

Lynched? How was he lynched?
He was asked questions that he very awkwardly answered. That is not lynching

Some of these guys sure do like to use words like plantation, lynching, and slave when it comes to talking about Black people. Pretty interesting. :)
Jesus, Greenbean went tilt on the "Silly Poster" jpgs!

Not only that; he has proven without a doubt that Right Wingers have too much free time on their hands. Posting the biased artwork of his kindred spirits does nothing to illustrate his bone headed contention about the hypothetical LW nut job!
No problem with this If Doctor Ben was running things!

How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.
How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.

Why not asshole, you subversives did EXACTLY that with Bush!
How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.

Why not asshole, you subversives did EXACTLY that with Bush!

Bush was warned about Bin Ladin and the impending highjacking of airliners intended for flying them into buldings. Bush and Cheney lied to congress and the world about Iraq and tricked us into a war with Iraq after he had Bin Ladin cornered in Afghanistan.

No one on he left made up any of those facts.

It appears it is you and Bush that are the assholes.
How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.

Have you seen his wife? She makes a gorilla look like Halle Berry.
How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.

Why not asshole, you subversives did EXACTLY that with Bush!

Bush was warned about Bin Ladin and the impending highjacking of airliners intended for flying them into buldings. Bush and Cheney lied to congress and the world about Iraq and tricked us into a war with Iraq after he had Bin Ladin cornered in Afghanistan.

No one on he left made up any of those facts.

It appears it is you and Bush that are the assholes.

Perhaps, BUT BLOW JOB Bill Clinton admits to letting Bin Laden go.... all would have been fine IF BJ had balls, not being sucked by Monica, and did what he could have!

[ame=]Clinton Admits He Refused To Take Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]
How about we follow the right's example and only attack Ben Carson with such things as portraying him as an African witch doctor,

or comparing his wife to a gorilla?

That's fair enough, isn't it? It's been good for the Right it should be good for the Left.

Have you seen his wife? She makes a gorilla look like Halle Berry.

LOOK! A queer making fun of a black woman.... where is the subversive liberals OUTRAGE...... crickets! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Priceless and worth a signature presentation!
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Why not asshole, you subversives did EXACTLY that with Bush!

Bush was warned about Bin Ladin and the impending highjacking of airliners intended for flying them into buldings. Bush and Cheney lied to congress and the world about Iraq and tricked us into a war with Iraq after he had Bin Ladin cornered in Afghanistan.

No one on he left made up any of those facts.

It appears it is you and Bush that are the assholes.

Perhaps, BUT BLOW JOB Bill Clinton admits to letting Bin Laden go.... all would have been fine IF BJ had balls, not being sucked by Monica, and did what he could have!

[ame=]Clinton Admits He Refused To Take Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

I agree Clinton was a POS. It didn't help that the RWers had him hamstrung over a bunch of nonsense. Bin Ladin wasn't as well known early on and when Clinton DID attack the terrorist camps the RWers went ballistic.

You can't set out to weaken a president then cry like a baby that he is weak.
Bush was warned about Bin Ladin and the impending highjacking of airliners intended for flying them into buldings. Bush and Cheney lied to congress and the world about Iraq and tricked us into a war with Iraq after he had Bin Ladin cornered in Afghanistan.

No one on he left made up any of those facts.

It appears it is you and Bush that are the assholes.

Perhaps, BUT BLOW JOB Bill Clinton admits to letting Bin Laden go.... all would have been fine IF BJ had balls, not being sucked by Monica, and did what he could have!

[ame=""]Clinton Admits He Refused To Take Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

I agree Clinton was a POS. It didn't help that the RWers had him hamstrung over a bunch of nonsense. Bin Ladin wasn't as well known early on and when Clinton DID attack the terrorist camps the RWers went ballistic.

You can't set out to weaken a president then cry like a baby that he is weak.

THAT is the lamest excuse I've ever heard regarding Clinton FUCK UP!
Perhaps, BUT BLOW JOB Bill Clinton admits to letting Bin Laden go.... all would have been fine IF BJ had balls, not being sucked by Monica, and did what he could have!

Clinton Admits He Refused To Take Bin Laden - YouTube

I agree Clinton was a POS. It didn't help that the RWers had him hamstrung over a bunch of nonsense. Bin Ladin wasn't as well known early on and when Clinton DID attack the terrorist camps the RWers went ballistic.

You can't set out to weaken a president then cry like a baby that he is weak.

THAT is the lamest excuse I've ever heard regarding Clinton FUCK UP!

That is because you are a typical RWer and don't take responsibility for your own actions. I am not here to defend anyone. I saw what went down and that is what I am talking about. Nobody was trying to tear Bush down when he screwed the pooch. The RWers were in full attack mode on Clinton in the last half of his presidency. That is the truth. Denying it is pointless because I don't like being called a liar and you will start something I'm prepared to take to the wall.

No president can be effective when treated like the way Clinton was. You may feel he had it coming but that doesn't change the fact it limited his options. I never liked Clinton. I do feel we have a responsibility to respect the office. When we hamstring the office we do harm to our country. If you don't believe that then you are a fucking moron.
"right wing white male" is a loose and vague phrase.
Same as "blacks can not play quarterback because they can not make quick decisions".

"right wing white male" is a loose and vague phrase.
Same as "blacks can not play quarterback because they can not make quick decisions".

White males are the driving force behind right wing politics. Black males have now excelled as quarterbacks. There is no comparison there!To underline that point,note that 60% of white male voters cast their ballots for John Mc Cain in 2008. That statistic supported suspicions I had on the issue
by talking to coworkers and associates. My personal encounters , without exception, indicated a 100% rate for white males who identified as "conservative" and thus "right wing."

The official statistic, not my personal one, gave hope to the Romney campaign. They were certain the Obama victory was a fluke and that two strong white males would move more white males and white women to put an X by the Republican candidates in 2012. Golly, with Chuck Norris and John Voight pulling for Romney and Sarah Palin cheerleading with the "Let's take our country back" theme, Obama wouldn't have a chance. How wrong they were. About 63% of the white male vote was projected in a poll to go to Romney as did a sizable portion of the white woman's vote. However, that neo Conservative Right WIng tribalism failed due to changing demographics. The Right Wing White male is real and he is determined to regain total control over everything and everybody!

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