Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run


love a moron who thinks he's a hero the working class

and votes for people who have made poor people poorer; and Middle Class people poor
record welfare and food stamps is the legacy of Progressives today
Guy, I voted for Republicans in every election from 1980 to 2008.

And in 2008, I found myself with a job that paid 20% less than the previous one, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage.

Democrats didn't do that to me. George W. Bush did.
What is hilarious is liberals hold black conservatives to a different standard than liberal blacks.
Jackson and Sharpton can lie, cheat and steal and that is OK.
Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas can be ACCUSED ONLY and they are TERRIBLE folk.
The liberal is the worst form of hypocrit.

I think Jackson and Sharpton are cheap race pimps.

The problem is, of course, when you have stuff like the Trayvon Martin case going on, they have pretty fertile ground to grow.

Incidentally, I ALSO think Clarence Thomas got a bad deal on the whole Anita Hill thing. There were just too many holes in Hill's story that didn't pass the smell test. (Such as, if Thomas was such an awful boss, why did she follow him from Dept. or Ed to EEOC?)

As for Herman Cain. The minute he was accused, he dropped out of the race. And even more telling, his wife was nowhere to be seen when these charges were made. Yeah, she knew what was up.

Good post Joe, I always seem to get you back to reality.
What did Cain do that Clinton did not do 100 times more?
Where was Hilary?

I didn't see an impeachment trial for Cain. Just some awkward questions
White liberals can not stand a black man that is more successful than they are unless they are also a liberal.
How many whites do they call "selling out" if they are conservative?
I usually do not subscribe to the terms "Liberal" or Conservative" as used by the Right. That being said, there is no avoiding their misuse of either term.

People can be Liberal on several issues and simultaneously Conservative on several others regardless of political party affiliation. Your use of the terms implies a rock solid commitments to an ideology or philosophy with little or no flexibility in opinion. You and I both know that is not the case. Otherwise, one party would stay in power forever!

The Right Wing White male consortium uses the term "liberal" pejoratively, mainly against White males seen to be progressive. From that perspective, your use of the term "liberal" equates to "Uncle tom."

I agree somewhat.
I am a fiscal conservative.
I support gay rights, believe in climate change, oppose government picking and choosing who gets an abortion and who doesn't, oppose the wars, oppose the stupid war on drugs and support indigent defense programs for the accused.
Many label me a liberal, many label me a T Partier.
I am neither, I think for myself.
But if we do not get the victim mentality and class warfare against the producers in check and end it this country is doomed.
The takers are out numbering us producers. That has to end and it is the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL, not government, to stop it.

It appears that you are indeed an average American voter who, like me, has no real allegiance to any Party or ideological dogma. That is refreshing. While our choices are limited in a system dominated by two political parties, I do my research on all candidates for public office and, come voting time, I am able to cast my educated vote for any I deem the lesser of two evils.

I do not agree with your allusion to a "victim mentality" and "class warfare" against the producers. Right Wing pundits such as Limbaugh and Hannity started that unsubstantiated BS; the target audience being "middle of the road" voters such as your self in an attempt to convert you to their cause.
It should tell you something that in a thread about Ben Carson, with almost 700 posts, there is virtually NOTHING from conservatives about Carson himself -

but instead just an excruciatingly boring repetition of charges that liberals are racist if they don't agree with him.

My question is, if Carson were a WHITE rightwing nut job, THEN could I disagree with him without you simpletons trying to make it all about bigotry?

It should tell you something that in a thread about Ben Carson, with almost 700 posts, there is virtually NOTHING from conservatives about Carson himself -

but instead just an excruciatingly boring repetition of charges that liberals are racist if they don't agree with him.

My question is, if Carson were a WHITE rightwing nut job, THEN could I disagree with him without you simpletons trying to make it all about bigotry?

You calling anybody else a simpleton is the height of irony. If you were a black leftwing nut job I could disagree with your idiotic comments just as easily. The right hasn't made an issue of his race, the left has. Don't try to flip it around, you aren't clever enough and can't pull it off.
It should tell you something that in a thread about Ben Carson, with almost 700 posts, there is virtually NOTHING from conservatives about Carson himself -

but instead just an excruciatingly boring repetition of charges that liberals are racist if they don't agree with him.

My question is, if Carson were a WHITE rightwing nut job, THEN could I disagree with him without you simpletons trying to make it all about bigotry?


Everything that can be said about Ben was already said. He's not running for political office. He schooled Obama. He's got dumb ass ideas about how to socialize medicine.

I could care less about him running for office or not.

You are a racist Joe. You are the one always saying "those people", not me.
My family led the charge for integration and my Quaker ancestors fought slavery in America since the 1680s.
Nice dodge and slant Joe. Good to see you admit you have no facts to offer.
Just hot air.

BTW, what is the name of the woman you photoshopped in above?

That wasn't the point, was it?

She could be a model. (I almost posted a picture of JLo in "Maid in Manhattan"). I used her as an emblem for all the working people who do the thankless jobs that keep things running. People you would deny a living wage.

Of course, you went to the Bubba Redneck assumptions that she was 1) Having kids out of wedlock, 2) gaming the system and 3) an illegal alien.

The kind of way that the GOP has gotten very good at getting working class whites to vote against their own economic interests.

Talking about 'those people', who are usually in the same boat they are.

Joe - Tell the truth , come out of the closet - What are you Aryan Nation, skinhead , neo-nazi ? You seem to be one nasty little race-baiting queer.
I think Jackson and Sharpton are cheap race pimps.

The problem is, of course, when you have stuff like the Trayvon Martin case going on, they have pretty fertile ground to grow.

Incidentally, I ALSO think Clarence Thomas got a bad deal on the whole Anita Hill thing. There were just too many holes in Hill's story that didn't pass the smell test. (Such as, if Thomas was such an awful boss, why did she follow him from Dept. or Ed to EEOC?)

As for Herman Cain. The minute he was accused, he dropped out of the race. And even more telling, his wife was nowhere to be seen when these charges were made. Yeah, she knew what was up.

Good post Joe, I always seem to get you back to reality.
What did Cain do that Clinton did not do 100 times more?
Where was Hilary?

I didn't see an impeachment trial for Cain. Just some awkward questions

Clinton was not impeached because of a blow job.
He lied under oath numerous times about many things in depositions.
And many women came forward accusing him of sexual harassment and such before he was President.
They lynched Cain before he had a chance.

Good post Joe, I always seem to get you back to reality.
What did Cain do that Clinton did not do 100 times more?
Where was Hilary?

um, no, I've been pretty consistant on my positions.

I kind of think Clinton is a creep in his personal life. But most of those women were willing.

Also, no one did a 70 million dollar panty-sniffing raid on Herman's personal life.

Now, back in the 1990's, before my last boss showed me the True Meaning of Christmas by cutting out my legs from underneath me when I got sick, I used to be one of these people who was horribly upset about Clinton lying and abusing pooooor Paula Jones (who was so traumatized she took off her clothes for Penthouse.)

Now i realize we had it pretty good under Clinton. We had low unemployment and good wages and peace and prosperity and were posting budget surpluses. And if I was in a job I didn't like, I could send out a resume and get a better one really easily.

The problem with the GOP is that it repeats that horseshit about the "producers in society", when in fact the producers are the guys like me who go to thankless jobs every day while other people collect the benefits.

Frankly, I'd love to see a day when we replace welfare with workfare. But frankly, the closest we got to that in my lifetime was under Clinton, and they impeached the bastard for it.

Uh, yes they did.
News outlets paid out the ass for private investigators to the tune of over a million bucks just on the National Restaurant Association time.
And a pant load more.
Democrats are always the best clients for undercover slime work. Why? Nervous because they know their shit is worse.
I usually do not subscribe to the terms "Liberal" or Conservative" as used by the Right. That being said, there is no avoiding their misuse of either term.

People can be Liberal on several issues and simultaneously Conservative on several others regardless of political party affiliation. Your use of the terms implies a rock solid commitments to an ideology or philosophy with little or no flexibility in opinion. You and I both know that is not the case. Otherwise, one party would stay in power forever!

The Right Wing White male consortium uses the term "liberal" pejoratively, mainly against White males seen to be progressive. From that perspective, your use of the term "liberal" equates to "Uncle tom."

I agree somewhat.
I am a fiscal conservative.
I support gay rights, believe in climate change, oppose government picking and choosing who gets an abortion and who doesn't, oppose the wars, oppose the stupid war on drugs and support indigent defense programs for the accused.
Many label me a liberal, many label me a T Partier.
I am neither, I think for myself.
But if we do not get the victim mentality and class warfare against the producers in check and end it this country is doomed.
The takers are out numbering us producers. That has to end and it is the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL, not government, to stop it.

It appears that you are indeed an average American voter who, like me, has no real allegiance to any Party or ideological dogma. That is refreshing. While our choices are limited in a system dominated by two political parties, I do my research on all candidates for public office and, come voting time, I am able to cast my educated vote for any I deem the lesser of two evils.

I do not agree with your allusion to a "victim mentality" and "class warfare" against the producers. Right Wing pundits such as Limbaugh and Hannity started that unsubstantiated BS; the target audience being "middle of the road" voters such as your self in an attempt to convert you to their cause.

Obama started it with the "millionaires and billionaires" nonsense and "everyone needs to pay their fair share" pandering.
And the left keeps repeating it along with the anti corporation crap.
Along with the "you did not build that".
Obama started it all.
It should tell you something that in a thread about Ben Carson, with almost 700 posts, there is virtually NOTHING from conservatives about Carson himself -

but instead just an excruciatingly boring repetition of charges that liberals are racist if they don't agree with him.

My question is, if Carson were a WHITE rightwing nut job, THEN could I disagree with him without you simpletons trying to make it all about bigotry?

You calling anybody else a simpleton is the height of irony. If you were a black leftwing nut job I could disagree with your idiotic comments just as easily. The right hasn't made an issue of his race, the left has. Don't try to flip it around, you aren't clever enough and can't pull it off.

Sorry asshole but Carson's race is ALL the rightwingers are talking about in this thread.
It should tell you something that in a thread about Ben Carson, with almost 700 posts, there is virtually NOTHING from conservatives about Carson himself -

but instead just an excruciatingly boring repetition of charges that liberals are racist if they don't agree with him.

My question is, if Carson were a WHITE rightwing nut job, THEN could I disagree with him without you simpletons trying to make it all about bigotry?

You calling anybody else a simpleton is the height of irony. If you were a black leftwing nut job I could disagree with your idiotic comments just as easily. The right hasn't made an issue of his race, the left has. Don't try to flip it around, you aren't clever enough and can't pull it off.

Sorry asshole but Carson's race is ALL the rightwingers are talking about in this thread.

that's because the losers love tokens who toe the rightwing line.
that's because the losers love tokens who toe the rightwing line.

Oooh, "token" is a good one, too.

That goes well with "Uncle Tom" and "sellout" and "Stepenfetchit", all used on this thread.

I said earlier in the thread that it would be interesting for him to get the nomination just to see this type of racial name-calling from the Left, and lefties here were denying it would happen. No way, they said.

Too easy.


I think it would be wonderful for Carson to get the GOP nomination. It would prove to me that the Republicans will not tolerate racism in their party.

Let's see what happens.
that's because the losers love tokens who toe the rightwing line.

Oooh, "token" is a good one, too.

That goes well with "Uncle Tom" and "sellout" and "Stepenfetchit", all used on this thread.

I said earlier in the thread that it would be interesting for him to get the nomination just to see this type of racial name-calling from the Left, and lefties here were denying it would happen. No way, they said.

Too easy.



you can roll your eyes as much as you like. sorry you don't approve of the word. I tend to call things what they are. I can assure you "uncle tom" is not a phrase I use, but thanks. perhaps you should confine yourself to what I actually say and not go off in fantasy land.

calling him a token isn't "racial name-calling" it's a reflection on why rightwing extremists like people like him.

now please tell me Clarence Thomas was qualified to take Thurgood Marshal's spot on the supreme court so I can laugh at you.
that's because the losers love tokens who toe the rightwing line.

Oooh, "token" is a good one, too.

That goes well with "Uncle Tom" and "sellout" and "Stepenfetchit", all used on this thread.

I said earlier in the thread that it would be interesting for him to get the nomination just to see this type of racial name-calling from the Left, and lefties here were denying it would happen. No way, they said.

Too easy.



you can roll your eyes as much as you like. sorry you don't approve of the word. I tend to call things what they are. I can assure you "uncle tom" is not a phrase I use, but thanks. perhaps you should confine yourself to what I actually say and not go off in fantasy land.

calling him a token isn't "racial name-calling" it's a reflection on why rightwing extremists like people like him.

now please tell me Clarence Thomas was qualified to take Thurgood Marshal's spot on the supreme court so I can laugh at you.

Why in the world would I care about Thomas and Marshal? They have nothing to do with this thread.

And I didn't say that you used Uncle Tom, I clearly said it was used earlier in the thread. Defensive much?

It's just amusing to proven right by people who are so dependent on denial.

My original question assumed that you folks would do this, and I wonder if this name-calling would turn off many blacks and independents. Just curious, I don't know. Of course, I haven't been able to get any straight answers on that one.

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Yep, and His name is Jesus Christ.
Yeah, I'm sure Jesus is really pleased with your head being up the ass of a man who fought to deny first aid to babies who survived partial birth abortions.

My messiah is still Jesus Christ! I am not an abortion advocate but I see Pro Choice as an extension of Free Will. I may not agree with the choice one makes on the matter of abortion, but I feel it is God's place, not mine, to judge them for it. He will judge those who kill people of ANY age and who kill for ANY reason! THY SHALL NOT KILL!
Wow, talk about rationalization!

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