Ben Carson Proves Once Again That He is Nuttier Than A Fruit Cake

Still a deflection, no matter what side anyone is on... Who pays the ultimate price for an abortion??

Clue: certainly not the ones living after it is all said and done...

Exactly that's exactly why I asked the question. Why is a murderer given a pass?

Somehow I doubt you were asking this when Clinton was being questioned about benghazi

She won. Get over it.
She was under oath, don't count on it...

She's smarter than any Republican in congress as evident.
That's not say'n much.
...and she's a loopy kunt
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Ben Carson embarrassed himself, and there are no excuses for his comments. Stop making them.

Except he didn't embarrass himself. He made a completely valid point that you have yet to even attempt to address. You've just been complaining about why 12 year olds should have abortions. Which begs lots of questions on why you are thinking about pregnant 12 year olds.

He did embarrass himself or you didn't pay attention to his words. 12 year old children should not be bearing children they should BE children.

If I felt as you, I would find Carson's house and get some of my fellow KKK members together and go burn a cross in in front yard. You're a Grand Dragon or something like that, aren't you?

So if one believes children should be allowed to be children, that is "racist"?

The only mentions of race in this thread have been made by very racist RWs. How do you account for that?

Well dingbat, it's because the OP is a racist bigot.

I think its you who is the racist bigot.
Being a holy roller is a choice.

Very GOOD Gilligan... Recognizing, respecting, defending and adhering to the laws of God, IS a choice. Just as rejecting those laws, is a choice.

Whose god? Which god? God according to who?

See, that's the problem with religion: its so inescapable subjective as its overwhelmingly interpretative. It changes over time, it changes between peoples and languages, it changes between cultures.

Trying to base an objective moral system on such a subjective, moving target is historically problematic.

Of course, one benefits from respecting God's law, one suffers the consequences of rejecting them... and THERE IS NO CHOICE OFFERED IN THAT!

Its between the individual and god, then. You don't play any role in it.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion
Racist much?

I called Ben Carson nuttier than a fruitcake. I don't think that is a racist statement, you do. Perhaps you can enlighten me how you came to that conclusion.
I called Obama a rotten human being & got called a racist for it.
If you dumbfucks are gonna dish it don't whine like little bitches when you receive it

You poor guy. The difference is that you are a racist.....we all know it. Just yesterday you said of the NBA..."negro basketball thanks".

You, like many American bigots, want everyone to be racist just like you and you think that others necessarily think the way that you do.

If a person who isn't racist calls Obama a rotten human being, he or she will not be called a racist. Get it?

That is pure b.s. there is thread after thread over the last eight years showing that to be a complete an utter lie. Do you know how many times I've stated a policy disagreement with Obama and been called a racist.

No honest person can take your claim seriously.

Nope. I've stated policy differences with him many times and never been called a racist. It must be something else in your case. Maybe a little self examination would help you?
I get accused here all the time without consequence to the accuser.

I don't complain. I wasn't drafted to post here.

Your both Homosexuals and the mental disorder that results in the obsession to seek sexual gratification from those of the same gender, is the same one that results in the obsession to seek children for sexual gratification.

A sexual deviant is a sexual deviant, is a degenerate..

There are very interesting studies that claim that homophobes are actually closeted gays.
Since being gay is a choice, what's your piont??

Being a holy roller is a choice.
Where in DNA is the "gay" strand??

Where in your DNA is the holy roller strand.
Says the man who started a thread with no substantive attempt to show why Ben Carson's analogy was wrong, but simply insulted him.

Stop being such a hypocrite.

Ben Carson embarrassed himself, and there are no excuses for his comments. Stop making them.

Except he didn't embarrass himself. He made a completely valid point that you have yet to even attempt to address. You've just been complaining about why 12 year olds should have abortions. Which begs lots of questions on why you are thinking about pregnant 12 year olds.

He did embarrass himself or you didn't pay attention to his words. 12 year old children should not be bearing children they should BE children.

If I felt as you, I would find Carson's house and get some of my fellow KKK members together and go burn a cross in in front yard. You're a Grand Dragon or something like that, aren't you?

So if one believes children should be allowed to be children, that is "racist"?

The only mentions of race in this thread have been made by very racist RWs. How do you account for that?
Better take that up with Muslims... No boy or girl too young to own and rape.
Except he didn't embarrass himself. He made a completely valid point that you have yet to even attempt to address. You've just been complaining about why 12 year olds should have abortions. Which begs lots of questions on why you are thinking about pregnant 12 year olds.

He did embarrass himself or you didn't pay attention to his words. 12 year old children should not be bearing children they should BE children.

If I felt as you, I would find Carson's house and get some of my fellow KKK members together and go burn a cross in in front yard. You're a Grand Dragon or something like that, aren't you?

So if one believes children should be allowed to be children, that is "racist"?

The only mentions of race in this thread have been made by very racist RWs. How do you account for that?

Well dingbat, it's because the OP is a racist bigot.

I think its you who is the racist bigot.

It's not my thread. I haven't said one single word against Dr. Carson.
Stunning ignorance by the good doctor once again. He can't let go of the slavery reference using it here and before as a reference to Obamacare and gives no quarter to those damaged by rape and incest after referring women to doctors who perform abortions and as a trustee of a foundation that donated thousand to Planned Parenthood. I hope someone can refer him to a good brain surgeon, he obviously needs one.

Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-insurgent presidential contender, compared abortion to slavery on Sunday, adding that he does not support exceptions for rape and incest when it comes to outlawing the practice.

"Think about this," he told "Meet the Press." "During slavery -- and I know that's one of those words you're not supposed to say, but I'm saying it -- during slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. Anything that they chose to do. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, 'I don't believe in slavery. I think it's wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do'? Where would we be?"

Rising in the polls in Iowa -- with its deeply evangelical Republican caucus goers -- Carson called for overturning the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision and only conceded that "there's room to discuss" an exception if the health of the mother was at stake. Below is the relevant transcript, pasted in full because his answers were often hard to tease out. . .

Ben Carson Once Again Compares Something To Slavery, This Time Abortion

The narcotized populace wants to vote for an "outsider" so long as he/she promises to support the gargantuan welfare/warfare police state. In other words the status quo.

Your both Homosexuals and the mental disorder that results in the obsession to seek sexual gratification from those of the same gender, is the same one that results in the obsession to seek children for sexual gratification.

A sexual deviant is a sexual deviant, is a degenerate..

There are very interesting studies that claim that homophobes are actually closeted gays.
Since being gay is a choice, what's your piont??

Being a holy roller is a choice.
Where in DNA is the "gay" strand??

Where in your DNA is the holy roller strand.
Natural selection... Duh!
Then there is no genetic component to heterosexuality.

There literally is... as the human being is specifically designed with two distinct, but complementing Genders, each specifically designed to join with the other.

The human race depends upon heterosexuality for its very existence. Which simply means Gilligan: No Heterosexuality... No humanity.

Thus the heterosexual is superior to the sexual deviant... supreme ABOVE the sexual deviant. Meaning that the heterosexual life stands ABOVE the life of the sexual deviant.

See how that works?
No substance to bring up other than insults. Typical

Says the man who started a thread with no substantive attempt to show why Ben Carson's analogy was wrong, but simply insulted him.

Stop being such a hypocrite.

Ben Carson embarrassed himself, and there are no excuses for his comments. Stop making them.

Except he didn't embarrass himself. He made a completely valid point that you have yet to even attempt to address. You've just been complaining about why 12 year olds should have abortions. Which begs lots of questions on why you are thinking about pregnant 12 year olds.

He did embarrass himself or you didn't pay attention to his words. 12 year old children should not be bearing children they should BE children.
Not if they're Muslim...
They are property

Are you saying that nutter Carson is a Muslim?
So abortion cannot be murder since the fetus cannot be considered a person.

Wow... talk about unbridled idiocy.

The issue is not 'personhood', as that is a long ago discredited red herring that came out of early Harvard feminism...

The issue is HUMANITY... and the word 'fetus' literally means:
an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.

Again Reader... do you see how easy this is?

Ok, so go argue with the other poster. He doesn't think the death penalty should apply to women who have abortions.

Murder is murder... . Not only should the woman be executed for murdering her child in utero... so should the doctor and any other individual who was complicit in such.

This of course, after a trial... which follows the charge, wherein the evidence is weighed and where it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the woman, her doctor and those attributable to the murder, including any nurses, supporting staff, down to and including the secretary and book-keepers, where it can be established that they were aware that they were assisting in the morally unjustified taking of innocent human life.

(Reader, Gilligan feels that charging, trying and executing women for murdering their children would be unpopular... and that where a position is unpopular, it is invalid.

But ya need to understand that sound principle has no correlation to popularity... and of course that Gilligan, is an imbecile and a degenerate.

Understand further that the degenerates NEED YOU TO BE COMPLICIT IN THE DEGENERACY OF ABORTION... as where you concede to one degeneracy, you'll be less likely to take much of a stand when they demand that they should be given the right to pursue your children for sexual gratification. And you can rest assured that THAT is what ALL of this evil shit, is ALL ABOUT. )

But then where would Ben Carson get his fetal tissue if we banned abortion?

Banning will never happen again, too many people profit from it sad to say.

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