Ben Carson refers to himself as a "scientist".

I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

Of course he is a scientist. And one of the best in his field. You're just jealous that you've never mustered an original thought in your life. If anything, he's a bit TOO relaxed and tends to share crap with 300,000,000 people that he probably should keep to himself.

If we had a link to the voices in your head --- what do you think we might hear? :banana:

Would it be something like this OP???

Even though he is one of the best in the field of surgery, he sucks in the potential president field.

I don't know if you have standing to criticize the Republican choices in their "field". Because YOU don't have a field. You have a PRETEND competition that's been pre-ordained. Since leftists HATE competitions and merit and principles and all that other stuff that parties should be about.. Me thinks you ought to fix your own "field" first...

I would never presume to tell the right who they should pick for their candidate. I was only giving my personal opinion. I'm just enjoying the reality show your hopefuls are putting on. What exactly do you know about any competition I might be or have been involved with? As far as my field, I get about 7 1000-1200 lb bales per acre.

The rich variety and the high number of Republican presidential candidates clearly indicates the interest in and love of the country on the Republican side, while the pathetic dearth of credible candidates on the Democratic side shows the fatigue of the losers. These losers would (and probably will, after Hillary is indicted) endorse and support an ass plug, who for years masqueraded as an "Independent", all the while sucking up to and kissing the ass of Democrats.

Joe Biden took the right time to kiss Obama's party good bye.
and many Russian scientists argue that man has very little to do with climate change and that the main driver of climate change is--logically enough--the sun.

FYI: The Sun just called and asked that you keep it out of this silly partisan nonsense, it's got better things to do than get involved in the petty squabbles of carbon based life forms........ :)

Of course, the Sun had nothing to do with melting away all that ice of thousands of years ago. You know, the Ice Age. Must have been all those SUV's and coal powered electric generation stations and all those factories and all those conservatives who don't care about Mother Gaia.
Al Gore referred to himself as a scientist and invented the theory of "man made global warming" just to make a buck from selling non existing energy stock and the idiotic left eats it like paplum. Wouldn't any freaking sane person in the whole freaking world consider that a pediatric neuro brain surgeon can safely be referred to as a real scientist?
Al Gore did not invent global warming theory. That is a lie.

Regardless, glowarm is just a scam.
Of course, the Sun had nothing to do with melting away all that ice of thousands of years ago. You know, the Ice Age. .
Naw, the bastage takes responsibility for that one, it just wants nothing to do with the likes of Al Gore and his Church of Climate Change is Whatever the Fuck We Say It Is...... :D
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?
First of all he is a doctor, that's a scientific field. Second, when he made the pyramid comment he was talking to a religious group of people. And third, it's a biblical refers to Joseph who did build pyramids to store grain and they found grain in the pyramids which they say was part of the burial ritual.
I've actually been inside one of the pyramids of Giza and the argument that pyramids are not hollow isn't true. There is a large room in the center.
the president of Russia recently said man-made global warming is a hoax, and many Russian scientists argue that man has very little to do with climate change and that the main driver of climate change is--logically enough--the sun.
Yeah, Russia, whose economy is totally dependent on oil sales, could not be the slightest bit biased. :cuckoo:
Ben Carson isn't a scientist, he isn't even a surgeon. He left a sponge in someone's brain that he operated on. I'd guess today if asked for a show of hands who would want this creepy freak to put a Band-Aid on a cut the number of hands would be limited to the bugwits posting here that support him.

He's finished. His creepiness, lying, and insane 'proclamations' and rhetoric are quickly revealing him for what he is.

An also ran who has been doing his best to hide who he is.
Al Gore also invented the internet.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.
The way Ben Carson would put it in his autobiography if he went to prison is "I was offered a scholarship to Sing-Sing. I had an audience with a leading and noted member of the Legal Community to wit a Judge, who invited me to a visit...perhaps a bit more...."
Al Gore referred to himself as a scientist and invented the theory of "man made global warming" just to make a buck from selling non existing energy stock and the idiotic left eats it like paplum. Wouldn't any freaking sane person in the whole freaking world consider that a pediatric neuro brain surgeon can safely be referred to as a real scientist?
Al Gore did not invent global warming theory. That is a lie.
I guess the Nobel Prize was a mistake then.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

1. He never claims that that is his research.
2. Doctors often do the same work as scientists. Do you not realize that medical science is advanced by doctors?
3. Climate change is a scam. Any true scientist agrees.
4. You are dumber than a box of hair.
Al Gore also invented the internet.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

Congratulations for plucking one sentence out of my post, while ignoring the rest.

Does that mean that you approve of Al Gore's lavish life style, ultimately at your expense?
Does that mean that you are a bad a hypocrite as he is?
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.,net.txt
Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role.
He said: "During my service in the United States Congress I took the
initiative in creating the Internet."
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

Of course he is a scientist. And one of the best in his field. You're just jealous that you've never mustered an original thought in your life. If anything, he's a bit TOO relaxed and tends to share crap with 300,000,000 people that he probably should keep to himself.

If we had a link to the voices in your head --- what do you think we might hear? :banana:

Would it be something like this OP???

Even though he is one of the best in the field of surgery, he sucks in the potential president field.

I don't know if you have standing to criticize the Republican choices in their "field". Because YOU don't have a field. You have a PRETEND competition that's been pre-ordained. Since leftists HATE competitions and merit and principles and all that other stuff that parties should be about.. Me thinks you ought to fix your own "field" first...

I would never presume to tell the right who they should pick for their candidate. I was only giving my personal opinion. I'm just enjoying the reality show your hopefuls are putting on. What exactly do you know about any competition I might be or have been involved with? As far as my field, I get about 7 1000-1200 lb bales per acre.

The rich variety and the high number of Republican presidential candidates clearly indicates the interest in and love of the country on the Republican side, while the pathetic dearth of credible candidates on the Democratic side shows the fatigue of the losers. These losers would (and probably will, after Hillary is indicted) endorse and support an ass plug, who for years masqueraded as an "Independent", all the while sucking up to and kissing the ass of Democrats.

Joe Biden took the right time to kiss Obama's party good bye.

No.The large number of Republicans indicates the low bar their party has set.
Al Gore referred to himself as a scientist and invented the theory of "man made global warming" just to make a buck from selling non existing energy stock and the idiotic left eats it like paplum. Wouldn't any freaking sane person in the whole freaking world consider that a pediatric neuro brain surgeon can safely be referred to as a real scientist?
Al Gore did not invent global warming theory. That is a lie.
Just as he invented the internet, he also invented global warming...
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

Of course he is a scientist. And one of the best in his field. You're just jealous that you've never mustered an original thought in your life. If anything, he's a bit TOO relaxed and tends to share crap with 300,000,000 people that he probably should keep to himself.

If we had a link to the voices in your head --- what do you think we might hear? :banana:

Would it be something like this OP???

Even though he is one of the best in the field of surgery, he sucks in the potential president field.

I don't know if you have standing to criticize the Republican choices in their "field". Because YOU don't have a field. You have a PRETEND competition that's been pre-ordained. Since leftists HATE competitions and merit and principles and all that other stuff that parties should be about.. Me thinks you ought to fix your own "field" first...

I would never presume to tell the right who they should pick for their candidate. I was only giving my personal opinion. I'm just enjoying the reality show your hopefuls are putting on. What exactly do you know about any competition I might be or have been involved with? As far as my field, I get about 7 1000-1200 lb bales per acre.
Your giving democrat talking points. Yesterday liberals were outraged over the fake lie politico tried to pull over on Carson. But you have no problem supporting a woman that lies constantly. Can I say hypocrite.

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