Ben Carson's Strange Theory About The Egyptian Pyramids

It's more believable than thinking aliens built them.

Anyway, what is the weird obsession the left has with Carson?
He is black and doesn't have a chance to win the Republican nomination, according to the left, so what are they so worried about?

The left is going to diss any Republican nominee like they did all those years with W Bush comparing him to an ape, but when Obamy was in office, oh, no, that is racism.

I think Carson is very likely incorrect, but as the Pyramids were being built, where is the proof that there was no dual purpose construction to any of it? They had to have at least built temporary storage for all the grain they made they booze with and to feed the workers. Why couldnt some of the pyramids have been constructed around grain storage structures that were dismantled as the pyramid went up?

There are some pretty stupid and unimaginative libtrards, but this takes the cake. No one knows how the pyramids were even constructed. So how can such a generic surmise be considered ridiculous except by moron libtards?
ROFLMNAO! The Coolest thing about this is that it all started with "The Mornin' Joe".

Cretins, pretending that they KNOW the purpose of the Pyramids.

LMNAO~ You can NOT make this crap up!

It's more believable than thinking aliens built them.

Anyway, what is the weird obsession the left has with Carson?
He is black and doesn't have a chance to win the Republican nomination, according to the left, so what are they so worried about?
The Democrats still think they own black people.

Could you imagine if he was DemonCrat? Brain surgeon, all black, Single mother. They would be behind ANY theory the guy came up with. They don't have one ounce of integrity.

It's more believable than thinking aliens built them.

Anyway, what is the weird obsession the left has with Carson?
He is black and doesn't have a chance to win the Republican nomination, according to the left, so what are they so worried about?
The Democrats still think they own black people.

Could you imagine if he was DemonCrat? Brain surgeon, all black, Single mother. They would be behind ANY theory the guy came up with. They don't have one ounce of integrity.

Remember, back during the Clinton regime, when the one of the members of the Congressional Dark Caramel Caucus, declared that Ancient Egyptian Blacks were the first people to fly?

CNN did two weeks 'informing' the Intellectually Less Fortunate of how likely it was... .

It's more believable than thinking aliens built them.

Anyway, what is the weird obsession the left has with Carson?
He is black and doesn't have a chance to win the Republican nomination, according to the left, so what are they so worried about?
The Democrats still think they own black people.

Could you imagine if he was DemonCrat? Brain surgeon, all black, Single mother. They would be behind ANY theory the guy came up with. They don't have one ounce of integrity.

Imagine being the key word.

Now... in the following Video, we see the Democrat Constituency, wherein College Students of the Democrat Variety, are polled on one of the most important issues of the day.
Understand that THESE kids are center stage in the Mornin' Joe wheelhouse:

It would be cool to go back in Obama's history and pick his brain.......but we can't seem to find a whole lot about him or than the fact that he really wanted to raise the cost of energy for American consumers.

Now, why in the hell would he want to do that?

Every candidate's life is an open book......except Obama's for some strange reason. Most of his life was discovered after he was elected. We seem to be learning a bunch of shit that can't be verified about everyone else.....but Obama's life is practically a secret. And when you asked any of his spokespeople about his accomplishments.....they couldn't come up with one. What leadership positions did he hold? Nobody knew. Eventually they just said he was a community-organizer.....better known as a community-troublemaker.

So if the story about Carson thinking the Pyramids were created to store grain is true......considering the compulsive liar we've been dealing with the last 7 plus years, so the fuck what!!!
I think the great pyramid in particular may have had some scientific/ technological purpose which has since been lost to history.
so, do you know if the pyramids held grain or not? Where did they hold it then?
I would say it's highly unlikely. It's not like these things have giant accessible doors to accommodate shipping and recieving for large quantities of grain.
why would they need giant accessible doors? They had slaves and the slaves did everything.
Your scenario is unrealistic.
explain? how do you think they were built? Caterpillar wasn't around back then
Like this...

Heres a more in depth look at it...

I think the great pyramid in particular may have had some scientific/ technological purpose which has since been lost to history.

Yep, I am pretty sure it had astrological applications and alignments that served them for forecasting planting times, etc.

Damn, girl, you got one right! :D

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