Ben Carson's Strange Theory About The Egyptian Pyramids

My understanding was that Egyptian kings had stored in their tombs everything they needed in the afterlife.....even food...or grain.
Uncle Ferd says blacks'll believe anything...

Experts Dismiss Carson's Belief That Pyramids Stored Grain
November 06, 2015 — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is standing by his belief that Egypt's great pyramids were built by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain, an assertion dismissed by experts who say it's accepted science that they were tombs for pharaohs.
Video posted online Wednesday by Buzzfeed News shows Carson explaining his theory 17 years ago at a Michigan college affiliated with his Seventh-day Adventist Church. In the video, Carson says: "My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids in order to store grain." He was referring to the Old Testament story of Joseph predicting famine and advising the pharaoh to store surplus food. Carson said that's more likely than the accepted archaeological conclusion that the massive structures were built as tombs for pharaohs. At a book signing Thursday in Florida, Carson stood by his statement. "Some people believe in the Bible like I do and don't find that to be silly at all, and believe that God created the Earth and don't find that to be silly at all,"


Tourists ride camels at the historical site of the Giza Pyramids in Giza, near Cairo, Egypt. Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says it’s still his belief the great pyramids Egypt were built by the Biblical figure Joseph to store grain, and not as tombs for pharaohs.​

Carson said. "The secular progressives try to ridicule it every time it comes up and they're welcome to do that." Calling the grain theory his "personal belief," Carson said, "I happen to believe a lot of things that you might not believe because I believe in the Bible." Neither Carson's church nor any other major Jewish or Christian sect shares his belief about the pyramids' origins. Jodi Magness, a specialist in biblical archaeology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, said she knows of no scholar or archaeologist who questions that the pyramids were used as royal tombs. "This is not an academic topic of debate," Magness said in an email. "The use of the pyramids as tombs is verified by both written [literary] sources and archaeological evidence."

The pyramids were built with narrow, secret passages intended to foil grave-robbers, making the structures unsuitable for grain storage, Magness said. And the design of the pyramids, with associated temples, "reflects the ancient Egyptian concept of the cosmos, according to which the king or pharaoh was at the center of a unified kingdom, serving as a god, a political ruler and a divine mediator." Daniel Weber, a spokesman for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, said Carson's belief about the pyramids are "his own interpretation." "Of course, we believe in the biblical account of Joseph and the famine," Weber said. "But I've never heard the idea that pyramids were storehouses of grain."

There is something wrong with Carsons brain. Maybe he should operate on himself cuz this guy is a nutbar.
really, oh really. Come now friend you can't really be that naive.

He can be and even if not, he will assume any position he finds convenient to simply deny what you assert. There is no loss in his view if he leads someone to an idiotic perspective. IT is all polemic and rhetoric, and he could not care less about the consequences of the bullshit he espouses. That is why I have Skylar on ignore. He had me going for a while, but I finally figured his bullshit out.

What is still perplexing is why atheist retards engage in this so often, and I suspect it is just to keep people from coming to a resolution about anything, to get people used to being unable to get a definitive answer to any question at all other than their Marxist bullshit.

It should be obvious to any reasonable person that though the pyramids are mostly solid today, it does not mean that they were mostly solid during construction, and that during the process of building them that some grains might not have been stored in voids as they built it, then filled in later. The pyramids are mostly formed from limestone and could have been simply poured cement, a process that was known long before the pyramids were built.

Egyptian pyramid construction techniques - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The pyramids all have internal chambers and voids from place to place, some never finished. It is a logical absurdity to say that we know that there cannot have been other voids during construction that were used to store grain, house workers and act as armories then later filled in by simply pouring in cement.
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Uncle Ferd says blacks'll believe anything...

Experts Dismiss Carson's Belief That Pyramids Stored Grain
November 06, 2015 — Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is standing by his belief that Egypt's great pyramids were built by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain, an assertion dismissed by experts who say it's accepted science that they were tombs for pharaohs.

Why do you accept an unproven dichotomy? there is no evidence that the pyramids did not have some other purpose prior to the death of the pharaoh they were being built for.
There is something wrong with Carsons brain. Maybe he should operate on himself cuz this guy is a nutbar.
So now you are an expert psychiatrist and can diagnose Carson over internet links?

Lol, the real nutbar is obvious here, and it isnt a world renowned surgeon.

Carson beating Hillary in the polls is what is unleashing the Democrat dogs on his reputation. Libtards will go out of their way to castigate this intelligent free thinking man, with nonsense such as this. You have no way of proving that the sole purpose of the Pyramids was to house tombs. And you are either an idiot or a liar to insist it is so.
here's a picture of what an inside of one of those gigantic structures looked like;


And thaty does not even consider voids that could have existed during construction that got filled in as the work progressed. While there were some obviously carved granite blocks, the fact is the pyramids were mostly limestone and could have been made using cement, and probably were. Voids used to store grain could have easily been filled in as work progressed.
Conservatives think Ben Carson's brain-dead comments on the Pyramids being grain storage as great thought but dismiss Stephen Hawking as an idiot.

You can't make this shite up. This is mass delusion.
Conservatives think Ben Carson's brain-dead comments on the Pyramids being grain storage as great thought but dismiss Stephen Hawking as an idiot.

You can't make this shite up. This is mass delusion.

That you think all conservatives think Hawkings is an idiot demonstrates that YOU are the idiot, fucktard.
Conservatives think Ben Carson's brain-dead comments on the Pyramids being grain storage as great thought but dismiss Stephen Hawking as an idiot.

You can't make this shite up. This is mass delusion.

That you think all conservatives think Hawkings is an idiot demonstrates that YOU are the idiot, fucktard.
Coming from someone who bows and prays to statues and eats a cracker that he thinks turns into a god leaves no room for you to call others idiot
Coming from someone who bows and prays to statues and eats a cracker that he thinks turns into a god leaves no room for you to call others idiot

Oh, damnit, someone left the gate to the monkey house unlatched again, shit.

Lol, retard Guano, I dont pray to statues, I dont place religious significance to crackers and you are an idiot for even thinking in such ignorant terms.
So is his notion a Bible thing or a Seventh Day Adventist thing?

I'm afraid I'm not really up on either.
If you were doing work on why empires collapse with almost total certainty, like the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Spanish, British, Chinese etc etc, then you'd only need to look at a thread like this to see why.

The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.


The inside of a pyramid. If you were going to store grain, you wouldn't store grain like this. Total lunacy.

The largest pyramids echo the skies too. There are various theories, Orion correlation theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the Orion correlation theory suggests that the three main pyramids were Orion's belt, potentially the Nile was the Milky Way.

Why do all of that for grain?

Well, a little bit of research and you'd realise it has nothing to do with grain. Did they find lots of grain inside? No.... so....?
So is his notion a Bible thing or a Seventh Day Adventist thing?

I'm afraid I'm not really up on either.
It is neither. It is Carson just thinking freely. I doubt he would say he has any real certitude on the thing at all.

It used to be common for Americans to come up with their own ideas about things and speculate, but they are taught not to do that now days, unless it is with close establishment supervision.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.
Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.

Do you understand the concept of 'speculation'? What grain would you expect to find if the Egyptians removed it as the work climbed higher and then back filled with cement?

Yes, I think you are stupid.
You have to give kudos of a sort to those loyal enough to Carson to attempt a defence of this nonsensical idea. The shear volume and expense of the pyramids in ratio to the volume available for grain storage makes this one of the craziest pyramid theories I've ever heard, and I've watched a lot of youtube videos on alien technology in their construction etc.
I've been working on a theory of my own - how a brilliant, nay, genius neurosurgeon one of the top twenty in the world I've heard, a technical master with magical hands manipulating brain tissue with life or death hinging on every millimeter movement of those super-finely controlled fingers, how this medical wunderkind can be so far out in la la land in just about every other aspect of human thought. I haven't gotten very far but it looks like it's going to be some variation or modification of the idiot-savant phenomenon. I'll let you know when I get a little further along in my dissection of his aberrant and just plain weird thought processes. It's a daunting task, not so different than separating the brains of congenital twins joined at the head.

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