Ben Carson's Strange Theory About The Egyptian Pyramids

The only one making bs claims here is you
Aside from your moronic BS claim you just made that reduces your statement to a self negating idiocy, if I am making BS claims here, what are they and what makes them BS?

You cant answer that question because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
The only one making bs claims here is you
Aside from your moronic BS claim you just made that reduces your statement to a self negating idiocy, if I am making BS claims here, what are they and what makes them BS?

You cant answer that question because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

When are you gonna quit blowing all that shit outa your pie hole you nasty little fuck?
Jimmy you are a special aren't you. You have experience riding short yellow buses, getting a gold star on your test, at age 18.

Conservatism attracts the low IQ sector of the population precisely because they believe in 'magic' and 'conspiracy theories'. Unreality.

Run along now, you are embarrassing yourself.

Lol, so you can prove that the pyramids were never dual use structures? Then prove it or shut the hell up, fagot.

Carson never claims they were dual use. He says that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain.

Um....who builds a granary that only has 1/10th of 1/% of its total volume available for storage?

Again, conservative's willingness to polish this brain dead turd of an argument is stunning. There's nothing backing Carson's narrative. But if he says'll back it!

No questions. No thought. And certainly no evidence.

It would be comedy gold if they were not serious. Instead, you have to pity the clowns. Jackson still thinks Trump is self-funding even though his website openly solicits donations.
If you were doing work on why empires collapse with almost total certainty, like the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Spanish, British, Chinese etc etc, then you'd only need to look at a thread like this to see why.

The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.


The inside of a pyramid. If you were going to store grain, you wouldn't store grain like this. Total lunacy.

The largest pyramids echo the skies too. There are various theories, Orion correlation theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the Orion correlation theory suggests that the three main pyramids were Orion's belt, potentially the Nile was the Milky Way.

Why do all of that for grain?

Well, a little bit of research and you'd realise it has nothing to do with grain. Did they find lots of grain inside? No.... so....?

the grain was shipped to syria before it could be seized as evidence.
Was Carson on that Ancient Aliens show with the hair guy? They have a lot of theories about the pyramids.
LOL- oh you thought I was only referring to his thoughts on THIS? I was actually saying that he's an overall certifiable whackadoodle.
You can't say such things about African Americans. I'm afraid you have been exposed as a racist.
"My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain," Carson said, referring to the Old Testament. "Now all the archeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, [something to store that grain] would have to be something awfully big, if you stop and think about it."

Again, Carson's ignorance and stupidity clearly know no bounds.
How many conjoined twins have you separated, C_Clayton_Jones ?
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.
why would they need giant accessible doors? They had slaves and the slaves did everything.

Why would they need so many in one area if they were tombs only, there was only one Pharaoh at a time.

And they only built one at a time.

Okay to address this issue. The Myth of Joseph in Genesis is exactly that, a myth. But if it DID happen, it would have happened during the Egyptian New Kingdom. (1520-1077 BCE).

That is if you accept that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was Ramses II, (Reigned 1279–1213) and you accept that Joseph was only a few hundred years before Moses as it says in Exodus Chapter 1, then Joseph was there some time during the New Kingdom.

The Pyramids were built during the OLD Kingdom (2686–2181). By the New Kingdom, the Egyptians were not burying their dead in big piles of rock that anyone could find, they were hiding them in elaborate buried tombs that people mostly found anyway. (King Tut was the exception because people had forgotten he was ever King.)

Of course, there is NO evidence that the Hebrews ever lived in Egypt. The whole thing kind of comes off as a story written centuries later to rationalize that Egypt was always bigger better and badder than Israel, even when it was in decline.

But let's forget what hundreds of years of archaeology and history tell us, and accept mythology over history like Uncle Tom is.

THIS is what the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza looks like.


VERY LITTLE of it is places you can store things in. MOST of it is in fact- SOLID ROCK.

Other pyramids had even LESS interior space. This is an image of the "Bent Pyramid", built for the Pharaoh Sneferu.


But the bigger problem I see is that Carson has some pretty whacky religious ideas. The kind that is sort of impervious to science and reason. That should pretty much disqualify him in and of itself. (ON top of the serial lying and lack of any experience.)

Waiting for the Right Wing Cries of "But, but, but, OOOOOBama!!!"
Conservatives think Ben Carson's brain-dead comments on the Pyramids being grain storage as great thought but dismiss Stephen Hawking as an idiot.

You can't make this shite up. This is mass delusion.

Stephen Hawking is an atheist. Ergo...
LOL- oh you thought I was only referring to his thoughts on THIS? I was actually saying that he's an overall certifiable whackadoodle.
You can't say such things about African Americans. I'm afraid you have been exposed as a racist.

Actually saying something racist about A. A. would be racist. Now had I called Benny a magic negro, or shown a meme of him with a bone thru his nose, you might have a point.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.

Proof of what?

Again, what granary in the history of the world only leaves only 1/10 of 1% of its internal volume for storage?
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.

Proof of what?

Again, what granary in the history of the world only leaves only 1/10 of 1% of its internal volume for storage?
that grain was never held in a pyramid fool. Do you have that? dude, I know I ain't got any. So where did you get yours from? See you weren't here as I wasn't. You have no idea over the course of their existence what they were used for. You know how they were left, but used, nope!
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.

Proof of what?

Again, what granary in the history of the world only leaves only 1/10 of 1% of its internal volume for storage?
that grain was never held in a pyramid fool. Do you have that?

There is *nothing* backing that theory. No grain has ever been found. There's no records of the Egyptians using pyramids for grain storage. And the pyramids are 99.9% solid stone.


Why would anyone spend a generation on a grainary....that has almost *no* place to store grain? It makes no sense. This is one of the stupidest turds ever polished by conservatives.
so, do you know if the pyramids held grain or not? Where did they hold it then?

we KNOW the pyrimids were build as tombs.


Honestly, this is why I can't be a conservative. Sometimes people say stupid shit. And as a conservative, I'm expected to shut down huge swaths of my brain and defend the dumbest shit....just because another conservative said it.

And this has to be one of the dumbest, most brain dead pieces of silliness I've ever heard. But conservatives are swarming to defend it. They're defending it in shifts.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.
why would they find grain? It was obviously removed centuries after the needs or more common buildings were built. I don't believe anyone ever stated they were built directly for grain, just that grain might have been held in them. The fact is you have no idea. You just don't.

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