Ben Carson's Strange Theory About The Egyptian Pyramids

Oh, and how do we know that the Egyptians used pyramids to bury their dead? They told us:

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
then why didn't they?

They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".
The Great pyramid has a total volume of 90,000,000 sq.ft. I haven't found the total volume of the interior chambers yet but they look comparatively miniscule compared to the whole. Nobody's accused the Egyptians of being retarded which they would of have to have been to build such giant structures to store a minor amount of grain.


If you have more patience than I it probably wouldn't take long to get an accurate enough volume of the interior chambers volumes by these measurements to blow Carson's theory out of the water. I might give it a try tomorrow.

Dimensions of Interior Chambers
From measurements taken by Petrie and Rutherford

Ascending Passage
Height: 3.94 ft
Length: 97.6 ft
Width: 3.4 ft
Slope: 26°

Descending Passage:
Height: 3.94 ft
Length: 344.3 ft
Width: 3.4 ft
Slope: 26° 30’

Subterranean Chamber:
Length: 46.1 ft
Width: 26.9 ft

Dead End Passage Length: 53.8 ft

Grand Gallery
Height: 28.2 ft.
Width: 3.4 ft
Length: 156.9 ft
Slope: 26°

King’s Chamber
Length: 34.38 ft
Width: 17.19 ft
Height (to floor surface): 17.1 ft
Height (to true base): 19.2 ft

Queen’s Chamber
Passage (first portion)
Height: 3.9 ft
Width: 3.4 ft.
Passage (second protion)
Height: 5.6
Width: 3.4 ft
Length (E to W): 18.9 ft
Width (N to S): 17.19 ft
Height: 15.3 ft
Height to Apex: 20.3
Slope of ceiling: 30° 26’

Angle of “Air Shafts”
Queen’s Chamber
North: 39°
South: 39° 30’
King’s Chamber
North: 32° 28’
South: 45°

Lets figure it out.

The ascending passage is approximately 1400 cubic feet.
The descending passage is about 6300 cubic feet.
The subterranean chamber is 16100 cubic feet (*)
Dead end pasasge is about 750 cubic feet (**)
Grand Gallery is about 15,000 cubic feet.
Kings Chamber is about 11,500 cubic feet
The Relieving chambers are 32,000 cubic feet (***)
Queens Chamber (passages) 2400 cubic feet (****)
Queens chamber: about 5000 cubic feet
Airshafts (x4): about 2700 cubic feet *****

Total: 93, 150 cubic feet. And for any odds and ends we might have missed, lets round up to 100,000 cubic feet for all interior passageways, chambers, airshafts, etc.

With the total volume of the Great Giza pyramid being 90,000,000 cubic feet that means that the interior chambers, passageways, airshafts, galleries, deadends, everything....

....accounted for 0.11% of the internal volume.

What granary in history allocated only 1/10th of 1% of its volume to storage?

* (Measurements of the Great Pyramid puts the maximum height of the subterranean chamber at 3.94 meters or 13 feet.)

** using the width and height of other passages at 4' by 3.5'

*** Reveiling chambers above kings chamber are mostly filled with a series of nested stone rooves.

**** Using length of 125 feet with maximum height for full passage.

***** using longest length of 59 meters (194 ft), and dimensions of 0.7' x 0.7 feet. Four in total, northern and southern for king, another set for queen.
dude, I already posted different photos of the inside of the pyramids. Stay focused.

And again, only one pharaoh was buried in all of the pyramids.

Dude, sorry I missed your post.

Grave robbers were responsible for the disappearance of many mummies.
"Every pyramid discovered in Egypt has been robbed. That's why the discovery of Tutankhamun's rock tomb was so important."

Mummies were also moved to try to defeat the grave robbers;

"One thousand years later, 15 centuries before the birth of Christ, Egyptian priests of the New Kingdom moved the mummies of their rulers from their tombs in the Valley of the Kings to a communal grave in an attempt to outwit the tomb robbers.

Their efforts were to no avail. In the 1870s, a notorious grave-robbing family, the Abdel Rassouls, found the grave in Luxor and began peddling its royal treasures to local antique dealers. With the sudden appearance of spectacular amulets and cartouches on the market, Egyptian authorities realized that an unknown tomb was being plundered and arrested one of the family members."

Try to stay informed.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".
nope, never mentioned the moon, but hey, thanks for playin.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.
why would they find grain? It was obviously removed centuries after the needs or more common buildings were built. I don't believe anyone ever stated they were built directly for grain, just that grain might have been held in them. The fact is you have no idea. You just don't.
every single kernel?
The Great pyramid has a total volume of 90,000,000 sq.ft. I haven't found the total volume of the interior chambers yet but they look comparatively miniscule compared to the whole. Nobody's accused the Egyptians of being retarded which they would of have to have been to build such giant structures to store a minor amount of grain.


If you have more patience than I it probably wouldn't take long to get an accurate enough volume of the interior chambers volumes by these measurements to blow Carson's theory out of the water. I might give it a try tomorrow.

Dimensions of Interior Chambers
From measurements taken by Petrie and Rutherford

Ascending Passage
Height: 3.94 ft
Length: 97.6 ft
Width: 3.4 ft
Slope: 26°

Descending Passage:
Height: 3.94 ft
Length: 344.3 ft
Width: 3.4 ft
Slope: 26° 30’

Subterranean Chamber:
Length: 46.1 ft
Width: 26.9 ft

Dead End Passage Length: 53.8 ft

Grand Gallery
Height: 28.2 ft.
Width: 3.4 ft
Length: 156.9 ft
Slope: 26°

King’s Chamber
Length: 34.38 ft
Width: 17.19 ft
Height (to floor surface): 17.1 ft
Height (to true base): 19.2 ft

Queen’s Chamber
Passage (first portion)
Height: 3.9 ft
Width: 3.4 ft.
Passage (second protion)
Height: 5.6
Width: 3.4 ft
Length (E to W): 18.9 ft
Width (N to S): 17.19 ft
Height: 15.3 ft
Height to Apex: 20.3
Slope of ceiling: 30° 26’

Angle of “Air Shafts”
Queen’s Chamber
North: 39°
South: 39° 30’
King’s Chamber
North: 32° 28’
South: 45°

Lets figure it out.

The ascending passage is approximately 1400 cubic feet.
The descending passage is about 6300 cubic feet.
The subterranean chamber is 16100 cubic feet (*)
Dead end pasasge is about 750 cubic feet (**)
Grand Gallery is about 15,000 cubic feet.
Kings Chamber is about 11,500 cubic feet
The Relieving chambers are 32,000 cubic feet (***)
Queens Chamber (passages) 2400 cubic feet (****)
Queens chamber: about 5000 cubic feet
Airshafts (x4): about 2700 cubic feet *****

Total: 93, 150 cubic feet. And for any odds and ends we might have missed, lets round up to 100,000 cubic feet for all interior passageways, chambers, airshafts, etc.

With the total volume of the Great Giza pyramid being 90,000,000 cubic feet that means that the interior chambers, passageways, airshafts, galleries, deadends, everything....

....accounted for 0.11% of the internal volume.

What granary in history allocated only 1/10th of 1% of its volume to storage?

* (Measurements of the Great Pyramid puts the maximum height of the subterranean chamber at 3.94 meters or 13 feet.)

** using the width and height of other passages at 4' by 3.5'

*** Reveiling chambers above kings chamber are mostly filled with a series of nested stone rooves.

**** Using length of 125 feet with maximum height for full passage.

***** using longest length of 59 meters (194 ft), and dimensions of 0.7' x 0.7 feet. Four in total, northern and southern for king, another set for queen.
dude, I already posted different photos of the inside of the pyramids. Stay focused.

And again, only one pharaoh was buried in all of the pyramids.

Dude, sorry I missed your post.

Grave robbers were responsible for the disappearance of many mummies.
"Every pyramid discovered in Egypt has been robbed. That's why the discovery of Tutankhamun's rock tomb was so important."

Mummies were also moved to try to defeat the grave robbers;

"One thousand years later, 15 centuries before the birth of Christ, Egyptian priests of the New Kingdom moved the mummies of their rulers from their tombs in the Valley of the Kings to a communal grave in an attempt to outwit the tomb robbers.

Their efforts were to no avail. In the 1870s, a notorious grave-robbing family, the Abdel Rassouls, found the grave in Luxor and began peddling its royal treasures to local antique dealers. With the sudden appearance of spectacular amulets and cartouches on the market, Egyptian authorities realized that an unknown tomb was being plundered and arrested one of the family members."

Try to stay informed.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.
why would they find grain? It was obviously removed centuries after the needs or more common buildings were built. I don't believe anyone ever stated they were built directly for grain, just that grain might have been held in them. The fact is you have no idea. You just don't.
every single kernel?
they built a frickn building that lasted thousands of years, you don't think they didn't have good cleaning skills?
Oh, and how do we know that the Egyptians used pyramids to bury their dead? They told us:

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
then why didn't they?

They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".
nope, never mentioned the moon, but hey, thanks for playin.
Before Ben Carson, no one ever mentioned the pyramids being grain silos. Seems easier to dig a hole than move hundreds and hundreds of blocks, each weighing tons into a shape that holds almost nothing.
The Pyramids were for burial, it's clear to anyone who has been inside one, and clear to anyone with half a brain and uses it, that this is the case.

No one is talking about the final purpose of the Pyramids, which is obviously burial.

What Carson was speculating about and that I dont see any reason to dismiss much less declare him an idiot for is the idea that there may have been multiple purposes for the structure as it was being built.

The Pyramids took a long time to build, and typically were started as soon as the pharaoh in question was born. What evidence is there that no dual uses could have been made of them while they were being built? Why couldnt grain storage, weapon storage, tool storage and maintenance, record keeping, housing and other things not also have been done within the Pyramids as they were built? What is so difficult about coming back and filling in with limestone cement as the Pyramid got higher and followed close behind the work?

Good grief, you libtards are so afraid to think for your own damned selves that you reflexively attack anyone that comes up with an original idea that isnt from some duly degreed 'expert'.

Fuck, you people are stupid.

Did they find grain inside the pyramids?

Has anyone who has ever investigated the pyramids ever said they were used for grain?


A grain storage from Ancient Egypt. Why go to so much trouble to use the pyramids, when something so simple could be used?

I mean, you're saying I'm "stupid", then come on, show the evidence. Any evidence. Anything at all would be nice.
why would they find grain? It was obviously removed centuries after the needs or more common buildings were built. I don't believe anyone ever stated they were built directly for grain, just that grain might have been held in them. The fact is you have no idea. You just don't.
every single kernel?
they built a frickn building that lasted thousands of years, you don't think they didn't have good cleaning skills?

They clearly had excellent writing skills. Why no mention ever of anything you've made up?

And of course, if they built the pyramids to store grain....why were they 99.9% solid stone?

That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".

Its the Negative Proof fallacy. The dumbest fallacy of them all. Especially when its contradicted by overwhelming evidence.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".
nope, never mentioned the moon, but hey, thanks for playin.
Before Ben Carson, no one ever mentioned the pyramids being grain silos. Seems easier to dig a hole than move hundreds and hundreds of blocks, each weighing tons into a shape that holds almost nothing.
and? So he brought up a topic interesting for discussion. That happens everyday somewhere. Like Obama care if you like your insurance you can keep it. Not. yeah right.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".

Its the Negative Proof fallacy. The dumbest fallacy of them all. Especially when its contradicted by overwhelming evidence.
negative proof. The fact is you have no positive proof. Let's call a spade a spade friend.
Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".
nope, never mentioned the moon, but hey, thanks for playin.
Before Ben Carson, no one ever mentioned the pyramids being grain silos. Seems easier to dig a hole than move hundreds and hundreds of blocks, each weighing tons into a shape that holds almost nothing.
and? So he brought up a topic interesting for discussion. That happens everyday somewhere. Like Obama care if you like your insurance you can keep it. Not. yeah right.
And his idea is poorly thought through and contradicted by overwhelming evidence. The Ancient Egyptians described why they built the pyramids. They cited their construction as tombs. A use that has been undeniably demonstrated. With the walls inscribed with burial hieroglyphics.

Plus, there's virtually no storage space. With only 0.11% of its internal volume available for storage.

Carson's theory makes no sense. And is backed by jack shit.
That's right. Dozens of pyramids have been explored by archaeologists and only 1 single mummified corpse has ever been found inside.

That's not exactly proof positive that the primary purpose of the pyramids was to serve as tombs.

Save that the rooms were most often decorated with inscriptions about the afterlife and the internment of a particular ruler.

Not something one would expect in a granary. PLus the pyramids were almost entirely stone. Literally 99.89% of it. Which makes the granary story beyond stupid.

Yet surprisingly, conservatives are coming out of the wood work to polish this turd. Which is astonishing.
so again, you have no proof. Funny how your dumb ass spouts off with absolutely no proof. Did I say you have no proof? Here, you have no proof.
This is like insisting the inside of the moon is made from soft and gooey cheese and when someone says that's stupid, you insist, "How can you say that when you have no proof".

Its the Negative Proof fallacy. The dumbest fallacy of them all. Especially when its contradicted by overwhelming evidence.
negative proof. The fact is you have no positive proof. Let's call a spade a spade friend.

I've cited the Egyptians themselves....who described them as monuments and tombs. I've cited undeniable use of such structures as tombs. I've cited the inscriptions, which are burial hieroglyphs. I've cited the utter contradiction of the pyramids being for 'grain storage' when they're 99.9% solid stone.

You've cited.....jack shit. You've got absolutely nothing to back any part of your silly theory. And ignore overwhelming evidence contradicting it.

Why are you polishing this brain-dead turd of an argument?
Oh, and how do we know that the Egyptians used pyramids to bury their dead? They told us:

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
then why didn't they?

They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

sure there was, you just haven't found them.

curious, why were the Giza pyramids built so close to the sea? Seem an odd place to build a tomb especially if you don't want someone invading the contents, eh?

"the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. Hmm by the Nile. Funny stuff." credit the 'history' web page
Oh, and how do we know that the Egyptians used pyramids to bury their dead? They told us:

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
then why didn't they?

They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

sure there was, you just haven't found them.

Show us. Don't tell us.

curious, why were the Giza pyramids built so close to the sea?

Define 'so close'. And what does that have to do with your bizarro 'granary' theory?

Seem an odd place to build a tomb especially if you don't want someone invading the contents, eh?

the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. Hmm by the Nile. Funny stuff.

Sigh...if you have an argument to make, make it. But using your logic, the Statue of Liberty, Golden gate Bridge and Seattle Space needle would all have to be a granaries.

After all....they're 'so close' to the ocean.

then why didn't they?

They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

sure there was, you just haven't found them.

Show us. Don't tell us.

curious, why were the Giza pyramids built so close to the sea?

Define 'so close'. And what does that have to do with your bizarro 'granary' theory?

Seem an odd place to build a tomb especially if you don't want someone invading the contents, eh?

the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. Hmm by the Nile. Funny stuff.

Sigh...if you have an argument to make, make it. But using your logic, the Statue of Liberty, Golden gate Bridge and Seattle Space needle would all have to be a granaries.

After all....they're 'so close' to the ocean.

the point is who puts a tomb near water except for New Orleans?

And when people ship, they keep warehouses near the boats for ease of loading.
They did. Read the translation of the texts where the ancient Egyptians explain why and for whom they built pyramids.

Notice the stark lack of any mention of 'granaries' anywhere. You're litereally pulling that out of your ass, backed by absolutely nothing.

For fuck's sake....the pyramids were 99.9% solid stone. A granary that has virtually NO storage space? That is the stupidest theory I've ever heard.

Why are you polishing this absolute turd of a theory? Because Carson told you to?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

sure there was, you just haven't found them.

Show us. Don't tell us.

curious, why were the Giza pyramids built so close to the sea?

Define 'so close'. And what does that have to do with your bizarro 'granary' theory?

Seem an odd place to build a tomb especially if you don't want someone invading the contents, eh?

the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. Hmm by the Nile. Funny stuff.

Sigh...if you have an argument to make, make it. But using your logic, the Statue of Liberty, Golden gate Bridge and Seattle Space needle would all have to be a granaries.

After all....they're 'so close' to the ocean.

the point is who puts a tomb near water except for New Orleans? do realize that the Giza pyramids are above sea level, right?

And when people ship, they keep warehouses near the boats for ease of loading.

What 'warehouse'. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed' to protect grain. Yet insist all the grain had been taken out of them. And can't explain why a 'granary' would only have 1/10th of 1% of its internal volume available for storage.

Why are you so desperately polishing this turd of an argument?
only one body ever found in a pyramid. Do you think there was but one model pyramid?

With chamber after chamber inscribed in burial hieroglyphs, the Egyptians writing extensively about building and using the pyramids as tombs, and an undeniable demonstration of exactly that use and purpose being demonstrated.

Meanwhile, there is *nothing* to back your claims. No grain, no mention of using the pyramids as granaries anywhere. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed', but can't back the claim. You can't explain why the pyramids only have 1/10th of 1% of their volume available for storage....if they were meant for grain.

sure there was, you just haven't found them.

Show us. Don't tell us.

curious, why were the Giza pyramids built so close to the sea?

Define 'so close'. And what does that have to do with your bizarro 'granary' theory?

Seem an odd place to build a tomb especially if you don't want someone invading the contents, eh?

the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. Hmm by the Nile. Funny stuff.

Sigh...if you have an argument to make, make it. But using your logic, the Statue of Liberty, Golden gate Bridge and Seattle Space needle would all have to be a granaries.

After all....they're 'so close' to the ocean.

the point is who puts a tomb near water except for New Orleans? do realize that the Giza pyramids are above sea level, right?

And when people ship, they keep warehouses near the boats for ease of loading.

What 'warehouse'. You claim the pyramids were 'hermetically sealed' to protect grain. Yet insist all the grain had been taken out of them. And can't explain why a 'granary' would only have 1/10th of 1% of its internal volume available for storage.

Why are you so desperately polishing this turd of an argument?
I'm giving you information, how you use it is totally on you. You take grain off of ships and you store it in hermetically sealed enclosure for future use. Why else be by the river?

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