Ben Rhodes in big trouble

This is the guy running Obama's shadow government...what we have here is an undercover attempted coup.....heads should roll. Did we expect any less from Obama? What a disgusting man he is.
This is the guy running Obama's shadow government...what we have here is an undercover attempted coup.....heads should roll. Did we expect any less from Obama? What a disgusting man he is.
nahhhh, it has a big sign, a really really big sign hanging, it says FAKE NEWS, can't you see it?
This is the guy running Obama's shadow government...what we have here is an undercover attempted coup.....heads should roll. Did we expect any less from Obama? What a disgusting man he is.
Wait just a minute there Slick, what happened to Soros being the boogyman????
You DittoTards just mindlessly parrot any shit your MessiahRushie spoon feeds you.
This goes right to Obama......I hope Trump and Sessions has the guts to expose that failed two term POS....
The Trump Swamp is proof of that!
Man you don't even know...your un scrutinized in the left wing media democrat party fucked themselves with internal corruption unlike this nation has ever seen. They even screwed Bernie, the peoples choice in broad daylight! You need to expand your thinking and news source gathering.
This goes right to Obama......I hope Trump and Sessions has the guts to expose that failed two term POS....

The buzz in legal circuits is it's Grand Jury time. Oh and thanks to Obama the DOJ could look at some of the news outlets getting nailed as well. Just like when Obama's DOJ went after the AP and Rosen.
You Trump whores are so desperate to blame anyone and everyone but the the man himself.
Remember Truman's sign on his desk. " The buck stops here."
Well with Trump, the buck stops over there or down the hall or in the bathroom or..,,
You Trump whores are so desperate to blame anyone and everyone but the the man himself.
Remember Truman's sign on his desk. " The buck stops here."
Well with Trump, the buck stops over there or down the hall or in the bathroom or..,,

Nah. You Hillary whores are so eager for a scandal you grab onto anything you can find. You might want to wait till the investigation is complete before going this hysterical though.

Hell even the NY Slimes ran a big piece with a headline blaming Trump and Flynn for anything and everything.

Only problem was down in that same article they admitted that absolutely no wrongdoing has been discovered.

Go get hysterical in your bathroom. Lot less noise that way. Dumbass.

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