Ben Sasse has an important message for Trump supporters

So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
Just like leftists call anyone who disagrees with them as "Trumpers" or "Trumpkins"....we have become a society of labels.
Calling Democrats Nazis is fair. They're both anti Semitic, they both own the media, they both have militant terrorist groups and they both are closed minded totalitarians. Actually, comparing Democrats to Nazis is pretty accurate.
True the ugliness has extended to all areas of this world throughout history. This isn't a contest about which nation is better and which is worse. It is just a matter of history and fact. People with integrity don't blame others and ignore recognizing their own inappropriate actions... They take responsibility and address the issues in an honest way. You seem to want to ignore and deflect.

This is a matter of demagoguery and defamation. The application of the double standard. "America is evil because they stole land from the Indians." This is of course utter bullshit, there is not one grain of sand that wasn't taken by force anywhere on this earth. The so called Indians crossed from Siberia (during a warm spell - that we pretend never existed - praise Gaia). Despite the misconceptions promoted by the left, when the Asians invaded the Americas, the lands were not devoid of inhabitants. America was peopled by Australoid Aboriginal people. The Asians as a more advanced culture, wiped the Aborigines out in a near total genocide. Obviously the Toltecs included Aborigine bloodlines, but overall, the inhabitants of America were far more brutally slaughtered by the Indians than anything the Europeans did later.

You seek to demonize Western Culture, and particularly the hated white scapegoats. But this is a house built on a foundation of bullshit.

Western Culture is demonstrably superior to any culture on earth. Don't like it? Too fucking bad, the fact remains that Western Culture has provided a better life for the greatest number of people than any other culture in the history of this planet.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
YOU can choose to give honest and thoughtful answers to your children or YOU can choose to give them RW propaganda or YOU can choose to ignore them or YOU can choose to lie to them. There are many things YOU can choose to do... None of these options are ASSERTIONS that you actually did anything. How is this confusing to you?! I honestly don't know how else I can explain it more than I've done over the last three posts.

I think its a fair critique if teachers are saying our country was founded on racism and I think its fair to have a conversation with the teacher about that. I think we were founded on principles of liberty and independence from Tyranny but at the same time we do have a history of racism and slavery that existed during our countries founding... and for those people there was no liberty, no independence. I don't think that historical FACT needs to be ignored and I am fine having it be better communicated in our schools history curriculum.
It sounds like you are the one trying to control people. The sex a person is born with is biological. The gender refers to the sex AND characteristics that a society has assigned to that sex. Gender is an identity and some people identify as something different that society has defined. It seems that this concept is over your head and thats ok but it is a reality that many people deal with. You dismissing the whole thing to simply call these people people crazy and force them to define themselves in the way that our society has defined them is much much more a means of control then allowing people to freely express themselves.

You of the left are like a child who demands that they can too fly. You think your absurd fantasy is superior to mundane reality.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
YOU can choose to give honest and thoughtful answers to your children or YOU can choose to give them RW propaganda or YOU can choose to ignore them or YOU can choose to lie to them. There are many things YOU can choose to do... None of these options are ASSERTIONS that you actually did anything. How is this confusing to you?! I honestly don't know how else I can explain it more than I've done over the last three posts.

I think its a fair critique if teachers are saying our country was founded on racism and I think its fair to have a conversation with the teacher about that. I think we were founded on principles of liberty but we do have a history of slavery that existed during our countries founding and for those people there was no liberty. I don't think that historical FACT needs to be ignored and I am fine having it be better communicated in our schools history curriculum.
So give the historical fact and allow the students to form their own opinions. Doesn't seem overly difficult. Teachers suck these days. Even you and I cannot communicate well. People suck. My bad for jumping on you as I misunderstood your post.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
They started with socialist, then commie, then Marxist, now it's Nazi.

We're gonna need new words. :laugh:
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Yes my words that referenced slavery AND AND AND which is a word that links the sentence to include other ideas... In which I continue to say "didn't give minorities the same rights as white people" This oppression continued in our legal system with Jim Crow, through the 60's, and then also through societal discrimination and the effects of generations of poverty and lack of education which has put minority groups at a disadvantage. This is what the term refers to... Not that I expect it to soak into that dense head of yours.

Through the 60's? Did you think the 1964 Civil Rights act was put into law by Obama in 2008?

You seem quite confused.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
I promise you that any child would get detention, suspended or expelled if they acted in the way Trump has acted while president. There would be serious consequences if our children acted that way in school and rightfully so.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
Just like leftists call anyone who disagrees with them as "Trumpers" or "Trumpkins"....we have become a society of labels.
Gee I wonder how the name calling got to be so prominent...
True the ugliness has extended to all areas of this world throughout history. This isn't a contest about which nation is better and which is worse. It is just a matter of history and fact. People with integrity don't blame others and ignore recognizing their own inappropriate actions... They take responsibility and address the issues in an honest way. You seem to want to ignore and deflect.

This is a matter of demagoguery and defamation. The application of the double standard. "America is evil because they stole land from the Indians." This is of course utter bullshit, there is not one grain of sand that wasn't taken by force anywhere on this earth. The so called Indians crossed from Siberia (during a warm spell - that we pretend never existed - praise Gaia). Despite the misconceptions promoted by the left, when the Asians invaded the Americas, the lands were not devoid of inhabitants. America was peopled by Australoid Aboriginal people. The Asians as a more advanced culture, wiped the Aborigines out in a near total genocide. Obviously the Toltecs included Aborigine bloodlines, but overall, the inhabitants of America were far more brutally slaughtered by the Indians than anything the Europeans did later.

You seek to demonize Western Culture, and particularly the hated white scapegoats. But this is a house built on a foundation of bullshit.

Western Culture is demonstrably superior to any culture on earth. Don't like it? Too fucking bad, the fact remains that Western Culture has provided a better life for the greatest number of people than any other culture in the history of this planet.
I don't want to demonize anything. I just want to be able to honestly talk about issues and our history. If you want to ignore the ugly stuff that happened or try to excuse it because other nations did something worse then you go right ahead but I don't see that as being honest.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
I promise you that any child would get detention, suspended or expelled if they acted in the way Trump has acted while president. There would be serious consequences if our children acted that way in school and rightfully so.
Big difference as Trump was numero it was his way or the highway and he was elected as such. I generally look at policies vs. rhetoric and his policies I liked. He F*CKED up the COVID rhetoric and that cost him. Stupid on his part and thus he deserved to lose.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
Just like leftists call anyone who disagrees with them as "Trumpers" or "Trumpkins"....we have become a society of labels.
Gee I wonder how the name calling got to be so prominent...
It has always been around but social media made it more prominent.
It sounds like you are the one trying to control people. The sex a person is born with is biological. The gender refers to the sex AND characteristics that a society has assigned to that sex. Gender is an identity and some people identify as something different that society has defined. It seems that this concept is over your head and thats ok but it is a reality that many people deal with. You dismissing the whole thing to simply call these people people crazy and force them to define themselves in the way that our society has defined them is much much more a means of control then allowing people to freely express themselves.

You of the left are like a child who demands that they can too fly. You think your absurd fantasy is superior to mundane reality.
The point of my last statement was simply that your position is more so the one trying to control people and since you didn’t address it and instead digressed to calling me a child... I think that shows that you know I was right. Good game.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
YOU can choose to give honest and thoughtful answers to your children or YOU can choose to give them RW propaganda or YOU can choose to ignore them or YOU can choose to lie to them. There are many things YOU can choose to do... None of these options are ASSERTIONS that you actually did anything. How is this confusing to you?! I honestly don't know how else I can explain it more than I've done over the last three posts.

I think its a fair critique if teachers are saying our country was founded on racism and I think its fair to have a conversation with the teacher about that. I think we were founded on principles of liberty but we do have a history of slavery that existed during our countries founding and for those people there was no liberty. I don't think that historical FACT needs to be ignored and I am fine having it be better communicated in our schools history curriculum.
So give the historical fact and allow the students to form their own opinions. Doesn't seem overly difficult. Teachers suck these days. Even you and I cannot communicate well. People suck. My bad for jumping on you as I misunderstood your post.
Takes a person of character to apologize especially on an Anonymous message board. Kudos for that. I appreciate a good opposition to debate and also realize the sensitivity when family is mentioned. I made the mistake once of bringing up a lesson my father taught me soon after he had passed and the guy I was talking to jumped right into carelessly insulting him. I almost broke my phone but I did discover the ignore button which has been pretty great at filtering out the many worthless trolls on this board.

I don’t mind getting heated over issues. It’s happened with you a few times but I’m game for those battles. I won’t go to the personal level of bringing your family into it though. And I won’t make personal insults about your parenting or your children as it is something I know nothing about. I also apologize if I gave you the impression that I was.
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed
The term "white privilege" is intended to imply that I'm guilty of some kind of crime simply because I'm white.

Take your "white privilege" and stick it where the sun don't shine. The entire south suffers to this day from the crimes committed during the Civil War. You don't see anyone blubbering about "Yankee privilege," now do you?
So "white privilege" is something that has been gone for well over 100 years.
I don't like the term white privilege, I see it as inflammatory. Do you really not understand what it is referring to? No it hasn't been gone for well over 100 years. Civil Rights act was in the 60's. The effect of centuries of oppression doesn't just magically go away when a new law is passed

YOU claimed that it was a term referencing slavery;
{ refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. }

Your words.

Slavery ended 150 years ago. 1964 was 57 years ago. Yet Nazis throw about this trash as a means of justifying the institutional racism against whites.

There are some racist whites, in fact I find a lot of Nazis who are white to be virulently racist against whites.

What is clear is the Reich need a scapegoat, whites occupy the same strata that Jews did under Hitler. "White privilege" is just another means of creating hatred and resentment against the designated scapegoat of the Reich.
Side note. Whats with the Nazi obsession?? I've been seeing you and a few others on this board spitting out the nazi commie terms like y'all have Tourettes. Are you thinking it is landing effective insults? Because it just makes you all sound like low IQ dumbasses that need to use insults instead of logic to debate. Its the equivalent to the left overusing the race card. Is that really who you want to emulate? Step it up kid
You behave like NAZIs, so don't act surprised when you get called out.
Yeah, it does get more dictatorish than that. How about theatending to put your opposition in prison?
You mean like “Lock her up?” Yes I agree, that’s a staple of Trumps playbook
She's a criminal. She actually committed crimes. Trump didn't do anything illegal.
Haha, Trump literally did what you just accused the left of doing. You’re done man. Just because YOU feel justified doesn’t make you right. Those you are opposing also feel justified. It means crap. What you can prove is what matters and none of your claims are proven
What crime was that, NAZI?
I just told you twice. I’m done with your stupidity
And he is done with yours. So much for unity. If we just shout over one another, nothing gets solved.
There are times to engage and times to disengage. When idiots like Bri keep asking the same questions over and over and ignoring your answers then it’s time to disengage
We will never agree. This country is doomed. I feel sorry for my kids.
I don’t. Your kids will be just fine. Just keep them away from politics. It’s toxic
I try. Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is. They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why. They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true. They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.

It is all around us!
None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Explain what RW propaganda is and what right answers are?

I tell them the truth. And since you were dink and called me a RW asshole. I shall retort. I tell them that nothing in this country is given and that everything is earned. I tell them there is no systemic racism as there isn't legally anything that I can do that a black man cannot do. I tell them this country was built on hard work and ingenuity not racism. I tell them that one cannot change their gender. You are born with the hand you are dealt and you must play it. I tell them not to be cowards like you. Yes, you fucking waste of life snowflake. How dare you insinuate that I teach my children, who are Jewish btw to be racist. Fuck you. Coward.
Whoa Mr poopie pants, don’t get your panties in a wad... I never called you a RW asshole and I never said you teach your children to be racist... how in the hell did you come up with that crap from my simple statement. I said give honest answers and not RW propaganda, that’s it. Go take nap, you’re off your rocker right now
You inferred I teach them RW propaganda. You're a dick
I wasn’t inferring that but take it however you want. You seem to want to be angry at somebody. Lash away
You said I teach my kids RW propaganda. WTF are you talking about? Typical cowardly leftist. Stand behind your words.
I said that?! Really? Can you post the quote so we can all see that’s not what I said?!
What did you say then!? Yes I can. LOL
Post my quote. Show where I said you teach your kids RW Propaganda
You mean this quote? You asshole. F U!

None of those things would impact your children if you could give them honest answers and not right wing propaganda.
Thank you. Now where in the hell are you pulling from that an accusation of me claiming you teach your kids RW propaganda?

Do you a speaka english???
If you gave them honest answers instead of right wing propaganda is your fucking quote. How should I take it? You tell me. You fucking dumb leftist troll.
You should take it as a straight answer to a straight question and nothing more. Your kids are fine. Those questions they ask you can be easily answered and their lives won’t be impacted of you can give them thoughtful and honest answers. Not right wing propaganda. I’m not assuming you pump your kids with the same kind of shit you toss out in this forum. My hope is that that’s just you doing grown up time... trolling or blowing off steam and you don’t take that shit to your children. I never accused you of shit.
Fuck you. Admit what you said. How would you answer those questions? You have zero integrity. Typical leftist. I am kicking myself for giving a lowlife like you the benefit of the doubt. There are only two genders and you can't change what you're born with, snowflake
I don’t need to admit what I said... it’s literally written in black and white and it does not say what you claimed.

As for your questions, this is how I would answer if ask by a child. Like is said, not a big deal, they will be fine

Their teachers keep telling them they have white privilege and they ask me what that is.
White privilege not a great phrase to use but it refers to a bad time in our history when we used to have slaves and didn’t give minorities the same rights as white people got. This oppressed minorities for generations and is why the term White privilege came about.

They tell them the country was founded on racism and they ask me why.
We had an ugly past and our society did some really bad things like slavery. Thank god we moved past it and strive to be better.

They tell them our ex president was a racist bigot and they ask me if its true.
Our ex president was very divisive and insulting to his opposers. Many see him as a racist bigot. I think he was just trying to provoke them but he certainly did not set a good example of how I’d want you to treat others

They tell them that gender is not what you are born with but what you think you are and they ask me if its true.
We are all born unique, some are hetero some or homosexual, some boys feel like girls and some girls feel like boys... they call that gender identity. It’s a psychological reference not anatomical
I basically say it just like that so why did you insinuate that I used rw propaganda? And for the last one I state the fact that they are mentally ill and need professional help. If they identified as a couch we as a society wouldn’t call them couches.

The fact that you can’t or won’t admit that you accused me of teaching them RW propaganda (your words) is mind boggling. You didn’t say, “people” should not teach them RW propaganda you said “you” using that pronoun you insinuated that I did.
I didn't accuse you of teaching your kids RW propaganda. I wouldn't assume to know how anybody teaches their kids... Thats a below the belt personal issue and I just wouldn't go there during a debate from a place of complete ignorance, I don't play that way. I understand that people are different on the internet than in real life and I would hope that much of the rhetoric that is expressed on this board is filtered when teaching children.

I said "you" because you asked how I thought you should answer the specific questions your kids were asking so I was referring to how "you" could answer them.... honestly and not with propaganda. I don't get why this is confusing to you. Seems like you are just looking for a fight. If you are going to get sensitive over your children then don't bring them up in a discussion with strangers.
Then explain your quote and using the pronoun "you" and "RW propaganda" if it wasn't accusatory? It seems like you are back pedaling. Because you asserted that was what I did. IMO teachers should not be telling my kids that this country was founded on racism and that our ex president was a racist and a bigot. Teachers should teach kids how to think not what to think. A truly good teacher would be such where kids would not know which way they lean politically. Novel concept in leftist world.
I promise you that any child would get detention, suspended or expelled if they acted in the way Trump has acted while president. There would be serious consequences if our children acted that way in school and rightfully so.
What a load of horseshit. This isn't elementary school, moron. Presidents don't have to raise their hand if they want to speak.

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